; This NCL script takes the two climatological files created by pop_frc.csh ; and creates a slab ocean model (SOM) forcing file. This script does the ; same steps as the pop_frc.m matlab script used by C. Bitz. load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" case = "b40.999" begin ; Need to point to climatologies created by pop_frc.csh. popmac = "/biptmp/dbailey/"+case+"/"+case+".pop.h.481-500.MAC.nc" ;cplmac = "/biptmp/dbailey/"+case+"/"+case+".cpl6.h.241-260.MAC.nc" f1 = addfile(popmac,"r") ;f2 = addfile(cplmac,"r") f3 = addfile("/fis/cgd/cseg/csm/inputdata/ocn/docn7/domain.ocn.gx1v5.061230.nc","r") time = (/14., 46., 74., 105., 135., 166., 196., 227., 258., 288., 319., 349./) maskr = f1->REGION_MASK delete(maskr@coordinates) area = f3->area delete(area@coordinates) tarea = (/f1->TAREA/) tlon = f1->TLONG tlat = f1->TLAT xc = flt2dble(tlon) yc = flt2dble(tlat) dims = dimsizes(xc) nlat = dims(0) nlon = dims(1) ntime = 12 ; Use the annual mean mixed layer depth hbltin = f1->HBLT delete(hbltin@coordinates) delete(hbltin@cell_methods) hblt_avg = dim_avg(hbltin(nlat|:,nlon|:,time|:)) hblttmp = conform(hbltin,hblt_avg,(/1,2/)) / 100. z_t = f1->z_t print(z_t) nz = dimsizes(z_t) print(nz) zint = fspan(1,nz+1,nz+1) zint(0) = 0 do n=1,nz-1 zint(n) = 0.5*(z_t(n)+z_t(n-1)) end do zint(nz) = 2.0*z_t(nz-1)-zint(nz-1) print(zint) dz = fspan(1,nz,nz) do n=0,nz-1 dz(n) = zint(n+1)-zint(n) end do print(dz) wgt = dz / sum(dz(0:9)) Ttmp = f1->TEMP(:,0:9,:,:) Stmp = f1->SALT(:,0:9,:,:) Tin = dim_avg_wgt_Wrap(Ttmp(time|:,nlat|:,nlon|:,z_t|:),wgt(0:9),0) Sin = dim_avg_wgt_Wrap(Stmp(time|:,nlat|:,nlon|:,z_t|:),wgt(0:9),0) ; This version uses the velocities from the POP history file, so ; has to do interpolation and rotation. If the CPL history files were ; available we can use the surface ocean currents there. ;Uin = f2->avXc2i_i_So_u ;Vin = f2->avXc2i_i_So_v Utmp = f1->UVEL(:,0,:,:) Vtmp = f1->VVEL(:,0,:,:) ANGLET1 = f1->ANGLET ANGLET = doubletofloat(ANGLET1) Utmp2 = Utmp*0. Vtmp2 = Vtmp*0. Uin = Utmp*0. Vin = Vtmp*0. do j=1,nlat-1 do i=1,nlon-1 Utmp2(:,j,i) = 0.25*(Utmp(:,j,i)+Utmp(:,j-1,i)+Utmp(:,j,i-1)+Utmp(:,j-1,i-1)) Vtmp2(:,j,i) = 0.25*(Vtmp(:,j,i)+Vtmp(:,j-1,i)+Vtmp(:,j,i-1)+Vtmp(:,j-1,i-1)) end do end do do nt=0,ntime-1 Uin(nt,:,:) = (Utmp2(nt,:,:)*cos(ANGLET(:,:))+Vtmp2(nt,:,:)*sin(-ANGLET(:,:)))*0.01 Vin(nt,:,:) = (Vtmp2(nt,:,:)*cos(ANGLET(:,:))-Utmp2(nt,:,:)*sin(-ANGLET(:,:)))*0.01 end do ; We do not have sea surface tilt terms in the POP history files. These are ; only in the CPL history files. ;dhdxin = f2->avXc2i_i_So_dhdx ;dhdyin = f2->avXc2i_i_So_dhdy dhdxin = Tin*0. dhdyin = Tin*0. ; Need to weight the monthly means daysinmo = (/31.,28.,31.,30.,31.,30.,31.,31.,30.,31.,30.,31./) xnp = daysinmo xnm = daysinmo xnm(1:11) = daysinmo(1:11)+daysinmo(0:10) xnm(0) = daysinmo(0)+daysinmo(11) xnp(0:10) = daysinmo(0:10)+daysinmo(1:11) xnp(11) = daysinmo(11)+daysinmo(0) aa = 2.*daysinmo / xnm cc = 2.*daysinmo / xnp a = aa / 8. c = cc / 8. b = 1. - a - c M = (/(/b(0),c(0),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a(0)/), \ (/a(1),b(1),c(1),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,a(2),b(2),c(2),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,a(3),b(3),c(3),0,0,0,0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,a(4),b(4),c(4),0,0,0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,a(5),b(5),c(5),0,0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,0,a(6),b(6),c(6),0,0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,0,0,a(7),b(7),c(7),0,0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a(8),b(8),c(8),0,0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a(9),b(9),c(9),0/), \ (/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a(10),b(10),c(10)/), \ (/c(11),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,a(11),b(11)/)/) invM = inverse_matrix(M) shf = f1->SHF qflux = f1->QFLUX melth_f = f1->MELTH_F resid_t = f1->RESID_T ;tfw_t = f1->TWF_T rcp_sw = 1026.*3996. surf = shf+qflux T1 = Tin T1(0:10,:,:) = Tin(1:11,:,:) T1(11,:,:) = Tin(0,:,:) T2 = Tin T2(0,:,:) = Tin(11,:,:) T2(1:11,:,:) = Tin(0:10,:,:) ;hblt1 = hblttmp ;hblt1(0:10,:,:) = hblttmp(1:11,:,:) ;hblt1(11,:,:) = hblttmp(0,:,:) ;hblt2 = hblttmp ;hblt2(0,:,:) = hblttmp(11,:,:) ;hblt2(1:11,:,:) = hblttmp(0:10,:,:) ;dT = T1*hblt1-T2*hblt2 ;release = rcp_sw*dT / (86400.*365./6.) dT = T1-T2 release = rcp_sw*dT*hblttmp / (86400.*365./6.) ocnheat = surf-release maskt = new((/nlat,nlon/),double) maskt = 1 maskt = mask(maskt,ismissing(ocnheat(0,:,:)),False) err = new(12,double) do n=0,ntime-1 tmp = flt2dble(ndtooned(ocnheat(n,:,:))) tmp(ind(ismissing(tmp))) = 0. err(n) = tmp # ndtooned(tarea) / sum(tarea * maskt) end do print(err) glob = avg(err) print(glob) ;ocnheat = ocnheat - dble2flt(glob) T = new(dimsizes(Tin),typeof(Tin)) S = new(dimsizes(Sin),typeof(Sin)) U = new(dimsizes(Uin),typeof(Uin)) V = new(dimsizes(Vin),typeof(Vin)) dhdx = new(dimsizes(dhdxin),typeof(dhdxin)) dhdy = new(dimsizes(dhdyin),typeof(dhdyin)) hblt = new(dimsizes(hbltin),typeof(hbltin)) qdp = new(dimsizes(shf),typeof(shf)) T = 0. S = 0. U = 0. V = 0. dhdx = 0. dhdy = 0. hblt = 0. qdp = 0. do j=0,ntime-1 do i=0,ntime-1 T(j,:,:) = T(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*Tin(i,:,:) S(j,:,:) = S(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*Sin(i,:,:) U(j,:,:) = U(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*Uin(i,:,:) V(j,:,:) = V(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*Vin(i,:,:) dhdx(j,:,:) = dhdx(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*dhdxin(i,:,:) dhdy(j,:,:) = dhdy(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*dhdyin(i,:,:) hblt(j,:,:) = hblt(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*hblttmp(i,:,:) qdp(j,:,:) = qdp(j,:,:) + invM(j,i)*ocnheat(i,:,:) end do end do time@units = "days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00" time@long_name = "observation time" time@calendar = "noleap" area@units = "area" area@long_name = "area of grid cell in radians squared" maskr@long_name = "domain maskr" maskr@units = "unitless" xc@long_name = "longitude of grid cell center" xc@units = "degrees east" yc@long_name = "latitude of grid cell center" yc@units = "degrees north" S@long_name = "salinity" S@units = "ppt" T@long_name = "temperature" T@units = "degC" U@long_name = "u ocean current" U@units = "m/s" V@long_name = "v ocean current" V@units = "m/s" dhdx@long_name = "ocean surface slope: zonal" dhdx@units = "m/m" dhdy@long_name = "ocean surface slope: meridional" dhdy@units = "m/m" hblt@long_name = "boundary layer depth" hblt@units = "m" qdp@long_name = "ocean heat flux convergence" qdp@units = "W/m^2" fout = addfile("oceanmixed_ice.nc","c") setfileoption(fout,"DefineMode",True) fileAtt = True fileAtt@title = "Monthly averaged ocean forcing from POP output" fileAtt@conventions = "CCSM data model domain description" fileAtt@source = "pop_frc.ncl" fileAtt@description = "Input data for DOCN7 mixed layer model from " + case fileAtt@note1 = "fields computed from 20-yr monthly means from pop" fileAtt@note2 = "all fields interpolated to T-grid" fileAtt@note3 = "qdp is computed from depth summed ocean column" fileAtt@author = "D. Bailey" fileAtt@calendar = "standard" fileAtt@comment = "This data is on the displaced pole grid gx1v5" fileAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date") fileattdef(fout,fileAtt) dimNames = (/"time","nj","ni"/) dimSizes = (/ntime,nlat,nlon/) dimUnlim = (/False,False,False/) filedimdef(fout,dimNames,dimSizes,dimUnlim) filevardef(fout,"area",typeof(area),(/"nj","ni"/)) filevarattdef(fout,"area",area) filevardef(fout,"mask",typeof(maskr),(/"nj","ni"/)) filevarattdef(fout,"mask",maskr) filevardef(fout,"xc",typeof(xc),(/"nj","ni"/)) filevarattdef(fout,"xc",xc) filevardef(fout,"yc",typeof(yc),(/"nj","ni"/)) filevarattdef(fout,"yc",yc) filevardef(fout,"time",typeof(time),"time") filevarattdef(fout,"time",time) filevardef(fout,"S",typeof(S),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"S",S) filevardef(fout,"T",typeof(T),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"T",T) filevardef(fout,"U",typeof(U),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"U",U) filevardef(fout,"V",typeof(V),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"V",V) filevardef(fout,"dhdx",typeof(dhdx),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"dhdx",dhdx) filevardef(fout,"dhdy",typeof(dhdy),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"dhdy",dhdy) filevardef(fout,"hblt",typeof(hblt),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"hblt",hblt) filevardef(fout,"qdp",typeof(qdp),dimNames) filevarattdef(fout,"qdp",qdp) fout->area = (/area/) fout->mask = (/maskr/) fout->xc = (/xc/) fout->yc = (/yc/) fout->time = (/time/) fout->S = (/S/) fout->T = (/T/) fout->U = (/U/) fout->V = (/V/) fout->dhdx = (/dhdx/) fout->dhdy = (/dhdy/) fout->hblt = (/hblt/) fout->qdp = (/qdp/) end