module ms_balance !BOP ! !MODULE: ms_balance ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines necessary for the balancing of evaporation, ! precipitation, melt, runoff, and salt in marginal-seas regions of the ! ccsm coupled ocean model ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: ms_balance.F90 38648 2012-07-12 19:51:27Z $ ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use domain use global_reductions use gather_scatter use grid use communicate use io_tools use ice use constants use time_management implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_ms_balance, & ms_balancing ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: MASK_FRAC real (r8), dimension(max_regions) :: & annual_depth ,& monthly_depth !EOP !BOC !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_ms_balance ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_ms_balance ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Provides initialization for marginal-sea balancing ! ! For a given marginal sea, determine the corresponding active-ocean ! distribution region for balancing evaporation, precipitation, melt, and runoff ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind), parameter :: max_points = 5000, & max_iter = 16 logical (log_kind) :: & ! Is this point a: duplicate ,& ! duplicate point? marginal_sea ,& ! marginal sea point? land ,& ! land point? debug1 = .false. ,& ! Print level-1 debug statements debug2 = .false. ! Print level-2 debug statements integer (int_kind) :: & n ,& ! region number i,j ,& ! global do-loop indices npts ,& ! number of redistribution points iter, nn, pt ,& ! do-loop indices region_number ,& mask_index = 0 integer (int_kind), dimension (max_points) :: & ipts ,& ! storage for i&j points in jpts ! distribution region integer (int_kind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & REGION_MASK_G ! global region mask real (r8) :: & mblat, mblon ,& ! center of lat & lon search lat_reach, lon_reach ,& ! search reach in lat & lon area ,& ! search area sum_frac ! sum of distribution fractions real (r8),dimension (max_points) :: & areas ,& ! distribution areas fracs ! distribution fractions real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK real (r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & TLAT_G ,& ! global latitude of cell center TLON_G ,& ! global longitude of cell center AREAT_G ,& ! global areas centered at T points MASK_G ! global redistribution mask if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a)') ' Marginal-sea balancing information' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif allocate (MASK_FRAC (nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic,max_ms) ) annual_depth = c0 monthly_depth = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create global arrays of TLON, TLAT, AREAT_G, and REGION_MASK !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (REGION_MASK_G(nx_global,ny_global)) allocate (TLON_G (nx_global,ny_global), & TLAT_G (nx_global,ny_global), & AREAT_G (nx_global,ny_global), & MASK_G (nx_global,ny_global) ) call gather_global(TLON_G, TLOND, master_task,distrb_clinic) !global TLON in degrees call gather_global(TLAT_G, TLATD, master_task,distrb_clinic) !global TLAT in degrees WORK = DXT*DYT call gather_global(AREAT_G , WORK, master_task,distrb_clinic) call gather_global(REGION_MASK_G,REGION_MASK,master_task,distrb_clinic) if (debug1) call print_regions (REGION_MASK_G) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for each marginal sea, determine associated distribution region: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- marginal_seas: do n=1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then mask_index = mask_index + 1 MASK_G = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! search globally for associated regions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then npts = 0 ipts = 0 jpts = 0 areas = c0 fracs = c0 area = c0 mblat = region_info(n)%ms_bal%lat mblon = region_info(n)%ms_bal%lon !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set initial extent of search in latitude and longitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lat_reach = c1 lon_reach = c1 iter_loop: do iter = 1, max_iter !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! select active-ocean points which lie within search area !----------------------------------------------------------------------- j_loop: do j=1,ny_global i_loop: do i=1,nx_global if (mblat-lat_reach <= TLAT_G(i,j) .and. & mblat+lat_reach >= TLAT_G(i,j) .and. & mblon-lon_reach <= TLON_G(i,j) .and. & mblon+lon_reach >= TLON_G(i,j) ) then !----------------------------------------------------- ! is this point identical to a previously selected one? !----------------------------------------------------- duplicate = .false. dup_loop: do nn=1,npts if (ipts(nn) == i .and. jpts(nn) == j) then duplicate = .true. exit dup_loop endif end do dup_loop !----------------------------------------------------- ! is this point a marginal-sea point? !----------------------------------------------------- if (REGION_MASK_G(i,j) < 0) then marginal_sea = .true. else marginal_sea = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------- ! is this point a land point? !----------------------------------------------------- if (REGION_MASK_G(i,j) == 0) then land = .true. else land = .false. endif !-------------------------------------------------- ! reject duplicate points !-------------------------------------------------- if (duplicate) then if(debug2) call pt_print('reject duplicate point',i,j) !-------------------------------------------------- ! reject marginal-sea points !-------------------------------------------------- else if (marginal_sea) then if(debug2) & call pt_print('reject marginal sea point',i,j) !-------------------------------------------------- ! reject land points !-------------------------------------------------- else if (land) then if(debug2) call pt_print('reject land point',i,j) !-------------------------------------------------- ! select unique active-ocean points !-------------------------------------------------- else !-------------------------------------------------- ! has maximum number of distribution points been ! selected? !-------------------------------------------------- if (npts == max_points) then exit iter_loop endif npts = npts + 1 ipts (npts) = i jpts (npts) = j areas(npts) = AREAT_G(i,j) area = area + areas(npts) !--------------------------------------------------- ! is search area acceptable size? !--------------------------------------------------- if( area >= region_info(n)%ms_bal%area)then if (debug1) & write(stdout,1002)'(init_ms_balance) ', & 'search area = ', region_info(n)%ms_bal%area exit iter_loop endif endif endif end do i_loop end do j_loop !------------------------------------------------------------ ! increase search area !------------------------------------------------------------ lat_reach = lat_reach + c1 lon_reach = lon_reach + c1 end do iter_loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end of master_task region !----------------------------------------------------------------------- endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! spread the news !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call broadcast_scalar(area , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(npts , master_task) call broadcast_array (ipts , master_task) call broadcast_array (jpts , master_task) call broadcast_array (areas, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! distribution points are selected; now test for reasonableness !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! has a non-zero distribution area been selected? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (npts <= 0) then call document ('init_ms_balance', 'marginal sea ' /& &/ trim(region_info(n)%name) ) call document ('init_ms_balance', & 'no points selected for distribution area') call exit_POP (sigAbort, & 'must select at least one set of active points') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! might there be other points within the distribution area ! that were not selected because the search loop exited ! upon reaching the maximum number of points limit? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (npts == max_points) then call document ('init_ms_balance', 'marginal sea ' /& &/ trim(region_info(n)%name) ) call document ('init_ms_balance', & 'warning: an increase of max_points may be necessary') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! are all of the distribution points within one region? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then region_number = REGION_MASK_G(ipts(1),jpts(1)) do pt=1,npts if(region_number /= REGION_MASK_G(ipts(pt),jpts(pt)))then write(stdout,1000) '(init_ms_balance) ','marginal sea '/& &/ trim(region_info(n)%name) write(stdout,1000) '(init_ms_balance)', & ' WARNING: distribution points span two regions' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) if (pt > 1) then write(stdout,*)'(init_ms_balance)', ' region1 : ' ,& REGION_MASK_G(ipts(pt-1),jpts(pt-1)) write(stdout,*) '(init_ms_balance)', ' region2 : ', & REGION_MASK_G(ipts(pt),jpts(pt)) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif endif enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define distribution fractions; ensure sum = c1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sum_frac = c0 do pt=1,npts fracs(pt) = areas(pt)/area sum_frac = sum_frac + fracs(pt) enddo fracs(npts) = fracs(npts) + (c1 - sum_frac) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the distribution mask (globally, then locally) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then do pt=1,npts j_loop2: do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if (i == ipts(pt) .and. j == jpts(pt) ) then MASK_G(i,j) = fracs(pt) exit j_loop2 endif enddo end do j_loop2 enddo endif call scatter_global(MASK_FRAC(:,:,:,mask_index),MASK_G,master_task, & distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) region_info(n)%ms_bal%area = area region_info(n)%ms_bal%mask_index = mask_index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! document the distribution points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug1) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,1002)'(init_ms_balance) ','actual area = ',area write(stdout,*) trim(region_info(n)%name) write(stdout,*)'pt ipts jpts TLAT TLON REGION_MASK frac' do pt=1,npts write(stdout,*) pt, ipts(pt), jpts(pt), & TLAT_G(ipts(pt),jpts(pt)), & TLON_G(ipts(pt),jpts(pt)), & REGION_MASK_G(ipts(pt),jpts(pt)), & fracs(pt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) enddo endif call document('init_ms_balance', 'area = ', area ) call document('init_ms_balance', 'npts = ', npts ) call document('init_ms_balance', 'mask_index = ', mask_index ) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end region_info(n)%marginal_sea if-block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end marginal-seas do-loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end do marginal_seas deallocate (REGION_MASK_G) deallocate (TLON_G, & TLAT_G, & AREAT_G, & MASK_G ) 1000 format(5x,'(',a,')', a ) 1002 format(5x,'(',a,') ', a ,1x, 1pe15.5) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_ms_balance !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: ms_balancing ! !INTERFACE: subroutine ms_balancing (STF2, EVAP_F, PREC_F, MELT_F,ROFF_F, IOFF_F, & SALT_F, QFLUX, flux_type, ICEOCN_F) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! The total excess or deficit of freshwater (kg/s) for each marginal sea ! is transported to or from its associated active-ocean region ! ! The transport term, T, is computed in kg/s of freshwater: ! !EOP ! T = [ max(0,QFLUX)*c_q +(E+P+M+R+I)*c_f +S*c_s ]*DXT*DYT*c_a ! T == 0 over marginal seas ! ! c_f converts E+P+M+R+I kg/m^2/s freshwater to kg/m^2/s freshwater ! c_f = c1 ! ! c_s converts S kg/m^2/s salt to kg/m^2/s freshwater ! c_s = -(1.0e3_r8/ocn_ref_salinity)*rho_fw/rho_sw ! salinity = salt(g)/saltwater(kg) ! ! c_q converts QFLUX W/m^2 heat to kg/m^2/s freshwater ! c_q = -(1.0e4_r8/latent_heat_fusion)* ! (ocn_ref_salinity - sea_ice_salinity)/ocn_ref_salinity ! ! c_a converts T kg/m^2/s * cm^2 to kg/s freshwater ! c_a = 1.0e-4_r8 ! ! The total transport is the sum of T kg/s of freshwater. The transport ! is distributed over the designated active-ocean regions ! in freshwater kg/s/cm^2, and must also be converted to the same ! units as STF(:,:,2) ! ! c_t converts flux kg/s/cm^2 to the same units as STF(:,:,2) ! if S(:,:,2) is a salt flux in msu*cm/s ! c_t = -ocn_ref_salinity/rho_fw ! if S(:,:,2) is a freshwater flux in g/cm^2/s ! c_t = 1.0e3_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic),intent(in) :: & EVAP_F ,& ! evaporation flux kg/m^2/s fw PREC_F ,& ! precipitation flux kg/m^2/s fw MELT_F ,& ! snow&ice melt flux kg/m^2/s fw ROFF_F ,& ! river runoff flux kg/m^2/s fw IOFF_F ,& ! ice runoff flux kg/m^2/s fw SALT_F ,& ! salt flux kg/m^2/s salt QFLUX real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), optional, & intent(in) :: ICEOCN_F ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic),intent(inout):: & STF2 ! contains STF(:,:,2) from forcing_coupled !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8) :: & c_q, & c_f, & c_s, & c_a, & c_t real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK, &! temporary work array TRANSPORT ! pointwise transport term character (*) :: & flux_type ! flux type of STF(:,:,2) (freshwater or salt ) integer (int_kind) :: & n, & iblock logical (log_kind) :: & print_transport_daily = .false. ,& print_transport_monthly = .true. ,& print_transport_annually = .false. ,& iceocn_f_present iceocn_f_present = present(ICEOCN_F) c_q = -(1.0e4_r8/latent_heat_fusion)* & (ocn_ref_salinity - sea_ice_salinity)/ocn_ref_salinity c_f = c1 c_s = -(1.0e3_r8/ocn_ref_salinity)*(rho_fw/rho_sw) c_a = 1.0e-4_r8 select case (flux_type) case ('salt') c_t = -ocn_ref_salinity case ('freshwater') c_t = 1.0e3_r8 case default call exit_POP (sigAbort, & 'ms_balancing -- must set flux_type to either salt or freshwater') end select if (eoy) annual_depth = c0 if (eom) monthly_depth = c0 WORK = EVAP_F + PREC_F + MELT_F + ROFF_F + IOFF_F if ( iceocn_f_present ) WORK = WORK + ICEOCN_F do n=1,num_regions TRANSPORT = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! in each marginal sea, determine transport term and distribute to ! or from the associated active-ocean region !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then !----------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate total transport, in kg/s, for each marginal sea ! ! T = [( max(0,QFLUX)*c_q + (E+P+M+R)*c_f +S*c_s )]*area*c_a ! ! and then set STF2 to zero or the opposite of ice formation ! flux there !----------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic where (REGION_MASK(:,:,iblock) == region_info(n)%number) TRANSPORT(:,:,iblock) = & ( max(c0,QFLUX(:,:,iblock))*c_q & + WORK(:,:,iblock)*c_f & + SALT_F(:,:,iblock)*c_s )* & DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*c_a STF2(:,:,iblock) = -max(c0,QFLUX(:,:,iblock))*c_q*c_t*1.0e-4_r8 end where enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO region_info(n)%ms_bal%transport = & global_sum(TRANSPORT,distrb_clinic,field_loc_center) !----------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate the average depth of freshwater transported !----------------------------------------------------------- annual_depth(n) = annual_depth(n) + & (region_info(n)%ms_bal%transport/region_info(n)%ms_bal%area) & *1.0e3_r8*seconds_in_day monthly_depth(n) = monthly_depth(n) + & (region_info(n)%ms_bal%transport/region_info(n)%ms_bal%area) & *1.0e3_r8*seconds_in_day !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! transport excess/deficit to/from associated active-ocean region !---------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic STF2(:,:,iblock) = STF2(:,:,iblock) & + MASK_FRAC(:,:,iblock,region_info(n)%ms_bal%mask_index) & * region_info(n)%ms_bal%transport*c_t/ & (DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)) enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif enddo ! num_regions !----------------------------------------------------------- ! record the average daily depth of freshwater transported ! (total transport/total distribution area) !----------------------------------------------------------- if (print_transport_daily .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ' ' call int_to_char (4,iyear ,cyear ) call int_to_char (2,imonth,cmonth) call int_to_char (2,iday ,cday ) write(stdout,*) cyear/& &/ '/' /& &/cmonth/& &/ '/' /& &/cday do n=1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then write(stdout,1100) & 'average depth of freshwater transported to ', & trim(region_info(n)%name) /& &/ ': ', & (region_info(n)%ms_bal%transport/region_info(n)%ms_bal%area)* & 1.0e3_r8*seconds_in_day, ' (cm/day)' endif enddo write(stdout,*) ' ' endif !----------------------------------------------------------- ! record the total monthly depth of freshwater transported !----------------------------------------------------------- if (print_transport_monthly .and. eom_next & .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ' ' do n=1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then write(stdout,1102) month3_all(imonth) /& &/ ' ' /& &/ & 'total monthly depth of freshwater transported to ' , & trim(region_info(n)%name) /& &/ ': ',monthly_depth(n),' (cm)' endif enddo write(stdout,*) ' ' endif !----------------------------------------------------------- ! record the total annual depth of freshwater transported !----------------------------------------------------------- if (print_transport_annually .and. eom_next .and. imonth_next == 1 & .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ' ' do n=1,num_regions if (region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then write(stdout,1101) & iyear, ' total annual depth of freshwater transported to ' , & trim(region_info(n)%name) /& &/ ': ',annual_depth(n),' (cm)' endif enddo write(stdout,*) ' ' endif 1100 format (1x, a45, a20, 1pe25.15, a) 1101 format (1x, i5, a45, a20, 1pe25.15, a) 1102 format (1x, a55, a20, 1pe25.15, a) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine ms_balancing !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: pt_print ! !INTERFACE: subroutine pt_print (string, i, j) character (*) :: string integer (int_kind) :: i,j write(stdout,1000) trim(string), i,j 1000 format (1x,a, 1x, 2i4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine pt_print !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: print_regions ! !INTERFACE: subroutine print_regions (REGION_MASK_G) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Print global REGION_MASK ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_global,ny_global) :: REGION_MASK_G !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (4), dimension(25) :: line integer (int_kind) :: i1, i2, i,j, nn i1 = 1 i2 = 25 if (my_task == master_task) then do nn=1,4 write(stdout,2000) 'j ', (i, i=i1,i2) do j=ny_global,1,-1 do i=i1,i2 if (REGION_MASK_G(i,j) == 0) then write(line(i-i1+1),'(a4)') '-' else write(line(i-i1+1),'(i4)') REGION_MASK_G(i,j) endif enddo ! i write (stdout,2001) j, (line(i-i1+1), i=i1,i2) enddo ! j i1 = i2+1; i2 = i1+24 write(stdout,*) ' ' write(stdout,*) ' ' enddo endif 2001 format(1x, i4,2x, 30a4) 2000 format(2x, a3,2x, 30i4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine print_regions end module ms_balance