!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module io_binary !BOP ! !MODULE: io_binary ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module provides a binary parallel input/output interface ! for writing fields. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: io_binary.F90 25034 2010-10-06 22:43:55Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use POP_CommMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use domain use constants use communicate use broadcast use gather_scatter use exit_mod use io_types #ifdef USEPIO use piolib_mod, only: & ! _EXTERNAL PIO_OpenFile, PIO_CloseFile, PIO_CreateFile, & PIO_write_darray, PIO_read_darray, & PIO_numToRead, PIO_numToWrite use pio_types, only: IO_desc_t, Var_desc_t, iotype_direct_pbinary,iosystem_desc_t ! _EXTERNAL use pio #endif implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: open_read_binary, & open_binary, & close_binary, & define_field_binary, & read_field_binary, & write_field_binary !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (1), parameter :: & attrib_separator=':' ! character separating attrib name and value !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! binary interfaces for i/o routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- interface write_array module procedure write_int_2d, & write_real4_2d, & write_real8_2d, & write_int_3d, & write_real4_3d, & write_real8_3d end interface interface read_array module procedure read_int_2d, & read_real4_2d, & read_real8_2d, & read_int_3d, & read_real4_3d, & read_real8_3d end interface !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: open_read_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine open_read_binary(data_file) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine opens a binary data file (and header file if it ! exists) for reading. It also reads global file attributes. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to be opened !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & path, &! filename to read work_line, &! temporary to use for parsing file lines comp_line, &! temporary to use for parsing file lines data_type, &! temporary to use for data type att_name ! attribute name integer (i4) :: & n, &! loop index att_ival, &! value for integer attribute hdr_error, &! error for reading header file cindx1,cindx2 ! indices for unpacking character strings logical (log_kind) :: & att_lval ! value for logical attribute real (r4) :: & att_rval ! value for real attribute real (r8) :: & att_dval ! value for double attribute logical (log_kind) :: & header_exists, &! flag to check existence of header file lmatch ! flag to use for attribute search integer (i4) :: iostat,ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set the readonly flag in the data file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- data_file%readonly = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if unit not assigned already, assign a unit (id) to this file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (data_file%id(1) == 0) then call get_unit(data_file%id(1)) call get_unit(data_file%id(2)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see whether a header file exists ! if so, open it ! if not, set the unit to -unit so it can be released later ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- header_exists = .false. if (my_task == master_task) then path = trim(data_file%full_name)/& &/'.hdr' inquire(file=path, exist=header_exists) if (header_exists) then open (unit=data_file%id(2), file=path, status='old') else write(stdout,*) 'WARNING: Input header file does not exist' write(stdout,*) 'for file: ',trim(path) write(stdout,*) & 'Assuming fields will be read in sequential order' endif endif call broadcast_scalar(header_exists, master_task) if (.not. header_exists) then data_file%id(2) = -data_file%id(2) data_file%current_record = 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now open data file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIOREAD iostat = PIO_OpenFile(PIO_desc,data_file%file,iotype_direct_pbinary, trim(data_file%full_name)) #else if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then path = trim(data_file%full_name) open (unit=data_file%id(1),action='read',status='unknown', & file=trim(path), form='unformatted',access='direct', & recl=data_file%record_length) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if the header file exists read file attributes from header file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (header_exists) then work_line = char_blank hdr_error = 0 if (my_task == master_task) then !*** first read until hit beginning of global attribute !*** definition section do while (hdr_error == 0 .and. work_line(1:7) /= '&GLOBAL') read(data_file%id(2),'(a80)',iostat=hdr_error) comp_line work_line = adjustl(comp_line) end do end if !*** now read until hit end of global attribute definition att_loop: do while (hdr_error == 0) work_line = char_blank if (my_task == master_task) then read(data_file%id(2),'(a80)',iostat=hdr_error) comp_line work_line = adjustl(comp_line) endif call broadcast_scalar(work_line, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(hdr_error, master_task) if (work_line(1:1) == '/') exit att_loop !*** find location of separator in the string !*** to determine name of attribute and extract !*** attribute name from beginning of string cindx1 = index(work_line,attrib_separator) att_name = char_blank att_name(1:cindx1-1) = work_line(1:cindx1-1) comp_line = work_line do n=1,cindx1 comp_line(n:n) = ' ' end do work_line = adjustl(comp_line) !*** now find location of separator in the string !*** to determine data type of attribute and extract !*** data type from beginning of string cindx1 = index(work_line,attrib_separator) data_type = char_blank data_type(1:cindx1-1) = work_line(1:cindx1-1) comp_line = work_line do n=1,cindx1 comp_line(n:n) = ' ' end do work_line = adjustl(comp_line) !*** check for standard file attributes select case(trim(att_name)) case ('title','TITLE') data_file%title = trim(work_line) case ('history','HISTORY') data_file%history = trim(work_line) case ('conventions','CONVENTIONS') data_file%conventions = trim(work_line) case default !*** if additional attributes exist, add them as !*** additional attributes !*** note that if they are already defined, the !*** call to add_attrib will overwrite value select case (trim(data_type)) case('char','CHAR') call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), & trim(work_line)) case('log','LOG','logical','LOGICAL') read(work_line,*) att_lval call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_lval) case('int','INT','i4','I4') read(work_line,*) att_ival call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_ival) case('r4','R4','REAL','real','float','FLOAT') read(work_line,*) att_rval call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_rval) case('r8','R8','dbl','DBL','double','DOUBLE') read(work_line,*) att_dval call add_attrib_file(data_file, trim(att_name), att_dval) end select end select end do att_loop endif ! header exists !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine open_read_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: open_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine open_binary(data_file) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine opens a binary data file and header file for writing ! and writes global file attributes to the header file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to open !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (255) :: path character (char_len_long) :: & work_line ! temp space for manipulating strings character (5), parameter :: & hdr_fmt = '(a80)' integer (i4) :: & n, &! loop index cindx1, cindx2, &! indices for character strings hdr_unit ! unit number for header file integer(i4) :: ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! assign units to file if not assigned already ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (data_file%id(1) == 0) then call get_unit(data_file%id(1)) call get_unit(data_file%id(2)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open data and header files for writing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** open header file from one task only if (my_task == master_task) then path = trim(data_file%full_name)/& &/'.hdr' open (unit=data_file%id(2), file=path, status='unknown') hdr_unit = data_file%id(2) end if path = trim(data_file%full_name) #ifdef USEPIO ierr = PIO_CreateFile(PIO_desc,data_file%file,iotype_direct_pbinary, path) #else !*** open data file from all io tasks if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then open(data_file%id(1), file=path, access='direct', & form='unformatted', recl=data_file%record_length, & status='unknown') endif #endif !*** initialize record number data_file%current_record = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write attributes to header file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then work_line = char_blank work_line(1:7) = '&GLOBAL' write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line work_line = char_blank work_line(1:5) = 'title' work_line(6:6) = attrib_separator work_line(7:10) = 'char' work_line(11:11) = attrib_separator write(work_line(12:),*) trim(data_file%title) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line work_line = char_blank work_line(1:7) = 'history' work_line(8:8) = attrib_separator work_line(9:12) = 'char' work_line(13:13) = attrib_separator write(work_line(14:),*) trim(data_file%history) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line work_line = char_blank work_line(1:11) = 'conventions' work_line(12:12) = attrib_separator work_line(11:14) = 'char' work_line(15:15) = attrib_separator write(work_line(16:),*) trim(data_file%conventions) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line !*** if additional attributes are defined in the !*** file definition, write these as well if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_cval)) then do n=1,size(data_file%add_attrib_cval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = 1 cindx2 = len_trim(data_file%add_attrib_cname(n)) work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = trim(data_file%add_attrib_cname(n)) cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 + 3 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = 'char' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 write(work_line(cindx1:),*) trim(data_file%add_attrib_cval(n)) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line end do endif ! cval if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_lval)) then do n=1,size(data_file%add_attrib_lval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = 1 cindx2 = len_trim(data_file%add_attrib_lname(n)) work_line(cindx1:cindx2)=trim(data_file%add_attrib_lname(n)) cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 + 2 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = 'log' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 write(work_line(cindx1:),*) data_file%add_attrib_lval(n) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line end do endif ! lval if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_ival)) then do n=1,size(data_file%add_attrib_ival) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = 1 cindx2 = len_trim(data_file%add_attrib_iname(n)) work_line(cindx1:cindx2)=trim(data_file%add_attrib_iname(n)) cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 + 2 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = 'int' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 write(work_line(cindx1:),*) data_file%add_attrib_ival(n) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line end do endif ! ival if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_rval)) then do n=1,size(data_file%add_attrib_rval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = 1 cindx2 = len_trim(data_file%add_attrib_rname(n)) work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = & trim(data_file%add_attrib_rname(n)) cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 + 1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = 'r4' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 write(work_line(cindx1:),*) data_file%add_attrib_rval(n) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line end do endif ! rval if (associated(data_file%add_attrib_dval)) then do n=1,size(data_file%add_attrib_dval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = 1 cindx2 = len_trim(data_file%add_attrib_dname(n)) work_line(cindx1:cindx2)=trim(data_file%add_attrib_dname(n)) cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 + 1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = 'r8' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 cindx2 = cindx1 work_line(cindx1:cindx2) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 write(work_line(cindx1:),*) data_file%add_attrib_dval(n) write(hdr_unit,hdr_fmt) work_line end do endif ! dval endif ! master task !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine open_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: close_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine close_binary(data_file) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine closes an open binary data file and the associated ! header file if it exists. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: data_file !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! close a data file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIO if(data_file%readonly) then #ifdef USEPIOREAD call PIO_CloseFile(data_file%file) #else if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) close(data_file%id(1)) #endif else call PIO_CloseFile(data_file%file) endif #else if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) close(data_file%id(1)) #endif if (my_task == master_task .and. data_file%id(2) > 0) & close(data_file%id(2)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine close_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: define_field_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine define_field_binary(data_file, io_field) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines an io field. When writing a file, this means ! computing the starting record number for the field and then writing ! the field information to the header file. When reading a file, ! the define routine will attempt to fill an io field with information ! from the header file; if a header file does not exist, it will leave ! the io field mostly undefined and will rely on an input record from ! the read routine to locate the field in the file (this latter is ! provided for compatibility with forcing and grid files). ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (80) :: & work_line, &! workspace for manipulating input string comp_line, &! comparison string att_name, &! attribute name string ctype ! attribute data type integer (i4) :: & n, &! loop index att_ival, &! temp value for integer attribute hdr_error, &! io error status for header file cindx1, &! character string index cindx2, &! character string index unit ! unit for header file logical (log_kind) :: & att_lval ! temp value for logical attribute real (r4) :: & att_rval ! temp value for real attribute real (r8) :: & att_dval ! temp value for double attribute !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for output files, set id to current record number and write ! field attributes to header file. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. data_file%readonly) then !*** define id as current record io_field%id = data_file%current_record !*** increment record counter for next field if (io_field%nfield_dims == 2) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + 1 else if (io_field%nfield_dims == 3) then if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then n = size(io_field%field_i_3d,dim=3) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then n = size(io_field%field_r_3d,dim=3) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then n = size(io_field%field_d_3d,dim=3) endif data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + n endif !*** !*** now write attributes to header file !*** unit = data_file%id(2) if (my_task == master_task) then !*** first write variable name header write(unit,'(a1,a)') '&',trim(io_field%short_name) !*** write standard attributes to header file if (io_field%long_name /= char_blank) & write(unit,'(a9,a1,a4,a1,a)') 'long_name', attrib_separator, & 'char', attrib_separator, & trim(io_field%long_name) if (io_field%units /= char_blank) & write(unit,'(a5,a1,a4,a1,a)') 'units', attrib_separator, & 'char' , attrib_separator, & trim(io_field%units) if (io_field%coordinates /= char_blank) & write(unit,'(a5,a1,a4,a1,a)') 'coordinates', attrib_separator, & 'char' , attrib_separator, & trim(io_field%coordinates) if (io_field%grid_loc /= ' ') & write(unit,'(a8,a1,a4,a1,a4)') 'grid_loc', attrib_separator, & 'char' , attrib_separator, & io_field%grid_loc if (any(io_field%valid_range(:) /= undefined)) then work_line = char_blank work_line( 1:11) = 'valid_range' work_line(12:12) = attrib_separator work_line(13:14) = 'r8' work_line(15:15) = attrib_separator write(work_line(16:),*) io_field%valid_range(:) write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) endif work_line = char_blank work_line(1:2) = 'id' work_line(3:3) = attrib_separator work_line(4:6) = 'int' work_line(7:7) = attrib_separator write(work_line(8:),*) io_field%id write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) !**** number of dimensions and dimension info work_line = char_blank work_line( 1:11) = 'nfield_dims' work_line(12:12) = attrib_separator work_line(13:15) = 'int' work_line(16:16) = attrib_separator write(work_line(17:),*) io_field%nfield_dims write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) !**** not sure what to do about dimension info ! write field_dim stuff !*** write additional attributes to header file if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_cval)) then do n=1,size(io_field%add_attrib_cval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_cname(n)) cindx2 = cindx1 + 7 work_line(1:cindx1) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_cname(n)) work_line(cindx1+1:cindx1+1) = attrib_separator work_line(cindx1+2:cindx2-2) = 'char' work_line(cindx2-1:cindx2-1) = attrib_separator cindx1 = cindx2 + len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_cval(n)) work_line(cindx2:cindx2) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_cval(n)) write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) end do endif if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_lval)) then do n=1,size(io_field%add_attrib_lval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_lname(n)) cindx2 = cindx1 + 6 work_line(1:cindx1) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_lname(n)) work_line(cindx1+1:cindx1+1) = attrib_separator work_line(cindx1+2:cindx2-2) = 'log' work_line(cindx2-1:cindx2-1) = attrib_separator write(work_line(cindx2:),*) io_field%add_attrib_lval(n) write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) end do endif if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_ival)) then do n=1,size(io_field%add_attrib_ival) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_iname(n)) cindx2 = cindx1 + 6 work_line(1:cindx1) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_iname(n)) work_line(cindx1+1:cindx1+1) = attrib_separator work_line(cindx1+2:cindx2-2) = 'int' work_line(cindx2-1:cindx2-1) = attrib_separator write(work_line(cindx2:),*) io_field%add_attrib_ival(n) write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) end do endif if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_rval)) then do n=1,size(io_field%add_attrib_rval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_rname(n)) cindx2 = cindx1 + 5 work_line(1:cindx1) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_rname(n)) work_line(cindx1+1:cindx1+1) = attrib_separator work_line(cindx1+2:cindx2-2) = 'r4' work_line(cindx2-1:cindx2-1) = attrib_separator write(work_line(cindx2:),*) io_field%add_attrib_rval(n) write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) end do endif if (associated(io_field%add_attrib_dval)) then do n=1,size(io_field%add_attrib_dval) work_line = char_blank cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%add_attrib_dname(n)) cindx2 = cindx1 + 5 work_line(1:cindx1) = trim(io_field%add_attrib_dname(n)) work_line(cindx1+1:cindx1+1) = attrib_separator work_line(cindx1+2:cindx2-2) = 'r8' work_line(cindx2-1:cindx2-1) = attrib_separator write(work_line(cindx2:),*) io_field%add_attrib_dval(n) write(unit,'(a)') work_line write(unit,'(a)') trim(work_line) end do endif !*** end variable attribute section with a delimiter write(unit,'(a1)') '/' endif ! master task !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! attempt to define an io field from an input header file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else ! this is an input file unit = data_file%id(2) if (unit <= 0) then ! no header file, assume fields are defined ! in the order they exist in input file ! set id as current record and increment io_field%id = data_file%current_record if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + 1 else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + & size(io_field%field_i_3d, dim=3) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + 1 else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + & size(io_field%field_r_3d, dim=3) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + 1 else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then data_file%current_record = data_file%current_record + & size(io_field%field_d_3d, dim=3) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'define: No known binary field descriptor associated') end if else ! header exists: read all attributes from header file if (my_task == master_task) then hdr_error = 0 rewind (unit) cindx1 = len_trim(io_field%short_name) + 1 comp_line(1:1) = '&' comp_line(2:cindx1) = trim(io_field%short_name) srch_loop: do while (hdr_error == 0) ! look for field in file read(unit,'(a80)',iostat=hdr_error) work_line work_line = adjustl(work_line) if (work_line(1:cindx1) == comp_line(1:cindx1)) & exit srch_loop end do srch_loop endif ! master_task call broadcast_scalar(hdr_error, master_task) if (hdr_error /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort,& 'could not find field in binary header file') !*** found io_field definition - now extract field attributes att_loop: do if (my_task == master_task) then read(unit,'(a80)',iostat=hdr_error) work_line work_line = adjustl(work_line) endif call broadcast_scalar(hdr_error, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(work_line, master_task) !*** exit if error reading or reached end of definition if (hdr_error /= 0 .or. work_line(1:1) == '/') & exit att_loop !*** extract attribute name cindx1 = index(work_line,attrib_separator) att_name = char_blank att_name(1:cindx1-1) = work_line(1:cindx1-1) !*** strip attribute name from input line comp_line = work_line do n=1,cindx1 comp_line(n:n) = ' ' end do work_line = adjustl(comp_line) !*** extract attribute data type cindx1 = index(work_line,attrib_separator) ctype = char_blank ctype(1:cindx1-1) = work_line(1:cindx1-1) !*** strip data type from input line comp_line = work_line do n=1,cindx1 comp_line(n:n) = ' ' end do work_line = adjustl(comp_line) !*** if this attribute matches a standard attribute !*** set attribute value. otherwise, define an !*** additional attribute select case (trim(att_name)) case('long_name','LONG_NAME') io_field%long_name = char_blank io_field%long_name = trim(work_line) case('units','UNITS') io_field%units = char_blank io_field%units = trim(work_line) case('coordinates','COORDINATES') io_field%coordinates = char_blank io_field%coordinates = trim(work_line) case('grid_loc','GRID_LOC') io_field%grid_loc = char_blank io_field%grid_loc = trim(work_line) case('valid_range','VALID_RANGE') read(work_line,*) io_field%valid_range(:) case('id','ID') read(work_line,*) io_field%id case('field_dim','FIELD_DIM') !**** do not know what to do about dimensions yet case('nfield_dims','NFIELD_DIMS') read(work_line,*) io_field%nfield_dims case default !*** add attribute to io field select case (ctype) case ('char','CHAR','character','CHARACTER') call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & trim(work_line)) case ('log','LOG','logical','LOGICAL') read(work_line,*) att_lval call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_lval) case ('int','INT','i4','I4','integer','INTEGER') read(work_line,*) att_ival call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_ival) case ('r4','R4','real','REAL','float','FLOAT') read(work_line,*) att_rval call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_rval) case ('r8','R8','dbl','DBL','double','DOUBLE') read(work_line,*) att_dval call add_attrib_io_field(io_field, trim(att_name), & att_dval) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'define_io_field: unknown data type') end select end select ! att_name end do att_loop if (hdr_error /= 0) call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'define_io_field: error reading attribute from header') endif ! unit > 0 (header exists) endif !readonly !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine define_field_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_field_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_field_binary(data_file, io_field) ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file to which data will be written type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field ! field to be written ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes a binary field to the data file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & record ! starting record for writing array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract the starting record from the io field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- record = io_field%id !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write the io field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIO if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_i_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_i_3d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_r_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_r_3d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_d_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_d_3d,record) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'write: No known binary field descriptor associated') end if #else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_i_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_i_3d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_r_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_r_3d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_d_2d,record) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call write_array(data_file,io_field%field_d_3d,record) else call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'write: No known binary field descriptor associated') end if #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_field_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_field_binary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_field_binary(data_file, io_field) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a field from a binary input file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent (inout) :: & data_file ! file from which to read data type (io_field_desc), intent (inout) :: & io_field ! data to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if the field location parameters undefined, assume center scalar ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (io_field%field_loc == field_loc_unknown) then io_field%field_loc = field_loc_center io_field%field_type = field_type_scalar endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read an io field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIOREAD if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_i_2d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_i_3d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_r_2d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_r_3d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call read_array(data_file, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_d_2d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call read_array(data_file, io_field%varDesc, io_field%ioDesc, io_field%field_d_3d, & io_field%id, io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else call exit_POP(sigAbort,'read_field: field not associated') end if #else if (associated(io_field%field_i_2d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_i_2d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_i_3d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_i_3d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_2d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_r_2d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_r_3d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_r_3d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_2d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_d_2d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else if (associated(io_field%field_d_3d)) then call read_array(data_file,io_field%field_d_3d,io_field%id, & io_field%field_loc, io_field%field_type) else call exit_POP(sigAbort,'read_field: field not associated') end if #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_field_binary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_int_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_int_2d(data_file, varDesc, ioDesc, INT2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_int_2d(data_file, INT2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 2-d horizontal slice of integers from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info about data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (i4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & INT2D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFI ! local global-sized buffer #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4) :: iostat integer(i4), dimension(:),allocatable :: lbuf_i4 !DBG write(*,*) 'read_int_2d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_i4(llen)) varDesc%rec = start_record call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_i4,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_i4,INT2d) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(INT2d,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) deallocate(lbuf_i4) #else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read in global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then allocate(IOBUFI(nx_global,ny_global)) read(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFI endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! send chunks to processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call scatter_global(INT2D, IOBUFI, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc, field_type) if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(IOBUFI) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_int_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_real4_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_real4_2d(data_file, varDesc, ioDesc, REAL2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_real4_2d(data_file, REAL2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 2-d horizontal slice of reals from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info about data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (Var_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & REAL2D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFR ! local global-sized buffer #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4) :: iostat real(r4), dimension(:),allocatable :: lbuf_r4 ! write(*,*) 'read_real4_2d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r4(llen)) varDesc%rec = start_record call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc, lbuf_r4,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_r4,REAL2d) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(REAL2d,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) deallocate(lbuf_r4) #else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read in global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then allocate(IOBUFR(nx_global,ny_global)) read(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFR endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! send chunks to processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call scatter_global(REAL2D, IOBUFR, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc, field_type) if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(IOBUFR) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_real4_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_real8_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_real8_2d(data_file, varDesc,ioDesc, DBL2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_real8_2d(data_file, DBL2D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 2-d horizontal slice of 64-bit reals from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info about data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & DBL2D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFD ! local global-sized buffer #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4) :: iostat real(r8), dimension(:),allocatable :: lbuf_r8 ! write(*,*) 'read_real8_2d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r8(llen)) varDesc%rec = start_record call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc, lbuf_r8,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_r8,DBL2d) deallocate(lbuf_r8) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(DBL2d,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) #else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read in global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then allocate(IOBUFD(nx_global,ny_global)) read(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFD endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! send chunks to processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call scatter_global(DBL2D, IOBUFD, master_task, distrb_clinic, & field_loc, field_type) if (my_task == master_task) deallocate(IOBUFD) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_real8_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_int_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_int_3d(data_file, varDesc, ioDesc, INT3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_int_3d(data_file, INT3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 3-d integer array from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on input data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (i4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & INT3D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) k,n,krecs,klvl,nz #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4), allocatable :: lbuf_i4(:) integer(i4) :: iostat #endif integer (i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFI ! global-sized array buffer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must read to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(INT3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIOREAD ! write(*,*) 'read_int_3d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_i4(llen)) do k=1,nz varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_i4,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_i4,INT3d(:,:,k,:)) enddo deallocate(lbuf_i4) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(INT3d,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFI(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! each i/o process reads a horizontal slab from a record and sends ! the data to processors who own it. read and distribute num_iotasks ! records at a time to keep the messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then read(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFI endif endif do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call scatter_global(INT3D(:,:,klvl,:), IOBUFI, n-1, & distrb_clinic, field_loc, field_type) endif end do end do if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFI) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_int_3d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_real4_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_real4_3d(data_file, varDesc, ioDesc, REAL3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_real4_3d(data_file, REAL3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 3-d real array from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on input data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & REAL3D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) k,n,krecs,klvl,nz #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4) :: iostat real(r4), allocatable :: lbuf_r4(:) #endif real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFR ! global-sized array buffer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must read to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(REAL3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIOREAD ! write(*,*) 'read_real4_3d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r4(llen)) do k=1,nz varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc, lbuf_r4,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_r4,REAL3D(:,:,k,:)) enddo deallocate(lbuf_r4) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(REAL3D,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFR(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! each i/o process reads a horizontal slab from a record and sends ! the data to processors who own it. read and distribute num_iotasks ! records at a time to keep the messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then read(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFR endif endif do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call scatter_global(REAL3D(:,:,klvl,:), IOBUFR, n-1, & distrb_clinic, field_loc, field_type) endif end do end do if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFR) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_real4_3d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_real8_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIOREAD subroutine read_real8_3d(data_file, varDesc, ioDesc, DBL3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #else subroutine read_real8_3d(data_file, DBL3D, start_record, & field_loc, field_type) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Reads a 3-d 64-bit real array from a binary file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on input data file #ifdef USEPIOREAD type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record, &! starting record of field in file field_loc, &! loc of field on horiz grid field_type ! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & DBL3D ! array to be read !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) k,n,krecs,klvl,nz #ifdef USEPIOREAD integer(i4) :: llen,iostat real (r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: lbuf_r8 real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: DBL2D #endif real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFD ! global-sized array buffer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must read to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(DBL3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIOREAD ! write(*,*) 'read_real8_3d' llen = PIO_numToRead(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r8(llen)) do k=1,nz varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) call PIO_read_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_r8,iostat) call Copyto2D(lbuf_r8,DBL3d(:,:,k,:)) enddo deallocate(lbuf_r8) !NEWPIO call update_ghost_cells(DBL3d,bndy_clinic,field_loc,field_type) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFD(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! each i/o process reads a horizontal slab from a record and sends ! the data to processors who own it. read and distribute num_iotasks ! records at a time to keep the messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then read(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFD endif endif do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call scatter_global(DBL3D(:,:,klvl,:), IOBUFD, n-1, & distrb_clinic, field_loc, field_type) endif end do end do if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFD) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_real8_3d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_int_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_int_2d(data_file,varDesc, ioDesc, INT2D,start_record) #else subroutine write_int_2d(data_file,INT2D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 2-d slab of integers to a binary file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! file information #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record ! starting record of array in file integer (i4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: & INT2D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFI ! local global-sized buffer #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: lbuf_i4 integer(i4) :: iostat llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_i4(llen)) call Copyto1D(INT2D,lbuf_i4) varDesc%rec = start_record call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_i4,iostat) deallocate(lbuf_i4) #else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! receive chunks from processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) allocate(IOBUFI(nx_global,ny_global)) call gather_global(IOBUFI, INT2D, master_task, distrb_clinic) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFI deallocate(IOBUFI) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_int_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_real4_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_real4_2d(data_file,varDesc,ioDesc, REAL2D,start_record) #else subroutine write_real4_2d(data_file,REAL2D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 2-d slab of reals to a binary file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! file information #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record ! starting record of array in file real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: & REAL2D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFR ! local global-sized buffer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! receive chunks from processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen real(r4), dimension(:), allocatable :: lbuf_r4 integer(i4) :: iostat llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r4(llen)) lbuf_r4 = c0 !DBG write(*,*) 'write_array(2D,R4): IAM: ',my_task,' rec: ',start_record call Copyto1D(REAL2D,lbuf_r4) varDesc%rec = start_record call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_r4,iostat) deallocate(lbuf_r4) #else if (my_task == master_task) allocate(IOBUFR(nx_global,ny_global)) call gather_global(IOBUFR, REAL2D, master_task, distrb_clinic) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFR deallocate(IOBUFR) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_real4_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_real8_2d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_real8_2d(data_file,varDesc, ioDesc, DBL2D,start_record) #else subroutine write_real8_2d(data_file,DBL2D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 2-d slab of doubles to a binary file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! file information #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record ! starting record of array in file real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: & DBL2D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFD ! local global-sized buffer #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen real(r8), dimension(:), allocatable :: lbuf_r8 integer(i4) :: iostat #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! receive chunks from processors who own them ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USEPIO llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r8(llen)) lbuf_r8 = c0 call Copyto1D_real8(DBL2D,lbuf_r8) varDesc%rec = start_record ! rsum = MAXVAL(lbuf_r8); ! write(*,*) 'before PIO_write_darray IAM: ',my_task,' rec: ',start_record,rsum call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_r8,iostat) deallocate(lbuf_r8) #else if (my_task == master_task) allocate(IOBUFD(nx_global,ny_global)) call gather_global(IOBUFD, DBL2D, master_task, distrb_clinic) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write global 2-d slice from one processor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(data_file%id(1),rec=start_record) IOBUFD deallocate(IOBUFD) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_real8_2d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_int_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_int_3d(data_file,varDesc,ioDesc,INT3D,start_record) #else subroutine write_int_3d(data_file,INT3D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 3-d integer array as a series of 2-d slabs to a binary ! output file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on output data file #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(inout) :: & start_record ! starting position of array in file integer (i4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: & INT3D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & k, n, & ! dummy counters krecs, & ! number of records each iotask must write klvl, & ! k index corresponding to current record nz ! size of 3rd dimension of 3-d array to be written integer (i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFI ! global-sized buffer array #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen integer(i4), allocatable :: lbuf_i4(:) integer(i4) :: iostat #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must write to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(INT3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIO llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_i4(llen)) do k=1,nz varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) call Copyto1D(INT3D(:,:,k,:),lbuf_i4) call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_i4,iostat) enddo deallocate(lbuf_i4) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFI(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather and write num_iotasks records at a time to keep the ! messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather a global slice on each iotask ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call gather_global(IOBUFI, INT3D(:,:,klvl,:), & n-1, distrb_clinic) endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! iotasks wait for the gather to be complete and write global ! slabs to the file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then write(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFI endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFI) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_int_3d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_real4_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_real4_3d(data_file,varDesc,ioDesc, REAL3D,start_record) #else subroutine write_real4_3d(data_file,REAL3D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 3-d real array as a series of 2-d slabs to a binary ! output file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on output data file #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record ! starting position of array in file real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: & REAL3D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & k, n, & ! dummy counters krecs, & ! number of records each iotask must write klvl, & ! k index corresponding to current record nz ! size of 3rd dimension of 3-d array to be written #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen,ierr real(r4), allocatable :: lbuf_r4(:) integer(i4) :: iostat #endif real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFR ! global-sized buffer array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must write to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(REAL3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIO llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r4(llen)) varDesc%rec = start_record do k=1,nz lbuf_r4 = c0 varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) !DBG write(*,*) 'write_array(3D,R4): IAM: ',my_task,' rec: ',varDesc%rec call Copyto1D(REAL3D(:,:,k,:),lbuf_r4) call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_r4,iostat) call POP_barrier enddo deallocate(lbuf_r4) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFR(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather and write num_iotasks records at a time to keep the ! messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather a global slice on each iotask ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call gather_global(IOBUFR, REAL3D(:,:,klvl,:), & n-1, distrb_clinic) endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! iotasks wait for the gather to be complete and write global ! slabs to the file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then write(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFR endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFR) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_real4_3d !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_real8_3d ! !INTERFACE: #ifdef USEPIO subroutine write_real8_3d(data_file,varDesc, ioDesc, DBL3D,start_record) #else subroutine write_real8_3d(data_file,DBL3D,start_record) #endif ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Writes a 3-d 64-bit real array as a series of 2-d slabs to a binary ! output file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & data_file ! info on output data file #ifdef USEPIO type (VAR_desc_t), intent(inout) :: varDesc type (IO_desc_t), intent(inout) :: ioDesc #endif integer (i4), intent(in) :: & start_record ! starting position of array in file real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: & DBL3D ! array to be written !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & k, n, & ! dummy counters krecs, & ! number of records each iotask must write klvl, & ! k index corresponding to current record nz ! size of 3rd dimension of 3-d array to be written #ifdef USEPIO integer(i4) :: llen real(r8), allocatable :: lbuf_r8(:) integer(i4) :: iostat #endif real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & IOBUFD ! global-sized buffer array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the number of records each i/o process must write to ! get all the records ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nz = size(DBL3D, DIM=3) #ifdef USEPIO !DBG write(*,*) 'write_array(3D,R8): IAM: rec: ',data_file%file%comp_rank,start_record llen = PIO_numToWrite(ioDesc) allocate(lbuf_r8(llen)) varDesc%rec = start_record do k=1,nz lbuf_r8 = c0 !DBG if(my_task == 0) then !DBG write(*,*) 'IAM: ',my_task,' write_array(3D,R8) [slice]: ',k !DBG endif varDesc%rec = start_record + (k-1) !JMD call Copyto1D(DBL3D(:,:,k,:),lbuf_r8) call Copyto1D(DBL3D,k,lbuf_r8) call PIO_write_darray(data_file%file,varDesc,ioDesc,lbuf_r8,iostat) enddo deallocate(lbuf_r8) #else if (mod(nz,data_file%num_iotasks) == 0) then krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks else krecs = nz/data_file%num_iotasks + 1 endif if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) & allocate(IOBUFD(nx_global,ny_global)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather and write num_iotasks records at a time to keep the ! messages from getting mixed up. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,krecs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! gather a global slice on each iotask ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,data_file%num_iotasks klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + n if (klvl <= nz) then call gather_global(IOBUFD, DBL3D(:,:,klvl,:), & n-1, distrb_clinic) endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! iotasks wait for the gather to be complete and write global ! slabs to the file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) then klvl = (k-1)*data_file%num_iotasks + my_task + 1 if (klvl <= nz) then write(data_file%id(1), rec=start_record+klvl-1) IOBUFD endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task < data_file%num_iotasks) deallocate(IOBUFD) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_real8_3d !*********************************************************************** end module io_binary !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||