clm/test/system/README 10/24/2012 Scripts for testing CLM and the CLM support tools with many different configurations and run-time options. I. MAIN SCRIPTS: test_system ---- Run tests of the model specific for CLM - Test the CLM offline tools To use... ./test_system ./ -i Intended for use on NCAR machines: yellowstone, frankfort.cgd, lynx, mirage, bluefire, and ORNL machine titan. And works on the MacBook laptop yongi.cgd. For most machines more than one compiler is supported. II. RUNNING test_system TESTING: Basic use: ./test_system ./test_system --help # to get help on options To generate files for a new tag and compare to a previous tag ./test_system --compare clm4_0_60 --generate clm4_0_61 Important files for test_system testing: config_files/config_CLMtestCompsets.xml - Compsets specific for CLM testing user_nl_dirs ---------------------------- Directories with namelist changes for testing bluefire.batch -------------------------- Batch test runs for bluefire lynx.batch ------------------------------ Batch test runs for lynx shortlist.batch ------------------------- Shortlist batch test runs for any machine yellowstone.batch ----------------------- Batch test runs for yellowstone bluefire.interactive -------------------- Interactive test runs for bluefire lynx.interactive ------------------------ Interactive test runs for lynx mirage.interactive ---------------------- Interactive test runs for mirage shortlist.interactive ------------------- Shortlist Interactive test runs for any machine yellowstone.interactive ----------------- Interactive test runs for yellowstone III. RUNNING TOOLS TESTING: Basic use: ./ -i ./ -h # to get help on options Important environment variables (just used by BL_ROOT ---------------- Root directory of CLM baseline code to compare to (if not set BL test will not be performed) BL_TESTDIR ------------- Root directory of where to put baseline tests CLM_INPUT_TESTS -------- Filename of file with list of tests to perform CLM_TESTDIR ------------ Root directory of where to put most tests CLM_RETAIN_FILES ------- If set to TRUE -- don't cleanup files after testing CLM_FC ----------------- Use given compiler CLM_JOBID -------------- Job identification number to use (rather than process ID) CLM_THREADS ------------ Number of open-MP threads to use (by default this is set differently by machine) CLM_SOFF --------------- If set to TRUE -- stop on first failed test Important files for test_driver tools testing: ------- Main test script for tools nl_files ------------- Directory with various namelists to test config_files --------- Directory with various configurations to test input_tests_master --- Master list of tests tests_pretag_* ------- Tests for specific machines to do by default before a tag is done tests_posttag_* ------ Tests for specific machines to do for more extensive testing after a tag is done ------- Compares output history files between two cases T*.sh ---------------- Basic test script to do a specific type of test ---- Creates HTML table of tests Makefile ------------- Will build the HTML table of tests ../../tools/README.testing - Information on how the testing works for the CLM tools