!------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CVS $Id$ ! CVS $Name$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOI ! ! !TITLE: Inpak 90 Documentation \\ Version 1.01 ! ! !AUTHORS: Arlindo da Silva ! ! !AFFILIATION: Data Assimilation Office, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 ! ! !DATE: June 20, 1996 ! ! !INTRODUCTION: Package Overview ! ! Inpak 90 is a Fortran (77/90) collection of ! routines/functions for accessing {\em Resource Files} ! in ASCII format. The package is optimized ! for minimizing formatted I/O, performing all of its string ! operations in memory using Fortran intrinsic functions. ! ! \subsection{Resource Files} ! ! A {\em Resource File} is a text file consisting of variable ! length lines (records), each possibly starting with a {\em label} ! (or {\em key}), followed by some data. A simple resource file ! looks like this: ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! # Lines starting with # are comments which are ! # ignored during processing. ! my_file_names: jan87.dat jan88.dat jan89.dat ! radius_of_the_earth: 6.37E6 # these are comments too ! constants: 3.1415 25 ! my_favourite_colors: green blue 022 # text & number are OK ! \end{verbatim} ! ! In this example, {\tt my\_file\_names:} and {\tt constants:} ! are labels, while {\tt jan87.dat, jan88.dat} and {\tt jan89.dat} are ! data associated with label {\tt my\_file\_names:}. ! Resource files can also contain simple tables of the form, ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! my_table_name:: ! 1000 3000 263.0 ! 925 3000 263.0 ! 850 3000 263.0 ! 700 3000 269.0 ! 500 3000 287.0 ! 400 3000 295.8 ! 300 3000 295.8 ! :: ! \end{verbatim} ! ! Resource files are random access, the particular order of the ! records are not important (except between ::s in a table definition). ! ! \subsection{A Quick Stroll} ! ! The first step is to load the ASCII resource (rc) file into ! memory\footnote{See next section for a complete description ! of parameters for each routine/function}: ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! call i90_LoadF ( 'my_file.rc', iret ) ! \end{verbatim} ! ! The next step is to select the label (record) of interest, say ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! call i90_label ( 'constants:', iret ) ! \end{verbatim} ! ! The 2 constants above can be retrieved with the following code ! fragment: ! \begin{verbatim} ! real r ! integer i ! call i90_label ( 'constants:', iret ) ! r = i90_gfloat(iret) ! results in r = 3.1415 ! i = i90_gint(iret) ! results in i = 25 ! \end{verbatim} ! ! The file names above can be retrieved with the following ! code fragment: ! \begin{verbatim} ! character*20 fn1, fn2, fn3 ! integer iret ! call i90_label ( 'my_file_names:', iret ) ! call i90_Gtoken ( fn1, iret ) ! ==> fn1 = 'jan87.dat' ! call i90_Gtoken ( fn2, iret ) ! ==> fn1 = 'jan88.dat' ! call i90_Gtoken ( fn3, iret ) ! ==> fn1 = 'jan89.dat' ! \end{verbatim} ! ! To access the table above, the user first must use {\tt i90\_label()} to ! locate the beginning of the table, e.g., ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! call i90_label ( 'my_table_name::', iret ) ! \end{verbatim} ! ! Subsequently, {\tt i90\_gline()} can be used to gain access to each ! row of the table. Here is a code fragment to read the above ! table (7 rows, 3 columns): ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! real table(7,3) ! character*20 word ! integer iret ! call i90_label ( 'my_table_name::', iret ) ! do i = 1, 7 ! call i90_gline ( iret ) ! do j = 1, 3 ! table(i,j) = i90_gfloat ( iret ) ! end do ! end do ! \end{verbatim} ! ! Get the idea? ! ! \newpage ! \subsection{Main Routine/Functions} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Routine/Function Description ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! I90_LoadF ( filen, iret ) loads resource file into memory ! I90_Label ( label, iret ) selects a label (key) ! I90_GLine ( iret ) selects next line (for tables) ! I90_Gtoken ( word, iret ) get next token ! I90_Gfloat ( iret ) returns next float number (function) ! I90_GInt ( iret ) returns next integer number (function) ! i90_AtoF ( string, iret ) ASCII to float (function) ! i90_AtoI ( string, iret ) ASCII to integer (function) ! I90_Len ( string ) string length without trailing blanks ! LabLin ( label ) similar to i90_label (no iret) ! FltGet ( default ) returns next float number (function) ! IntGet ( default ) returns next integer number (function) ! ChrGet ( default ) returns next character (function) ! TokGet ( string, default ) get next token ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! \end{verbatim} ! ! {\em Common Arguments:} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! character*(*) filen file name ! integer iret error return code (0 is OK) ! character*(*) label label (key) to locate record ! character*(*) word blank delimited string ! character*(*) string a sequence of characters ! \end{verbatim} ! ! See the Prologues in the next section for additional details. ! ! ! \subsection{Package History} ! Back in the 70s Eli Isaacson wrote IOPACK in Fortran ! 66. In June of 1987 I wrote Inpak77 using ! Fortran 77 string functions; Inpak 77 is a vastly ! simplified IOPACK, but has its own goodies not found in ! IOPACK. Inpak 90 removes some obsolete functionality in ! Inpak77, and parses the whole resource file in memory for ! performance. Despite its name, Inpak 90 compiles fine ! under any modern Fortran 77 compiler. ! ! \subsection{Bugs} ! Inpak 90 is not very gracious with error messages. ! The interactive functionality of Inpak77 has not been implemented. ! The comment character \# cannot be escaped. ! ! \subsection{Availability} ! ! This software is available at ! \begin{verbatim} ! ftp://niteroi.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/packages/i90/ ! \end{verbatim} ! There you will find the following files: ! \begin{verbatim} ! i90.f Fortran 77/90 source code ! i90.h Include file needed by i90.f ! ti90.f Test code ! i90.ps Postscript documentation ! \end{verbatim} ! An on-line version of this document is available at ! \begin{verbatim} ! ftp://niteroi.gsfc.nasa.gov/www/packages/i90/i90.html ! \end{verbatim} ! !EOI !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 03Jul96 - J. Guo - evolved to Fortran 90 module. The ! modifications include 1) additional subroutines to ! dynamically manage the memory, 2) privatized most ! entries, 3) included "i90.h" into the module source ! with better initializations, 4) removed blockdata, 5) ! used a portable opntext() call to avoid I/O portability ! problems. ! ! See I90_page() I90_Release(), and I90_LoadF() for ! details. ! ! 05Aug98 - Jing Guo - ! Removed i90_page() and its references. ! Added internal subroutines push_() and pop_(). ! Modified i90_release(). ! Added i90_fullrelease(). ! Removed %loaded. Check i90_depth instead. ! 06Aug98 - Todling - made I90_gstr public ! 20Dec98 - Jing Guo - replaced the description of I90_Gstr ! 28Sep99 - Jing Guo - Merged with the MPI version with ! some addtional changes based on ! merging decisions. ! 12Oct99 - Larson/Guo - Overloaded fltget() to new routines ! getfltsp() and fltgetdp(), providing better support ! for 32 and 64 bit platforms, respectively. !_______________________________________________________________________ module m_inpak90 use m_stdio, only : stderr,stdout use m_realkinds, only: FP, SP, DP,kind_r8 implicit none private public :: I90_LoadF ! loads a resource file into memory public :: I90_allLoadF! loads/populates a resource file to all PEs public :: I90_Release ! Releases one cached resource file public :: I90_fullRelease ! Releases the whole stack public :: I90_Label ! selects a label (key) public :: I90_GLine ! selects the next line (for tables) public :: I90_Gtoken ! gets the next token public :: I90_Gstr ! get a string upto to a "$" or EOL public :: I90_AtoF ! ASCII to float (function) public :: I90_AtoI ! ASCII to integer (function) public :: I90_Gfloat ! returns next float number (function) public :: I90_GInt ! returns next integer number (function) public :: lablin,rdnext,fltget,intget,getwrd,str2rn,chrget,getstr public :: strget interface fltget; module procedure & fltgetsp, & fltgetdp end interface !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This part was originally in "i90.h", but included for module. ! ! revised parameter table to fit Fortran 90 standard integer, parameter :: LSZ = 256 !ams ! On Linux with the Fujitsu compiler, I needed to reduce NBUF_MAX !ams ! integer, parameter :: NBUF_MAX = 400*(LSZ) ! max size of buffer ! integer, parameter :: NBUF_MAX = 200*(LSZ) ! max size of buffer ! Further reduction of NBUF_MAX was necessary for the Fujitsu VPP: integer, parameter :: NBUF_MAX = 128*(LSZ)-1 ! Maximum buffer size ! that works with the ! Fujitsu-VPP platform. character, parameter :: BLK = achar(32) ! blank (space) character, parameter :: TAB = achar(09) ! TAB character, parameter :: EOL = achar(10) ! end of line mark (newline) character, parameter :: EOB = achar(00) ! end of buffer mark (null) character, parameter :: NULL= achar(00) ! what it says type inpak90 ! May be easily paged for extentable file size (J.G.) integer :: nbuf ! actual size of buffer character(len=NBUF_MAX),pointer :: buffer ! hold the whole file? character(len=LSZ), pointer :: this_line ! the current line integer :: next_line ! index for next line on buffer type(inpak90),pointer :: last end type inpak90 integer,parameter :: MALLSIZE_=10 ! just an estimation character(len=*),parameter :: myname='MCT(MPEU)::m_inpak90' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer,parameter :: i90_MXDEP = 4 integer,save :: i90_depth = 0 type(inpak90),save,pointer :: i90_now !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: I90_allLoadF - populate a rooted database to all PEs ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine I90_allLoadF(fname,root,comm,istat) use m_mpif90, only : MP_perr use m_mpif90, only : MP_comm_rank use m_mpif90, only : MP_CHARACTER use m_mpif90, only : MP_INTEGER use m_die, only : perr implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname integer,intent(in) :: root integer,intent(in) :: comm integer,intent(out) :: istat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 28Jul98 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::I90_allLoadF' integer :: myID,ier istat=0 call MP_comm_rank(comm,myID,ier) if(ier/=0) then call MP_perr(myname_,'MP_comm_rank()',ier) istat=ier return endif if(myID == root) then call i90_LoadF(fname,ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'i90_LoadF("//trim(fname)//")',ier) istat=ier return endif else call push_(ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'push_()',ier) istat=ier return endif endif ! Initialize the buffer on all PEs call MPI_Bcast(i90_now%buffer,NBUF_MAX,MP_CHARACTER,root,comm,ier) if(ier /= 0) then call MP_perr(myname_,'MPI_Bcast(%buffer)',ier) istat=ier return endif call MPI_Bcast(i90_now%nbuf,1,MP_INTEGER,root,comm,ier) if(ier /= 0) then call MP_perr(myname_,'MPI_Bcast(%nbuf)',ier) istat=ier return endif i90_now%this_line=' ' i90_now%next_line=0 end subroutine I90_allLoadF !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: push_ - push on a new layer of the internal file _i90_now_ ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine push_(ier) use m_die, only : perr use m_mall,only : mall_mci,mall_ci,mall_ison implicit none integer,intent(out) :: ier ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 05Aug98 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::push_' type(inpak90),pointer :: new if(i90_depth <= 0) nullify(i90_now) ! just an initialization ! Too many levels if(i90_depth >= i90_MXDEP) then call perr(myname_,'(overflow)',i90_depth) ier=1 return endif allocate(new,stat=ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'allocate(new)',ier) return endif if(mall_ison()) call mall_ci(MALLSIZE_,myname) allocate(new%buffer,new%this_line,stat=ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'allocate(new%..)',ier) return endif if(mall_ison()) then call mall_mci(new%buffer,myname) call mall_mci(new%this_line,myname) endif new%last => i90_now i90_now => new nullify(new) i90_depth = i90_depth+1 end subroutine push_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: pop_ - pop off a layer of the internal file _i90_now_ ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine pop_(ier) use m_die, only : perr use m_mall,only : mall_mco,mall_co,mall_ison implicit none integer,intent(out) :: ier ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 05Aug98 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::pop_' type(inpak90),pointer :: old if(i90_depth <= 0) then call perr(myname_,'(underflow)',i90_depth) ier=1 return endif old => i90_now%last if(mall_ison()) then call mall_mco(i90_now%this_line,myname) call mall_mco(i90_now%buffer,myname) endif deallocate(i90_now%buffer,i90_now%this_line,stat=ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'deallocate(new%..)',ier) return endif if(mall_ison()) call mall_co(MALLSIZE_,myname) deallocate(i90_now,stat=ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'deallocate(new)',ier) return endif i90_now => old nullify(old) i90_depth = i90_depth - 1 end subroutine pop_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Release - deallocate memory used to load a resource file ! ! !INTERFACE: ! subroutine I90_Release(stat) use m_die,only : perr,die implicit none integer,optional, intent(out) :: stat ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! I90_Release() is used to pair I90_LoadF() to release the memory ! used by I90_LoadF() for resourse data input. ! ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 03Jul96 - J. Guo - added to Arlindos inpak90 for its ! Fortran 90 revision. !_______________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::i90_Release' integer :: ier if(present(stat)) stat=0 call pop_(ier) if(ier/=0) then call perr(myname_,'pop_()',ier) if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ier return endif end subroutine I90_Release !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: i90_fullRelease - releases the whole stack led by _i90_now_ ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine i90_fullRelease(ier) use m_die,only : perr implicit none integer,intent(out) :: ier ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 05Aug98 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::i90_fullRelease' do while(i90_depth > 0) call pop_(ier) if(ier /= 0) then call perr(myname_,'pop_()',ier) return endif end do ier=0 end subroutine i90_fullRelease !======================================================================= subroutine I90_LoadF ( filen, iret ) use m_ioutil, only : luavail,opntext,clstext use m_die, only : perr implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_LoadF() --- Loads resource file into memory. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Reads resource file, strips out comments, translate TABs into ! blanks, and loads the modified file contents into memory. ! Must be called only once for each resource file. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_LoadF ( filen, iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) filen ! file name ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -98 coult not get unit number ! (strange!) ! -98 talk to a wizzard ! -99 out of memory: increase ! NBUF_MAX in 'i90.h' ! other iostat from open statement. ! ! !BUGS: ! ! It does not perform dynamic allocation, mostly to keep vanilla f77 ! compatibility. Overall amount of static memory is small (~100K ! for default NBUF_MAX = 400*256). ! ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! i90_label() selects a label (key) ! ! !FILES USED: ! ! File name supplied on input. The file is opened, read and then closed. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer lu, ios, loop, ls, ptr character*256 line character(len=*), parameter :: myname_ = myname//'::i90_loadf' ! Check to make sure there is not too many levels ! of the stacked resource files if(i90_depth >= i90_MXDEP) then call perr(myname_,'(overflow)',i90_depth) iret=1 return endif ! Open file ! --------- ! lu = i90_lua() lu = luavail() ! a more portable version if ( lu .lt. 0 ) then iret = -97 return end if ! A open through an interface to avoid portability problems. ! (J.G.) call opntext(lu,filen,'old',ios) if ( ios .ne. 0 ) then write(stderr,'(2a,i5)') myname_,': opntext() error, ios =',ios iret = ios return end if ! Create a dynamic page to store the file. It might be expanded ! to allocate memory on requests (a link list) (J.G.) ! Changed from page_() to push_(), to allow multiple (stacked) ! inpak90 buffers. J.G. call push_(ios) ! to create buffer space if ( ios .ne. 0 ) then write(stderr,'(2a,i5)') myname_,': push_() error, ios =',ios iret = ios return end if ! Read to end of file ! ------------------- i90_now%buffer(1:1) = EOL ptr = 2 ! next buffer position do loop = 1, NBUF_MAX ! Read next line ! -------------- read(lu,'(a)', end=11) line ! read next line call i90_trim ( line ) ! remove trailing blanks call i90_pad ( line ) ! Pad with # from end of line ! A non-empty line ! ---------------- ls = index(line,'#' ) - 1 ! line length if ( ls .gt. 0 ) then if ( (ptr+ls) .gt. NBUF_MAX ) then iret = -99 return end if i90_now%buffer(ptr:ptr+ls) = line(1:ls) // EOL ptr = ptr + ls + 1 end if end do iret = -98 ! good chance i90_now%buffer is not big enough return 11 continue ! All done ! -------- ! close(lu) call clstext(lu,ios) if(ios /= 0) then iret=-99 return endif i90_now%buffer(ptr:ptr) = EOB i90_now%nbuf = ptr i90_now%this_line=' ' i90_now%next_line=0 iret = 0 return end subroutine I90_LoadF !................................................................... subroutine i90_label ( label, iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Label() --- Selects a label (record). ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Once the buffer has been loaded with {\tt i90\_loadf()}, this routine ! selects a given ``line'' (record/table) associated with ``label''. ! Think of ``label'' as a resource name or data base ``key''. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_Label ( label, iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: label ! input label ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 buffer not loaded ! -2 could not find label ! ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! i90_loadf() load file into buffer ! i90_gtoken() get next token ! i90_gline() get next line (for tables) ! atof() convert word (string) to float ! atoi() convert word (string) to integer ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 19Jan01 Jay Larson - introduced CHARACTER ! variable EOL_label, which is used to circumvent pgf90 ! problems with passing concatenated characters as an argument ! to a function. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, j character(len=(len(label)+len(EOL))) :: EOL_label ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif ! Determine whether label exists ! ------------------------------ EOL_label = EOL // label i = index ( i90_now%buffer(1:i90_now%nbuf), EOL_label ) + 1 if ( i .le. 1 ) then i90_now%this_line = BLK // EOL iret = -2 return end if ! Extract the line associated with this label ! ------------------------------------------- i = i + len ( label ) j = i + index(i90_now%buffer(i:i90_now%nbuf),EOL) - 2 i90_now%this_line = i90_now%buffer(i:j) // BLK // EOL i90_now%next_line = j + 2 iret = 0 return end subroutine i90_label !................................................................... subroutine i90_gline ( iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_GLine() --- Selects next line. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Selects next line, irrespective of of label. If the next line starts ! with :: (end of table mark), then it lets the user know. This sequential ! access of the buffer is useful to assess tables, a concept introduced ! in Inpak 77 by Jing Guo. A table is a construct like this: ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! my_table_name:: ! 1000 3000 263.0 ! 925 3000 263.0 ! 850 3000 263.0 ! 700 3000 269.0 ! 500 3000 287.0 ! 400 3000 295.8 ! 300 3000 295.8 ! :: ! \end{verbatim} ! ! To access this table, the user first must use {\tt i90\_label()} to ! locate the beginning of the table, e.g., ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! call i90_label ( 'my_table_name::', iret ) ! \end{verbatim} ! ! Subsequently, {\tt i90\_gline()} can be used to gain acess to each ! row of the table. Here is a code fragment to read the above ! table (7 rows, 3 columns): ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! real table(7,3) ! character*20 word ! integer iret ! call i90_label ( 'my_table_name::', iret ) ! do i = 1, 7 ! call i90_gline ( iret ) ! do j = 1, 3 ! table(i,j) = fltget ( 0. ) ! end do ! end do ! \end{verbatim} ! ! For simplicity we have assumed that the dimensions of table were ! known. It is relatively simple to infer the table dimensions ! by manipulating ``iret''. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_gline ( iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! None. ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 end of buffer reached ! +1 end of table reached ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! i90_label() selects a line (record/table) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 10feb95 Guo Wrote rdnext(), Inpak 77 extension. ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code with functionality of rdnext() ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, j ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif if ( i90_now%next_line .ge. i90_now%nbuf ) then iret = -1 return end if i = i90_now%next_line j = i + index(i90_now%buffer(i:i90_now%nbuf),EOL) - 2 i90_now%this_line = i90_now%buffer(i:j) // BLK // EOL if ( i90_now%this_line(1:2) .eq. '::' ) then iret = 1 ! end of table i90_now%next_line = i90_now%nbuf + 1 return end if i90_now%next_line = j + 2 iret = 0 return end subroutine i90_gline !................................................................... subroutine i90_GToken ( token, iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_GToken() --- Gets next token. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Get next token from current line. The current line is defined by a ! call to {\tt i90\_label()}. Tokens are sequences of characters (including ! blanks) which may be enclosed by single or double quotes. ! If no quotes are present, the token from the current position to the next ! blank of TAB is returned. ! ! {\em Examples of valid token:} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! single_token "second token on line" ! "this is a token" ! 'Another example of a token' ! 'this is how you get a " inside a token' ! "this is how you get a ' inside a token" ! This is valid too # the line ends before the # ! \end{verbatim} ! The last line has 4 valid tokens: {\tt This, is, valid} and {\tt too}. ! ! {\em Invalid string constructs:} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! cannot handle mixed quotes (i.e. single/double) ! 'escaping like this \' is not implemented' ! 'this # will not work because of the #' ! \end{verbatim} ! The \# character is reserved for comments and cannot be included ! inside quotation marks. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_GToken ( token, iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! None. ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) token ! Next token from current line integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 either nothing left ! on line or mismatched ! quotation marks. ! !BUGS: ! ! Standard Unix escaping is not implemented at the moment. ! ! ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! i90_label() selects a line (record/table) ! i90_gline() get next line (for tables) ! atof() convert word (string) to float ! atoi() convert word (string) to integer ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*1 ch integer ib, ie ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif call i90_trim ( i90_now%this_line ) ch = i90_now%this_line(1:1) if ( ch .eq. '"' .or. ch .eq. "'" ) then ib = 2 ie = index ( i90_now%this_line(ib:), ch ) else ib = 1 ie = min(index(i90_now%this_line,BLK), & index(i90_now%this_line,EOL)) - 1 end if if ( ie .lt. ib ) then token = BLK iret = -1 return else ! Get the token, and shift the rest of %this_line to ! the left token = i90_now%this_line(ib:ie) i90_now%this_line = i90_now%this_line(ie+2:) iret = 0 end if return end subroutine i90_gtoken !................................................................... subroutine i90_gstr ( string, iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !ROUTINE: I90\_GStr() ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Get next string from current line. The current line is defined by a ! call to {\tt i90\_label()}. Strings are sequence of characters (including ! blanks) enclosed by single or double quotes. If no quotes ! are present, the string from the current position to the end of ! the line is returned. ! ! NOTE: This routine is defined differently from \verb"i90_GTolen()", ! where a {\sl token} is white-space delimited, but this routine ! will try to fetch a string either terminated by a "$" or by the ! end of the line. ! ! {\em Examples of valid strings:} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! "this is a string" ! 'Another example of string' ! 'this is how you get a " inside a string' ! "this is how you get a ' inside a string" ! This is valid too # the line ends before the # ! ! \end{verbatim} ! ! {\em Invalid string constructs:} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! cannot handle mixed quotes ! 'escaping like this \' is not implemented' ! \end{verbatim} ! ! {\em Obsolete feature (for Inpak 77 compatibility):} ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! the string ends after a $ this is another string ! \end{verbatim} ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! \begin{verbatim} ! call i90_Gstr ( string, iret ) ! \end{verbatim} ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) string ! A NULL (char(0)) delimited string. ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 either nothing left ! on line or mismatched ! quotation marks. ! !BUGS: ! ! Standard Unix escaping is not implemented at the moment. ! No way to tell sintax error from end of line (same iret). ! ! ! !SEE ALSO: ! ! i90_label() selects a line (record/table) ! i90_gtoken() get next token ! i90_gline() get next line (for tables) ! atof() convert word (string) to float ! atoi() convert word (string) to integer ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 01Oct96 Jing Guo Removed the null terminitor ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*1 ch integer ib, ie ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif call i90_trim ( i90_now%this_line ) ch = i90_now%this_line(1:1) if ( ch .eq. '"' .or. ch .eq. "'" ) then ib = 2 ie = index ( i90_now%this_line(ib:), ch ) else ib = 1 ie = index(i90_now%this_line,'$')-1 ! undocumented feature! if ( ie .lt. 1 ) ie = index(i90_now%this_line,EOL)-2 end if if ( ie .lt. ib ) then ! string = NULL iret = -1 return else string = i90_now%this_line(ib:ie) ! // NULL i90_now%this_line = i90_now%this_line(ie+2:) iret = 0 end if return end subroutine i90_gstr !................................................................... real(FP) function i90_GFloat( iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: i90_GFloat() --- Returns next float number. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next float (real number) from the current line. ! If an error occurs a zero value is returned. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! real rnumber ! rnumber = i90_gfloat ( default ) ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer,intent(out) :: iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 either nothing left ! on line or mismatched ! quotation marks. ! -2 parsing error ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token integer ios real(FP) x ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .eq. 0 ) then read(token,*,iostat=ios) x ! Does it require an extension? if ( ios .ne. 0 ) iret = -2 end if if ( iret .ne. 0 ) x = 0. i90_GFloat = x return end function i90_GFloat !................................................................... integer function I90_GInt ( iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_GInt() --- Returns next integer number. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next integer number from the current line. ! If an error occurs a zero value is returned. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! integer number ! number = i90_gint ( default ) ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 either nothing left ! on line or mismatched ! quotation marks. ! -2 parsing error ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 24may00 da Silva delcared x as real*8 in case this module is compiled ! with real*4 ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token real(kind_r8) x integer ios ! Make sure that a buffer is defined (JG) ! ---------------------------------- if(i90_depth <= 0) then iret = -1 return endif call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .eq. 0 ) then read(token,*,iostat=ios) x if ( ios .ne. 0 ) iret = -2 end if if ( iret .ne. 0 ) x = 0 i90_gint = nint(x) return end function i90_gint !................................................................... real(FP) function i90_AtoF( string, iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: i90_AtoF() --- Translates ASCII (string) to float. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Converts string to real number. Same as obsolete {\tt str2rn()}. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! real rnumber ! rnumber = i90_atof ( string, iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: string ! a string ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer,intent(out) :: iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 could not convert, probably ! string is not a number ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- read(string,*,end=11,err=11) i90_AtoF iret = 0 return 11 iret = -1 return end function i90_AtoF !................................................................... integer function i90_atoi ( string, iret ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_AtoI() --- Translates ASCII (strings) to integer. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Converts string to integer number. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! integer number ! number = i90_atoi ( string, iret ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) string ! a string ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer iret ! Return code: ! 0 no error ! -1 could not convert, probably ! string is not a number ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- read(string,*,end=11,err=11) i90_atoi iret = 0 return 11 iret = -1 return end function i90_atoi !................................................................... integer function i90_Len ( string ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Len() --- Returns length of string. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns the length of a string excluding trailing blanks. ! It follows that ! \begin{verbatim} ! i90_len(string) .le. len(string), ! \end{verbatim} ! where {\tt len} is the intrinsic string length function. ! Example: ! \begin{verbatim} ! ls = len('abc ') ! results in ls = 5 ! ls = i90_len ('abc ') ! results in ls = 3 ! \end{verbatim} ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! integer ls ! ls = i90_len ( string ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) string ! a string ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! The length of the string, excluding trailing blanks. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 01Apr94 Guo Original code (a.k.a. luavail()) ! 19Jun96 da Silva Minor modification + prologue. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer ls, i, l ls = len(string) do i = ls, 1, -1 l = i if ( string(i:i) .ne. BLK ) go to 11 end do l = l - 1 11 continue i90_len = l return end function i90_len !................................................................... integer function I90_Lua() implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Lua() --- Returns available logical unit number. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Look for an available (not opened) Fortran logical unit for i/o. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! integer lu ! lu = i90_lua() ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! None. ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! The desired unit number if positive, -1 if unsucessful. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 01Apr94 Guo Original code (a.k.a. luavail()) ! 19Jun96 da Silva Minor modification + prologue. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer lu,ios logical opnd lu=7 inquire(unit=lu,opened=opnd,iostat=ios) do while(ios.eq.0.and.opnd) lu=lu+1 inquire(unit=lu,opened=opnd,iostat=ios) end do if(ios.ne.0) lu=-1 i90_lua=lu return end function i90_lua !................................................................... subroutine i90_pad ( string ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Pad() --- Pad strings. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Pads from the right with the comment character (\#). It also ! replaces TABs with blanks for convenience. This is a low level ! i90 routine. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_pad ( string ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*256 string ! input string ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! modified string ! ! character*256 string ! ! !BUGS: ! ! It alters TABs even inside strings. ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i ! Pad end of string with # ! ------------------------ do i = 256, 1, -1 if ( string(i:i) .ne. ' ' .and. & string(i:i) .ne. '$' ) go to 11 string(i:i) = '#' end do 11 continue ! Replace TABs with blanks ! ------------------------- do i = 1, 256 if ( string(i:i) .eq. TAB ) string(i:i) = BLK if ( string(i:i) .eq. '#' ) go to 21 end do 21 continue return end subroutine i90_pad !................................................................... subroutine I90_Trim ( string ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: I90_Trim() - Removes leading blanks from strings. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Removes blanks and TABS from begenning of string. ! This is a low level i90 routine. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call i90_Trim ( string ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*256 string ! the input string ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! character*256 string ! the modified string ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer ib, i ! Get rid of leading blanks ! ------------------------- ib = 1 do i = 1, 255 if ( string(i:i) .ne. ' ' .and. & string(i:i) .ne. TAB ) go to 21 ib = ib + 1 end do 21 continue ! String without trailling blanks ! ------------------------------- string = string(ib:) return end subroutine i90_trim !========================================================================== ! ----------------------------- ! Inpak 77 Upward Compatibility ! ----------------------------- subroutine lablin ( label ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: Lablin() --- Selects a Label (Inpak 77) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Selects a given ``line'' (record/table) associated with ``label''. ! Similar to {\tt i90\_label()}, but prints a message to {\tt stdout} ! if it cannot locate the label. Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call lablin ( label ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character(len=*),intent(in) :: label ! string with label name ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! None. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer iret call i90_label ( label, iret ) if ( iret .ne. 0 ) then write(stderr,'(2a)') 'i90/lablin: cannot find label ', label endif end subroutine lablin !................................................................... real(SP) function fltgetsp ( default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: FltGetsp() --- Returns next float (Inpak 77, single precision) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next float (real number, single precision) from the current ! line, or a default value if it fails to obtain the desired number. ! Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! real rnumber, default ! rnumber = fltgetsp ( default ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! real(SP), intent(IN) :: default ! default value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 12Oct99 Guo/Larson - Built from original FltGet() function. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token real(FP) x integer iret call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .eq. 0 ) then read(token,*,iostat=iret) x end if if ( iret .ne. 0 ) x = default !print *, x fltgetsp = x return end function fltgetsp !................................................................... real(DP) function fltgetdp ( default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: FltGetdp() --- Returns next float (Inpak 77) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next float (real number) from the current line, or a ! default value (double precision) if it fails to obtain the desired ! number. Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! real(DP) :: default ! real :: rnumber ! rnumber = FltGetdp(default) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! real(DP), intent(IN) :: default ! default value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 12Oct99 Guo/Larson - Built from original FltGet() function. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token real(FP) x integer iret call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .eq. 0 ) then read(token,*,iostat=iret) x end if if ( iret .ne. 0 ) x = default !print *, x fltgetdp = x return end function fltgetdp !................................................................... integer function intget ( default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: IntGet() --- Returns next integer (Inpak 77). ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next integer number from the current line, or a default ! value if it fails to obtain the desired number. ! Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! integer number, default ! number = intget ( default ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer default ! default value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token real(FP) x integer iret call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .eq. 0 ) then read(token,*,iostat=iret) x end if if ( iret .ne. 0 ) x = default intget = nint(x) !print *, intget return end function intget !................................................................... character(len=1) function chrget ( default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: ChrGet() --- Returns next character (Inpak 77). ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next non-blank character from the current line, or a default ! character if it fails for whatever reason. ! Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! character*1 ch, default ! ch = chrget ( default ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*1 default ! default value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- character*256 token integer iret call i90_gtoken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .ne. 0 ) then chrget = default else chrget = token(1:1) end if !print *, chrget return end function chrget !................................................................... subroutine TokGet ( token, default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !ROUTINE: TokGet() --- Gets next token (Inpakk 77 like). ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next token from the current line, or a default ! word if it fails for whatever reason. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call TokGet ( token, default ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) default ! default token ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) token ! desired token ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer iret call i90_GToken ( token, iret ) if ( iret .ne. 0 ) then token = default end if !print *, token return end subroutine tokget !==================================================================== ! -------------------------- ! Obsolete Inpak 77 Routines ! (Not Documented) ! -------------------------- !................................................................... subroutine iniin() print *, & 'i90: iniin() is obsolete, use i90_loadf() instead!' return end subroutine iniin !................................................................... subroutine iunits ( mifans, moftrm, moferr, miftrm ) integer mifans, moftrm, moferr, miftrm print *, & 'i90: iunits() is obsolete, use i90_loadf() instead!' return end subroutine iunits !................................................................... subroutine getstr ( iret, string ) implicit NONE character*(*) string integer iret !, ls call i90_gstr ( string, iret ) return end subroutine getstr !................................................................... subroutine getwrd ( iret, word ) implicit NONE character*(*) word integer iret call i90_gtoken ( word, iret ) return end subroutine getwrd !................................................................... subroutine rdnext ( iret ) implicit NONE integer iret call i90_gline ( iret ) return end subroutine rdnext !................................................................... real(FP) function str2rn ( string, iret ) implicit NONE character*(*) string integer iret read(string,*,end=11,err=11) str2rn iret = 0 return 11 iret = 1 return end function str2rn !................................................................... subroutine strget ( string, default ) implicit NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !ROUTINE: StrGet() ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Returns next string on the current line, or a default ! string if it fails for whatever reason. Similar to {\tt i90\_gstr()}. ! Kept for Inpak 77 upward compatibility. ! ! NOTE: This is an obsolete routine. The notion of "string" used ! here is not conventional. Please use routine {\tt TokGet()} ! instead. ! ! !CALLING SEQUENCE: ! ! call strget ( string, default ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! character*(*) default ! default string ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character*(*) string ! desired string ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 19Jun96 da Silva Original code. ! 01Oct96 Jing Guo Removed the null terminitor ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer iret call i90_gstr ( string, iret ) if ( iret .ne. 0 ) then string = default end if return end subroutine strget end module m_inpak90