!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CVS $Id$ ! CVS $Name$ !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !MODULE: m_MergeSorts - Tools for incremental indexed-sorting ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! This tool module contains basic sorting procedures, that in ! addition to a couple of standard Fortran 90 statements in the ! array syntex, allow a full range sort or unsort operations. ! The main characteristics of the sorting algorithm used in this ! module are, a) stable, and b) index sorting. ! ! !INTERFACE: module m_MergeSorts implicit none private ! except public :: IndexSet public :: IndexSort interface IndexSet module procedure setn_ module procedure set_ end interface interface IndexSort module procedure iSortn_ module procedure rSortn_ module procedure dSortn_ module procedure cSortn_ module procedure iSort_ module procedure rSort_ module procedure dSort_ module procedure cSort_ module procedure iSort1_ module procedure rSort1_ module procedure dSort1_ module procedure cSort1_ end interface ! !EXAMPLES: ! ! ... ! integer, intent(in) :: No ! type(Observations), dimension(No), intent(inout) :: obs ! ! integer, dimension(No) :: indx ! automatic array ! ! call IndexSet(No,indx) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%lev,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%lon,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%lat,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%kt,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%ks,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%kx,descend=.false.) ! call IndexSort(No,indx,obs(1:No)%kr,descend=.false.) ! ! ! Sorting ! obs(1:No) = obs( (/ (indx(i),i=1,No) /) ) ! ... ! ! Unsorting ! obs( (/ (indx(i),i=1,No) /) ) = obs(1:No) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Added interfaces without the explicit size ! . Added interfaces for two dimensional arrays ! 02Feb99 - Jing Guo - Added if(present(stat)) ... ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*), parameter :: myname='MCT(MPEU)::m_MergeSorts' contains !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: setn_ - Initialize an array of data location indices ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine setn_(n,indx) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n ! size of indx(:) integer, dimension(n), intent(out) :: indx ! indices ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . redefined for the original interface !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ call set_(indx(1:n)) end subroutine setn_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: set_ - Initialize an array of data location indices ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine set_(indx) implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: indx ! indices ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Modified the interface, by removing the explicit size ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised prolog format !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ integer :: i do i=1,size(indx) indx(i)=i end do end subroutine set_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: iSortn_ - A stable merge index sorting of INTs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine iSortn_(n,indx,keys,descend,stat) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: indx integer, dimension(n), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . redefined for the original interface !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::iSortn_' call iSort_(indx(1:n),keys(1:n),descend,stat) end subroutine iSortn_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: rSortn_ - A stable merge index sorting REALs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine rSortn_(n,indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_realkinds,only : SP implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: indx real(SP),dimension(n), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . redefined for the original interface !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::rSortn_' call rSort_(indx(1:n),keys(1:n),descend,stat) end subroutine rSortn_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: dSortn_ - A stable merge index sorting DOUBLEs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine dSortn_(n,indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_realkinds,only : DP implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: indx real(DP), dimension(n), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . redefined for the original interface !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::dSortn_' call dSort_(indx(1:n),keys(1:n),descend,stat) end subroutine dSortn_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: cSortn_ - A stable merge index sorting of CHAR(*)s. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine cSortn_(n,indx,keys,descend,stat) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: indx character(len=*), dimension(n), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . redefined for the original interface !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::cSortn_' call cSort_(indx(1:n),keys(1:n),descend,stat) end subroutine cSortn_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: iSort_ - A stable merge index sorting of INTs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine iSort_(indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Modified the interface, by removing the explicit size ! 02Feb99 - Jing Guo - Added if(present(stat)) ... ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised the prolog ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::iSort_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(indx(l1)) .ge. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(indx(l1)) .le. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine iSort_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: rSort_ - A stable merge index sorting REALs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine rSort_(indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die use m_realkinds,only : SP implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx real(SP),dimension(:), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Modified the interface, by removing the explicit size ! 02Feb99 - Jing Guo - Added if(present(stat)) ... ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised the prolog ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::rSort_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(indx(l1)) .ge. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(indx(l1)) .le. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine rSort_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: dSort_ - A stable merge index sorting DOUBLEs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine dSort_(indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die use m_realkinds,only : DP implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx real(DP), dimension(:), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Modified the interface, by removing the explicit size ! 02Feb99 - Jing Guo - Added if(present(stat)) ... ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised the prolog ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::dSort_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(indx(l1)) .ge. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(indx(l1)) .le. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine dSort_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: cSort_ - A stable merge index sorting of CHAR(*)s. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine cSort_(indx,keys,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: keys logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . Modified the interface, by removing the explicit size ! 02Feb99 - Jing Guo - Added if(present(stat)) ... ! 04Jan99 - Jing Guo - revised the prolog ! 09Sep97 - Jing Guo - initial prototype/prolog/code !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::cSort_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(indx(l1)) .ge. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(indx(l1)) .le. keys(indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine cSort_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: iSort1_ - A stable merge index sorting of INTs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine iSort1_(indx,keys,ikey,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: keys integer,intent(in) :: ikey logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . Copied code from iSort_ ! . Extended the interface and the algorithm to handle ! 2-d arrays with an index. !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::iSort1_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .ge. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .le. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine iSort1_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: rSort1_ - A stable merge index sorting REALs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine rSort1_(indx,keys,ikey,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die use m_realkinds,only : SP implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx real(SP),dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: keys integer,intent(in) :: ikey logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . Copied code from rSort_ ! . Extended the interface and the algorithm to handle ! 2-d arrays with an index. !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::rSort1_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .ge. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .le. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine rSort1_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: dSort1_ - A stable merge index sorting DOUBLEs. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine dSort1_(indx,keys,ikey,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die use m_realkinds,only : DP implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx real(DP), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: keys integer,intent(in) :: ikey logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . Copied code from dSort_ ! . Extended the interface and the algorithm to handle ! 2-d arrays with an index. !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::dSort1_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .ge. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .le. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine dSort1_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS ! !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !IROUTINE: cSort1_ - A stable merge index sorting of CHAR(*)s. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine cSort1_(indx,keys,ikey,descend,stat) use m_stdio, only : stderr use m_die, only : die implicit none integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indx character(len=*), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: keys integer,intent(in) :: ikey logical, optional, intent(in) :: descend integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 15Mar00 - Jing Guo ! . initial prototype/prolog/code ! . Copied code from cSort_ ! . Extended the interface and the algorithm to handle ! 2-d arrays with an index. !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ logical :: dsnd integer :: ierr integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: mtmp integer :: n character(len=*),parameter :: myname_=myname//'::cSort1_' if(present(stat)) stat=0 n=size(indx) allocate(mtmp(n),stat=ierr) if(ierr /= 0) then write(stderr,'(2a,i4)') myname_, & ': allocate(mtmp(:)) error, stat =',ierr if(.not.present(stat)) call die(myname_) stat=ierr return endif dsnd=.false. if(present(descend)) dsnd=descend call MergeSort_() deallocate(mtmp) contains subroutine MergeSort_() implicit none integer :: mstep,lstep integer :: lb,lm,le mstep=1 do while(mstep < n) lstep=mstep*2 lb=1 do while(lb < n) lm=lb+mstep le=min(lm-1+mstep,n) call merge_(lb,lm,le) indx(lb:le)=mtmp(lb:le) lb=le+1 end do mstep=lstep end do end subroutine MergeSort_ subroutine merge_(lb,lm,le) integer,intent(in) :: lb,lm,le integer :: l1,l2,l l1=lb l2=lm do l=lb,le if(l2.gt.le) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 elseif(l1.ge.lm) then mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 else if(dsnd) then if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .ge. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif else if(keys(ikey,indx(l1)) .le. keys(ikey,indx(l2))) then mtmp(l)=indx(l1) l1=l1+1 else mtmp(l)=indx(l2) l2=l2+1 endif endif endif end do end subroutine merge_ end subroutine cSort1_ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end module m_MergeSorts !.