!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| !BOP ! !MODULE: boundary module boundary ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains data types and routines for updating ghost cell ! boundaries using MPI calls ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! CVS:$Id: boundary.F90,v 1.12 2004/01/07 19:56:38 pwjones Exp $ ! CVS:$Name: POP_2_0_1 $ ! !USES: use kinds_mod use communicate use constants use blocks use distribution use exit_mod !use timers implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC TYPES: type, public :: bndy integer (int_kind) :: & communicator ,&! communicator to use for update messages nlocal_ew ,&! num local copies for east-west bndy update nlocal_ns ! num local copies for east-west bndy update integer (int_kind), dimension(:), pointer :: & local_ew_src_block ,&! source block for each local east-west copy local_ew_dst_block ,&! dest block for each local east-west copy local_ns_src_block ,&! source block for each local north-south copy local_ns_dst_block ! dest block for each local north-south copy integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: & local_ew_src_add ,&! starting source address for local e-w copies local_ew_dst_add ,&! starting dest address for local e-w copies local_ns_src_add ,&! starting source address for local n-s copies local_ns_dst_add ! starting dest address for local n-s copies end type bndy ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: create_boundary, & destroy_boundary, & update_ghost_cells interface update_ghost_cells ! generic interface module procedure boundary_2d_dbl, & boundary_2d_real, & boundary_2d_int, & boundary_3d_dbl, & boundary_3d_real, & boundary_3d_int, & boundary_4d_dbl, & boundary_4d_real, & boundary_4d_int end interface !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! global boundary buffers for tripole boundary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & tripole_ibuf, & tripole_ighost real (r4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & tripole_rbuf, & tripole_rghost real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & tripole_dbuf, & tripole_dghost !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: create_boundary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine create_boundary(newbndy, dist, & ns_bndy_type, ew_bndy_type, & nx_global, ny_global) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine creates a boundary type with info necessary for ! performing a boundary (ghost cell) update based on the input block ! distribution. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (distrb), intent(in) :: & dist ! distribution of blocks across procs character (*), intent(in) :: & ns_bndy_type, &! type of boundary to use in ns dir ew_bndy_type ! type of boundary to use in ew dir integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & nx_global, ny_global ! global extents of domain ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(out) :: & newbndy ! a new boundary type with info for updates !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k,n, &! dummy counters iblock_src , jblock_src , &! i,j index of source block iblock_dst , jblock_dst , &! i,j index of dest block iblock_north, jblock_north, &! i,j index of north neighbor block iblock_south, jblock_south, &! i,j index of south neighbor block iblock_east , jblock_east , &! i,j index of east neighbor block iblock_west , jblock_west , &! i,j index of west neighbor block src_block_loc, &! local block location of source dst_block_loc, &! local block location of dest nprocs, &! num of processors involved nblocks, &! total number of blocks iloc_ew, iloc_ns, &! src_proc, dst_proc ! src,dst processor for message logical (log_kind) :: & lalloc_tripole ! flag for allocating tripole buffers type (block) :: & src_block, &! block info for source block dst_block ! block info for destination block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialize some useful variables and return if this task not ! in the current distribution. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nprocs = dist%nprocs if (my_task >= nprocs) return nblocks = size(dist%proc(:)) lalloc_tripole = .false. newbndy%communicator = dist%communicator !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Count the number of messages to send/recv from each processor ! and number of blocks in each message. These quantities are ! necessary for allocating future arrays. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iloc_ew = 0 iloc_ns = 0 block_loop1: do n=1,nblocks src_proc = dist%proc(n) src_block = get_block(n,n) iblock_src = src_block%iblock ! i,j index of this block in jblock_src = src_block%jblock ! block cartesian decomposition !*** compute cartesian i,j block indices for each neighbor !*** use zero if off the end of closed boundary !*** use jnorth=nblocks_y and inorth < 0 for tripole boundary !*** to make sure top boundary communicated to all top !*** boundary blocks select case(ew_bndy_type) case ('cyclic') iblock_east = mod(iblock_src,nblocks_x) + 1 iblock_west = iblock_src - 1 if (iblock_west == 0) iblock_west = nblocks_x jblock_east = jblock_src jblock_west = jblock_src case ('closed') iblock_east = iblock_src + 1 iblock_west = iblock_src - 1 if (iblock_east > nblocks_x) iblock_east = 0 if (iblock_west < 1 ) iblock_west = 0 jblock_east = jblock_src jblock_west = jblock_src case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown east-west boundary type') end select select case(ns_bndy_type) case ('cyclic') jblock_north = mod(jblock_src,nblocks_y) + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 if (jblock_south == 0) jblock_south = nblocks_y iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src case ('closed') jblock_north = jblock_src + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 if (jblock_north > nblocks_y) jblock_north = 0 if (jblock_south < 1 ) jblock_south = 0 iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src case ('tripole') lalloc_tripole = .true. jblock_north = jblock_src + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src if (jblock_south < 1 ) jblock_south = 0 if (jblock_north > nblocks_y) then jblock_north = nblocks_y iblock_north = -iblock_src endif case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown north-south boundary type') end select !*** !*** if any neighbors are closed boundaries, must !*** create a local pseudo-message to zero ghost cells !*** if (src_proc /= 0) then if (iblock_east == 0) iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 if (iblock_west == 0) iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 if (jblock_north == 0) iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 if (jblock_south == 0) iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 endif !*** !*** now look through all the blocks for the neighbors !*** of the source block and check whether a message is !*** required for communicating with the neighbor !*** do k=1,nblocks dst_block = get_block(k,k) iblock_dst = dst_block%iblock !*** i,j block index of jblock_dst = dst_block%jblock !*** potential neighbor block dst_proc = dist%proc(k) ! processor that holds dst block !*** !*** if this block is an eastern neighbor !*** increment message counter !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_east .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_east) then if (dst_proc /= 0) then iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 endif endif !*** !*** if this block is an western neighbor !*** increment message counter !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_west .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_west) then if (dst_proc /= 0) then iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 endif endif !*** !*** if this block is an northern neighbor !*** find out whether a message is required !*** for tripole, must communicate with all !*** north row blocks (triggered by iblock_dst <0) !*** if ((iblock_dst == iblock_north .or. iblock_north < 0) .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_north) then if (dst_proc /= 0) then iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 endif endif !*** !*** if this block is an southern neighbor !*** find out whether a message is required !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_south .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_south) then if (dst_proc /= 0) then iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 endif endif end do ! search for dest blocks end do block_loop1 !*** !*** in this serial version, all messages are local copies !*** newbndy%nlocal_ew = iloc_ew newbndy%nlocal_ns = iloc_ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate buffers and arrays necessary for boundary comms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (newbndy%local_ew_src_block(newbndy%nlocal_ew), & newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(newbndy%nlocal_ew), & newbndy%local_ns_src_block(newbndy%nlocal_ns), & newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(newbndy%nlocal_ns), & newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,newbndy%nlocal_ew), & newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,newbndy%nlocal_ew), & newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,newbndy%nlocal_ns), & newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,newbndy%nlocal_ns)) newbndy%local_ew_src_block = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_block = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now set up indices into buffers and address arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iloc_ew = 0 iloc_ns = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! repeat loop through blocks but this time, determine all the ! required message information for each message or local copy ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- block_loop2: do n=1,nblocks src_proc = dist%proc(n) ! processor location for this block src_block = get_block(n,n) ! block info for this block iblock_src = src_block%iblock ! i,j index of this block in jblock_src = src_block%jblock ! block cartesian decomposition if (src_proc /= 0) then src_block_loc = dist%local_block(n) ! local block location else src_block_loc = 0 ! block is a land block endif !*** compute cartesian i,j block indices for each neighbor !*** use zero if off the end of closed boundary !*** use jnorth=nblocks_y and inorth < 0 for tripole boundary !*** to make sure top boundary communicated to all top !*** boundary blocks select case(ew_bndy_type) case ('cyclic') iblock_east = mod(iblock_src,nblocks_x) + 1 iblock_west = iblock_src - 1 if (iblock_west == 0) iblock_west = nblocks_x jblock_east = jblock_src jblock_west = jblock_src case ('closed') iblock_east = iblock_src + 1 iblock_west = iblock_src - 1 if (iblock_east > nblocks_x) iblock_east = 0 if (iblock_west < 1 ) iblock_west = 0 jblock_east = jblock_src jblock_west = jblock_src case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown east-west boundary type') end select select case(ns_bndy_type) case ('cyclic') jblock_north = mod(jblock_src,nblocks_y) + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 if (jblock_south == 0) jblock_south = nblocks_y iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src case ('closed') jblock_north = jblock_src + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 if (jblock_north > nblocks_y) jblock_north = 0 if (jblock_south < 1 ) jblock_south = 0 iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src case ('tripole') jblock_north = jblock_src + 1 jblock_south = jblock_src - 1 iblock_north = iblock_src iblock_south = iblock_src if (jblock_south < 1 ) jblock_south = 0 if (jblock_north > nblocks_y) then jblock_north = nblocks_y iblock_north = -iblock_src endif case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown north-south boundary type') end select !*** !*** if any boundaries are closed boundaries, set up !*** pseudo-message to zero ghost cells !*** if (src_block_loc /= 0) then if (iblock_east == 0) then iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = src_block%ie + 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 else if (iblock_west == 0) then iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 else if (jblock_north == 0) then iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = src_block%je + 1 else if (jblock_south == 0) then iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = 1 endif endif !*** !*** now search through blocks looking for neighbors to !*** the source block !*** do k=1,nblocks dst_proc = dist%proc(k) ! processor holding dst block !*** !*** compute the rest only if this block is not a land block !*** if (dst_proc /= 0) then dst_block = get_block(k,k) ! block info for this block iblock_dst = dst_block%iblock ! i,j block index in jblock_dst = dst_block%jblock ! Cartesian block decomposition dst_block_loc = dist%local_block(k) ! local block location !*** !*** if this block is an eastern neighbor !*** determine send/receive addresses !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_east .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_east) then if (src_proc /= 0) then !*** local copy from one block to another iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = src_block%ie - & nghost + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 else !*** source block is all land so treat as local copy !*** with source block zero to fill ghost cells with !*** zeroes iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 endif endif ! east neighbor !*** !*** if this block is a western neighbor !*** determine send/receive addresses !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_west .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_west) then if (src_proc /= 0) then !*** perform a local copy iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = nghost + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = dst_block%ie + 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 else !*** neighbor is a land block so zero ghost cells iloc_ew = iloc_ew + 1 newbndy%local_ew_src_block(iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(1,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_src_add(2,iloc_ew) = 0 newbndy%local_ew_dst_block(iloc_ew) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,iloc_ew) = dst_block%ie + 1 newbndy%local_ew_dst_add(2,iloc_ew) = 1 endif endif ! west neighbor !*** !*** if this block is a northern neighbor !*** compute send/recv addresses !*** for tripole, must communicate with all !*** north row blocks (triggered by iblock_north <0) !*** if ((iblock_dst == iblock_north .or. iblock_north < 0) .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_north) then if (src_proc /= 0) then !*** local copy iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = src_block%je - & nghost + 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = 1 if (iblock_north < 0) then !*** tripole boundary newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = -dst_block_loc !*** copy nghost+1 northern rows of physical !*** domain into global north tripole buffer newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = & src_block%i_glob(nghost+1) newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = & dst_block%je - nghost !*** copy out of tripole ghost cell buffer !*** over-write the last row of the destination !*** block to enforce for symmetry for fields !*** located on domain boundary newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = & dst_block%i_glob(nghost+1) newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = & dst_block%je endif else !*** source is land block so zero ghost cells iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = 1 if (iblock_north < 0) then !*** tripole boundary newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = -dst_block_loc !*** replace i addresses with global i location !*** for copies into and out of global buffer newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = & dst_block%i_glob(nghost+1) newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = dst_block%je endif endif endif ! north neighbor !*** !*** if this block is a southern neighbor !*** determine send/receive addresses !*** if (iblock_dst == iblock_south .and. & jblock_dst == jblock_south) then if (src_proc /= 0) then !*** local copy iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = src_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = nghost + 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = dst_block%je + 1 else !*** neighbor is a land block so zero ghost cells iloc_ns = iloc_ns + 1 newbndy%local_ns_src_block(iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(1,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_src_add(2,iloc_ns) = 0 newbndy%local_ns_dst_block(iloc_ns) = dst_block_loc newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,iloc_ns) = 1 newbndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,iloc_ns) = dst_block%je + 1 endif endif ! south neighbor endif ! not a land block end do end do block_loop2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if necessary, create tripole boundary buffers for each ! common data type. the ghost cell buffer includes an ! extra row for the last physical row in order to enforce ! symmetry conditions on variables at U points. the other buffer ! contains an extra row for handling y-offset for north face or ! northeast corner points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lalloc_tripole .and. .not. allocated(tripole_ibuf)) then allocate(tripole_ibuf (nx_global,nghost+1), & tripole_rbuf (nx_global,nghost+1), & tripole_dbuf (nx_global,nghost+1), & tripole_ighost(nx_global,nghost+1), & tripole_rghost(nx_global,nghost+1), & tripole_dghost(nx_global,nghost+1)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine create_boundary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: destroy_boundary ! !INTERFACE: subroutine destroy_boundary(in_bndy) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine destroys a boundary by deallocating all memory ! associated with the boundary and nullifying pointers. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary structure to be destroyed !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! reset all scalars ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- in_bndy%communicator = 0 in_bndy%nlocal_ew = 0 in_bndy%nlocal_ns = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! deallocate all pointers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate(in_bndy%local_ew_src_block, & in_bndy%local_ew_dst_block, & in_bndy%local_ns_src_block, & in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block, & in_bndy%local_ew_src_add, & in_bndy%local_ew_dst_add, & in_bndy%local_ns_src_add, & in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine destroy_boundary !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_2d_dbl(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 2d horizontal arrays of double precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(in) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k,m,n, &! dummy loop indices ib_src,ie_src,jb_src,je_src, &! beg,end indices for bndy cells ib_dst,ie_dst,jb_dst,je_dst, &! nx_global, &! global domain size in x src_block, &! local block number for source dst_block, &! local block number for destination xoffset, yoffset, &! address shifts for tripole isign ! sign factor for tripole grids real (r8) :: & xavg ! scalar for enforcing symmetry at U pts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set nx_global for tripole ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_dbuf)) nx_global = size(tripole_dbuf,dim=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do local copies for east-west ghost cell updates ! also initialize ghost cells to zero ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !call timer_start(bndy_2d_local) do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ew src_block = in_bndy%local_ew_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_block(n) ib_src = in_bndy%local_ew_src_add(1,n) ie_src = ib_src + nghost - 1 ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,:,src_block) else ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = c0 endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now exchange north-south boundary info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_dbuf)) tripole_dbuf = c0 do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns src_block = in_bndy%local_ns_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block > 0) then ! straight local copy jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost - 1 jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & ARRAY(:,jb_src:je_src,src_block) else ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = c0 endif else !north boundary tripole grid - copy into global north buffer jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost ! need nghost+1 rows for tripole !*** determine start, end addresses of physical domain !*** for both global buffer and local block ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + (nx_block-2*nghost) - 1 if (ie_dst > nx_global) ie_dst = nx_global ib_src = nghost + 1 ie_src = ib_src + ie_dst - ib_dst if (src_block /= 0) then tripole_dbuf(ib_dst:ie_dst,:) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,jb_src:je_src,src_block) endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! take care of northern boundary in tripole case ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_dbuf)) then select case (grid_loc) case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_dghost(:,1) = tripole_dbuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_dbuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_dbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_dghost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_dbuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_dghost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_dbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do !*** catch nx_global case (should be land anyway...) tripole_dghost(nx_global,1) = tripole_dbuf(nx_global,nghost+1) tripole_dbuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_dghost(:,1) case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_dghost(:,1) = tripole_dbuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global + 1 - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_dbuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_dbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_dghost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_dbuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_dghost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_dbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do tripole_dbuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_dghost(:,1) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown location in boundary_2d') end select select case (field_type) case (field_type_scalar) isign = 1 case (field_type_vector) isign = -1 case (field_type_angle) isign = -1 case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in boundary') end select !*** copy source (physical) cells into ghost cells !*** global source addresses are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j !*** in the actual tripole buffer, the indices are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i = ib_src - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j - (ny_global - nghost) + 1 = !*** nghost + yoffset +1 - j = jb_src - j ib_src = nx_global + xoffset jb_src = nghost + yoffset + 1 do j=1,nghost do i=1,nx_global tripole_dghost(i,1+j) = isign* & tripole_dbuf(ib_src-i, jb_src-j) end do end do !*** copy out of global ghost cell buffer into local !*** ghost cells do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block < 0) then dst_block = -dst_block jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost ib_src = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,n) !*** ib_src is glob address of 1st point in physical !*** domain. must now adjust to properly copy !*** east-west ghost cell info in the north boundary if (ib_src == 1) then ! western boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions at western boundary !*** then set up remaining indices to copy rest !*** of domain from tripole ghost cell buffer do i=1,nghost ARRAY(i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_dghost(nx_global-nghost+i,:) end do ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - nghost - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = nghost + 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) else ib_src = ib_src - nghost ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) endif if (ie_src == nx_global) then ! eastern boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions in ghost cells do i=1,nghost ARRAY(ie_dst+i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_dghost(i,:) end do endif !*** now copy the remaining ghost cell values ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_dghost(ib_src:ie_src,:) endif end do endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_2d_dbl !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_2d_real(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 2d horizontal arrays of single precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(in) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k,m,n, &! dummy loop indices ib_src,ie_src,jb_src,je_src, &! beg,end indices for bndy cells ib_dst,ie_dst,jb_dst,je_dst, &! nx_global, &! global domain size in x src_block, &! local block number for source dst_block, &! local block number for destination xoffset, yoffset, &! address shifts for tripole isign ! sign factor for tripole grids real (r4) :: & xavg ! scalar for enforcing symmetry at U pts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set nx_global for tripole ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_rbuf)) nx_global = size(tripole_rbuf,dim=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do local copies for east-west ghost cell updates ! also initialize ghost cells to zero ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ew src_block = in_bndy%local_ew_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_block(n) ib_src = in_bndy%local_ew_src_add(1,n) ie_src = ib_src + nghost - 1 ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,:,src_block) else ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = c0 endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now exchange north-south boundary info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_rbuf)) tripole_rbuf = c0 do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns src_block = in_bndy%local_ns_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block > 0) then ! straight local copy jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost - 1 jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & ARRAY(:,jb_src:je_src,src_block) else ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = c0 endif else !north boundary tripole grid - copy into global north buffer jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost ! need nghost+1 rows for tripole !*** determine start, end addresses of physical domain !*** for both global buffer and local block ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + (nx_block-2*nghost) - 1 if (ie_dst > nx_global) ie_dst = nx_global ib_src = nghost + 1 ie_src = ib_src + ie_dst - ib_dst if (src_block /= 0) then tripole_rbuf(ib_dst:ie_dst,:) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,jb_src:je_src,src_block) endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! take care of northern boundary in tripole case ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_rbuf)) then select case (grid_loc) case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_rghost(:,1) = tripole_rbuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_rbuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_rbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_rghost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_rbuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_rghost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_rbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do !*** catch nx_global case (should be land anyway...) tripole_rghost(nx_global,1) = tripole_rbuf(nx_global,nghost+1) tripole_rbuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_rghost(:,1) case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_rghost(:,1) = tripole_rbuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global + 1 - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_rbuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_rbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_rghost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_rbuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_rghost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_rbuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do tripole_rbuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_rghost(:,1) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown location in boundary_2d') end select select case (field_type) case (field_type_scalar) isign = 1 case (field_type_vector) isign = -1 case (field_type_angle) isign = -1 case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in boundary') end select !*** copy source (physical) cells into ghost cells !*** global source addresses are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j !*** in the actual tripole buffer, the indices are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i = ib_src - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j - (ny_global - nghost) + 1 = !*** nghost + yoffset +1 - j = jb_src - j ib_src = nx_global + xoffset jb_src = nghost + yoffset + 1 do j=1,nghost do i=1,nx_global tripole_rghost(i,1+j) = isign* & tripole_rbuf(ib_src-i, jb_src-j) end do end do !*** copy out of global ghost cell buffer into local !*** ghost cells do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block < 0) then dst_block = -dst_block jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost ib_src = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,n) !*** ib_src is glob address of 1st point in physical !*** domain. must now adjust to properly copy !*** east-west ghost cell info in the north boundary if (ib_src == 1) then ! western boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions at western boundary !*** then set up remaining indices to copy rest !*** of domain from tripole ghost cell buffer do i=1,nghost ARRAY(i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_rghost(nx_global-nghost+i,:) end do ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - nghost - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = nghost + 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) else ib_src = ib_src - nghost ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) endif if (ie_src == nx_global) then ! eastern boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions in ghost cells do i=1,nghost ARRAY(ie_dst+i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_rghost(i,:) end do endif !*** now copy the remaining ghost cell values ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_rghost(ib_src:ie_src,:) endif end do endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_2d_real !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_2d_int(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 2d horizontal arrays of double precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(in) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k,m,n, &! dummy loop indices ib_src,ie_src,jb_src,je_src, &! beg,end indices for bndy cells ib_dst,ie_dst,jb_dst,je_dst, &! nx_global, &! global domain size in x src_block, &! local block number for source dst_block, &! local block number for destination xoffset, yoffset, &! address shifts for tripole isign ! sign factor for tripole grids integer (int_kind) :: & xavg ! scalar for enforcing symmetry at U pts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set nx_global for tripole ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_ibuf)) nx_global = size(tripole_ibuf,dim=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do local copies for east-west ghost cell updates ! also initialize ghost cells to zero ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ew src_block = in_bndy%local_ew_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_block(n) ib_src = in_bndy%local_ew_src_add(1,n) ie_src = ib_src + nghost - 1 ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ew_dst_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,:,src_block) else ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,:,dst_block) = 0 endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now exchange north-south boundary info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_ibuf)) tripole_ibuf = 0 do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns src_block = in_bndy%local_ns_src_block(n) dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block > 0) then ! straight local copy jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost - 1 jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost - 1 if (src_block /= 0) then ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & ARRAY(:,jb_src:je_src,src_block) else ARRAY(:,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = 0 endif else !north boundary tripole grid - copy into global north buffer jb_src = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(2,n) je_src = jb_src + nghost ! need nghost+1 rows for tripole !*** determine start, end addresses of physical domain !*** for both global buffer and local block ib_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_src_add(1,n) ie_dst = ib_dst + (nx_block-2*nghost) - 1 if (ie_dst > nx_global) ie_dst = nx_global ib_src = nghost + 1 ie_src = ib_src + ie_dst - ib_dst if (src_block /= 0) then tripole_ibuf(ib_dst:ie_dst,:) = & ARRAY(ib_src:ie_src,jb_src:je_src,src_block) endif endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! take care of northern boundary in tripole case ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (allocated(tripole_ibuf)) then select case (grid_loc) case (field_loc_center) ! cell center location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_ighost(:,1) = tripole_ibuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_NEcorner) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_ibuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_ibuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_ighost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_ibuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_ighost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_ibuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do !*** catch nx_global case (should be land anyway...) tripole_ighost(nx_global,1) = tripole_ibuf(nx_global,nghost+1) tripole_ibuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_ighost(:,1) case (field_loc_Eface) ! cell center location xoffset = 0 yoffset = 1 !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain (mostly for symmetry enforcement) tripole_ighost(:,1) = tripole_ibuf(:,nghost+1) case (field_loc_Nface) ! cell corner (velocity) location xoffset = 1 yoffset = 0 !*** enforce symmetry !*** first row of ghost cell buffer is actually the last !*** row of physical domain do i = 1, nx_global/2 ib_dst = nx_global + 1 - i xavg = p5*(abs(tripole_ibuf(i ,nghost+1)) + & abs(tripole_ibuf(ib_dst,nghost+1))) tripole_ighost(i ,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_ibuf(i,nghost+1)) tripole_ighost(ib_dst,1) = sign(xavg, & tripole_ibuf(ib_dst,nghost+1)) end do tripole_ibuf(:,nghost+1) = tripole_ighost(:,1) case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown location in boundary_2d') end select select case (field_type) case (field_type_scalar) isign = 1 case (field_type_vector) isign = -1 case (field_type_angle) isign = -1 case default call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'Unknown field type in boundary') end select !*** copy source (physical) cells into ghost cells !*** global source addresses are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j !*** in the actual tripole buffer, the indices are: !*** nx_global + xoffset - i = ib_src - i !*** ny_global + yoffset - j - (ny_global - nghost) + 1 = !*** nghost + yoffset +1 - j = jb_src - j ib_src = nx_global + xoffset jb_src = nghost + yoffset + 1 do j=1,nghost do i=1,nx_global tripole_ighost(i,1+j) = isign* & tripole_ibuf(ib_src-i, jb_src-j) end do end do !*** copy out of global ghost cell buffer into local !*** ghost cells do n=1,in_bndy%nlocal_ns dst_block = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_block(n) if (dst_block < 0) then dst_block = -dst_block jb_dst = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(2,n) je_dst = jb_dst + nghost ib_src = in_bndy%local_ns_dst_add(1,n) !*** ib_src is glob address of 1st point in physical !*** domain. must now adjust to properly copy !*** east-west ghost cell info in the north boundary if (ib_src == 1) then ! western boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions at western boundary !*** then set up remaining indices to copy rest !*** of domain from tripole ghost cell buffer do i=1,nghost ARRAY(i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_ighost(nx_global-nghost+i,:) end do ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - nghost - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = nghost + 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) else ib_src = ib_src - nghost ie_src = ib_src + nx_block - 1 if (ie_src > nx_global) ie_src = nx_global ib_dst = 1 ie_dst = ib_dst + (ie_src - ib_src) endif if (ie_src == nx_global) then ! eastern boundary !*** impose cyclic conditions in ghost cells do i=1,nghost ARRAY(ie_dst+i,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_ighost(i,:) end do endif !*** now copy the remaining ghost cell values ARRAY(ib_dst:ie_dst,jb_dst:je_dst,dst_block) = & tripole_ighost(ib_src:ie_src,:) endif end do endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_2d_int !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_3d_dbl(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of double precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,m ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- m = size(ARRAY,3) do k = 1, m call boundary_2d_dbl(ARRAY(:,:,k,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_3d_dbl !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_3d_real(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of single precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,m ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- m = size(ARRAY,3) do k = 1, m call boundary_2d_real(ARRAY(:,:,k,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_3d_real !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_3d_int(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of integer. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,m ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- m = size(ARRAY,3) do k = 1, m call boundary_2d_int(ARRAY(:,:,k,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_3d_int !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_4d_dbl(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of double precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,l,m,n ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- l = size(ARRAY,dim=3) n = size(ARRAY,dim=4) do k=1,l do m=1,n call boundary_2d_dbl(ARRAY(:,:,k,m,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_4d_dbl !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_4d_real(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of single precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,l,m,n ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- l = size(ARRAY,dim=3) n = size(ARRAY,dim=4) do k=1,l do m=1,n call boundary_2d_real(ARRAY(:,:,k,m,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_4d_real !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_ghost_cells ! !INTERFACE: subroutine boundary_4d_int(ARRAY, in_bndy, grid_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates ghost cells for an input array and is a ! member of a group of routines under the generic interface ! update\_ghost\_cells. This routine is the specific interface ! for 3d horizontal arrays of double precision. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !USER: ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (bndy), intent(inout) :: & in_bndy ! boundary update structure for the array integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_type, &! id for type of field (scalar, vector, angle) grid_loc ! id for location on horizontal grid ! (center, NEcorner, Nface, Eface) integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY ! array containing horizontal slab to update !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k,l,m,n ! dummy loop indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- l = size(ARRAY,dim=3) n = size(ARRAY,dim=4) do k=1,l do m=1,n call boundary_2d_int(ARRAY(:,:,k,m,:),in_bndy,grid_loc,field_type) end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine boundary_4d_int !EOC !*********************************************************************** end module boundary !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||