Test names for the test_system script are given by the test type, resolution, compset, and then machine/compiler so test_type.resolution.compset.machine_compiler example: ERS_D_PT.T31_g37.I_2000_VOC_SNCRFRC_CN.yellowstone_intel Test naming conventions for the test_driver.sh script: Test names are: xxnmi Where: xx is the two-letter test type sm=smoke, br=branch, er=exact restart, bl=base-line comparision, cb=configure-build, rp=reproducibility, op=OpenMP threading for tools n is the configuration type: 1 -- unused 2 -- unused 3 -- unused 4 -- mkmapgrids 5 -- gen_domain 6 -- unused 7 -- mksurfdata 8 -- interpinic 9 -- tools scripts m is the resolution 1 -- 48x96 5 -- 10x15 7 -- 1x1 brazil 9 -- 4x5 y -- 1.9x2.5 with transient 1850-2100 for rcp=2.6 and glacier-MEC on Z -- 10x15 with crop on @ -- ne120np4 # -- ne30np4 i is the specific test (usually this implies...) 3 -- OpenMP only 4 -- serial 7 -- OpenMP only second test (without DEBUG compiler mode on)