!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module baroclinic !BOP ! !MODULE: baroclinic ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Contains main driver routines and variables for computing the ! baroclinic velocities and tracer fields. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: baroclinic.F90 38648 2012-07-12 19:51:27Z mlevy@ucar.edu $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_CommMod use POP_FieldMod use POP_GridHorzMod use POP_HaloMod use kinds_mod, only: int_kind, r8, log_kind, r4, rtavg use blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block, block, get_block ! use distribution, only: use domain_size use domain, only: nblocks_clinic, blocks_clinic, POP_haloClinic use constants, only: delim_fmt, blank_fmt, p5, field_loc_center, & field_type_scalar, c0, c1, c2, grav, ndelim_fmt, & hflux_factor, salinity_factor, salt_to_ppt use prognostic, only: TRACER, UVEL, VVEL, max_blocks_clinic, km, mixtime, & RHO, newtime, oldtime, curtime, PSURF, nt use broadcast, only: broadcast_scalar use communicate, only: my_task, master_task use grid, only: FCOR, DZU, HUR, KMU, KMT, sfc_layer_type, & sfc_layer_varthick, partial_bottom_cells, dz, DZT, CALCT, dzw, dzr use advection, only: advu, advt, comp_flux_vel_ghost use pressure_grad, only: lpressure_avg, gradp use horizontal_mix, only: hdiffu, hdifft, iso_impvmixt_tavg use vertical_mix, only: vmix_coeffs, implicit_vertical_mix, vdiffu, & vdifft, impvmixt, impvmixu, impvmixt_correct, convad, impvmixt_tavg use vmix_kpp, only: add_kpp_sources use diagnostics, only: ldiag_cfl, cfl_check, ldiag_global, & DIAG_KE_ADV_2D, DIAG_KE_PRESS_2D, DIAG_KE_HMIX_2D, DIAG_KE_VMIX_2D, & DIAG_TRACER_HDIFF_2D, DIAG_PE_2D, DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D, & DIAG_TRACER_SFC_FLX, DIAG_TRACER_VDIFF_2D, DIAG_TRACER_SOURCE_2D use movie, only: define_movie_field, movie_requested, update_movie_field use state_mod, only: state use ice, only: liceform, ice_formation, increment_tlast_ice use time_management, only: mix_pass, leapfrogts, impcor, c2dtu, beta, & gamma, c2dtt use io_types, only: nml_in, nml_filename, stdout use tavg, only: define_tavg_field, accumulate_tavg_field, accumulate_tavg_now, & tavg_method_max, tavg_method_min use forcing_fields, only: STF, SMF, lsmft_avail, SMFT, TFW use forcing_shf, only: SHF_QSW use forcing_sfwf, only: lfw_as_salt_flx use sw_absorption, only: add_sw_absorb use forcing_pt_interior, only: set_pt_interior use forcing_s_interior, only: set_s_interior use passive_tracers, only: set_interior_passive_tracers, & reset_passive_tracers, tavg_passive_tracers, & tavg_passive_tracers_baroclinic_correct, & set_interior_passive_tracers_3D use exit_mod, only: sigAbort, exit_pop, flushm use overflows implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_baroclinic, & baroclinic_driver, & baroclinic_correct_adjust ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: logical (log_kind) :: & reset_to_freezing ! flag to prevent very cold water !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ids for tavg diagnostics computed from baroclinic ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_UDP, &! tavg id for pressure grad work tavg_TEMP, &! tavg id for temperature tavg_TEMP_MAX, &! tavg id for maximum temperature tavg_TEMP_MIN, &! tavg id for maximum temperature tavg_dTEMP_POS_3D, &! tavg id for positive temperature timestep difference tavg_dTEMP_POS_2D, &! tavg id for positive temperature timestep difference tavg_dTEMP_NEG_3D, &! tavg id for negative temperature timestep difference tavg_dTEMP_NEG_2D, &! tavg id for negative temperature timestep difference tavg_SST, &! tavg id for surface temperature tavg_SST2, &! tavg id for surface temperature squared tavg_SALT, &! tavg id for salinity tavg_SALT_MAX, &! tavg id for maximum salinity tavg_SALT_MIN, &! tavg id for minimum salinity tavg_TEMP2, &! tavg id for temperature squared tavg_SALT2, &! tavg id for salinity squared tavg_UVEL, &! tavg id for U velocity tavg_UVEL2, &! tavg id for U velocity squared tavg_VVEL, &! tavg id for V velocity tavg_VVEL2, &! tavg id for V velocity squared tavg_KE, &! tavg id for kinetic energy tavg_ST, &! tavg id for salt*temperature tavg_RHO, &! tavg id for in-situ density tavg_RHO_VINT, &! tavg id for vertical integral of in-situ density tavg_UV, &! tavg id for u times v tavg_T1_8, &! tavg id for temperature in top 8 lvls tavg_S1_8, &! tavg id for salinity in top 8 lvls tavg_U1_8, &! tavg id for U in top 8 lvls tavg_V1_8, &! tavg id for V in top 8 lvls tavg_U1_1, &! tavg id for U in top 1 lvl tavg_V1_1, &! tavg id for V in top 1 lvl tavg_RESID_T, &! free-surface residual flux (T) tavg_RESID_S ! free-surface residual flux (S) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ids for movie diagnostics computed from baroclinic ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind), dimension(km) :: & movie_TEMP, &! movie id for temperature movie_SALT, &! movie id for salinity movie_UVEL, &! movie id for U velocity movie_VVEL, &! movie id for V velocity movie_RHO ! movie id for in-situ density !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_baroclinic ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_baroclinic ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes some baroclinic options. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag integer (int_kind) :: k namelist /baroclinic_nml/ reset_to_freezing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read options from namelist and broadcast ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_to_freezing = .true. if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=baroclinic_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading baroclinic_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Baroclinic:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' baroclinic_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,baroclinic_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,'(a18)') 'Baroclinic options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) if (reset_to_freezing) then write(stdout,'(a40)') & 'Surface temperature reset to freezing on' else write(stdout,'(a41)') & 'Surface temperature reset to freezing off' endif endif call broadcast_scalar(reset_to_freezing, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define tavg fields computed from baroclinic driver routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call define_tavg_field(tavg_UDP,'UDP',3, & long_name='Pressure work', & units='erg', grid_loc='3221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_U1_1,'U1_1',2, & long_name='Zonal Velocity lvls 1-1', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='2221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_V1_1,'V1_1',2, & long_name='Meridional Velocity lvls 1-1', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='2221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_U1_8,'U1_8',2, & long_name='Zonal Velocity lvls 1-8', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='2221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_V1_8,'V1_8',2, & long_name='Meridional Velocity lvls 1-8', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='2221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_T1_8,'T1_8',2, & long_name='Potential Temperature lvls 1-8', & units='degC', grid_loc='2111') call define_tavg_field(tavg_S1_8,'S1_8',2, & long_name='Salinity lvls 1-8', & scale_factor=1000.0_rtavg, & units='gram/kilogram', grid_loc='2111') call define_tavg_field(tavg_UVEL,'UVEL',3, & long_name='Velocity in grid-x direction', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='3221', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_UVEL2,'UVEL2',3, & long_name='Velocity**2 in grid-x direction', & units='centimeter^2/s^2', grid_loc='3221', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_VVEL,'VVEL',3, & long_name='Velocity in grid-y direction', & units='centimeter/s', grid_loc='3221', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_VVEL2,'VVEL2',3, & long_name='Velocity**2 in grid-y direction', & units='centimeter^2/s^2', grid_loc='3221', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_KE,'KE',3, & long_name='Horizontal Kinetic Energy', & units='centimeter^2/s^2', grid_loc='3221', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_TEMP,'TEMP',3, & long_name='Potential Temperature', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_TEMP_MAX,'TEMP_MAX',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_max, & long_name='Maximum Potential Temperature', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_TEMP_MIN,'TEMP_MIN',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_min, & long_name='Minimum Potential Temperature', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_dTEMP_POS_3D,'dTEMP_POS_3D',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_max, & long_name='max pos temperature timestep diff', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_dTEMP_POS_2D,'dTEMP_POS_2D',2, & tavg_method=tavg_method_max, & long_name='max pos column temperature timestep diff', & units='degC', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_dTEMP_NEG_3D,'dTEMP_NEG_3D',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_min, & long_name='min neg temperature timestep diff', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_dTEMP_NEG_2D,'dTEMP_NEG_2D',2, & tavg_method=tavg_method_min, & long_name='min neg column temperature timestep diff', & units='degC', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SST,'SST',2, & long_name='Surface Potential Temperature', & units='degC', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SST2,'SST2',2, & long_name='Surface Potential Temperature**2',& units='degC', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SALT,'SALT',3, & long_name='Salinity', & units='gram/kilogram', grid_loc='3111', & scale_factor=1000.0_rtavg, & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SALT_MAX,'SALT_MAX',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_max, & long_name='Maximum Salinity', & units='gram/kilogram', grid_loc='3111', & scale_factor=1000.0_rtavg, & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SALT_MIN,'SALT_MIN',3, & tavg_method=tavg_method_min, & long_name='Minimum Salinity', & units='gram/kilogram', grid_loc='3111', & scale_factor=1000.0_rtavg, & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_TEMP2,'TEMP2',3, & long_name='Temperature**2', & units='degC^2', grid_loc='3111') call define_tavg_field(tavg_SALT2,'SALT2',3, & long_name='Salinity**2 ', & units='(gram/gram)^2', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_ST,'ST',3, & long_name='Temperature*Salinity', & units='degC*gram/gram', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_RHO,'RHO',3, & long_name='In-Situ Density', & units='gram/centimeter^3', grid_loc='3111', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_t time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_RHO_VINT,'RHO_VINT',2, & long_name='Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density', & units='gram/centimeter^2', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_UV,'UV',3, & long_name='UV velocity product', & units='centimeter^2/s^2', grid_loc='3221') call define_tavg_field(tavg_RESID_T,'RESID_T',2, & long_name='Free-Surface Residual Flux (T)', & units='watt/m^2', grid_loc='2110',& coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_RESID_S,'RESID_S',2, & long_name='Free-Surface Residual Flux (S)', & units='kg/m^2/s', grid_loc='2110',& coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define movie fields computed from baroclinic driver routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1, km call define_movie_field(movie_UVEL(k),'UVEL',k, & long_name='Zonal Velocity', & units='cm/s', grid_loc='3221') call define_movie_field(movie_VVEL(k),'VVEL',k, & long_name='Meridional Velocity', & units='cm/s', grid_loc='3221') call define_movie_field(movie_TEMP(k),'TEMP',k, & long_name='Potential Temperature', & units='degC', grid_loc='3111') call define_movie_field(movie_SALT(k),'SALT',k, & long_name='Salinity', & units='psu', grid_loc='3111') call define_movie_field(movie_RHO(k),'RHO',k, & long_name='In-situ density', & units='sigma units', grid_loc='3111') enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC call flushm (stdout) end subroutine init_baroclinic !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: baroclinic_driver ! !INTERFACE: subroutine baroclinic_driver(ZX,ZY,DH,DHU, errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine is the main driver for the explicit time integration of ! baroclinic velocities $(u',v')$ and tracer fields $T$. ! ! Tracer equations: ! \begin{equation} ! (T^{n+1}-T^{n-1})/(2 \Delta t) = -L(T^n) + D_H(T^{n-1}) + ! D_V(T^{n-1}) + S ! \end{equation} ! where $S$ are source terms, $L$ is the advection operator and ! $D$ is the diffusion operator in the horizontal and vertical ! directions. ! ! Momentum equations: ! \begin{eqnarray} ! (u'-u^{n-1})/(2 \Delta t) - f*\alpha*(v'-v^{n-1}) &=& F_x \\ ! (v'-v^{n-1})/(2 \Delta t) + f*\alpha*(u'-u^{n-1}) &=& F_y ! \end{eqnarray} ! \begin{eqnarray} ! \tilde{u}' &=& u' - {1\over{H_U}}\sum_{k=1}^{km}dz_k u_k' \\ ! \tilde{v}' &=& v' - {1\over{H_U}}\sum_{k=1}^{km}dz_k v_k' ! \end{eqnarray} ! ! This routine calculates baroclinic velocities and tracers at ! the new time level and stores them in arrays UVEL,VVEL,and TRACER ! with time index newtime. The arrays UVEL,VVEL, and TRACER ! with time indices curtime and oldtime are not updated for the next ! timestep until near the end of routine step. ! ! The above equations are written for the case of (leapfrog) ! implicit treatment of the coriolis terms. if these terms are ! treated explicitly then the coriolis terms appear only in the ! forcing terms $(F_x,F_y)$, which are calculated in clinic. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & intent(in) :: & DH, DHU ! change in surface height at T,U points ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), & intent(out) :: & ZX, ZY ! vertical integrals of forcing integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j, &! dummy indices for horizontal directions n,k, &! dummy indices for vertical level, tracer iblock, &! counter for block loops kp1,km1 ! level index for k+1, k-1 levels real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & FX,FY, &! sum of r.h.s. forcing terms WORK1,WORK2, &! local work space WUK, &! vertical velocity at top of U box WTK ! vertical velocity at top of T box real (r8) :: & factor type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute flux velocities in ghost cells ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success call comp_flux_vel_ghost(DH, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'baroclinic_driver: error in comp_flux_vel_ghost') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! prior to tracer update, compute 3D passive_tracer terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call set_interior_passive_tracers_3D( & TRACER (:,:,:,:,oldtime,:), TRACER (:,:,:,:,curtime,:) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! first block loop to update tracers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,this_block,k,kp1,km1,WTK,WORK1,factor) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do k = 1,km kp1 = k+1 km1 = k-1 if (k == 1) km1 = 1 if (k == km) kp1 = km !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute vertical viscosity and diffusion coeffs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lsmft_avail) then call vmix_coeffs(k,TRACER (:,:,:,:,mixtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & STF (:,:,: ,iblock), & SHF_QSW(:,: ,iblock), & this_block, SMFT=SMFT(:,:,:,iblock)) else call vmix_coeffs(k,TRACER (:,:,:,:,mixtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & STF (:,:,: ,iblock), & SHF_QSW(:,: ,iblock), & this_block, SMF=SMF(:,:,:,iblock)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate level k tracers at new time ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tracer_update(k, WTK, & TRACER (:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & TRACER (:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & TRACER (:,:,:,:,mixtime,iblock), & TRACER (:,:,:,:,curtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & UVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & VVEL (:,:,: ,mixtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,: ,curtime,iblock), & STF (:,:,: ,iblock), & TFW (:,:,: ,iblock), & SHF_QSW(:,: ,iblock), & DH (:,: ,iblock), & PSURF (:,: ,oldtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,: ,curtime,iblock), & this_block) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! accumulate some tavg diagnostics if requested; testing internal to ! accumulate_tavg_field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mix_pass /= 1) then call accumulate_tavg_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock),tavg_UVEL,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)**2,tavg_UVEL2,iblock,k) if (k <= 1) & call accumulate_tavg_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock), & tavg_U1_1,iblock,k) if (k <= 8) & call accumulate_tavg_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock),tavg_U1_8,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock),tavg_VVEL,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)**2,tavg_VVEL2,iblock,k) if (k <= 1) & call accumulate_tavg_field(VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock),tavg_V1_1,iblock,k) if (k <= 8) & call accumulate_tavg_field(VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock),tavg_V1_8,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(p5*(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)**2 + & VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)**2),tavg_KE,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)* & VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock), tavg_UV,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & tavg_TEMP,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & tavg_TEMP_MAX,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & tavg_TEMP_MIN,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(max(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,k,1,oldtime,iblock), c0), & tavg_dTEMP_POS_3D,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(max(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,k,1,oldtime,iblock), c0), & tavg_dTEMP_POS_2D,iblock,1) call accumulate_tavg_field(min(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,k,1,oldtime,iblock), c0), & tavg_dTEMP_NEG_3D,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(min(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,k,1,oldtime,iblock), c0), & tavg_dTEMP_NEG_2D,iblock,1) if (k <= 8) & call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & tavg_T1_8,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock)**2, & tavg_TEMP2,iblock,k) if (k == 1) then call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,1,1,curtime,iblock), & tavg_SST,iblock,1) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,1,1,curtime,iblock)**2, & tavg_SST2,iblock,1) endif call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & tavg_SALT,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & tavg_SALT_MAX,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & tavg_SALT_MIN,iblock,k) if (k <= 8) & call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & tavg_S1_8,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock)**2, & tavg_SALT2,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock)* & TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock), & tavg_ST,iblock,k) call accumulate_tavg_field(RHO(:,:,k,curtime,iblock), & tavg_RHO,iblock,k) if (partial_bottom_cells) then WORK1 = RHO(:,:,k,curtime,iblock) * DZT(:,:,k,iblock) else WORK1 = RHO(:,:,k,curtime,iblock) * dz(k) endif call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK1,tavg_RHO_VINT,iblock,k) if ( sfc_layer_type /= sfc_layer_varthick .and. k == 1) then if (accumulate_tavg_now(tavg_RESID_T)) then WORK1 = c0 factor = c1/hflux_factor ! converts to W/m^2 where (CALCT(:,:,iblock)) & WORK1=DH(:,:,iblock)*TRACER(:,:,1,1,curtime,iblock)*factor call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK1,tavg_RESID_T,iblock,k) endif if (accumulate_tavg_now(tavg_RESID_S)) then WORK1 = c0 factor = c1/salinity_factor ! converts to kg(freshwater)/m^2/s where (CALCT(:,:,iblock)) & WORK1 = DH(:,:,iblock)*TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock)*factor call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK1,tavg_RESID_S,iblock,k) endif endif ! sfc_layer_type if (nt > 2) call tavg_passive_tracers(iblock,k) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! update movie fields if requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (movie_requested(movie_UVEL(k))) then call update_movie_field(UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock), & movie_UVEL(k),iblock,k) endif if (movie_requested(movie_VVEL(k))) then call update_movie_field(VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock), & movie_VVEL(k),iblock,k) endif if (movie_requested(movie_TEMP(k))) then call update_movie_field(TRACER(:,:,k,1,curtime,iblock), & movie_TEMP(k),iblock,k) endif if (movie_requested(movie_SALT(k))) then call update_movie_field( & TRACER(:,:,k,2,curtime,iblock)*salt_to_ppt, & movie_SALT(k),iblock,k) ! convert to psu endif if (movie_requested(movie_RHO(k))) then call update_movie_field( & salt_to_ppt*(RHO(:,:,k,curtime,iblock)-c1), movie_RHO(k),iblock,k) endif endif ! mix_pass !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! k loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if no implicit vertical mixing, we now have updated tracers ! if using implicit vertical mixing and rigid lid or old free ! surface form, update all the tracers now using impvmix ! if using implicit vertical mixing and a variable thickness ! surface layer, only update T,S as predicted values to ! use for pressure averaging - the full update will ! occur after the barotropic solver ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (implicit_vertical_mix) then if (sfc_layer_type /= sfc_layer_varthick) then call impvmixt(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,:, curtime,iblock), & 1, nt, this_block) else if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then !*** predictor update of T,S !*** with PSURF(curtime) on the LHS at k=1 call impvmixt(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,:,curtime,iblock), & 1, 2, this_block) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! end of first block loop ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! first block loop !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! update tracer ghost cells here outside the block loops (it ! requires synchronization) - only update T,S ghost cells ! for use in pressure averaging. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then call POP_HaloUpdate(TRACER(:,:,:,1,newtime,:), & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'baroclinic_driver: error updating halo for PT') return endif call POP_HaloUpdate(TRACER(:,:,:,2,newtime,:), & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'baroclinic_driver: error updating halo for salinity') return endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now loop over blocks to do momentum equations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,this_block,k,km1,kp1,n, & !$OMP WUK,FX,FY,WORK1,WORK2) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize arrays for vertical sums. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZX(:,:,iblock) = c0 ZY(:,:,iblock) = c0 do k = 1,km kp1 = k+1 km1 = k-1 if (k == 1) km1 = 1 if (k == km) kp1 = km !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if pressure averaging is on and it is a leapfrog time step ! we need the updated density for the pressure averaging ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then call state(k,k,TRACER(:,:,k,1,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,k,2,newtime,iblock), & this_block, RHOOUT=RHO(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate forcing terms (Fx,Fy) at level k. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call clinic(k, FX, FY, WUK, & UVEL(:,:,:,curtime,iblock), & VVEL(:,:,:,curtime,iblock), & UVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & VVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & UVEL(:,:,k,mixtime,iblock), & VVEL(:,:,k,mixtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,k,oldtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,k,curtime,iblock), & RHO (:,:,k,newtime,iblock), & SMF (:,:,:,iblock), & DHU (:,:,iblock), & this_block) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! store forces temporarily in UVEL(newtime),VVEL(newtime). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (impcor) then ! implicit treatment WORK1 = c2dtu*beta*FCOR(:,:,iblock) WORK2 = c2dtu/(c1 + WORK1**2) UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = (FX + WORK1*FY)*WORK2 VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = (FY - WORK1*FX)*WORK2 else ! explicit treatment UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = c2dtu*FX VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = c2dtu*FY endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! increment sum for vertically-averaged forcing ([Fx],[Fy]). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (partial_bottom_cells) then ZX(:,:,iblock) = ZX(:,:,iblock) + FX*DZU(:,:,k,iblock) ZY(:,:,iblock) = ZY(:,:,iblock) + FY*DZU(:,:,k,iblock) else ZX(:,:,iblock) = ZX(:,:,iblock) + FX*dz(k) ZY(:,:,iblock) = ZY(:,:,iblock) + FY*dz(k) endif enddo ! vertical (k) loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! normalize sums for vertical averages ([Fx],[Fy]) by dividing ! by depth at U points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZX(:,:,iblock) = ZX(:,:,iblock)*HUR(:,:,iblock) ZY(:,:,iblock) = ZY(:,:,iblock)*HUR(:,:,iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! solve tridiagonal system with implicit treatment of vertical ! diffusion of velocity. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (implicit_vertical_mix) & call impvmixu(UVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & VVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & this_block) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate unnormalized baroclinic velocities (Upp,Vpp) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- UVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock) = UVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,iblock) + & UVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock) ! holds c2dtu*Fx VVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock) = VVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,iblock) + & VVEL(:,:,:,newtime,iblock) ! holds c2dtu*Fy if ( overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive ) then call ovf_Utlda(iblock) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! find vertical averages ([Upp],[Vpp]). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK1 = c0 ! initialize sums WORK2 = c0 if (partial_bottom_cells) then do k = 1,km WORK1 = WORK1 + UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)*DZU(:,:,k,iblock) WORK2 = WORK2 + VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)*DZU(:,:,k,iblock) enddo else do k = 1,km WORK1 = WORK1 + UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)*dz(k) WORK2 = WORK2 + VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)*dz(k) enddo endif WORK1 = WORK1*HUR(:,:,iblock) ! normalize by dividing by depth WORK2 = WORK2*HUR(:,:,iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! normalize baroclinic velocites by subtracting vertical mean: ! (Up,Vp) = (Upp,Vpp) - ([Upp],[Vpp]), zero velocities at land pts. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1,km where (k <= KMU(:,:,iblock)) UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = & UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) - WORK1 VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = & VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) - WORK2 elsewhere UVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = c0 VVEL(:,:,k,newtime,iblock) = c0 endwhere enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! note: at this point UVEL(newtime) and VVEL(newtime) contain only ! the baroclinic velocities (Up,Vp) at the new time. they are later ! updated to the full velocities in step after barotropic is ! is called, which calculates the barotropic velocites ([U],[V]) ! at the new time. UVEL and VVEL at time levels oldtime ond curtime ! always contain the full velocites. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! end of second block loop over vertical levels. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! second block loop !$OMP END PARALLEL DO #if drifter_particles !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! advect drifters with old time level velocities. then if its ! time to sample ocean variables at drifter locations, do it. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mod(iday,10).eq.0 .and. newday) then if((ndrifters + array_size) .gt. ndrifters_total) then write(stdout,*)' ' write(stdout,*) & ' No more drifter arrays remaining for deployment' write(stdout,*)' ' else arrays_deployed = arrays_deployed + 1 ndrifters = ndrifters + array_size write(stdout,*)' ' write(stdout,*)' Deploying drifter array # ',arrays_deployed write(stdout,*)' ' endif endif call drifter_move if(mod(ihour,n_write_drifters).eq.0 .and. newhour) then call drifter_prop endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check cfl limits ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ldiag_cfl) then call cfl_check endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine baroclinic_driver !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: baroclinic_correct_adjust ! !INTERFACE: subroutine baroclinic_correct_adjust ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine finishes updating tracers by performing ! adjustment-like physics (convection and ice) and completes ! the corrector step for tracers using the new surface pressure ! to update tracers. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k, &! vertical level index n, &! tracer index iblock ! block index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt) :: & RHS1 ! r.h.s. for impvmix on corrector step type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! increment tlast_ice outside of threaded region ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call increment_tlast_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do everything for each sub block ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,this_block,n,RHS1) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do the corrector step for variable thickness surface layer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then if (implicit_vertical_mix) then !*** if implicit vertical mixing and pressure averaging: !*** correct new T and S and update remaining passive !*** tracers with tridiagonal solves if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then do n = 1,2 ! corrector for T,S only where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) ! corrector RHS at k=1 RHS1(:,:,n)=((c2*TRACER(:,:,1,n,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock)) & *(PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock) - & PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock)) & - TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock)* & (PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock) - & PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock)))/ & (grav*dz(1)) elsewhere RHS1(:,:,n) = c0 endwhere enddo !*** T,S update on corrector step call impvmixt_correct(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,:, newtime,iblock), & RHS1, 1, 2, this_block) do n = 3,nt !*** surface RHS for passive tracers with press avg where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = & TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock) & *(PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock) - & PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock))/ & (grav*dz(1)) endwhere enddo !*** standard update of all passive tracers !*** n=3,nt with PSURF(newtime) on LHS at k=1 call impvmixt(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,:, newtime,iblock), & 3, nt, this_block) !*** if implicit vertical mixing but no pressure averaging !*** update all tracers with tridiagonal solves else ! no pressure averaging or not leapfrog do n = 1,nt !*** surface RHS for tracers with pressure avg where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = & TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock) & *(PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock) - & PSURF(:,:,mixtime,iblock))/(grav*dz(1)) endwhere enddo !*** standard update all tracers: n=1,nt !*** with PSURF(newtime) on the LHS at k=1 call impvmixt(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,:,:,oldtime,iblock), & PSURF (:,:, newtime,iblock), & 1, nt, this_block) endif ! pressure averaging and leapfrog else ! no implicit_vertical_mix !*** if explicit vertical mixing and pressure averaging: !*** correct new tracers level k=1 if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then do n = 1,2 !*** correct surface T and S with pressure avg where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = & (TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock)* & (dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock)/grav) & +(c2*TRACER(:,:,1,n,curtime,iblock) - & TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock)) & *(PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock) - & PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock))/grav) & /(dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock)/grav) elsewhere TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = c0 ! zero on land pts endwhere enddo do n = 3,nt where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = & (TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock)* & (dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock)/grav) & + dz(1)*TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock)) & /(dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock)/grav) elsewhere TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = c0 ! zero on land pts endwhere enddo else ! no pressure avg or leapfrog do n = 1,nt !*** exact update of all tracers in surface layer where (KMT(:,:,iblock) > 0) TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = & (TRACER(:,:,1,n,oldtime,iblock)* & (dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,mixtime,iblock)/grav) & + dz(1)*TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock))/ & (dz(1) + PSURF(:,:,newtime,iblock)/grav) elsewhere TRACER(:,:,1,n,newtime,iblock) = c0 ! zero on land pts endwhere enddo endif ! pressure avg and leapfrog endif ! implicit_vertical_mix endif ! variable thickness surface layer if (mix_pass /= 1) then call impvmixt_tavg(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), iblock) call iso_impvmixt_tavg(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), iblock) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for surface temperatures below freezing ! do not reset if ice formation option is on ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (reset_to_freezing .and. .not. liceform) then TRACER(:,:,1,1,newtime,iblock) = & max(TRACER(:,:,1,1,newtime,iblock),-c2) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convective adjustment of tracers - ! convad routine does nothing if convective adjustment not chosen ! otherwise it performs convective adjustment and recomputes ! density ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call convad(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & RHO(:,:,:,newtime,iblock), this_block, iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute ice formation and adjust temperature due to ice formation ! if this option was requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (liceform .and. mix_pass /= 1) then call ice_formation(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), & STF(:,:,1,iblock) + SHF_QSW(:,:,iblock), & iblock,this_block,lfw_as_salt_flx) endif if (mix_pass /= 1) then if (nt > 2) call tavg_passive_tracers_baroclinic_correct(iblock) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! call passive tracer reset subroutines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nt > 2) call reset_passive_tracers( & TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,iblock), iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute new density based on new tracers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1,km ! recalculate new density call state(k,k,TRACER(:,:,k,1,newtime,iblock), & TRACER(:,:,k,2,newtime,iblock), & this_block, RHOOUT=RHO(:,:,k,newtime,iblock)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! end of block loop ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine baroclinic_correct_adjust !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: clinic ! !INTERFACE: subroutine clinic(k, FX, FY, WUK, UCUR, VCUR, UOLD, VOLD, & UMIXK, VMIXK, RHOKOLD, RHOKCUR, RHOKNEW, & SMF_BLOCK, DHU_BLOCK, this_block) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates forcing terms on r.h.s. of baroclinic momentum eqns. ! \begin{eqnarray} ! F_x &=& -L(u) + fv - \nabla p + D_H(u^{n-1}) + D_V(u^{n-1}) \\ ! F_y &=& -L(v) - fu - \nabla p + D_H(v^{n-1}) + D_V(v^{n-1}) ! \end{eqnarray} ! ! The above equations are written for the case of explicit ! treatment of the Coriolis terms. If these terms are treated ! implicitly, then the coriolis terms above should be replaced by: ! \begin{eqnarray} ! +fv &\rightarrow& +f(\gamma v + (1-\gamma)v^{n-1}) \\ ! -fu &\rightarrow& -f(\gamma u + (1-\gamma)u^{n-1}) ! \end{eqnarray} ! on leapfrog timesteps and ! \begin{eqnarray} ! +fv &\rightarrow& +fv^{n-1} \\ ! -fu &\rightarrow& -fu^{n-1} ! \end{eqnarray} ! on Matsuno timesteps, where $\gamma$ is a parameter used to vary ! the time-centering of the Coriolis and pressure gradient terms on ! leapfrog steps. ! ! The small metric terms for advection and diffusion of the ! velocity field are calculated in the advection and horizontal ! diffusion routines. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k ! depth level index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: & UCUR, VCUR, &! U,V for block at current time UOLD, VOLD ! U,V for block at old time real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & UMIXK, VMIXK, &! U,V at level k and mix time level RHOKOLD, &! density at level k and mix time level RHOKCUR, &! density at level k and cur time level RHOKNEW, &! density at level k and new time level DHU_BLOCK ! change in surface height at U pts real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2), intent(in) :: & SMF_BLOCK ! surface momentum forcing for this block type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block info for the current block ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(inout) :: & WUK ! vertical velocity at top of U box ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & FX, &! sum of terms contributing to Fx at level k FY ! sum of terms contributing to Fy at level k !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & bid ! local block address real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & WORKX,WORKY ! local work space to hold forcing terms !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! advection L(U),L(V) ! set vertical velocity at surface ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- bid = this_block%local_id if (k == 1) WUK = DHU_BLOCK ! free surface call advu(k, WORKX, WORKY, WUK, UCUR, VCUR, this_block) FX = -WORKX ! advu returns WORKX = +L(U) FY = -WORKY ! advu returns WORKY = +L(V) if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then DIAG_KE_ADV_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_ADV_2D(:,:,bid) - & DZU(:,:,k,bid)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) else DIAG_KE_ADV_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_ADV_2D(:,:,bid) - & dz(k)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! coriolis terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (impcor .and. leapfrogts) then ! implicit, leapfrog FX = FX + FCOR(:,:,bid)*( gamma* VCUR(:,:,k) + & (c1 - gamma)*VOLD(:,:,k)) FY = FY - FCOR(:,:,bid)*( gamma* UCUR(:,:,k) + & (c1 - gamma)*UOLD(:,:,k)) elseif(.not.impcor .and. leapfrogts) then ! explicit, leapfrog FX = FX + FCOR(:,:,bid)*VCUR(:,:,k) FY = FY - FCOR(:,:,bid)*UCUR(:,:,k) else ! matsuno or foward euler FX = FX + FCOR(:,:,bid)*VOLD(:,:,k) FY = FY - FCOR(:,:,bid)*UOLD(:,:,k) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! hydrostatic pressure gradients ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call gradp(k,WORKX, WORKY, RHOKOLD, RHOKCUR, RHOKNEW, this_block) FX = FX - WORKX ! gradp returns WORKX as +Gradx(p) FY = FY - WORKY ! gradp returns WORKY as +Grady(p) if (partial_bottom_cells) then WORKX = -DZU(:,:,k,bid)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) else WORKX = -dz(k)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) endif call accumulate_tavg_field(WORKX,tavg_UDP,bid,k) if (ldiag_global) then DIAG_KE_PRESS_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_PRESS_2D(:,:,bid) + WORKX endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! horizontal diffusion HDiff(Ub),HDiff(Vb) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call hdiffu(k, WORKX, WORKY, UMIXK, VMIXK, this_block) FX = FX + WORKX FY = FY + WORKY if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then DIAG_KE_HMIX_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_HMIX_2D(:,:,bid) + & DZU(:,:,k,bid)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) else DIAG_KE_HMIX_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_HMIX_2D(:,:,bid) + & dz(k)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! vertical diffusion VDiff(Ub),VDiff(Vb) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call vdiffu(k, WORKX, WORKY, UOLD, VOLD, SMF_BLOCK, this_block) FX = FX + WORKX FY = FY + WORKY if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then DIAG_KE_VMIX_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_VMIX_2D(:,:,bid) + & DZU(:,:,k,bid)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) else DIAG_KE_VMIX_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_KE_VMIX_2D(:,:,bid) + & dz(k)*(UCUR(:,:,k)*WORKX + & VCUR(:,:,k)*WORKY) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! zero forces (and hence velocities) at land points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (k > KMU(:,:,bid)) FX = c0 FY = c0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine clinic !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tracer_update ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tracer_update(k, WTK, TNEW, TOLD, TMIX, TCUR, & UCUR, VCUR, UMIX, VMIX, RHOCUR, & STF_IN, TFW_IN, QSW, DH_IN, POLD, PCUR, & this_block) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Computes explicit forcing for tracer equations: ! \begin{equation} ! (T^{n+1}-T^{n-1})/(2 \Delta t) = -L(T) + D_H(T^{n-1}) + ! D_V(T^{n-1}) + S ! \end{equation} ! where $L$ is the advection operator, $D_{H,V}$ are the diffusion ! operators in the horizontal and vertical and $S$ are source terms. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k ! depth level index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: & TCUR, &! tracers at current time level TOLD, &! tracers at old time level TMIX ! tracers at mix time level real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: & UCUR, VCUR, &! U,V for block at current time UMIX, VMIX, &! U,V at mix time level RHOCUR ! density at current time level real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(in) :: & STF_IN, &! surface tracer fluxes TFW_IN ! tracer concentration in fresh water real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & DH_IN, &! sfc height change at tracer points POLD, &! sfc pressure at old time PCUR, &! sfc pressure at current time QSW ! short-wave heating type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block info for the current block ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(inout) :: & WTK ! on input, vertical velocity at top of T box ! on output, vertical velocity at bottom of T box real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(inout) :: & TNEW ! tracers at new time level !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! dummy tracer index bid ! local_block id real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt) :: & FT, &! sum of terms in dT/dt for the nth tracer WORKN ! work array used for various dT/dt terms real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & WORKSW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize some arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- FT = c0 bid = this_block%local_id !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! horizontal diffusion HDiff(T) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call hdifft(k, WORKN, TMIX, UMIX, VMIX, this_block) FT = FT + WORKN if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) & DIAG_TRACER_HDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_HDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*DZT(:,:,k,bid) end do else do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) & DIAG_TRACER_HDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_HDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*dz(k) end do endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! advection L(T) ! set vertical velocity at surface ! w = DH = dh/dt or dh/dt - Fw depending on surface type ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (k == 1) WTK = DH_IN if (ldiag_global) then if (k == 1) then where (CALCT(:,:,bid)) & DIAG_PE_2D(:,:,bid) = dzw(0)*grav*RHOCUR(:,:,1)*WTK if (sfc_layer_type /= sfc_layer_varthick) then do n=1,nt where (CALCT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D (:,:,n,bid) = WTK*TCUR(:,:,1,n) DIAG_TRACER_SFC_FLX(:,:,n,bid) = WTK*TCUR(:,:,1,n) elsewhere DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D (:,:,n,bid) = c0 DIAG_TRACER_SFC_FLX(:,:,n,bid) = c0 end where end do endif else !*** For energetic consistency, we use dzw even for !*** partial bottom cell case where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_PE_2D(:,:,bid) = DIAG_PE_2D(:,:,bid) + & dzw(k-1)*WTK*grav*p5* & (RHOCUR(:,:,k-1) + RHOCUR(:,:,k)) endwhere endif endif call advt(k,WORKN,WTK,TMIX,TCUR,UCUR,VCUR,this_block) FT = FT - WORKN ! advt returns WORKN = +L(T) if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D(:,:,n,bid) - & WORKN(:,:,n)*DZT(:,:,k,bid) end do else do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_ADV_2D(:,:,n,bid) - & WORKN(:,:,n)*dz(k) end do endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! vertical diffusion VDiff(T) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call vdifft(k, WORKN, TOLD, STF_IN, this_block) FT = FT + WORKN if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_VDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_VDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*DZT(:,:,k,bid) end do else do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_VDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_VDIFF_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*dz(k) end do endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add tracer change in surface layer due to freshwater flux ! if using variable thickness surface layer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (k == 1 .and. sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then do n = 1,nt FT(:,:,n) = FT(:,:,n) + dzr(1)*TFW_IN(:,:,n) enddo if (ldiag_global) then do n = 1,nt DIAG_TRACER_SFC_FLX(:,:,n,bid) = TFW_IN(:,:,n) enddo endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add source terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKN = c0 call set_pt_interior(k,this_block,WORKN(:,:,1)) call set_s_interior (k,this_block,WORKN(:,:,2)) if (nt > 2) call set_interior_passive_tracers(k, this_block, WORKN) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add source terms from KPP and from shortwave solar absorption ! if necessary. ! NOTE: this is here instead of in set_{pt,s}_interior in case ! KPP and/or shortwave solar absorption are turned on but ! bulk restoring is not. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** does nothing if kpp not chosen - otherwise adds kpp sources call add_kpp_sources(WORKN, k, this_block) !*** if sw flux available, add penetrative shortwave call add_sw_absorb(WORKN, SHF_QSW(:,:,bid), k, this_block) FT = FT + WORKN if (ldiag_global) then if (partial_bottom_cells) then do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_SOURCE_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_SOURCE_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*DZT(:,:,k,bid) end do else do n=1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) DIAG_TRACER_SOURCE_2D(:,:,n,bid) = & DIAG_TRACER_SOURCE_2D(:,:,n,bid) + & WORKN(:,:,n)*dz(k) end do endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! save the explicit part of the RHS in TRACER(newtime) ! if there is implicit vertical mixing ! ! with pressure averaging and variable thickness surface layer, ! the RHS contains the surface height contribution for the ! predictor step (for T,S at k=1 only) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (implicit_vertical_mix) then if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. k == 1 .and. & lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then do n = 1,2 where (KMT(:,:,bid) > 0) ! RHS for predictor TNEW(:,:,1,n) = c2dtt(1)*FT(:,:,n) - c2*TCUR(:,:,1,n)* & (PCUR - POLD)/(grav*dz(1)) endwhere enddo do n = 3,nt TNEW(:,:,k,n) = merge(c2dtt(k)*FT(:,:,n), & c0, k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) enddo else do n = 1,nt TNEW(:,:,k,n) = merge(c2dtt(k)*FT(:,:,n), & c0, k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for variable thickness surface layer, update all but surface ! layers. ! at the surface: ! if explicit vertical mixing and pressure averaging: ! predict surface T,S and store RHS for all other tracers ! otherwise ! store RHS for all tracers for later update with new Psurf ! ! if not a variable thickness surface layer, update tracers here ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else ! no implicit_vertical_mix if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. k == 1) then if (lpressure_avg .and. leapfrogts) then !*** predict surface T and S with pressure avg do n = 1,2 where (KMT(:,:,bid) > 0) TNEW(:,:,1,n) = TOLD(:,:,1,n) & + (c1/(c1 + PCUR/(grav*dz(1))))* & (c2dtt(1)*FT(:,:,n) - c2*TCUR(:,:,1,n)* & (PCUR-POLD)/(grav*dz(1))) elsewhere TNEW(:,:,1,n) = c0 ! zero tracers on land pts endwhere end do !*** store RHS for other tracer surface layers do n = 3,nt TNEW(:,:,k,n) = merge(c2dtt(k)*FT(:,:,n), & c0, k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) enddo else !*** store RHS for all tracer surface layers do n = 1,nt TNEW(:,:,k,n) = merge(c2dtt(k)*FT(:,:,n), & c0, k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) enddo endif else !*** update all tracers to new time do n = 1,nt where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid)) TNEW(:,:,k,n) = TOLD(:,:,k,n) + c2dtt(k)*FT(:,:,n) elsewhere TNEW(:,:,k,n) = c0 ! zero tracers at land points endwhere enddo endif endif ! implicit_vertical_mix !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tracer_update !*********************************************************************** end module baroclinic !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||