Quick README Tony Craig, Feb, 2012 This is a partial substitute for the ESMF Time Manager. As of Feb, 2012, what exists is consist (in interfaces and datatypes) with ESMF 5.2.0rp1. The datatypes in this version are not interchangable with ESMF nor will the answers be exactly identical. This version supports the NOLEAP and GREGORIAN calendar. It also supports use of the D and Dl interfaces in ESMF_TimeSet and ESMF_TimeGet. The julian day reference is that day 1 is year 0, month 1, day 1 (0000-01-01 or Jan 1, 0000). It also supports positive or negative years. Several aspects of the ESMF interfaces are not supported. There is a unit tester that tests ESMF_Time and ESMF_TimeInterval actions for both gregorian and noleap calendar.