#!/bin/csh -f # Convert all xml files to env files ./Tools/xml2env if ($status != 0) then echo "ccsm_getenv error " exit -1 endif # Source the result of the env files - in the following order foreach i (env_case.xml env_run.xml env_mach_pes.xml env_build.xml) source $i:r || exit -1 if ($status != 0) then echo "ccsm_getenv error: problem sourcing $i:r" exit -2 endif rm $i:r if ($status != 0) then echo "ccsm_getenv error: problem removing $i:r" exit -3 endif end # Source env_mach_specific source env_mach_specific if ($status != 0) then echo "ccsm_getenv error: problem sourcing env_mach_specific"; exit -2 endif # Create env_derived and source it set fname = env_derived cat >! ${fname} << EOF #!/bin/csh -f # This file should NOT be modified by users set MODELS = ( cpl atm lnd ice ocn glc rof) set COMPONENTS = ( \$COMP_CPL \$COMP_ATM \$COMP_LND \$COMP_ICE \$COMP_OCN \$COMP_GLC \$COMP_ROF) set NTASKS = ( \$NTASKS_CPL \$NTASKS_ATM \$NTASKS_LND \$NTASKS_ICE \$NTASKS_OCN \$NTASKS_GLC \$NTASKS_ROF) set NTHRDS = ( \$NTHRDS_CPL \$NTHRDS_ATM \$NTHRDS_LND \$NTHRDS_ICE \$NTHRDS_OCN \$NTHRDS_GLC \$NTHRDS_ROF) set ROOTPE = ( \$ROOTPE_CPL \$ROOTPE_ATM \$ROOTPE_LND \$ROOTPE_ICE \$ROOTPE_OCN \$ROOTPE_GLC \$ROOTPE_ROF) set PSTRID = ( \$PSTRID_CPL \$PSTRID_ATM \$PSTRID_LND \$PSTRID_ICE \$PSTRID_OCN \$PSTRID_GLC \$PSTRID_ROF) set NINST = ( 1 \$NINST_ATM \$NINST_LND \$NINST_ICE \$NINST_OCN \$NINST_GLC \$NINST_ROF) EOF source ${fname} cp -f ${fname} LockedFiles/${fname}.locked