!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module timers !BOP ! !MODULE: timers ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routine for supporting multiple CPU timers ! and accumulates time for each individual block and node (task). ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: timers.F90 34010 2012-01-23 19:11:11Z tcraig $ ! ! !USES: use kinds_mod use constants use domain use global_reductions use io use exit_mod implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_timers, & get_timer, & release_timer, & timer_clear, & timer_start, & timer_stop, & timer_print, & timer_print_all, & timer_check !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8), external :: & mpi_wtime #endif integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_timers = 50 ! max number of timers type timer_data character (char_len) :: & name ! timer name logical (log_kind) :: & in_use, &! true if timer initialized node_started ! true if any thread has started timer integer (int_kind) :: & num_blocks, &! number of blocks using this timer num_nodes, &! number of nodes using this timer num_starts, &! number of start requests num_stops ! number of stop requests real (r8) :: & node_accum_time ! accumulated time for node timer #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8) :: & node_cycles1, &! cycle number at start for node timer node_cycles2 ! cycle number at stop for node timer #else integer (int_kind) :: & node_cycles1, &! cycle number at start for node timer node_cycles2 ! cycle number at stop for node timer #endif logical (log_kind), dimension(:), pointer :: & block_started ! true if block timer started #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8), dimension(:), pointer :: & block_cycles1, &! cycle number at start for block timers block_cycles2 ! cycle number at stop for block timers #else integer (int_kind), dimension(:), pointer :: & block_cycles1, &! cycle number at start for block timers block_cycles2 ! cycle number at stop for block timers #endif real (r8), dimension(:), pointer :: & block_accum_time ! accumulated time for block timers logical :: use_barrier ! if true use barrier before timer start and stop end type type (timer_data), dimension(max_timers) :: & all_timers ! timer data for all timers #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8) :: & cycles_max ! max clock cycles allowed by system #else integer (int_kind) :: & cycles_max ! max clock cycles allowed by system #endif real (r8) :: & clock_rate ! clock rate in seconds for each cycle !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_timers ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_timers ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine initializes machine parameters and timer structures ! for computing cpu time from F90 intrinsic timer functions. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! dummy loop counters cycles ! count rate return by sys_clock !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Call F90 intrinsic system_clock to determine clock rate ! and maximum cycles. If no clock available, print message. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED cycles_max = c0 clock_rate = c1 #else call system_clock(count_rate=cycles, count_max=cycles_max) if (cycles /= 0) then clock_rate = c1/real(cycles,kind=r8) else clock_rate = c0 write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a33)') '--- No system clock available ---' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize timer structures ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,max_timers all_timers(n)%name = 'unknown_timer_name' all_timers(n)%in_use = .false. all_timers(n)%node_started = .false. all_timers(n)%num_blocks = 0 all_timers(n)%num_nodes = 0 all_timers(n)%num_starts = 0 all_timers(n)%num_stops = 0 all_timers(n)%node_cycles1 = c0 all_timers(n)%node_cycles2 = c0 all_timers(n)%node_accum_time = c0 nullify(all_timers(n)%block_started) nullify(all_timers(n)%block_cycles1) nullify(all_timers(n)%block_cycles2) nullify(all_timers(n)%block_accum_time) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_timers !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: get_timer ! !INTERFACE: subroutine get_timer(timer_id, name_choice, num_blocks, num_nodes) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine initializes a timer with a given name and returns a ! timer id. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & name_choice ! input name for this timer integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & num_nodes, &! number of nodes(tasks) using this timer num_blocks ! number of blocks using this timer ! (can be =1 if timer called outside ! threaded region) ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: & timer_id ! timer number assigned to this timer !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! dummy loop index srch_error ! error flag for search !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! search for next free timer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- srch_error = 1 srch_loop: do n=1,max_timers if (.not. all_timers(n)%in_use) then srch_error = 0 timer_id = n all_timers(n)%name = char_blank all_timers(n)%name = name_choice all_timers(n)%in_use = .true. all_timers(n)%num_blocks = num_blocks all_timers(n)%num_nodes = num_nodes allocate(all_timers(n)%block_started (num_blocks), & all_timers(n)%block_cycles1 (num_blocks), & all_timers(n)%block_cycles2 (num_blocks), & all_timers(n)%block_accum_time(num_blocks)) all_timers(n)%block_started = .false. all_timers(n)%block_cycles1 = c0 all_timers(n)%block_cycles2 = c0 all_timers(n)%block_accum_time = c0 exit srch_loop endif end do srch_loop if (srch_error /= 0) & call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'get_timer: Exceeded maximum number of timers') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine get_timer !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: release_timer ! !INTERFACE: subroutine release_timer(timer_id) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine frees up a timer which is no longer used. ! NOTE: This routine must be called from outside a threaded ! region. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if the timer has been defined, mark as not in use and re-initialize ! values. otherwise exit with an error ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (all_timers(timer_id)%in_use) then all_timers(timer_id)%name = 'unknown_timer_name' all_timers(timer_id)%in_use = .false. all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .false. all_timers(timer_id)%num_blocks = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%num_nodes = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles2 = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = c0 nullify(all_timers(timer_id)%block_started) nullify(all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles1) nullify(all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles2) nullify(all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'release_timer: attempt to reset undefined timer') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine release_timer !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_clear ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_clear(timer_id) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine resets the time for a timer which has already been ! defined. NOTE: This routine must be called from outside a threaded ! region to ensure correct reset of block timers. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if the timer has been defined, reset all times to 0 ! otherwise exit with an error ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (all_timers(timer_id)%in_use) then all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .false. all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles2 = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%block_started(:) = .false. all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles1(:) = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles2(:) = c0 all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(:) = c0 else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'timer_clear: attempt to reset undefined timer') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_clear !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_start ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_start(timer_id, block_id) #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED use perf_mod #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine starts a given node timer if it has not already ! been started by another thread. If block information is available, ! the appropriate block timer is also started. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number integer (int_kind), intent(in), optional :: & block_id ! optional block id for this block ! this must be the actual local address ! of the block in the distribution ! from which it is called ! (if timer called outside of block ! region, no block info required) !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if timer is defined, start it up ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (all_timers(timer_id)%in_use) then #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED call t_startf(trim(all_timers(timer_id)%name)) #endif !*** !*** if called from within a block loop, start block timers !*** if (present(block_id)) then !*** if block timer already started, stop it first if (all_timers(timer_id)%block_started(block_id)) & call timer_stop(timer_id, block_id) !*** start block timer all_timers(timer_id)%block_started(block_id) = .true. #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles1(block_id) = mpi_wtime() #else call system_clock(count= & all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles1(block_id)) #endif !*** start node timer if not already started by !*** another thread. if already started, keep track !*** of number of start requests in order to match !*** start and stop requests !$OMP CRITICAL if (.not. all_timers(timer_id)%node_started) then all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .true. all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts = 1 all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops = 0 #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 = mpi_wtime() #else call system_clock(count= & all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1) #endif else all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts = & all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts + 1 endif !$OMP END CRITICAL !*** !*** if called from outside a block loop, start node timer !*** else !*** stop timer if already started if (all_timers(timer_id)%node_started) call timer_stop(timer_id) !*** start node timer all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .true. #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 = mpi_wtime() #else call system_clock(count=all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1) #endif endif else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'timer_start: attempt to start undefined timer') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_start !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_stop ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_stop(timer_id, block_id) #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED use perf_mod #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine stops a given node timer if appropriate. If block ! information is available the appropriate block timer is also stopped. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number integer (int_kind), intent(in), optional :: & block_id ! optional block id for this block ! this must be the actual local address ! of the block in the distribution ! from which it is called ! (if timer called outside of block ! region, no block info required) !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8) :: & cycles1, cycles2 ! temps to hold cycle info before correction #else integer (int_kind) :: & cycles1, cycles2 ! temps to hold cycle info before correction #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get end cycles ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED cycles2 = mpi_wtime() #else call system_clock(count=cycles2) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if timer is defined, stop it ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (all_timers(timer_id)%in_use) then !*** !*** if called from within a block loop, stop block timer !*** if (present(block_id)) then all_timers(timer_id)%block_started(block_id) = .false. !*** correct for cycle wraparound and accumulate time cycles1 = all_timers(timer_id)%block_cycles1(block_id) if (cycles2 >= cycles1) then all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(block_id) = & all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(block_id) + & clock_rate*(cycles2 - cycles1) else all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(block_id) = & all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(block_id) + & clock_rate*(cycles_max + cycles2 - cycles1) endif !*** stop node timer if number of requested stops !*** matches the number of starts (to avoid stopping !*** a node timer started by multiple threads) cycles1 = all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 !$OMP CRITICAL all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops = & all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops + 1 if (all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts == & all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops) then all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .false. if (cycles2 >= cycles1) then all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = & all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles2 - cycles1) else all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = & all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles_max + cycles2 - cycles1) endif all_timers(timer_id)%num_starts = 0 all_timers(timer_id)%num_stops = 0 endif !$OMP END CRITICAL !*** !*** if called from outside a block loop, stop node timer !*** else !*** correct for wraparound and accumulate time all_timers(timer_id)%node_started = .false. cycles1 = all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 if (cycles2 >= cycles1) then all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = & all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles2 - cycles1) else all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time = & all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles_max + cycles2 - cycles1) endif endif #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED call t_stopf(trim(all_timers(timer_id)%name)) #endif else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'timer_start: attempt to start undefined timer') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_stop !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_print ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_print(timer_id,stats) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Prints the accumulated time for a given timer and optional ! statistics for that timer. It is assumed that this routine ! is called outside of a block loop. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number logical (log_kind), intent(in), optional :: & stats ! if true, print statistics for node ! and block times for this timer !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n,icount ! dummy loop index and counter real (r8) :: & local_time, &! temp space for holding local timer results min_time, &! minimum accumulated time max_time, &! maximum accumulated time mean_time ! mean accumulated time #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real (r8) :: & cycles1, cycles2 ! temps to hold cycle info before correction #else integer (int_kind) :: & cycles1, cycles2 ! temps to hold cycle info before correction #endif character (60), parameter :: & timer_format = "('Timer number',i3,' Time =',f11.2,' seconds',3x,a)" character (49), parameter :: & stats_fmt1 = "(' Timer stats (node): min = ',f11.2,' seconds')",& stats_fmt2 = "(' max = ',f11.2,' seconds')",& stats_fmt3 = "(' mean= ',f11.2,' seconds')",& stats_fmt4 = "(' Timer stats(block): min = ',f11.2,' seconds')" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if timer has been defined, check to see whether it is currently ! running. If it is, update to current running time and print the info ! (without stopping the timer). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (all_timers(timer_id)%in_use) then !*** Find max node time and print that time as default timer !*** result if (my_task < all_timers(timer_id)%num_nodes) then if (all_timers(timer_id)%node_started) then #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED cycles2 = mpi_wtime() #else call system_clock(count=cycles2) #endif cycles1 = all_timers(timer_id)%node_cycles1 if (cycles2 >= cycles1) then local_time = all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles2 - cycles1) else local_time = all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time + & clock_rate*(cycles_max + cycles2 - cycles1) endif else local_time = all_timers(timer_id)%node_accum_time endif else local_time = c0 endif max_time = global_maxval(local_time) if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,timer_format) timer_id,max_time, & trim(all_timers(timer_id)%name) endif if (present(stats)) then if (stats) then !*** compute and print statistics for node timer min_time = global_minval(local_time) mean_time = global_sum(local_time,distrb_clinic)/ & real(all_timers(timer_id)%num_nodes) if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,stats_fmt1) min_time write (stdout,stats_fmt2) max_time write (stdout,stats_fmt3) mean_time endif !*** compute and print statistics for block timers !*** min block time local_time = bignum do n=1,all_timers(timer_id)%num_blocks local_time = min(local_time, & all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(n)) end do min_time = global_minval(local_time) if (min_time == bignum) min_time = c0 !*** max block time local_time = -bignum do n=1,all_timers(timer_id)%num_blocks local_time = max(local_time, & all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(n)) end do max_time = global_maxval(local_time) if (max_time == -bignum) min_time = c0 !*** mean block time local_time = c0 do n=1,all_timers(timer_id)%num_blocks local_time = local_time + & all_timers(timer_id)%block_accum_time(n) end do icount = global_sum(all_timers(timer_id)%num_blocks, & distrb_clinic) if (icount > 0) mean_time=global_sum(local_time,distrb_clinic)& /real(icount) if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,stats_fmt4) min_time write (stdout,stats_fmt2) max_time write (stdout,stats_fmt3) mean_time endif endif endif else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'timer_print: attempt to print undefined timer') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_print !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_print_all ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_print_all(stats) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Prints the accumulated time for a all timers and optional ! statistics for that timer. It is assumed that this routine ! is called outside of a block loop. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind), intent(in), optional :: & stats ! if true, print statistics for node ! and block times for this timer !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: n ! dummy loop index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! loop through timers and call timer_print for each defined timer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a19)') 'Timing information:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif do n=1,max_timers if (all_timers(n)%in_use) then if (present(stats)) then call timer_print(n,stats) else call timer_print(n) endif endif end do if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_print_all !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: timer_check ! !INTERFACE: subroutine timer_check(timer_id,block_id) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine checks a given timer by stopping and restarting the ! timer. This is primarily used to periodically accumulate time in ! the timer to prevent timer cycles from wrapping around max_cycles. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer_id ! timer number integer (int_kind), intent(in), optional :: & block_id ! optional block id for this block ! this must be the actual local address ! of the block in the distribution ! from which it is called ! (if timer called outside of block ! region, no block info required) !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! stop and restart the requested timer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(block_id)) then call timer_stop (timer_id,block_id) call timer_start(timer_id,block_id) else call timer_stop (timer_id) call timer_start(timer_id) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine timer_check !*********************************************************************** end module timers !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||