#!/usr/bin/env perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # xmlchange # # This utility allows the user to change a env_*xml file via a commandline interface. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; #use warnings; #use diagnostics; use Cwd; use English; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use IO::Handle; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { die < DESCRIPTION allows user to modify an xml file and perform consistency checks where appropriate OPTIONS User supplied values are denoted in angle brackets (<>). Any value that contains white-space must be quoted. Long option names may be supplied with either single or double leading dashes. A consequence of this is that single letter options may NOT be bundled. REQUIRED OPTIONS Either provide ALL of the following options to modify a single variable... -file xml file to modify -id xml entry id -val xml new value for entry id Or provide the settings in a comma-delimited list form as: var=value,var2=value2 To set one or more variables without having to know the filename a variable is in. NOTE: NO-Whitespace. No spaces between commas, or in values unless you quote the entire string so the shell recognizes it as one thing. Also values can NOT contain the symbols "=" or ",". OPTIONAL -append [or -a] append value to the end of existing value -help [or -h] Print usage to STDOUT. -silent [or -s] Turns on silent mode - only fatal messages issued. -verbose [or -v] Turn on verbose echoing of settings. -warn [or -w] Warn and abort if you are overwriting data that isn't blank NOTE: You can NOT use both the warn and append modes at the same time. EOF } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($#ARGV == -1) { print "ERROR: no arguments sent in\n"; usage(); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setting autoflush (an IO::Handle method) on STDOUT helps in debugging. It forces the test # descriptions to be printed to STDOUT before the error messages start. *STDOUT->autoflush(); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the directory that contains the CCSM configuration scripts. If the create_newcase command was # issued using a relative or absolute path, that path is in $ProgDir. Otherwise assume the # command was issued from the current working directory. (my $ProgName = $0) =~ s!(.*)/!!; # name of this script my $ProgDir = $1; # name of directory containing this script -- may be a # relative or absolute path, or null if the script is in # the user's PATH my $cwd = getcwd(); # current working directory my $cfgdir; # absolute pathname of directory that contains this script if ($ProgDir) { $cfgdir = absolute_path($ProgDir); } else { $cfgdir = $cwd; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse command-line options. my %opts = ( file=>undef, id=>undef, val=>undef, ); GetOptions( "a|append" => \$opts{'append'}, "file=s" => \$opts{'file'}, "id=s" => \$opts{'id'}, "val=s" => \$opts{'val'}, "h|help" => \$opts{'help'}, "s|silent" => \$opts{'silent'}, "v|verbose" => \$opts{'verbose'}, "w|warn" => \$opts{'warn'}, ) or usage(); # Give usage message. usage() if $opts{'help'}; # Get the list form if anything else is set my $settinglist = shift(@ARGV); # Check for unparsed argumentss if (@ARGV) { print "ERROR: unrecognized arguments: @ARGV\n"; print "A list of ID's needs to be comma-delimited with NO-WHITESPACE!\n"; usage(); } # Check for manditory case input if not just listing valid values my %idlist; if ( ! defined($settinglist) ) { foreach my $item ( "file", "id", "val" ) { if ( ! defined($opts{$item}) ) { print "ERROR: Must provide $item as input argument \n"; usage(); } } $idlist{$opts{'id'}} = $opts{'val'}; } else { foreach my $varval ( split( /,/, $settinglist ) ) { if ( $varval =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=([^,=]+)$/ ) { if ( defined($idlist{$1}) ) { print "ERROR: variable $1 was already set once in the settings list: $settinglist\n"; } $idlist{$1} = $2; } else { print "ERROR: variable = value setting is NOT recognized: $varval\n"; die "Should be of the form: variable = value\n"; } } } # Define 3 print levels: # 0 - only issue fatal error messages # 1 - only informs what files are created (default) # 2 - verbose my $print = 1; if ($opts{'silent'}) { $print = 0; } if ($opts{'verbose'}) { $print = 2; } if ($opts{'append'} && $opts{'warn'} ) { die "warn and append modes can NOT both be set\n"; } my $eol = "\n"; my %cfg = (); # build configuration #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure we can find required perl modules and configuration files. # Look for them in the directory that contains the configuration script. # Check for the configuration definition file. my $config_def_file = "config_definition.xml"; my $dir = "$cfgdir/Tools"; my $cdir = absolute_path( "$cfgdir/../Case.template" ); my $pdir; if ( -f "$dir/$config_def_file" ) { $config_def_file = "$dir/$config_def_file"; $pdir = "$cfgdir/Tools"; } elsif ( -f "$cfgdir/../Case.template/$config_def_file" ) { $dir = $cdir; $pdir = "$cfgdir/perl5lib"; $config_def_file = "$cdir/$config_def_file"; } else { die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find configuration definition file \"$config_def_file\" in directory ./Tools ** EOF } # The XML::Lite module is required to parse the XML configuration files. (-f "$pdir/XML/Lite.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find perl module \"XML/Lite.pm\" in directory $pdir ** EOF # The ConfigCase module provides utilities to store and manipulate the configuration. (-f "$dir/ConfigCase.pm") or die <<"EOF"; ** Cannot find perl module \"ConfigCase.pm\" in directory $dir ** EOF if ($print>=2) { print "Setting configuration directory to $cfgdir$eol"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add $cfgdir/perl5lib to the list of paths that Perl searches for modules my @dirs = ( $cfgdir, "$cfgdir/Tools", "$cfgdir/perl5lib", "$cfgdir/../Case.template" ); unshift @INC, @dirs; require XML::Lite; require ConfigCase; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modify the relevant xml file # Check that file is supported my @filenames = qw(env_run.xml env_build.xml env_case.xml env_mach_pes.xml); # If NOT settings list option, check that file is valid if ( ! defined($settinglist) ) { my $status = 0; foreach my $filename (@filenames) { if ($opts{'file'} eq $filename) {$status = 1; } } if ($status != 1) { die <<"EOF"; ** $opts{'file'} is not an acceptable file to modify *** *** acceptable files are @filenames*** EOF } } # Create new config object if not just listing valid values my $cfg_ref = ConfigCase->new("$config_def_file"); if ($print>=2) { print "A new config object was created$eol";} # exit early if id is NOT a valid name (loop over all input id's) foreach my $id ( keys(%idlist) ) { if ( ! $cfg_ref->is_valid_name($id) ) { die "ERROR: id $id NOT a valid name in the config_definition file\n"; } } # Loop over all files and read them in my %myfiles; FILELOOP: foreach my $file ( @filenames ) { # Verify that file is NOT empty if ( ! -r $file ) { die "ERROR: file $file does NOT exist\n"; } my $xml = XML::Lite->new( $file ); my @e = $xml->elements_by_name( "entry"); ENTRY: while ( my $e = shift @e ) { my %a = $e->get_attributes(); # Check if this id matches one of the input list ids foreach my $id ( keys(%idlist) ) { if ($id eq $a{'id'}) { $myfiles{$file} = 1; $cfg_ref->set($id, $a{'value'}); } } } } # Reset the config definition file with all of the values from the xml file in the directory foreach my $filename (@filenames) { $cfg_ref->reset_setup($filename); } # Loop over all ids setting the values to input foreach my $id ( keys(%idlist) ) { my $val = $idlist{$id}; # Reset the value for the input id my $cval = $cfg_ref->get($id); if ($opts{'append'}) { # Append new value on the end -- only if character type if ( ! $cfg_ref->is_char($id) ){ die "ERROR: Append mode can ONLY work on character type values.\n"; } my $newval; # Append new value on the end of old only if old NOT unset if ( ($cval !~ m/^\s*$/) && ($cval !~ m/UNSET/i) ) { $newval = "$cval $val" } else { $newval = $val } $cfg_ref->set($id, $newval); } else { # If warn mode is on, abort if data is set to something other than missing values if ($opts{'warn'}) { if ( $cfg_ref->is_char($id) ) { if ( ($cval !~ m/^\s*$/) && ($cval !~ m/UNSET/i) ) { die "ERROR: Variable $id is already set to $cval.\n"; } } elsif ( $cval != -99 && $cval != -999 && $cval != -999.99 ) { die "ERROR: Variable $id is already set to $cval.\n"; } } $cfg_ref->set($id, $val); } } # End loop over id's # Overwrite the file(s) foreach my $filename ( keys(%myfiles) ) { $cfg_ref->write_file($filename); } if ($print>=2) { print "xmlchange done.\n"; } exit; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FINNISHED #################################################################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub absolute_path { # # Convert a pathname into an absolute pathname, expanding any . or .. characters. # Assumes pathnames refer to a local filesystem. # Assumes the directory separator is "/". # my $path = shift; my $cwd = getcwd(); # current working directory my $abspath; # resulting absolute pathname # Strip off any leading or trailing whitespace. (This pattern won't match if # there's embedded whitespace. $path =~ s!^\s*(\S*)\s*$!$1!; # Convert relative to absolute path. if ($path =~ m!^\.$!) { # path is "." return $cwd; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\./!) { # path starts with "./" $path =~ s!^\.!$cwd!; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\.$!) { # path is ".." $path = "$cwd/.."; } elsif ($path =~ m!^\.\./!) { # path starts with "../" $path = "$cwd/$path"; } elsif ($path =~ m!^[^/]!) { # path starts with non-slash character $path = "$cwd/$path"; } my ($dir, @dirs2); my @dirs = split "/", $path, -1; # The -1 prevents split from stripping trailing nulls # This enables correct processing of the input "/". # Remove any "" that are not leading. for (my $i=0; $i<=$#dirs; ++$i) { if ($i == 0 or $dirs[$i] ne "") { push @dirs2, $dirs[$i]; } } @dirs = (); # Remove any "." foreach $dir (@dirs2) { unless ($dir eq ".") { push @dirs, $dir; } } @dirs2 = (); # Remove the "subdir/.." parts. foreach $dir (@dirs) { if ( $dir !~ /^\.\.$/ ) { push @dirs2, $dir; } else { pop @dirs2; # remove previous dir when current dir is .. } } if ($#dirs2 == 0 and $dirs2[0] eq "") { return "/"; } $abspath = join '/', @dirs2; return( $abspath ); }