Slab Ocean Model (SOM) forcing files. The two main scripts in this directory are: pop_frc.csh and pop_frc*.ncl Step 1: First, one needs to edit the 'pop_frc.csh' script to select a particular case name from which to make a monthly-mean annual climatology. 1. Change CASE to the case name you are interested in. 2. Set BEGYR and ENDYR to the appropriate years for your climatology. 3. If there are coupler history files available, these can be used for the velocities and sea surface tilt terms. Set CPLHIST to TRUE. 3. The script assumes the 'pop_frc' directory sits in your home directory, and your work directory is /ptmp/${USER}/${CASE}. These can be changed as needed. 4. Specify the path name to the mass store directory where the case resides. Execute the script by typing, say: ./pop_frc.csh > pop_frc.out & For a twenty year climatology, the script takes about a day of wall-clock time on gale, gust, breeze, etc. Step 2: Once the two climatogical files have been created, you can run one of the NCL scripts, 'pop_frc*.ncl'. You will need to edit the script and point to the POP and coupler (popmac and cplmac) climatological files. pop_frc_mlt.ncl* -> uses mixed-layer temperature to derive the Q-flux pop_frc_mlann.ncl -> uses mixed-layer temperature to derive the Q-flux also produces velocities and salinities averaged over the annual mean ml depth pop_frc_interp.ncl -> Interpolates the data onto a standard 1x1d grid * recommended script Execute the script by typing: ncl pop_frc_mlt.ncl A file called '' should be created with the appropriate SOM forcing fields. To make this file usable by the DOCN7 SOM, have a look in: /fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/ocn/docn7/SOM The file '' should be renamed with the convention: pop_frc.${GRID} A text stream file also needs to accompany the netcdf file. See the examples in the above directory for the conventions.