!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module initial !BOP ! !MODULE: initial ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines for initializing a POP simulation, ! mostly by calling individual initialization routines for each ! POP module. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: initial.F90 39674 2012-08-24 18:14:03Z mlevy@ucar.edu $ ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use POP_SolversMod use POP_ReductionsMod use kinds_mod, only: i4, i8, r8, int_kind, log_kind, char_len use blocks, only: block, nx_block, ny_block, get_block use domain_size use domain, only: nblocks_clinic, blocks_clinic, init_domain_blocks, & init_domain_distribution, distrb_clinic use constants, only: radian, delim_fmt, blank_fmt, field_loc_center, blank_fmt, & c0, ppt_to_salt, mpercm, c1, field_type_scalar, init_constants, & stefan_boltzmann, latent_heat_vapor_mks, vonkar, emissivity, & latent_heat_fusion, t0_kelvin, pi, ocn_ref_salinity, & sea_ice_salinity, radius, cp_sw, grav, omega,cp_air, & rho_fw, sound, rho_air, rho_sw, ndelim_fmt use communicate, only: my_task, master_task, init_communicate use budget_diagnostics, only: init_budget_diagnostics use broadcast, only: broadcast_array, broadcast_scalar use prognostic, only: init_prognostic, max_blocks_clinic, nx_global, & ny_global, km, nt, TRACER, curtime, RHO, newtime, oldtime use grid, only: init_grid1, init_grid2, kmt, kmt_g, n_topo_smooth, zt, & fill_points, sfc_layer_varthick, sfc_layer_type, TLON, TLAT, partial_bottom_cells use io use io_tools use baroclinic, only: init_baroclinic use barotropic, only: init_barotropic use pressure_grad, only: init_pressure_grad use surface_hgt, only: init_surface_hgt use vertical_mix, only: init_vertical_mix, vmix_itype, vmix_type_kpp use vmix_kpp, only: bckgrnd_vdc2, linertial use horizontal_mix, only: init_horizontal_mix use advection, only: init_advection use diagnostics, only: init_diagnostics use state_mod, only: init_state, state, state_itype, state_type_mwjf, state_range_iopt, & state_range_enforce use time_management, only: first_step, init_time1, init_time2, & dttxcel, dtuxcel, check_time_flag_int, & get_time_flag_id, freq_opt_nhour use topostress, only: init_topostress use ice use output, only: init_output use tavg, only: ltavg_restart, tavg_id, set_in_tavg_contents,n_tavg_streams, tavg_streams !use hydro_sections !use current_meters !use drifters use forcing, only: init_forcing use forcing_sfwf, only: sfwf_formulation, lms_balance, sfwf_data_type, lfw_as_salt_flx use forcing_shf, only: luse_cpl_ifrac, OCN_WGT, shf_formulation, shf_data_type use forcing_ws, only: ws_data_type use sw_absorption, only: init_sw_absorption use passive_tracers, only: init_passive_tracers, ecosys_on use ecosys_mod, only: ecosys_qsw_distrb_const use exit_mod, only: sigAbort, exit_pop, flushm use restart, only: read_restart, restart_fmt, read_restart_filename use ms_balance, only: init_ms_balance use forcing_coupled, only: pop_init_coupled, pop_init_partially_coupled, & qsw_distrb_iopt, qsw_distrb_iopt_const, ncouple_per_day, coupled_freq_iopt use global_reductions, only: init_global_reductions, global_sum use timers, only: init_timers use registry use qflux_mod, only: init_qflux use niw_mixing use tidal_mixing use step_mod, only: init_step use gather_scatter #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED use shr_ncread_mod use shr_map_mod #endif use overflows implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: pop_init_phase1, pop_init_phase2 !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & init_ts_file_fmt, &! format (bin or nc) for input file exit_string ! exit_POP message string logical (log_kind), public :: &! context variables lcoupled, &! T ==> pop is coupled to another system lccsm, &! T ==> pop is being run in the ccsm context b4b_flag, &! T ==> pop is being run in the "bit-for-bit" mode lccsm_control_compatible ! T ==> pop is being run with code that is b4b with the ccsm4 control run ! this is a temporary flag that will be removed in ccsm4_0_1 !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: pop_init_phase1 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine pop_init_phase1(errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine is the first of a two-phase initialization process for ! a POP run. It calls various module initialization routines and sets up ! the initial temperature and salinity ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k, &! dummy vertical level index ier ! error flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize message-passing or other communication protocol ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success call init_communicate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize registry, which keeps track of which initialization ! routines have been called. This feature is used for error checking ! in routines whose calling order is important ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_registry !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize constants and i/o stuff ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_io #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! temporary synching of old and new pop2 infrastructure for CCSM ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_stdout = stdout POP_stderr = stderr POP_stdin = stdin #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize context in which pop is being run ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_context !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write version information to output log after output redirection ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a)') ' Parallel Ocean Program (POP) ' write(stdout,'(a)') ' Based on Version 2.1alpha Jan 2005' write(stdout,'(a)') ' Modified for CESM 2005-2010' write(stdout,blank_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call init_constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize timers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_timers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize additional communication routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_global_reductions call POP_initReductions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize overflows, part I ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_overflows1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize domain and grid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_domain_blocks call init_grid1 call init_domain_distribution(KMT_G) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize overflows, part II. placed here so KMT_G scatter to ! KMT can be done (and NOT in init_grid2) for possible KMT mods; then ! finish with domain and grid initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_overflows2 call init_grid2(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_phase1: error initializing grid 2') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute time step and initialize time-related quantities ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_time1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize equation of state ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_state !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate topographic stress (maximum entropy) velocities ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_topostress(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_phase1: error in init_topostress') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize niw driven mixing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_niw_mixing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize tidally driven mixing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_tidal_mixing if ( overflows_interactive .and. .not.ltidal_mixing ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: overflow code is validated only with tidal mixing' call document ('pop_init_phase1', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize barotropic elliptic solver ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_SolversInit(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_Init: error initializing solvers') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! modify 9pt coefficients for barotropic solver for overflow use ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_overflows3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize pressure gradient (pressure averaging) ! initialize baroclinic (reset to freezing) ! initialize barotropic (barotropic-related diagnostics) ! initialize surface_hgt (ssh-related diagnostics) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_pressure_grad call init_baroclinic call init_barotropic call init_surface_hgt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize prognostic fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_prognostic !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize ice module ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set initial temperature and salinity profiles (includes read of ! restart file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_ts(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_phase1: error in init_ts') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! finish computing time-related quantities after restart info ! available ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_time2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize fields for surface forcing ! o init_ws ! o init_shf ! o init_sfwf ! o init_pt_interior ! o init_s_interior ! o init_ap ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_forcing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize generic aspects of coupled forcing (no coupling-specific ! references) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pop_init_coupled !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine pop_init_phase1 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: pop_init_phase2 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine pop_init_phase2(errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine completes the two-phase initialization process for ! a POP run. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k, &! dummy vertical level index ier ! error flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize passive tracer modules -- after call init_forcing_coupled ! do this independently of nt so that ! 1) consistency of nt and selected passive tracer modules ! can always be checked ! 2) passive_tavg_nonstd_vars gets allocated ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success call init_passive_tracers(init_ts_file_fmt, read_restart_filename, & errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_phase2: error in init_passive_tracers') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize vertical mixing variables ! initialize horizontal mixing variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_vertical_mix call init_horizontal_mix(errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_phase1: error in init_horizontal_mix') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize overflow regional values ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_overflows5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize advection variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_advection !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize shortwave absorption ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_sw_absorption !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! partial coupling forcing initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call pop_init_partially_coupled !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize time-averaged qflux information ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_qflux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize ms_balance ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lcoupled .and. lms_balance) call init_ms_balance !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize diagnostics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize overflows output diagnostics filename ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_overflows4 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize output; subroutine init_output calls ! o init_restart ! o init_history ! o init_movie ! o init_tavg ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize drifters, hydrographic sections and current meters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !call init_drifters !call init_hydro_sections !call init_current_meters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize global budget diagnostics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_budget_diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize step timers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_step !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check registry -- have any errors occured? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call trap_registry_failure !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check consistency of model options ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_check !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write model information into log file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call document_constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine pop_init_phase2 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_context ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_context ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine initializes the context in which POP is being run, ! including information about coupling and CCSM ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag number_of_fatal_errors namelist /context_nml/ lcoupled, lccsm, b4b_flag, lccsm_control_compatible !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read context_nml namelist to determine the context in which pop ! being run. check for errors and broadcast info to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lcoupled = .false. lccsm = .false. b4b_flag = .false. lccsm_control_compatible = .true. if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=context_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading context_nml' call document ('init_context', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif call broadcast_scalar(lcoupled, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(lccsm, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(b4b_flag, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(lccsm_control_compatible, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! register information with the registry function, allowing other ! modules to access this information (avoids circular dependencies) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lcoupled) call register_string('lcoupled') if (lccsm) call register_string('lccsm') if (b4b_flag) call register_string('b4b_flag') if (lccsm_control_compatible) call register_string('lccsm_control_compatible') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! document the namelist information ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Context:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' context_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout, context_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! error checking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- number_of_fatal_errors = 0 if (.not. (lcoupled .eqv. lccsm)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: presently, lcoupled and lccsm must have the same value' call document ('init_context', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED if (.not. lcoupled) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: inconsistent options.' & // ' Cpp option coupled is defined, but lcoupled = .false.' call document ('init_context', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif #else if (lcoupled) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: inconsistent options.' & // ' Cpp option coupled is not defined, but lcoupled = .true.' call document ('init_context', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif #endif if (number_of_fatal_errors > 0) & call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR: subroutine init_context -- see preceeding message') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_context !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_ts ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_ts(errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes temperature and salinity and ! initializes prognostic variables from restart if required ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! namelist input ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag character (char_len) :: & init_ts_option, &! option for initializing t,s init_ts_suboption, &! suboption for initializing t,s (rest or spunup) init_ts_file, &! filename for input T,S file init_ts_outfile, &! filename for output T,S file init_ts_outfile_fmt ! format for output T,S file (bin or nc) namelist /init_ts_nml/ init_ts_option, init_ts_file, init_ts_file_fmt, & init_ts_suboption, init_ts_outfile, & init_ts_outfile_fmt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k,icnt, &! vertical level index n, &! tracer index kk, &! indices for interpolating levitus data nu, &! i/o unit for mean profile file iblock ! local block address integer (int_kind) :: & m, &! overflows dummy loop index ib,ie,jb,je ! local domain index boundaries integer (i4) :: & PHCnx,PHCny,PHCnz integer (i4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & PHC_msk,MASK_G logical (log_kind) :: & lccsm_branch ,&! flag for ccsm 'ccsm_branch' restart lccsm_hybrid ! flag for ccsm 'ccsm_hybrid' restart type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block real (r8) :: & sinterp, &! factor for interpolating levitus data dpth_meters ! depth of level in meters real (r8), dimension(km) :: & tinit, sinit ! mean initial state as function of depth type (datafile) :: & in_file ! data file type for init ts file type (io_field_desc) :: & io_temp, io_salt ! io field descriptors for input T,S type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, k_dim ! dimension descriptors real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & TEMP_DATA ! temp array for reading T,S data real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & PHC_ktop,PHC_kbot ! temp array for ncreading 3D PHC T,S data real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & dataSrc,dataDst, &! temp arrays for remapping PHC T,S data PHC_x, &! lon array for PHC data PHC_y, &! lat array for PHC data PHC_kmod_T, &! PHC data on model zgrid PHC_kmod_S, &! PHC data on model zgrid MOD_T,MOD_S, &! 2D model init T,S data on model zgrid tmpkt,tmpkb, &! 2D model init T,S data on model zgrid TLON_G, &! global tlon array TLAT_G ! global tlat array real (r8), dimension(:), allocatable :: & tmp1,tmp2,PHC_z ! temp arrays #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED type(shr_map_mapType) :: PHC_map ! used to map PHC data #endif !*** !*** 1992 Levitus mean climatology for internal generation of t,s !*** real (r8), dimension(33) :: & depth_levitus = (/ & 0.0_r8, 10.0_r8, 20.0_r8, & 30.0_r8, 50.0_r8, 75.0_r8, & 100.0_r8, 125.0_r8, 150.0_r8, & 200.0_r8, 250.0_r8, 300.0_r8, & 400.0_r8, 500.0_r8, 600.0_r8, & 700.0_r8, 800.0_r8, 900.0_r8, & 1000.0_r8, 1100.0_r8, 1200.0_r8, & 1300.0_r8, 1400.0_r8, 1500.0_r8, & 1750.0_r8, 2000.0_r8, 2500.0_r8, & 3000.0_r8, 3500.0_r8, 4000.0_r8, & 4500.0_r8, 5000.0_r8, 5500.0_r8 /) real (r8), dimension(33) :: & tmean_levitus = (/ & 18.27_r8, 18.22_r8, 18.09_r8, & 17.87_r8, 17.17_r8, 16.11_r8, & 15.07_r8, 14.12_r8, 13.29_r8, & 11.87_r8, 10.78_r8, 9.94_r8, & 8.53_r8, 7.35_r8, 6.38_r8, & 5.65_r8, 5.06_r8, 4.57_r8, & 4.13_r8, 3.80_r8, 3.51_r8, & 3.26_r8, 3.05_r8, 2.86_r8, & 2.47_r8, 2.19_r8, 1.78_r8, & 1.49_r8, 1.26_r8, 1.05_r8, & 0.91_r8, 0.87_r8, 1.00_r8 /) real (r8), dimension(33) :: & smean_levitus = (/ & 34.57_r8, 34.67_r8, 34.73_r8, & 34.79_r8, 34.89_r8, 34.97_r8, & 35.01_r8, 35.03_r8, 35.03_r8, & 34.98_r8, 34.92_r8, 34.86_r8, & 34.76_r8, 34.68_r8, 34.63_r8, & 34.60_r8, 34.59_r8, 34.60_r8, & 34.61_r8, 34.63_r8, 34.65_r8, & 34.66_r8, 34.68_r8, 34.70_r8, & 34.72_r8, 34.74_r8, 34.75_r8, & 34.74_r8, 34.74_r8, 34.73_r8, & 34.73_r8, 34.72_r8, 34.72_r8 /) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read input namelist and broadcast ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success init_ts_suboption = 'rest' init_ts_outfile = 'unknown_init_ts_outfile' init_ts_outfile_fmt = 'bin' if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=init_ts_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading init_ts_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Initial T,S:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' init_ts_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout, init_ts_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) if (trim(init_ts_option) == 'ccsm_startup' .and. & trim(init_ts_suboption) == 'spunup') then init_ts_option = 'ccsm_startup_spunup' luse_pointer_files = .false. endif select case (init_ts_option) case ('ccsm_continue', 'restart', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid') if (luse_pointer_files) then write(stdout,*) ' In this case, the init_ts_file' /& &/ ' name will be read from the pointer file.' write(stdout,*) ' ' endif end select call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_option , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_suboption , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(luse_pointer_files, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_file , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_file_fmt , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_outfile , master_task) call broadcast_scalar(init_ts_outfile_fmt , master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize t,s or call restart based on init_ts_option ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (init_ts_option) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set initial state from restart file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case ('ccsm_continue', 'restart') first_step = .false. lccsm_branch = .false. lccsm_hybrid = .false. if (my_task == master_task .and. .not. luse_pointer_files) then write(stdout,'(a35,a)') 'Initial T,S read from restart file:',& trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call read_restart(init_ts_file,lccsm_branch,lccsm_hybrid, & init_ts_file_fmt, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in read_restart') return endif ltavg_restart = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set initial state from restart file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case ('ccsm_branch') first_step = .false. lccsm_branch = .true. lccsm_hybrid = .false. if (my_task == master_task .and. .not. luse_pointer_files) then write(stdout,'(a40,a)') & 'Initial T,S is a ccsm branch starting from the restart file:', & trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call read_restart(init_ts_file,lccsm_branch,lccsm_hybrid, & init_ts_file_fmt, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in read_restart') return endif ltavg_restart = .false. case ('ccsm_hybrid', 'branch') ! ccsm hybrid start or LANL branch start first_step = .false. lccsm_branch = .false. lccsm_hybrid = .true. if (my_task == master_task .and. .not. luse_pointer_files) then write(stdout,'(a80,a)') & 'Initial T,S ccsm_hybrid start from restart file:', & trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call read_restart(init_ts_file,lccsm_branch,lccsm_hybrid, & init_ts_file_fmt, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in read_restart') return endif ltavg_restart = .false. case ('ccsm_startup_spunup') if(my_task == master_task ) then write(stdout,*) ' ccsm_startup_spunup option' write(stdout,*) ' init_ts_option = ', init_ts_option endif first_step = .false. lccsm_branch = .false. lccsm_hybrid = .true. if (my_task == master_task .and. .not. luse_pointer_files) then write(stdout,'(a80,a)') & 'Initial T,S ccsm_startup run from spun-up restart file:', & trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call read_restart(init_ts_file,lccsm_branch,lccsm_hybrid, & init_ts_file_fmt, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in read_restart') return endif ltavg_restart = .false. !*** turn pointer file-creation back on luse_pointer_files = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read full 3-d t,s from input file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case ('ccsm_startup', 'file') first_step = .true. if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a31,a)') 'Initial 3-d T,S read from file:', & trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif allocate(TEMP_DATA(nx_block,ny_block,km,max_blocks_clinic)) in_file = construct_file(init_ts_file_fmt, & full_name=trim(init_ts_file), & record_length = rec_type_dbl, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) call data_set(in_file,'open_read') i_dim = construct_io_dim('i',nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j',ny_global) k_dim = construct_io_dim('k',km) io_temp = construct_io_field('TEMPERATURE', & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array=TEMP_DATA) io_salt = construct_io_field('SALINITY', & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array=TEMP_DATA) call data_set(in_file,'define',io_temp) call data_set(in_file,'define',io_salt) call data_set(in_file,'read' ,io_temp) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic TRACER(:,:,:,1,curtime,iblock) = TEMP_DATA(:,:,:,iblock) end do call data_set(in_file,'read' ,io_salt) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,iblock) = TEMP_DATA(:,:,:,iblock) end do call destroy_io_field(io_temp) call destroy_io_field(io_salt) deallocate(TEMP_DATA) call data_set(in_file,'close') call destroy_file(in_file) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a12,a)') ' file read: ', trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !#################### temporary kludge for overflows #################### !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fill any overflow-deepened points with T,S values from above !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (overflows_on) then ! fill any overflow-deepened points with T,S values from above ! fill entire TRACER array for ghost (or halo) points do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block do n=1,num_ovf do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt if( ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i.eq.this_block%i_glob(i).and.& ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j.eq.this_block%j_glob(j) ) then if(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew .gt. ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg) then do k=ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg+1,ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew ! use T,S from level above with slight increase in S TRACER(i,j,k,1,curtime,iblock) = & TRACER(i,j,k-1,1,curtime,iblock) TRACER(i,j,k,2,curtime,iblock) = & TRACER(i,j,k-1,2,curtime,iblock) * 1.001 write(stdout,100) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i, & ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j,ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg, & k,ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew 100 format(' init_ts: T,S extended from ijKMT = ', & 3(i4,1x),' to k=',i3,' until KMT_new=',i3) enddo endif endif end do end do enddo enddo enddo endif call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) !################ end temporary kludge for overflows #################### !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, k, n) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic do n=1,nt do k=1,km where (k > KMT(:,:,iblock)) & TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) = c0 end do end do !*** convert salinity to model units TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,iblock) = & TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,iblock)*ppt_to_salt end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if (n_topo_smooth > 0) then do k=1,km call fill_points(k,TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,:),errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in fill_points for temp') return endif call fill_points(k,TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,:),errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_ts: error in fill_points for salt') return endif enddo endif do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up t,s from input mean state as function of depth ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case ('mean') first_step = .true. !*** !*** open input file and read t,s profile !*** call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a40,a)') & 'Initial mean T,S profile read from file:', & trim(init_ts_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) open(nu, file=init_ts_file, status='old') do k = 1,km read(nu,*) tinit(k),sinit(k) enddo close (nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_array(tinit, master_task) call broadcast_array(sinit, master_task) !*** !*** fill tracer array with appropriate values !*** !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, k) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic do k=1,km where (k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) = tinit(k) TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock) = sinit(k)*ppt_to_salt endwhere enddo TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock)=TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock)=TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up initial profile from 1992 Levitus mean ocean data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case ('internal') first_step = .true. if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a63)') & 'Initial T,S profile computed internally from 1992 Levitus data' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, k, kk, & !$OMP dpth_meters, sinterp, tinit, sinit) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic do k=1,km dpth_meters = zt(k)*mpercm intrp_loop: do kk=1,32 if (dpth_meters >= depth_levitus(kk) .and. & dpth_meters < depth_levitus(kk+1)) exit intrp_loop end do intrp_loop sinterp = (dpth_meters - depth_levitus(kk))/ & (depth_levitus(kk+1) - depth_levitus(kk)) tinit(k) = (c1 - sinterp)*tmean_levitus(kk) + & sinterp *tmean_levitus(kk+1) sinit(k) = (c1 - sinterp)*smean_levitus(kk) + & sinterp *smean_levitus(kk+1) where (k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) = tinit(k) TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock) = sinit(k)*ppt_to_salt endwhere enddo TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock)=TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock)=TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! remap PHC Levitus data to POP grid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED case ('PHC') first_step = .true. if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a63)') & 'Initial T,S profile generated by 3D remapping of filled Levitus-PHC data' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) write(stdout,*) ' init_ts_option = PHC' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif allocate (TLON_G(nx_global,ny_global),TLAT_G(nx_global,ny_global)) call gather_global(TLON_G, TLON, master_task,distrb_clinic) call gather_global(TLAT_G, TLAT, master_task,distrb_clinic) if (my_task == master_task) then call shr_ncread_varDimSizes(trim(init_ts_file),'TEMP',PHCnx,PHCny,PHCnz) allocate(MOD_T(nx_global,ny_global),MOD_S(nx_global,ny_global)) allocate(PHC_kmod_T(PHCnx,PHCny),PHC_kmod_S(PHCnx,PHCny)) allocate(PHC_ktop(PHCnx,PHCny,1,1),PHC_kbot(PHCnx,PHCny,1,1)) allocate(tmpkt(PHCnx,PHCny),tmpkb(PHCnx,PHCny)) allocate(PHC_x(PHCnx,PHCny),PHC_y(PHCnx,PHCny),PHC_msk(PHCnx,PHCny)) allocate(tmp1(PHCnx),tmp2(PHCny),PHC_z(PHCnz)) allocate (MASK_G(nx_global,ny_global)) allocate(dataSrc(2,PHCnx*PHCny)) allocate(dataDst(2,nx_global*ny_global)) PHC_msk(:,:) = 1 MASK_G(:,:) = 1 call shr_ncread_tField(trim(init_ts_file),1,'lon',tmp1) call shr_ncread_tField(trim(init_ts_file),1,'lat',tmp2) call shr_ncread_tField(trim(init_ts_file),1,'depth',PHC_z) do j=1,PHCny PHC_x(:,j) = tmp1/radian enddo do i=1,PHCnx PHC_y(i,:) = tmp2/radian enddo call shr_map_mapSet(PHC_map, PHC_x, PHC_y, PHC_msk, & & TLON_G, TLAT_G, MASK_G, & & name='phc_map',type='remap',algo='bilinear', & & mask='dstmask',vect='scalar') !------------------------------------------------- ! copy input data to arrays ordered for mapping !------------------------------------------------- endif do k=1,km if (my_task == master_task) then dpth_meters = zt(k)*mpercm PHC_z_loop: do kk=1,PHCnz-1 if (dpth_meters >= PHC_z(kk) .and. & dpth_meters < PHC_z(kk+1)) exit PHC_z_loop end do PHC_z_loop sinterp = (dpth_meters - depth_levitus(kk))/ & (depth_levitus(kk+1) - depth_levitus(kk)) !------------------------------------------------- ! do vertical remap of T !------------------------------------------------- call shr_ncread_field4dG(trim(init_ts_file),'TEMP', & rfld=PHC_ktop, dim3='depth',dim3i=kk) call shr_ncread_field4dG(trim(init_ts_file),'TEMP', & rfld=PHC_kbot, dim3='depth',dim3i=kk+1) tmpkt = reshape(PHC_ktop,(/PHCnx,PHCny/)) tmpkb = reshape(PHC_kbot,(/PHCnx,PHCny/)) PHC_kmod_T(:,:) = (c1 - sinterp)*tmpkt(:,:) + & sinterp *tmpkb(:,:) !------------------------------------------------- ! do vertical remap of S !------------------------------------------------- call shr_ncread_field4dG(trim(init_ts_file),'SALT', & rfld=PHC_ktop, dim3='depth',dim3i=kk) call shr_ncread_field4dG(trim(init_ts_file),'SALT', & rfld=PHC_kbot, dim3='depth',dim3i=kk+1) tmpkt = reshape(PHC_ktop,(/PHCnx,PHCny/)) tmpkb = reshape(PHC_kbot,(/PHCnx,PHCny/)) PHC_kmod_S(:,:) = (c1 - sinterp)*tmpkt(:,:) + & sinterp *tmpkb(:,:) !------------------------------------------------- ! do horizontal remap of T & S !------------------------------------------------- icnt = 0 do j=1,PHCny do i=1,PHCnx icnt = icnt + 1 dataSrc(1,icnt) = PHC_kmod_T(i,j) dataSrc(2,icnt) = PHC_kmod_S(i,j) enddo enddo call shr_map_mapData(dataSrc, dataDst, PHC_map) icnt = 0 do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global icnt = icnt + 1 MOD_T(i,j) = dataDst(1,icnt) MOD_S(i,j) = dataDst(2,icnt) enddo enddo endif call scatter_global(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,:), MOD_T, & master_task, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) call scatter_global(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,:), MOD_S, & master_task, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center, field_type_scalar) enddo deallocate(TLON_G,TLAT_G) if (my_task == master_task) then deallocate(MOD_T, MOD_S) deallocate(PHC_kmod_T,PHC_kmod_S) deallocate(PHC_ktop,PHC_kbot) deallocate(tmpkt,tmpkb,PHC_z) deallocate(PHC_x, PHC_y, PHC_msk, tmp1, tmp2) deallocate(MASK_G, dataSrc, dataDst) endif !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, k, n) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic do n=1,nt do k=1,km where (k > KMT(:,:,iblock)) & TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) = c0 end do end do !*** convert salinity to model units TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,iblock) = & TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,iblock)*ppt_to_salt end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock) end do if (trim(init_ts_outfile) /= 'unknown_init_ts_outfile') then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) 'remapped initial T & S written to',trim(init_ts_outfile) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call write_init_ts(trim(init_ts_outfile),trim(init_ts_outfile_fmt)) endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! bad initialization option ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case default call exit_POP(sigAbort,'Unknown t,s initialization option') end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for appropriate initialization when overflows on and interactive ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (init_ts_option) case ('mean', 'internal', 'PHC') if( overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive ) then write(stdout,*) & 'init_ts: ERROR initializing for interactive overflows' write(stdout,*) & 'initialization must be either ccsm_startup or file' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR wrong initialization with overflows') endif end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate RHO from TRACER at time levels curtime and oldtime ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, k, this_block) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do k=1,km call state(k,k,TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & this_block, & RHOOUT=RHO(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)) call state(k,k,TRACER(:,:,k,1,oldtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,k,2,oldtime,iblock), & this_block, & RHOOUT=RHO(:,:,k,oldtime,iblock)) enddo enddo ! block loop !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! register init_ts ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call register_string('init_ts') call flushm (stdout) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_ts !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: document_constants ! !INTERFACE: subroutine document_constants ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes the values of POP model constants to the output log file ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Constants used in this run:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,1020) 'grav', grav, 'cm/s^2' write(stdout,1020) 'omega', omega, 'rad/s' write(stdout,1020) 'radius', radius, 'cm' write(stdout,1020) 'cp_sw', cp_sw, 'erg/g/K' write(stdout,1020) 'cp_air', cp_air, 'J/kg/K' write(stdout,1020) 'rho_air', rho_air, 'kg/m^3' write(stdout,1020) 'rho_sw', rho_sw, 'g/cm^3' write(stdout,1020) 'rho_fw', rho_fw, 'g/cm^3' write(stdout,1020) 'sound', sound, 'cm/s' write(stdout,1020) 'vonkar', vonkar, ' ' write(stdout,1020) 'emissivity',emissivity, ' ' write(stdout,1020) 'stefan_boltzmann', stefan_boltzmann, & 'W/m^2/K^4' write(stdout,1020) 'latent_heat_vapor_mks',latent_heat_vapor_mks, & 'J/kg' write(stdout,1020) 'latent_heat_fusion',latent_heat_fusion, & 'erg/g' write(stdout,1020) 'ocn_ref_salinity', ocn_ref_salinity, 'psu' write(stdout,1020) 'sea_ice_salinity', sea_ice_salinity, 'psu' write(stdout,1020) 'T0_Kelvin', T0_Kelvin, 'K' write(stdout,1020) 'pi', pi, ' ' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif 1020 format (5x, a20, ' = ', 1pe25.15, 2x, a) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine document_constants !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_check ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_check ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine tests for consistency between model options, usually involving ! two or more modules, then writes warning and error messages to the output log file. ! If one or more error conditions are detected, the pop model will be shut down ! after all warning and error messages are printed. ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & string ! temporary string integer (int_kind) :: & number_of_fatal_errors, &! counter for fatal error conditions number_of_warnings, &! counter for warning messages n, &! loop index ns, &! streams loop index temp_tavg_id, &! temporary tavg_id holder coupled_flag ! flag for coupled_ts logical (log_kind) :: & test_condition, &! logical test condition lref_val, &! are any tracers specifying a non-zero ref_val ISOP_test, &! temporary logical associated with ISOP ISOP_on ! are any ISOP tavg fields selected? character (char_len), dimension(7) :: &! var names for diag_gm_bolus test strings = (/'UISOP ' , 'VISOP ' , & 'WISOP ' , & 'ADVT_ISOP' , 'ADVS_ISOP' , & 'VNT_ISOP ' , 'VNS_ISOP ' /) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*)' POP_check: Check for Option Inconsistencies' write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !====================! ! warning conditions ! !====================! number_of_warnings = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 'varthick' and dtuxcel /= dttxcel(1) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. & dtuxcel /= dttxcel(1) ) then exit_string = 'WARNING: Surface tracer and momentum timesteps are unequal; ' /& &/'may cause instability when using variable-thickness surface layer.' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_warnings = number_of_warnings + 1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! bulk-NCEP and marginal-seas balancing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then if (sfwf_formulation == 'bulk-NCEP' .and. lms_balance) then exit_string = 'WARNING: runoff and marginal seas balancing cannot ' /& &/ 'be used with the bulk-NCEP option' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_warnings = number_of_warnings + 1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! are time-averaging and coupling frequencies compatible? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- coupled_flag = get_time_flag_id('coupled_ts') if (my_task == master_task) then do ns=1,n_tavg_streams if (check_time_flag_int(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, freq_opt=.true.) > 0 .and. & check_time_flag_int(coupled_flag,freq_opt=.true.) > 0) then if (check_time_flag_int(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, freq_opt=.true.) /= & check_time_flag_int(coupled_flag,freq_opt=.true.)) then exit_string = 'WARNING: time-averaging and coupling frequency ' /& &/ 'may be incompatible; tavg must be integer multiple of coupling freq' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_warnings = number_of_warnings + 1 else if ( mod(check_time_flag_int(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, freq=.true.), & check_time_flag_int(coupled_flag,freq=.true.)) .ne. 0) then exit_string = 'WARNING: time-averaging frequency is incompatible with ' /& &/ ' the coupling frequency' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_warnings = number_of_warnings + 1 endif endif endif enddo ! ns endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Wrap up warning section with message ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call broadcast_scalar(number_of_warnings, master_task) if (number_of_warnings == 0 ) then if (my_task == master_task) then exit_string = 'No warning messages generated' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) endif endif !========================! ! fatal error conditions ! !========================! number_of_fatal_errors = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! tidal mixing without KPP mixing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (check_all(ltidal_mixing .and. vmix_itype /= vmix_type_kpp)) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: Tidally driven mixing is only allowed when KPP mixing is enabled' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! tidal mixing without bckgrnd_vdc2 = 0.0 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (check_all(ltidal_mixing .and. bckgrnd_vdc2 /= c0)) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: bckgrnd_vdc2 must be zero when tidal_mixing option is enabled' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! diag_gm_bolus = .true., but ISOP variables not activated in tavg_contents file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (registry_match('diag_gm_bolus') .and. my_task == master_task) then ISOP_on = .true. exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: ' do n=1,7 ISOP_test = .false. string = trim(strings(n)) ISOP_test = set_in_tavg_contents (tavg_id(trim(string),quiet=.true.)) if (.not. ISOP_test) then exit_string = trim(exit_string) // ' ' // trim(string) ISOP_on = .false. endif enddo if (.not. ISOP_on) then exit_string = trim(exit_string) /& &/' must be activated in tavg_contents file when diag_gm_bolus = .T.' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif endif ! diag_gm_bolus !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! luse_cpl_ifrac is true, but OCN_WGT is not allocated ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (check_all(luse_cpl_ifrac .and. .not. allocated(OCN_WGT))) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: cannot set luse_cpl_ifrac .true. without allocating OCN_WGT' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ecosystem requests diurnal cycle, but base model is not using it ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ecosys_on) then if ((.not. ecosys_qsw_distrb_const) .and. & (qsw_distrb_iopt == qsw_distrb_iopt_const)) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: cannot set ecosys_qsw_distrb_const=.false. unless qsw_distrb_opt/=const' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! untested forcing_coupled option ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. .not. lfw_as_salt_flx) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: untested/unsupported combination of options' exit_string = trim(exit_string) /& &/' (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. .not. lfw_as_salt_flx)' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! inertial mixing on ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (linertial) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: inertial mixing option. ' exit_string = trim(exit_string) /& &/' This option is untested. DO NOT USE!' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! inertial mixing inconsistencies ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (linertial .and. (.not. registry_match('diag_gm_bolus') .or. partial_bottom_cells)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: inertial mixing option inconsistency. ' exit_string = trim(exit_string) /& &/' diag_gm_bolus must be on and partial_bottom_cells must not be on' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! overflow check: if overflow active, horiz_grid_opt must be 'file' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( overflows_on ) then if ( overflows_interactive .and. .not. registry_match('topography_opt_file') ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: interactive overflows without topography option = file' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! overflow check: if overflow active, must set state_range_iopt = state_range_enforce ! and state_itype = state_type_mwjf for consistency ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( overflows_on ) then if ( .not. (state_range_iopt == state_range_enforce .and. state_itype == state_type_mwjf) ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: if overflows are active, must have state_range_opt = enforce '/& &/' and state_choice = mwjf for consistency. You can uncomment this and procede at your own risk.' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! near-inertial wave mixing without KPP mixing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (check_all(lniw_mixing .and. vmix_itype /= vmix_type_kpp)) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: Near-inertial wave mixing is only allowed when KPP mixing is enabled' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! near-inertial wave mixing and not 2-hour coupling ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- test_condition = (coupled_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nhour .and. ncouple_per_day == 12) if (check_all(lniw_mixing .and. .not. test_condition) ) then call document ('POP_check', 'coupled_freq_iopt ', coupled_freq_iopt ) call document ('POP_check', 'freq_opt_nhour ', freq_opt_nhour ) call document ('POP_check', 'ncouple_per_day ', ncouple_per_day ) call document ('POP_check', '(coupled_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nhour .and. ncouple_per_day == 2) ', & (coupled_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nhour .and. ncouple_per_day == 2) ) exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: Near-inertial wave mixing is only allowed when coupling every two hours' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) number_of_fatal_errors = number_of_fatal_errors + 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now that error messages have been written, stop if there are fatal errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call broadcast_scalar(number_of_fatal_errors, master_task) if (number_of_fatal_errors > 0 ) then call exit_POP (sigAbort, & 'correct the error condition(s) listed above before continuing') else if (my_task == master_task) then exit_string = 'No fatal error conditions detected' call document ('POP_check', exit_string) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_check !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_init_ts ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_init_ts(outfile, outfile_fmt) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes out initial TEMP and SALT mapped to ! POP grid for topography_opt='bathymetry' ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & outfile, &! input file name (with path) outfile_fmt ! input file format (bin or nc) !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (datafile) :: & ts_file ! io file type for viscosity file type (io_field_desc) :: & TEMP_d, SALT_d ! descriptors for temp and salt fields type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, &! dimension descriptors for horiz dims k_dim ! dimension descriptor for vertical levels !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! construct io file type and open for writing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ts_file = construct_file(outfile_fmt, root_name=outfile, & record_length=rec_type_dbl, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) call data_set(ts_file, 'open') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define variables to be written ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions i_dim = construct_io_dim('i', nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j', ny_global) k_dim = construct_io_dim('k', km) TEMP_d = construct_io_field('TEMP', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name='Potential Temperature', & units ='degC', & grid_loc ='3111', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,1,curtime,:)) SALT_d = construct_io_field('SALT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name='Salinity', & units ='gram/kilogram', & grid_loc ='3111', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,2,curtime,:)) call data_set (ts_file, 'define', TEMP_d) call data_set (ts_file, 'define', SALT_d) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write arrays then clean up ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (ts_file, 'write', TEMP_d) call data_set (ts_file, 'write', SALT_d) call destroy_io_field (TEMP_d) call destroy_io_field (SALT_d) call data_set (ts_file, 'close') call destroy_file(ts_file) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_init_ts !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: check_all ! !INTERFACE: function check_all(condition) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Tests input logical condition on all processors; if any element is ! .true., check_all is set to .true. ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind), intent(in) :: & condition ! logical condition to be checked ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind) :: & check_all ! true if condition is true on any processor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & int_condition ! integer form of logical input condition if (condition) then int_condition = 1 else int_condition = 0 endif check_all = (global_sum(int_condition,distrb_clinic) > 0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function check_all !*********************************************************************** end module initial !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||