=============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_54 in cesm1_1_0 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Fri Oct 12 18:58:28 MDT 2012 One-line Summary: Hi res mksurfdata datasets, glc bug-fix, new datasets, multi-instance, unstructured grid support MEGAN model updated, RTM seperated and 10th degree grid option Purpose of changes: Changes to answers for science: * New "ngwh" harvest for surface datasets to fix issues in rcp6 and rcp8.5 land-use change datasets * Snow history output a bit differently so that you can do a full budget (only changes history fields) * Bug fix for GLC-MEC virtual columns, ice-albedo change for GLC-MEC * New surface datasets, initial-conditions and grid (gland5UM) for GLC-MEC * New datasets for f05, T31 and rcp6/rcp8.5 land-use change (fmax and organic soil high resolution datasets for mksurdata_map) New Capabilities for Science (functionality): * Multiple instance capability * Support to run CLM on non lat/lon and cubed sphere and unstructured grids * New high resolution datasets available for creating surface datasets (most datasets at 10X the previous half-degree datasets [which are also available]) * MEGAN model updated to general format to model 120 species * Option for tenth degree RTM * New hi-res pct_glacer and topo files for creating mksurfdata Refactoring or changes to software Infrastructure: * New support for user-specification of model grids * CLM tool input dataset tool chain changed extensively * Remove CASA * Use RTM mapping files * RTM removed from CLM as a separate -- River Runoff Model Component * Add soilwater field to coupler for CARMA * CLM testing framework now uses the CESM test framework, rather than CLM stand-alone testing Bugs fixed: Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1158 (I_1850-2000_CN (I4804CN) inconsistent with I_1850-2000 (I4804) compset) 1163 (finidat file has a bunch of NaN's in it) 1164 (Restart trouble for CN13 on mirage...) 1251 (PTCLM testcases aborts in I_QIAN case) 1282 (Trouble running to last CLM1PT atm time-step) 1283 (CLM with glacier-MEC fails running on intel) 1325 (GDDHARV on hist causes model to die in debug) 1410 (Problem running PST.f09_g16.I.jaguarpf) 1435 (Carbon balance error for crop with CNDV case at f19) http://bugs.cgd.ucar.edu/ Known Limitations: 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenwich) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 452 (Problem with support of soil-colors != 8 or 20) Describe any changes made to build system: Describe any changes made to the namelist: List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: Code reviewed by: erik Summary of testing: =============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_32 in cesm1_0_4 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Fri Dec 9 11:23:54 MST 2011 One-line Summary: Fix bugs in cesm1_0_3 Purpose of changes: Fix several of the bugs from cesm1_0_3. Bugs fixed: 1358 (incorrect units for a few history fields) 1367 (final_spinup stop time isn't right for PTCLM) 1370 (Build bug with CNDV) 1381 (Can't change monthly average to NOT be one per month) 1423 (Problem building clmtype with C13 on bluefire) 1425 (Double quotes in user_nl_clm causes configure to hang) 1424 (variables written out as gdir) 1434 (Problem with CNDV on jaguar for many processors) Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1158 (I_1850-2000_CN (I4804CN) inconsistent with I_1850-2000 (I4804) compset) 1163 (finidat file has a bunch of NaN's in it) 1164 (Restart trouble for CN13 on mirage...) 1251 (PTCLM testcases aborts in I_QIAN case) 1282 (Trouble running to last CLM1PT atm time-step) 1283 (CLM with glacier-MEC fails running on intel) 1325 (GDDHARV on hist causes model to die in debug) 1410 (Problem running PST.f09_g16.I.jaguarpf) 1435 (Carbon balance error for crop with CNDV case at f19) http://bugs.cgd.ucar.edu/ Known Limitations: 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenwich) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 452 (Problem with support of soil-colors != 8 or 20) Describe any changes made to build system: None Describe any changes made to the namelist: None List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: None Code reviewed by: erik Summary of testing: bluefire/CESM testing: All PASS except compare tests that all fail bluefire interactive testing: All PASS jaguarpg/CESM testing: All PASS except... FAIL PST.f09_g16.I.jaguarpf jaguarpf interactive testing: ALL PASS except TBL tests and... 015 smG43 TSM.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 10 016 erG43 TER.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 -2+-2 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 5 017 brG43 TBR.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 -2+-2 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 5 018 blG43 TBL.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 4 025 brSn3 TBR.sh _mec10sc_do clm_transient_glcMEC_rcp8.5^nl_urb_br 20331231:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-FAIL! rc= 13 037 brS63 TBR.sh _mec10sc_do clm_glcmec^nl_urb_br 19980115:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -2+-2 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 13 jaguarpf testing: ALL PASS except... 002 erB92 TER.sh _scsnf_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 -2+-2 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 12 003 brB92 TBR.sh _scsnf_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 -2+-2 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 13 007 brE92 TBR.sh 4p_vorsc_dm clm_std^nl_urb_br 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 -2+-2 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 13 019 brH92 TBR.sh 17p_cnsc_dm clm_ndepdyn^nl_cn_conly 20020101:1800 4x5 gx3v7@1850-2000 -2+-2 cold FAIL! rc= 13 027 brJ62 TBR.sh 4p_casasc_dm clm_std^nl_urb_br 20021230:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -2+-2 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 13 030 smU61 TSM.sh 21p_cndvcrpsc_dh clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -6 startup ...FAIL! rc= 10 031 erU61 TER.sh 21p_cndvcrpsc_dh clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 10+38 startup FAIL! rc= 5 032 brU61 TBR.sh 21p_cndvcrpsc_dh clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -3+-3 startup FAIL! rc= 5 033 blU61 TBL.sh 21p_cndvcrpsc_dh clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 48 startup ...FAIL! rc= 4 jaguarpf PTCLM testing: ALL PASS up to ... 14 PTCLM.22571_US-UMB_ICN_exit_spinup.PTCLM PASS lynx/pgi interactive testing: All PASS mirage/intel interactive testing: ALL PASS except... 008 smGp3 TSM.sh _scnv_do clm_irrig 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -6 startup ......................FAIL! rc= 10 009 erGp3 TER.sh _scnv_do clm_irrig 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 10+38 startup ...................FAIL! rc= 5 010 brGp3 TBR.sh _scnv_do clm_irrig 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -3+-3 startup ...................FAIL! rc= 5 011 blGp3 TBL.sh _scnv_do clm_irrig 20000101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 48 startup ......................FAIL! rc= 4 019 blL54 TBL.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:1800 10x15 USGS 48 arb_ic .......................FAIL! rc= 7 DSTDEP off by roundoff 023 blR53 TBL.sh 17p_cnc13sc_do clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:1800 10x15 USGS@1850 48 cold ............FAIL! rc= 7 DSTDEP off by roundoff 024 smG53 TSM.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 10 025 erG53 TER.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 10+38 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 5 026 brG53 TBR.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 5 027 blG53 TBL.sh 17p_scnv_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 4 edinburgh/lahey PTCLM testing: All PASS up to.. 14 PTCLM.4159_US-UMB_ICN_exit_spinup.PTCLM PASS edinburgh/lahey interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 blAL4 TBL.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -10 cold ..................FAIL! rc= 7 DSTDEP off by roundoff 014 blOC4 TBL.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19920812:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 331 arb_ic ...FAIL! rc= 7 DSTDEP off by roundoff CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm4_0_32 Changes answers relative to baseline: no (except dust bin #4 field switched) (sometimes this makes DSTDEP different to roundoff) =============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_32 in cesm1_0_3 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Thu May 19 15:13:57 MDT 2011 One-line Summary: New T31 datasets, add crop/irrigation in, remove unused CPP tokens, fix urbanc_alpha and 2.5x3.33 datasets, Changes from Keith O on SNOWLIQ/SNOWICE Move cpl fld indicies to clm, move cpl_* dir up a level, add cpl_share dir Update for ESMF metadata, bug fixes, use drv pio namelist, add in T341 datasets Use pio for all IO, make restart history files NetCDF. Purpose of changes: Science changes: Add prognostic crop model (based on Agro-IBIS) as an option (from work by Sam Levis). When prognostic crop is active four new Plant Function Types (PFT's) become active for: corn, spring-temperate cereal, winter-temperate cereal, and soybean. We don't currently activate winter cereal's in our datasets, and our datasets only have prognostic crops over temperate latitudes (NOT near the equator). The model tracks planting and harvesting of the prognostic crops. Data for crop is only available for present-day conditions and NOT for transient simulations. Add irrigation model as an option (from work by Bill Sacks and Sam Levis). When irrigation is active a dataset turns generic crop (not managed) into irrigated generic crop, the model takes runoff from RTM when crops need water. Software engineering changes: Use PIO (Parallel Input/Output package) for all Input/Output, make restart history files NetCDF. Input and output files can be read/written in parallel using PIO. Remove a list of old CPP defines, remove misc/preproc.h files. Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1158 (I_1850-2000_CN (I4804CN) inconsistent with I_1850-2000 (I4804) compset) 1163 (finidat file has a bunch of NaN's in it) 1164 (Restart trouble for CN13 on mirage...) 1251 (PTCLM testcases aborts in I_QIAN case) 1282 (Trouble running to last CLM1PT atm time-step) 1283 (CLM with glacier-MEC fails running on intel) 1325 (GDDHARV on hist causes model to die in debug) 1358 (incorrect units for a few history fields) 1367 (final_spinup stop time isn't right for PTCLM) 1370 (Build bug with CNDV) 1381 (Can't change monthly average to NOT be one per month) 1423 (Problem building clmtype with C13 on bluefire) 1424 (variables written out as gdir) 1425 (Problem in user_nl_clm causes configure to hang) http://bugs.cgd.ucar.edu/ Known Limitations: 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenwich) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 452 (Problem with support of soil-colors != 8 or 20) Describe any changes made to build system: Add -crop and -noio options to configure, remove -dust and -progsslt options Remove "numpft+1" option to -maxpft. maxpft can go up to 17 without crop and needs to be 21 for crop. -crop adds the CROP #ifdef. Removes the DUST, PROGSSLT, CLAMP CPP tokens. Also remove: DISTURB, COUP_WRF, NO_DAYLEN_VCMAX, TCX_REMOVE_SEE_NOTES_ABOVE, and L2R_Decomp, and some testing/debug CPP defines Removed generation of files misc.h and preproc.h Add darwin_intel build Describe any changes made to the namelist: Remove Carbon_only and scaled_harvest options Add suplnitro option which can be set to: NONE, PROG_CROP_ONLY, or ALL Add new history output variables: A5TMIN 5-day running mean of min 2-m temperature (K) A10TMIN 10-day running mean of min 2-m temperature (K) GDD0 Growing degree days base 0C from planting (ddays) GDD8 Growing degree days base 8C from planting (ddays) GDD10 Growing degree days base 10C from planting (ddays) GDD020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 0C from planting (ddays) GDD820 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 8C from planting (ddays) GDD1020 Twenty year average of growing degree days base 10C from planting (ddays) GDDPLANT Accumulated growing degree days past planting date for crop (ddays) GDDHARV Growing degree days (gdd) needed to harvest (ddays) GDDTSOI Growing degree-days from planting (top two soil layers) (ddays) QIRRIG water added through irrigation (mm/s) Change order of precedence so that use_case is AFTER -namelist -infile and clm_usr_name options. Thus values in your user_nl_clm file will be used instead of what's in the use_case. New precedence is... 1. values set on the command-line using the -namelist option, 2. values read from the file specified by -infile, 3. datasets from the -clm_usr_name option, 4. values set from a use-case scenario, e.g., -use_case 5. values from the namelist defaults file. Add -co2_ppmv, -irrig, -rtm_res, and -rtm_tstep options to build-namelist + -co2_ppmv "value" Set CO2 concentration to use when co2_type is constant (ppmv). + -irrig Seek surface datasets with irrigation turned on. + -rtm_res "resolution" Specify river transport model resolution. + -rtm_tstep "seconds" Specify river transport model time step size (seconds) (used if RTM on) Now co2_ppmv only shows up in namelist -- if co2_type is constant. And rtm_nsteps only shows up in namelist if RTM is on. build-namelist -list options no longer require a config_cache file to work. Remove old PIO namelist items, new drv namelist to control PIO for all components. I1850SPINUPCN compset uses MOAR data. List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: pft-physiology and RTM flow files in NetCDF finidat/fsurdat files for irrigation (for f09 and f10) New finidat/fsurdat/fpftdyn files for T31. Update frac and domain file for urbanc_alpha site New surface dataset for urbanc_alpha New grid/topo/frac/domain files for 2.5x3.33 New point mode for crop: 1x1_numaIA and 1x1_smallvilleIA surface datasets for crop mode for: f19, f10, 1x1_numaIA, and 1x1_smallvilleIA (also crop datasets with crop AND irrigation on) finidat file for crop for f19 Raw veg and lai datasets for mksurfdata for crop New datasets for glc_nec="10" Add in T341 datasets Describe timing and memory performance: Crop adds some additional variables and if checks that may make small differences in run-time and/or memory. Small section of clm_driver was moved to a OMP loop. This should improve threading performance slightly. Code reviewed by: erik, mvertens, swensosc, dlawren, oleson, slevis, fvitt, lamar Summary of testing: bluefire: All PASS except... 024 smG41 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 10 025 erG41 TER.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 5 026 brG41 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 5 027 blG41 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 4 049 smLI1 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic .............................FAIL! rc= 10 050 erLI1 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ...........................FAIL! rc= 5 051 brLI1 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic .........................FAIL! rc= 5 052 blLI1 TBL.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic .............................FAIL! rc= 4 054 erJ61 TER.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 10+38 cold .............FAIL! rc= 5 055 brJ61 TBR.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std^nl_urb_br 20021230:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 72+72 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 5 056 blJ61 TBL.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 48 cold ................FAIL! rc= 4 bluefire interactive testing: All PASS except... 019 brB93 TBR.sh _scsnf_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 13 046 smJ05 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_h clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v6 48 arb_ic ..........FAIL! rc= 10 065 erAL4 TER.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 7 066 brAL4 TBR.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 6 bluefire extra interactive testing: bluefire/CESM testing: All PASS bluefire/CESM rcps extra testing: All PASS... PASS SMS.f09_g16.IRCP26CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IRCP45CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IRCP60CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IRCP85CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IGRCP26CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IGRCP45CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IGRCP60CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f09_g16.IGRCP85CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f19_g16.IRCP26CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f19_g16.IRCP45CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f19_g16.IRCP60CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f19_g16.IGRCP45CN.bluefire PASS SMS.f19_g16.IGRCP85CN.bluefire bluefire/PTCLM testing: All PASS edinburgh/lf95 interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 erTZ4 TER.sh 21p_cncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020401:3600 10x15 USGS -3+-7 cold ........FAIL! rc= 13 009 smVT4 TSM.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_numaIA navy -735 cold ..FAIL! rc= 8 010 erVT4 TER.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_numaIA navy -405+-330 cold FAIL! rc= 5 011 brVT4 TBR.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_numaIA navy -365+-365 cold FAIL! rc= 5 013 smVU4 TSM.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_smallvilleIA test -1100 colFAIL! rc= 8 014 erVU4 TER.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_smallvilleIA test -735+-365FAIL! rc= 5 015 brVU4 TBR.sh 21p_nrcncrpsc_ds clm_stdIgnYr^nl_crop 20020101:3600 1x1_smallvilleIA test -730+-365FAIL! rc= 5 019 brB93 TBR.sh _scsnf_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 13 023 brP53 TBR.sh 17p_cnsc_do clm_std^nl_urb_br 20020115:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 72+72 cold .........FAIL! rc= 6 030 smG74 TSM.sh 17p_nrscnv_ds clm_pftdyn 10001230:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test@1000-1004 -1100 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 8 032 smQ74 TSM.sh _nrcnsc_ds clm_pftdyn^nl_cn_conly 10001230:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test@1000-1004 -1100 FAIL! rc= 8 042 smJ74 TSM.sh 4p_nrcasasc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 10001230:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test -1100 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 8 043 erJ74 TER.sh 4p_nrcasasc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 10001230:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test -10+-10 arb_ic ..FAIL! rc= 5 044 brJ74 TBR.sh 4p_nrcasasc_ds clm_std^nl_urb_br 10001230:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test -3+-3 arb_ic .FAIL! rc= 5 046 smJ05 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_h clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v6 48 arb_ic ..........FAIL! rc= 8 065 erAL4 TER.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 7 066 brAL4 TBR.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 6 mirage,storm/ifort interactive testing: All PASS except... 017 smB93 TSM.sh _scsnf_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 144 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 10 018 erB93 TER.sh _scsnf_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 5 019 brB93 TBR.sh _scsnf_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 5 025 smE93 TSM.sh 4p_vorsc_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 96 arb_ic ...................FAIL! rc= 10 026 erE93 TER.sh 4p_vorsc_do clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 10+38 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 5 027 brE93 TBR.sh 4p_vorsc_do clm_std^nl_urb_br 20021230:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 5 029 smE97 TSM.sh 4p_vorsc_o clm_std^nl_urb 20021231:1800 4x5 gx3v7 48 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 10 046 smJ05 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_h clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v6 48 arb_ic ..........FAIL! rc= 10 060 smH43 TSM.sh 17p_cnsc_do clm_transient_20thC 19790101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-2000 -10 startup FAIL! rc= 10 061 erH43 TER.sh 17p_cnsc_do clm_transient_20thC 19790101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-2000 -3+-7 startupFAIL! rc= 5 062 brH43 TBR.sh 17p_cnsc_do clm_transient_20thC 19790101:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-2000 -5+-5 startupFAIL! rc= 5 065 erAL4 TER.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 7 066 brAL4 TBR.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold ................FAIL! rc= 6 068 smS63 TSM.sh _mec10sc_do clm_glcmec 19980115:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 96 arb_ic ...................FAIL! rc= 10 069 erS63 TER.sh _mec10sc_do clm_glcmec 19980115:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 10+38 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 5 070 brS63 TBR.sh _mec10sc_do clm_glcmec^nl_urb_br 19980115:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 072 smSn3 TSM.sh _mec10sc_do clm_transient_glcMEC_rcp8.5 20331231:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-2100 96 arFAIL! rc= 10 073 erSn3 TER.sh _mec10sc_do clm_transient_glcMEC_rcp8.5 20331231:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-2100 10+38FAIL! rc= 5 074 brSn3 TBR.sh _mec10sc_do clm_transient_glcMEC_rcp8.5^nl_urb_br 20331231:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6@1850-FAIL! rc= 5 CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm4_0_14 Changes answers relative to baseline: YES IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: all - what platforms/compilers: ALL - nature of change: same climate driver mapping changes, datm changes, drydep code has changes, ndep_interp is always called which changes answers on some platforms/compilers (such as intel compiler). Density from datm changes. SNOWLIQ/SNOWICE on history files change. New surface and initial condition files for T31. =============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_14 in cesm1_0_2 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Tue Oct 19 13:12:36 MDT 2010 One-line Summary: Add in ice_runoff namelist, add in T31 initial conditions and setup. Fix issues for single-point, mksurfdata/getregional scripts, add U10, T31 datafiles. Purpose of changes: Science changes: Since, clm4.0.10 in the CESM1.0.1 release there have been several developments made to clm4 (bringing us up to CLM4.0.14). A minor change was also made in how the normalization was done for the cosine of solar zenith angle scaling for Solar fields in the data atmosphere model. The 10-m wind field was added to the history files. New initial conditions files were added in for T31 For T31 ice_runoff is also turned off. Software engineering changes: Several new namelist items were added and few new history fields. There was also some fixes to test cases in the CLM test suite, and the test suite was changed to use aerosols from datm rather than CLM. mksurfdata.pl was changed so that pftdyn datasets are created on the fly, rather than having fixed text files. Add: usrname, nomv and pftdata options to mksurfdata.pl. Get RCP's working in getregional script. Update getregional to handle ndep and aerdep streams, also get it to run in a different directory. Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 920 (glacier_mec problems in mksurfdata) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 990 (CN transient blowup) 994 (finidat files on jaguar for pftdyn fail) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1163 (finidat file has a bunch of NaN's in it) 1164 (Restart trouble for CN13 on gust...) 1165 (Restart trouble for scaled harvest test on gust) 1168 (Transient use-cases with branch have both finidat/nrevsn) Known Limitations: 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenwich) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart 452 (Problem with support of soil-colors != 8 or 20) Describe any changes made to build system: New options to CLM configure: -sitespf_pt Setup for the given site specific single-point resolution. CLM configure options renamed: -prog_seasalt -> progsslt Describe any changes made to the namelist: Options removed from CLM build-namelist: -ndepsrc "value" Namelist options removed from clm_inparm namelist: faerdep, fndepdat, fndepdyn, use_ndepstream Changes made to defaults for CLM namelist: ice_runoff is .false. for T31 New initial condition files New half-degree surface dataset, and pftdyn file Set ndepmapalgo to "nn" (nearest-neighbor) for single-point resolutions New history variables: U10 10-m wind (m/s) U10_DUST 10-m wind for dust model (m/s) VA atmospheric wind speed plus convective velocity (m/s) Describe timing and memory performance: Summary of testing: bluefire testing: All PASS except... 029 smG41 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 030 erG41 TER.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 031 brG41 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 033 smG55 TSM.sh 17p_sc_h clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 055 smLI1 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 056 erLI1 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 057 brLI1 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 bluefire interactive testing: All PASS up to... 062 sm974 TSMscript_tools.sh mksurfdata mksurfdata.pl mksrfdt_1x1_brazil_1850-2000^tools__ds ....FAIL! rc= 6 bluefire/CESM testing: All PASS edinburgh testing: All FAIL jaguar testing: All FAIL CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm4_0_10 Changes answers relative to baseline: YES IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: cases with datm and/or at T31 - what platforms/compilers: ALL - nature of change: roundoff (T31 has new initial conditions and changes physics) =============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_10 in cesm1_0_1 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Tue Aug 24 13:46:26 MDT 2010 One-line Summary: Add glc multi-elev classes, snow-hydrology bug-fix, new finidat files, new namelist items and history fields, read aerosol and nitrogen deposition in res-independent stream files fix issues for single-point, mksurfdata/getregional scripts. Purpose of changes: Science changes: Since, clm4.0.00 in the CCSM4.0 release there have been several developments made to clm4 (bringing us up to CLM4.0.10). A glacier multiple elevation class option was added that allows the use of CLM4 with a glacier land ice model the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM). A bug-fix for the snow hydrology was added. A minor change was also made in how the normalization was done for the cosine of solar zenith angle scaling for Solar fields in the data atmosphere model. A scaling was done in the first two Volatile Organic Coumpound (VOC) fields, and the ability to run dry-deposition in CLMCN was added. New initial conditions files were added in, some with small changes to fix a snow problem for the standard 1-degree and 2-degree cases, but also finidat files for 2-degree for CNDV were added. Software engineering changes: Several new namelist items were added a few new history fields. Also the capability of reading aerosol and nitrogen deposition from stream files at one resolution and regridded on the fly rather than with datasets at the model resolution was added in. This was important for higher resolutions so that large datasets do not have to be created before running the model, nor are datasets for every resolution required. There was also some fixes to test cases in the CLM test suite, and the test suite was changed to use aerosols from datm rather than CLM. mksurfdata.pl was changed so that pftdyn datasets are created on the fly, rather than having fixed text files. A new env_conf item was added CLM_BLDNML_OPTS to feed options to the clm build-namelist utility. Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 920 (glacier_mec problems in mksurfdata) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 990 (CN transient blowup) 994 (finidat files on jaguar for pftdyn fail) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1163 (finidat file has a bunch of NaN's in it) 1164 (Restart trouble for CN13 on gust...) 1165 (Restart trouble for scaled harvest test on gust) 1168 (Transient use-cases with branch have both finidat/nrevsn) Known Limitations: 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenwich) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart 452 (Problem with support of soil-colors != 8 or 20) Describe any changes made to build system: New option to CLM configure: glc_nec glc_nec can be 0,1,3,5, or 10 and MUST match the number on the input surface dataset the elevation classes themselves are read from the surface dataset. Surface datasets are normally created with glc_nec=10 and can be run with either glc_nec=0 (default) or glc_nec=10 (for multiple glacier elevation classes and running with ice sheet model). Describe any changes made to the namelist: New namelist items: carbon_only = If true, and CLMCN carbon-nitrogen model is on, Nitrogen will be prescribed rather than prognosed (default false) create_glacier_mec_landunit = If true and glc_nec>0, glc multi-elevation landunits are created. (default false) glc_smb = If true, and glc_nec>0, then pass surface mass balance to CISM; else pass Growing Degree Day info. (default true) ice_runoff = If true, and rtm, river runoff will be split up into liquid and ice streams, otherwise ice runoff will be zero and all runoff directed to liquid stream. (default true) ndepmapalgo = Mapping method from Nitrogen deposition input file to the model resolution (can be bilinear,nn,nnoni,nnonj,spval,copy). (default bilinear) scaled_harvest = If true, and CLMCN, harvesting will be scaled according to coefficients determined by Johann Feddema, 2009. (default false) New history variables: aais_area Antarctic ice area (km^2) aais_mask Antarctic mask (unitless) gris_area Greenland ice area (km^2) gris_mask Greenland mask (unitless) QICE ice growth/melt (mm/s) QICEYR ice growth/melt (mm/s) QTOPSOIL water input to surface (mm/s) VOLR RTM storage: LIQ (m3) VOLR_ICE RTM storage: ICE (m3) Describe timing and memory performance: Summary of testing: bluefire testing: All PASS except... 029 smG41 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 030 erG41 TER.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 031 brG41 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 033 smG55 TSM.sh 17p_sc_h clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 055 smLI1 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 056 erLI1 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 057 brLI1 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 bluefire interactive testing: All PASS except... 025 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 026 brAK4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 6 030 brAK8 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode_ocn 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ......FAIL! rc= 6 bluefire/CESM testing: All PASS except... FAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.generate.clm4_0_10 BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.compare.clm4_0_09 CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm4_0_00 ChangeA answers relative to baseline: YES IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: ALL - what platforms/compilers: ALL - nature of change: larger than roundoff/same climate If this tag changes climate describe the run(s) done to evaluate the new climate in enough detail that it(they) could be reproduced, i.e., - source tag (all code used must be in the repository): - platform/compilers: IBM - compset (and additional configure options): I1850CN - build-namelist options (or complete namelist): -ndepsrc stream MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate: /OLESON/csm/ccsm4_0_beta52_ndepaer /OLESON/csm/ccsm4_0_beta52_ndepaertrans The above is identical to this tag (other than the two VOC fields that changed) ===.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAL4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 6 edinburgh/lf95: All PASS except... 005 smD91 TSM.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 144 cold .................FAIL! rc= 10 006 erD91 TER.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 cold ...............FAIL! rc= 5 007 blD91 TBL.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 144 cold .................FAIL! rc= 4 008 smG42 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 009 erG42 TER.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 010 brG42 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 blG42 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 012 smG56 TSM.sh 17p_sc_m clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 013 smE91 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 4x5 gx3v7 96 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 10 014 erE91 TER.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 4x5 gx3v7 10+38 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 5 015 brE91 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std^nl_urb_br 20021230:NONE:1800 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 016 blE91 TBL.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 4x5 gx3v7 48 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 4 018 erH52 TER.sh 17p_cnsc_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 10+38 cold .......FAIL! rc= 13 019 brH52 TBR.sh 17p_cnsc_dm clm_std^nl_urb_br 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 72+72 cold ....FAIL! rc= 11 025 smL51 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 96 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 10 026 erL51 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 10+38 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 5 027 brL51 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_urb_br 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 72+72 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 028 blL51 TBL.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 48 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 4 029 smH41 TSM.sh 17p_cnsc_dh clm_std^nl_noicertm_sclharv 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 96 cold FAIL! rc= 10 030 erH41 TER.sh 17p_cnsc_dh clm_std^nl_noicertm_sclharv 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 10+38 coFAIL! rc= 5 031 brH41 TBR.sh 17p_cnsc_dh clm_std^nl_noicertm_sclharv 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 72+72 coFAIL! rc= 5 032 blH41 TBL.sh 17p_cnsc_dh clm_std^nl_noicertm_sclharv 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@2000 48 cold FAIL! rc= 4 033 smL58 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 96 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 10 edinburgh/CESM testing: All PASS PASS ERI_D.f10_f10.I1850.edinburgh_lahey PASS ERS.f45_g37.I1850CN.edinburgh_intel LM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm4_0_00 Changes answers relative to baseline: YES IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: ALL - what platforms/compilers: ALL - nature of change: larger than roundoff/same climate If this tag changes climate describe the run(s) done to evaluate the new climate in enough detail that it(they) could be reproduced, i.e., - source tag (all code used must be in the repository): - platform/compilers: IBM - compset (and additional configure options): I1850CN - build-namelist options (or complete namelist): -ndepsrc stream MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate: /OLESON/csm/ccsm4_0_beta52_ndepaer /OLESON/csm/ccsm4_0_beta52_ndepaertrans The above is identical to this tag (other than the two VOC fields that changed) =============================================================== =============================================================== Tag name: clm4_0_00 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Wed May 5 09:14:31 MDT 2010 One-line Summary: Update to datm8, redirect aquifer overflow to drainage, add gx3v7 masks, script to extract regional datasets, add harvesting for CN, modify shrubs, include urban model, ice stream for snowcapping, new build-namelist system, scale solar by solar zenith angle in datm, deep soil with bedrock at bottom, organic matter in soils, SNICAR for snow radiation, sparce dense aero, snow cover changes Software engineering changes: Update to cpl7 and scripts. Remove offline and cpl6 modes. Remove support for CASA model. Update to datm8 atmospheric data model. Add gx3v7 land mask for T31 and fv-4x5 horizontal resolutions. Add gx1v6 land mask for f05, f09, and f19 horizontal resolutions. Add tx1v1 land mask and 1.9x2.5_tx1v1 horizontal resolution. Add in 2.5x3.33 horizontal resolution. Add in T62 horizontal resolution so can run at same resolution as input datm data. Allow first history tape to be 1D. Add ability to use own version of input datasets with CLM_USRDAT_NAME variable. Add a script to extract out regional datasets. New build-namelist system with XML file describing all namelist items. Add glacier_mec use-case and stub glacier model. Add ncl script to time-interpolate between 1850 and 2000 for fndepdat dataset, for fndepdyn version. Make default of maxpatch_pft=numpft+1 instead of 4. Only output static 3D fields on first h0 history file to save space. Add new fields for VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) on some surface datasets Add irrigation area to mksurfdata tool (NOT used in CLM yet). Add multiple elevation class option for glaciers in mksurfdata tool (NOT used in CLM yet). Add ascale field to land model in support of model running on it's own grid. Science changes: Change to freezing temperature constant Forcing height at atm plus z0+d on each tile Effective porosity divide by zero fix Sparse/dense canopy aerodynamic parameters Ground/snow emissivity smooth transition Thermal and hydraulic properties of organic soil Init h2osoi=0.3 Snow compaction fix Snow T profile during layer splitting fix Snow burial fraction Snow cover fraction SNICAR (snow aging, black carbon and dust deposition, vertical distribution of solar energy) Remove SNOWAGE, no longer used Deep soil (15 layers, ~50m), 5 new layers are hydrologically inactive bed rock Ground evap (beta), stability, and litter resistance Organic/mineral soil hydraulic conductivity percolation theory Richards equation modifications Normalization of frozen fraction of soil formulation One-step solution for soil moisture and qcharge Changes to rsub_max for drainage and decay factor for surface runoff Fixed diurnal cycle of solar radiation in offline forcing data Back to CLM3 lakes and wetlands datasets, but 1% rather than 5% threshold (same for glacier) Changes to pft physiology file from CN New grass optical properties New surface dataset assuming no herbaceous understory Direct versus diffuse radiation offline New VOC model (MEGAN) Snow-capped runoff goes to new ice stream and routed to ocean as ice Dust model always on, LAI threshold parameter change from 0.1 to 0.3 Daylength control on vcmax SAI and get_rad_dtime fix Always run with MAXPATCH_PFT=npfts + 1 instead of 4 Transient land cover/use mode - datasets, energy and water balance RTM sub-cycling Twostream bug fix Update soil colors 2m relative humidity Fix for aquifer leak (SoilHydrologyMod, BalanceCheckMod) New nitrogen deposition file (units and sum of NOx, NHy) Quickstart to new cpl7 scripts... cd scripts ./create_newcase -help # get help on how to run create_newcase ./create_newcase -case testI -mach bluefire -res f19_g16 -compset I # create new "I" case for bluefire at 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 res # "I" case is clm active, datm7, and inactive ice/ocn cd testI ./xmlchange -help # Get help on editor for XML files ./xmlchange env_conf.xml env_mach_pes # Edit configure files if needed configure -case # create scripts ./xmlchange env_build.xml # Edit build files if needed testI.build # build model and create namelists ./xmlchange env_run.xml # Edit run files if needed bsub < testI.run # submit script # (NOTE: edit env_run.xml to set RESUBMIT to number of times to automatically resubmit) Quickstart to use of regional extraction scripts and PERSONAL datasets: # Run the script to create an area to put your files (assume CSMDATA set to standard inputdata) cd scripts setenv MYCSMDATA $HOME/myinputdata link_dirtree $CSMDATA $MYCSMDATA # Run the extraction for data from 52-73 North latitude, 190-220 longitude # that creates 13x12 gridcell region from the f19 (1.9x2.5) global resolution over # Alaska cd ../models/lnd/clm/tools/ncl_scripts setenv MYID 13x12pt_f19_alaskaUSA getregional_datasets.pl -sw 52,190 -ne 73,220 -id $MYID -mycsmdata $MYCSMDATA # Now create a case that uses these datasets cd ../../../../../scripts create_newcase -case testregional -compset I -mach bluefire -res pt1_pt1 cd testregional $EDITOR env_conf.xml # change CLM_BLDNML_OPTS to include "-clm_usr_name $MYID" (expand $MYID) $EDITOR env_mach_pes.xml # Change tasks/threads as appropriate (defaults to serial) xmlchange -file env_run.xml -id DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATA -val $MYCSMDATA # Do other changes to xml files as appropriate # configure as normal, then edit the datm namelist configure -case # Then build and run the case as normal Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 717 (archiving bug -- only archive 1000 files at a time) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 883 (aerosol deposition not from atm) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 920 (glacier_mec problems in mksurfdata) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 990 (CN transient blowup) 994 (finidat files on jaguar for pftdyn fail) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1092 (Problems running in debug mode on dublin with datm8) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenich) 1155 (Problem with ndeplintInterp for historical case) Describe any changes made to build system: Change directory structure to match CCSM. Add BGP target. Add choice between ESMF and MCT frameworks. Start removing #ifdef and directives that supported Cray-X1 Phoenix as now decommissioned. Make default of maxpatch_pft=numpft+1 instead of 4 for all configurations. By default turn on CLAMP when either CN or CASA is enabled New SNICAR_FRC, CARBON_AERO, and C13 CPP ifdef tokens. New options added to configure: -comp_intf Component interface to use (ESMF or MCT) (default MCT) -nofire Turn off wildfires for bgc setting of CN (default includes fire for CN) -pio Switch enables building with Parallel I/O library. [on | off] (default is on) -snicar_frc Turn on SNICAR radiative forcing calculation. [on | off] (default is off) Describe any changes made to the namelist: NOTE: build-namelist now checks the validity of your namelist you generate by looking at data in the namelist_definition.xml file. In order to add new namelist items you need to change the code and also edit this file. To view information on the namelist view the file: models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml in your browser and you'll see the names, type, description and valid_values for all namelist variables. Changes to build-namelist: Transient sim_year ranges (i.e. 1850-2000) Remove cam_hist_case option. Make sure options ONLY used for stand-alone testing have a "drv_" or "datm_" prefix in them and list these options all together and last when asking for help from build-namelist. New options to build-namelist: -clm_usr_name "name" Dataset resolution/descriptor for personal datasets. Default: not used Example: 1x1pt_boulderCO_c090722 to describe location, number of pts, and date files created New list options to build-namelist: build-namelist -res list # List valid resolutions build-namelist -mask list # List valid land-masks build-namelist -sim_year list # List valid simulation years and simulation year ranges build-namelist -clm_demand list # List namelist variables including those you could demand to be included. build-namelist -use_case list # List valid use-cases build-namelist -rcp list # List valid representative concentration pathways # for future scenarios List of use-cases for build-namelist: 1850-2100_rcp4.5_transient = Simulate transient land-use, and aerosol deposition changes with historical data from 1850 to 2005 and then with the RCP4.5 scenario from MINICAM 1850-2100_rcp8.5_transient = Simulate transient land-use, and aerosol deposition changes with historical data from 1850 to 2005 and then with the RCP8.5 scenario from MESSAGE 1850_control = Conditions to simulate 1850 land-use 2000-2100_rcp8.5_transient = Simulate transient land-use, and aerosol deposition changes with historical data from 2000 to 2005 and then with the RCP8.5 scenario from MESSAGE 2000_control = Conditions to simulate 2000 land-use 20thC_transient = Simulate transient land-use, and aerosol deposition changes from 1850 to 2005 pergro = Perturbation error growth test with initial conditions perturbed by roundoff level pergro0 = Perturbation error growth test with unperturbed initial conditions New namelist items: urban_hac = OFF, ON or ON_WASTEHEAT (default OFF) Flag for urban Heating and Air-Conditioning OFF = Building internal temperature is un-regulated. ON = Building internal temperature is bounded to reasonable range. ON_WASTEHEAT = Building internal temperature is bounded and resultant waste heat is given off. urban_traffic = .true. or .false. (default .false.) Flag to include additional multiplicative factor of urban traffic to sensible heat flux. fsnowoptions = filename file for snow/aerosol optical properties (required) fsnowaging = filename file for snow aging parameters (required) faerdep = filename file of aerosol deposition (required) New history variables: (note watt vs. W in units, 26 vs. 76) BCDEP total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s BIOGENCO biogenic CO flux uGC/M2/H C13_PRODUCT_CLOSS C13 total carbon loss from wood product pools gC13/m^2/s DSTDEP total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s EFLX_DYNBAL dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux W/m^2 FGR12 heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 watt/m^2 FSAT fractional area with water table at surface unitless FSH_NODYNLNDUSE sensible heat flux not including correction for land use change watt/m^2 GC_HEAT1 initial gridcell total heat content J/m^2 GC_HEAT2 post land cover change total heat content J/m^2 inactive GC_ICE1 initial gridcell total ice content mm/s GC_ICE2 post land cover change total ice content mm/s inactive GC_LIQ1 initial gridcell total liq content mm GC_LIQ2 initial gridcell total liq content mm inactive <<<< name?? H2OSNO_TOP mass of snow in top snow layer kg HEAT_FROM_AC sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning watt/m^2 HK hydraulic conductivity mm/s inactive ISOPRENE isoprene flux uGC/M2/H LAND_USE_FLUX total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood produc t pools gC/m^2/s LAND_UPTAKE NEE minus LAND_USE_FLUX, negative for update gC/m^2/s LWup upwelling longwave radiation watt/m^2 inactive MONOTERP monoterpene flux uGC/M2/H NBP net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink gC/m^2/s OCDEP total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere kg/m^2/s OVOC other VOC flux uGC/M2/H ORVOC other reactive VOC flux uGC/M2/H PBOT atmospheric pressure Pa PCO2 atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 Pa PRODUCT_CLOSS total carbon loss from wood product pools gC/m^2/s PRODUCT_NLOSS total N loss from wood product pools gN/m^2/s Qair atmospheric specific humidity kg/kg inactive Qanth anthropogenic heat flux watt/m^2 inactive Qtau momentum flux kg/m/s^2 QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux mm/s QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE total liquid runoff not including correction for land use change (does not include QSNWCPICE) mm/s QSNWCPICE excess snowfall due to snow capping mm/s QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change mm/s QSNWCPLIQ excess rainfall due to snow capping mm/s inactive SMP soil matric potential mm inactive SNOAERFRC2L surface forcing of all aerosols in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) watt/m^2 SNOAERFRCL surface forcing of all aerosols in snow (land) watt/m^2 SNOBCFRCL surface forcing of BC in snow (land) watt/m^2 SNOBCMCL mass of BC in snow column kg/m2 SNOBCMSL mass of BC in top snow layer kg/m2 SNOdTdzL top snow layer temperature gradient (land) K/m SNODSTFRC2L surface forcing of dust in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) watt/m^2 SNODSTFRCL surface forcing of dust in snow (land) watt/m^2 SNODSTMCL mass of dust in snow column kg/m2 SNODSTMSL mass of dust in top snow layer kg/m2 SNOFSRND direct nir reflected solar radiation from snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSRNI diffuse nir reflected solar radiation from snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSRVD direct vis reflected solar radiation from snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSRVI diffuse vis reflected solar radiation from snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSDSND direct nir incident solar radiation on snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSDSNI diffuse nir incident solar radiation on snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSDSVD direct vis incident solar radiation on snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOFSDSVI diffuse vis incident solar radiation on snow watt/m^2 inactive SNOLIQFL top snow layer liquid water fraction (land) fraction inactive SNOOCMCL mass of OC in snow column kg/m2 SNOOCMSL mass of OC in top snow layer Kg/m2 SNOOCFRC2L surface forcing of OC in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) SNOOCFRCL surface forcing of OC in snow (land) watt/m^2 watt/m^2 SNORDSL top snow layer effective grain radius m^-6 inactive SNOTTOPL snow temperature (top layer) K/m inactive <<< units? SOILWATER_10CM soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil kg/m2 SWup upwelling shortwave radiation watt/m^2 inactive TSOI_10CM soil temperature in top 10cm of soil K URBAN_AC urban air conditioning flux watt/m^2 URBAN_HEAT urban heating flux watt/m^2 VOCFLXT total VOC flux into atmosphere uGC/M2/H Wind atmospheric wind velocity magnitude m/s inactive WOOD_HARVESTC wood harvest (to product pools) gC/m^2/s WOOD_HARVESTN wood harvest (to product pools) gN/m^2/s History field name changes: ANNSUM_PLANT_NDEMAND => ANNSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP ANNSUM_RETRANSN => ANNMAX_RETRANSN C13_DWT_PROD10C_LOSS => C13_PROD10C_LOSS C13_DWT_PROD100C_LOSS => C13_PROD100C_LOSS C13_DWT_PROD10N_LOSS => C13_PROD10N_LOSS C13_DWT_PROD100C_LOSS => C13_PROD100C_LOSS DWT_PROD100N_LOSS => PROD10N_LOSS DWT_PROD100N_LOSS => PROD100N_LOSS DWT_PROD100C_LOSS => PROD10C_LOSS DWT_PROD100C_LOSS => PROD100C_LOSS HCSOISNO => HC TEMPSUM_PLANT_NDEMAND => TEMPSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP TEMPSUM_RETRANSN => TEMPMAX_RETRANSN History field names deleted: SNOWAGE, TSNOW, FMICR, FCO2, DMI, QFLX_SNOWCAP Add new urban oriented _U, and _R (Urban and Rural) for: EFLX_LH_TOT, FGR, FIRA, FSH, FSM, Q2M, QRUNOFF, RH2M, SoilAlpha, TG, TREFMNAV, TREFMXAV, and TSA (missing _R for SoilAlpha) Describe timing and memory performance: Versions of any externally defined libraries: scripts scripts4_100108b drv vocemis-drydep12_drvseq3_1_11 datm datm8_091218 socn stubs1_2_02/socn sice stubs1_2_02/sice sglc stubs1_2_02/sglc csm_share vocemis-drydep13_share3_091217 esmf_wrf_timemgr esmf_wrf_timemgr_090402 timing timing_090929 mct MCT2_7_0_100106 pio pio60_prod cprnc cprnc_081022 Summary of testing: bluefire: All PASS except... 025 smG41 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 026 erG41 TER.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 027 brG41 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 028 blG41 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 029 smG55 TSM.sh 17p_sc_h clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 043 smLI1 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 044 erLI1 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 045 brLI1 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 046 blLI1 TBL.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 4 048 erL58 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 12+84 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 12 bluefire interactive testing: All PASS except... 013 blNB4 TBL.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 157 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 5 019 blCA8 TBL.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:3600 1x1_asphaltjungleNJ navy -90 arb_ic .FAIL! rc= 5 021 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 022 brAK4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 6 026 brAK8 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode_ocn 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ......FAIL! rc= 6 bluefire/CCSM testing: All PASS except FAIL PST.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL PET_PT.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.generate.clm3_7_15 BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERH_D.f10_f10.I1850CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 BFAIL PST.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 BFAIL PET_PT.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERS_D.f19_g16.IRCP85CN.bluefire.compare_hist.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERS_D.f19_g16.IRCP85CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 jaguar: All PASS except.. 005 smB51 TSM.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 144 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 10 006 erB51 TER.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 72+72 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 007 brB51 TBR.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 72+72 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 026 smLI2 TSM.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 027 erLI2 TER.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 028 brLI2 TBR.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 030 smL58 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 96 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 10 031 erL58 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 12+84 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 jaguar interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAK4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 6 009 smG43 TSM.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 010 erG43 TER.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 brG43 TBR.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 edinburgh/ifort interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 erAL4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAL4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 6 014 erOC4 TER.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 115+115 arb_FAIL! rc= 5 015 brOC4 TBR.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb_br 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 72+72 arbFAIL! rc= 5 016 blOC4 TBL.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 330 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 4 018 erNB4 TER.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 57+100 arb_FAIL! rc= 5 019 brNB4 TBR.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb_br 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 72+72 arFAIL! rc= 5 020 blNB4 TBL.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 157 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 4 edinburgh/ifort: All PASS except... 002 erA92 TER.sh _sc_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20030101:NONE:3600 4x5 gx3v7 -3+-3 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 7 003 brA92 TBR.sh _sc_dm clm_std^nl_urb_br 20030101:NONE:3600 4x5 gx3v7 -3+-3 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 6 006 erD91 TER.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 cold ...............FAIL! rc= 7 007 blD91 TBL.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 144 cold .................FAIL! rc= 5 008 smG42 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 009 erG42 TER.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 010 brG42 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 blG42 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 breeze,gale,hail,gust/ifort interactive testing: All PASS except... 011 blCA8 TBL.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:3600 1x1_asphaltjungleNJ navy -90 arb_ic .FAIL! rc= 5 020 smG53 TSM.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 021 erG53 TER.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 10+38 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 022 brG53 TBR.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 023 blG53 TBL.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm3_5_00 IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: All - what platforms/compilers: All - nature of change: new climate for clm4 If this tag changes climate describe the run(s) done to evaluate the new climate in enough detail that it(they) could be reproduced, i.e., ccsm4_0_beta35 bluefire -compset B_1850_TRACK1_CN -res f19_g16 MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate: /DLAWREN/csm/b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.snow URL for LMWG diagnostics output used to validate new climate: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/paleo/b40.snow/b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.snow-b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.control/ =============================================================== =============================================================== Tag name: clm3_8_00 Originator(s): erik (erik) Date: Tue May 4 22:39:18 MDT 2010 One-line Summary: Get future scenarios working, finalize documentation, bring in MEGAN VOC and CNDV, simplify, mksurfdata optimization, fix bugs: snow enthalpy, BMOZ, pergro, use pft weights from fsurdat NOT finidat Purpose of changes: Get all of the future scenarios working (other than rcp=6.0) and get all of the datasets for these scenarios (pftdyn, fndepdyn, and aerdep files, for rcp=2.6,4.5, and 8.5). Finalize the User's Guide for now, with reviews from: Sam, Keith, Dave, and Sean, as well as more work on tools chapter, and adding testing chapter in appendix. We brought in the MEGAN version of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) module which also reads in VOC emission factors from the surface dataset, and hence all fsurdat files needed to be replaced. Along with this the mksurfdata tool was changed in order to handle VOC's and effort was made to optimize it, add shared memory paralelism, and do memory optimization. We also removed the old Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) and replaced it with the Carbon Nitrogen Dynamic Vegetation model (CNDV). Make some simplifications in the configure system to always use the CCSM version of build files, remove some unused options, put standalone test options last in configure. Improve documenation in XML files for configure and build-namelist options. Fix many different bugs. Enthalpy in snow combination was sometimes NOT conserved and now is. There was a problem running DryDeposition for the BMOZ compset that is now fixed. There were multiple issues running PERGRO testing that is now fixed. Previously, if both the finidat file and the fsurdat file had PFT weights on them, the values from the finidat file was used, now it will use the values from the fsurdat file. There are also several cases where if the weights are different it will abort with an error, or at least send a message to the log file about the differences. Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 717 (archiving bug -- only archive 1000 files at a time) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 883 (aerosol deposition not from atm) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 920 (glacier_mec problems in mksurfdata) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 990 (CN transient blowup) 994 (finidat files on jaguar for pftdyn fail) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1092 (Problems running in debug mode on dublin with datm8) 1124 (Reported energy for pftdyn grid-cell not right) 1139 (LAND and PFTS 1D vector averaging doesn't work) 1147 (mkgriddata can't straddle over Greenich) 1155 (Problem with ndeplintInterp for historical case) http://bugs.cgd.ucar.edu/ Type of tag: doc Describe any changes made to build system: Switch cndv for dgvm, Have configure disallow bad cases Change configure to NOT allow supln with spinup cases Do NOT allow exit_spinup and ad_spinup at the same time. Only allow voc to be set for seq_ccsm NOT ext_ccsm_seq Remove carbon_aero and pio from configure (always build with pio) emove unused configure options: clm_exe, -clm_exedir, and -clm_bld. Move standalone testing options to the end of help. Use CCSM version of mkSrcfiles/mkDepends, separate config vars into categories, work on documentation with comments from Keith/Sam. Describe any changes made to the namelist: Add 2000-2100 simulation year range as allowed option Two new history fields: TSOI_10CM = soil temperature in top 10cm of soil (K) SOILWATER_10CM = soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (kg/m2) Check for some files based on rcp (fpftdyn, ndepdyn, and aerdep) Add in ability to add a user namelist in your case directory to input namelist items at configure time. Simply add a file called "user_nl_clm" as a valid namelist and the items in that namelist will show up in the initial BuildConf/clm.buildnml.csh file. List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: get urbanc_alpha grid and frac files in get in new single-point datasets new qtr-degree, T62 and T85 fsurdat new f10, f05, f09, 1850 fsurdat new rcp=8.5, f19 pftdyn, new rcp=4.5 f09, f19, f10 pftdyn new rcp=2.6 f09, f19, f10 pftdyn new rcp=8.5/4.5/2.6 f19 aerdep 1850-2100 datasets new rcp=8.5/4.5 f19 fndepdyn 1850-2100 datasets new rcp=2.6/4.5 f10, f45, f25, f09 aerdep/ndepdyn datasets new rcp=2.6/4.5,8.5 f19 decadal averages for ndepdat (Note: harvest was updated in PFTDYN files and raw PFT input files for 2006). New 10x15 and 4x5 finidat files so that transient cases will work at those resolutions New finidat files for 1-deg and 2-deg (from fully coupled simulations) New datasets for I cases that are set in scripts Duplicate cn datasets for cndv New pft-physiology files with extra fields for CNDV Remove 360x720 files, gx3v5, gx1v5 files Remove 1x1.25, 2x2.5, and 2.5x3.33 grid resolutions Remove gx1v3, gx1v4, gx1v5 land masks, add drydep defaults. add mksrf_fvegtyp@1000-1004 Describe any substantial timing or memory changes: None Code reviewed by: snow changes came from dlawren and also reviewed by oleson PFT weight change also reviewed by: dlawren, slevis, oleson CNDV came from slevis VOC changes came from Francis Vitt and Jean-Francois Lamarque history changes came from Keith Oleson, reviewed by Dave Lawrenece OpenMP bug fix came from Mariana-Vertenstein, reviewed by Pat Worley List any svn externals directories updated (csm_share, mct, etc.): all scripts to scripts4_100406a drv to drvseq3_1_23 datm to datm8_100406 csm_share to share3_100407 pio to pio1_0_18 timing to timing_091021 Summary of testing: bluefire: All PASS except... 025 smG41 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 026 erG41 TER.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 027 brG41 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 028 blG41 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dh clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 029 smG55 TSM.sh 17p_sc_h clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 043 smLI1 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 044 erLI1 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 045 brLI1 TBR.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 046 blLI1 TBL.sh _sc_dh clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 4 048 erL58 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 12+84 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 12 bluefire interactive testing: All PASS except... 013 blNB4 TBL.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 157 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 5 019 blCA8 TBL.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:3600 1x1_asphaltjungleNJ navy -90 arb_ic .FAIL! rc= 5 021 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 022 brAK4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 6 026 brAK8 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode_ocn 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ......FAIL! rc= 6 bluefire/CCSM testing: All PASS except FAIL PST.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL PET_PT.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.generate.clm3_7_15 BFAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERH_D.f10_f10.I1850CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 BFAIL PST.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 BFAIL PET_PT.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERS_D.f19_g16.IRCP85CN.bluefire.compare_hist.clm3_7_10 FAIL ERS_D.f19_g16.IRCP85CN.bluefire.compare.clm3_7_10 jaguar: All PASS except.. 005 smB51 TSM.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 144 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 10 006 erB51 TER.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 72+72 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 007 brB51 TBR.sh _scsnf_dh clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 72+72 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 026 smLI2 TSM.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10 arb_ic ........................FAIL! rc= 10 027 erLI2 TER.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -5+-5 arb_ic ......................FAIL! rc= 5 028 brLI2 TBR.sh _sc_dm clm_std 20020101:NONE:1800 94x192 T62 -10+-10 arb_ic ....................FAIL! rc= 5 030 smL58 TSM.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 96 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 10 031 erL58 TER.sh _sc_dh clm_std^nl_crcrop 20020115:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS 12+84 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 jaguar interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAK4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 6 009 smG43 TSM.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 010 erG43 TER.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 brG43 TBR.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 edinburgh/ifort interactive testing: All PASS except... 006 erAL4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAL4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 6 014 erOC4 TER.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 115+115 arb_FAIL! rc= 5 015 brOC4 TBR.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb_br 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 72+72 arbFAIL! rc= 5 016 blOC4 TBL.sh _nrvansc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19920812:NONE:3600 1x1_vancouverCAN navy 330 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 4 018 erNB4 TER.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 57+100 arb_FAIL! rc= 5 019 brNB4 TBR.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb_br 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 72+72 arFAIL! rc= 5 020 blNB4 TBL.sh _nrmexsc_ds clm_urb1pt^nl_urb 19931201:NONE:3600 1x1_mexicocityMEX navy 157 arb_ic FAIL! rc= 4 edinburgh/ifort: All PASS except... 002 erA92 TER.sh _sc_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20030101:NONE:3600 4x5 gx3v7 -3+-3 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 7 003 brA92 TBR.sh _sc_dm clm_std^nl_urb_br 20030101:NONE:3600 4x5 gx3v7 -3+-3 arb_ic .............FAIL! rc= 6 006 erD91 TER.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 72+72 cold ...............FAIL! rc= 7 007 blD91 TBL.sh _persc_dh clm_per^nl_urb 20021231:NONE:1200 4x5 gx3v7 144 cold .................FAIL! rc= 5 008 smG42 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 009 erG42 TER.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 010 brG42 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 blG42 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 breeze,gale,hail,gust/ifort interactive testing: All PASS except... 011 blCA8 TBL.sh _nrsc_ds clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:3600 1x1_asphaltjungleNJ navy -90 arb_ic .FAIL! rc= 5 020 smG53 TSM.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 021 erG53 TER.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 10+38 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 022 brG53 TBR.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 023 blG53 TBL.sh 17p_sc_do clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 CLM tag used for the baseline comparison tests if applicable: clm3_7_00 Changes answers relative to baseline: Yes! snow change has a small effect on climate (see below) Bringing in MEGAN VOC changes answers for VOC fluxes in a diagnostic way Changing to use weights from fsurdat file rather than finidat file, changes answers for cases with finidat startup files, if the weights are different. IF tag changes answers relative to baseline comparison the following should be filled in: Summarize any changes to answers: - what code configurations: All - what platforms/compilers: All - nature of change: same climate If this tag changes climate describe the run(s) done to evaluate the new climate in enough detail that it(they) could be reproduced, i.e., ccsm4_0_beta35 bluefire -compset B_1850_TRACK1_CN -res f19_g16 MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate: /DLAWREN/csm/b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.snow URL for LMWG diagnostics output used to validate new climate: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/paleo/b40.snow/b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.snow-b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.control/ http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/dlawren/research/clm4.0_dev/b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.snowa-b40.1850.track1.2deg.003.controla/setsIndex.html =============================================================== =============================================================== Tag name: clm3_7_00 Originator(s): erik (Kluzek Erik 1326 CGD) Date: Fri Jan 22 22:48:09 MST 2010 One-line Summary: Update to datm8, redirect aquifer overflow to drainage, add gx3v7 masks, script to extract regional datasets, add harvesting for CN, modify shrubs, include urban model, ice stream for snowcapping, scale solar by solar zenith angle in datm, deep soil with bedrock at bottom, organic matter in soils, SNICAR for snow radiation, sparce dense aero, snow cover changes Software engineering changes: Update to cpl7 and scripts. Remove offline and cpl6 modes. Remove support for CASA model. Update to datm8 atmospheric data model. Add gx3v7 land mask for T31 and fv-4x5 horizontal resolutions. Add gx1v6 land mask for f05, f09, and f19 horigonzl resolutions. Add tx1v1 land mask and 1.9x2.5_tx1v1 horizontal resolution. Add in 2.5x3.33 horizontal resolution. Add in T62 horizontal resolution so can run at same resolution as input datm data. Allow first history tape to be 1D. Add ability to use own version of input datasets with CLM_USRDAT_NAME variable. Add a script to extract out regional datasets. New build-namelist system with XML file describing all namelist items. Add glacier_mec use-case and stub glacier model. Add ncl script to time-interpolate between 1850 and 2000 for fndepdat dataset, for fndepdyn version. Make default of maxpatch_pft=numpft+1 instead of 4. Only output static 3D fields on first h0 history file to save space. Add new fields for VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) on some surface datasets, that will be needed for the new MEGAN VOC model (NOT incorporated yet). Add irrigation area to mksurfdata tool (NOT used in CLM yet). Add multiple elevation class option for glaciers in mksurfdata tool (NOT used in CLM yet). Add ascale field to land model in support of model running on it's own grid. Science changes: Change to freezing temperature constant Forcing height at atm plus z0+d on each tile Effective porosity divide by zero fix Sparse/dense canopy aerodynamic parameters Ground/snow emissivity smooth transition Thermal and hydraulic properties of organic soil Init h2osoi=0.3 Snow compaction fix Snow T profile during layer splitting fix Snow burial fraction Snow cover fraction SNICAR (snow aging, black carbon and dust deposition, vertical distribution of solar energy) Remove SNOWAGE, no longer used Deep soil (15 layers, ~50m), 5 new layers are hydrologically inactive bed rock Ground evap (beta), stability, and litter resistance Organic/mineral soil hydraulic conductivity percolation theory Richards equation modifications Normalization of frozen fraction of soil formulation One-step solution for soil moisture and qcharge Changes to rsub_max for drainage and decay factor for surface runoff Fixed diurnal cycle of solar radiation in offline forcing data Back to CLM3 lakes and wetlands datasets, but 1% rather than 5% threshold (same for glacier) Changes to pft physiology file from CN New grass optical properties New surface dataset assuming no herbaceous understory Direct versus diffuse radiation offline Snow-capped runoff goes to new ice stream and routed to ocean as ice Dust model always on, LAI threshold parameter change from 0.1 to 0.3 Daylength control on vcmax SAI and get_rad_dtime fix Always run with MAXPATCH_PFT=npfts + 1 instead of 4 Transient land cover/use mode - datasets, energy and water balance RTM sub-cycling Twostream bug fix Update soil colors 2m relative humidity Fix for aquifer leak (SoilHydrologyMod, BalanceCheckMod) New nitrogen deposition file (units and sum of NOx, NHy) Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 701 (svn keyword) 717 (archiving bug -- only archive 1000 files at a time) 722 (threading slow) 789 (1pt sims 2.5X slow) 794 (hist avg strange) 883 (aerosol deposition not from atm) 896 (T62 mode does not work) 920 (glacier_mec problems in mksurfdata) 926 (pftdyn code needs to be shared in mksurfdata) 935 (RTM warning NOT an error) 990 (CN transient blowup) 994 (finidat files on jaguar for pftdyn fail) 1017 (SCM mode can NOT restart) 1025 (SCM mode can NOT use a global finidat file) 1063 (Problem in restarts for CCSM spinup data) 1092 (Problems running in debug mode on dublin with datm8) 1102 (OpenMP problem with pftdyn mode) Describe any changes made to build system: Change directory structure to match CCSM. Add BGP target. Add choice between ESMF and MCT frameworks. Start removing #ifdef and directives that supported Cray-X1 Phoenix as now decommisioned. Make default of maxpatch_pft=numpft+1 instead of 4 for all configurations. By default turn on CLAMP when either CN or CASA is enabled New SNICAR_FRC, CARBON_AERO, and C13 CPP ifdef tokens. New options added to configure: -comp_intf Component interface to use (ESMF or MCT) (default MCT) -nofire Turn off wildfires for bgc setting of CN (default includes fire for CN) -pio Switch enables building with Parallel I/O library. [on | off] (default is on) -snicar_frc Turn on SNICAR radiative forcing calculation. [on | off] (default is off) Describe any changes made to the namelist: NOTE: build-namelist now checks the validity of your namelist you generate by looking at data in the namelist_definition.xml file. In order to add new namelist items you need to change the code and also edit this file. To view information on the namelist view the file: models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml in your browser and you'll see the names, type, description and valid_values for all namelist variables. Changes to build-namelist: Transient sim_year ranges (i.e. 1850-2000) Remove cam_hist_case option. Make sure options ONLY used for stand-alone testing have a "drv_" or "datm_" prefix in them and list these options all together and last when asking for help from build-namelist. New options to build-namelist: -clm_usr_name "name" Dataset resolution/descriptor for personal datasets. Default: not used Example: 1x1pt_boulderCO_c090722 to describe location, number of pts, and date files created New list options to build-namelist: build-namelist -res list # List valid resolutions build-namelist -mask list # List valid land-masks build-namelist -sim_year list # List valid simulation years and simulation year ranges build-namelist -clm_demand list # List namelist variables including those you could demand to be included. build-namelist -use_case list # List valid use-cases Summary of testing: bluefire: All PASS up to...017 blF92 TBL.sh 17p_vodsrsc_dm clm_std^nl_urb 20021230:NONE:1800 4x5 gx3v5 48 cold .............PASS bluefire interactive testing: All PASS up to.. 021 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 bluefire/CCSM testing: PASS ERH.f09_g16.B20TRCN.bluefire BFAIL ERH.f09_g16.B20TRCN.bluefire.compare.ccsm4_0_beta38 --- compset names changed -- but cpl.log files compare exactly ! > ../Tools/check_exactrestart.pl cpl.log.100109-171753 $FISHOME/ccsm4_0_beta38/scripts/ERH.f09_g16.B20TRTR1CN.bluefire.G .172652/logs/cpl.log.100108-181015 log files match! PASS PASS SMS_RLA.f45_f45.I.bluefire PASS SMS_RLB.f45_f45.I.bluefire PASS SMS_ROA.f45_f45.I.bluefire PASS ERS_D.f45_g37.I.bluefire PASS ERS_D.f45_g37.I.bluefire.compare_hist.clm3_6_58+datm8 PASS ERS_D.f45_g37.I.bluefire.compare.clm3_6_58+datm8 PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.cpl PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.atm PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.lnd PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.ice PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.ocn PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.glc PASS PET.f45_g37.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_6_58+datm8 PASS ERS.f19_g16.I1850.bluefire PASS ERS.f19_g16.I1850.bluefire.compare_hist.clm3_6_58+datm8 PASS ERS.f19_g16.I1850.bluefire.compare.clm3_6_58+datm8 PASS ERB.f09_g16.I_1948-2004.bluefire PASS ERB.f09_g16.I_1948-2004.bluefire.compare.clm3_6_58+datm8 FAIL ERB.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Failed before bug 1063 PASS ERH_D.f10_f10.I1850CN.bluefire PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.cpl PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.atm PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.lnd PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.ice PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.ocn PASS PET.f10_f10.I8520CN.bluefire.glc jaguar interactive testing: All PASS up to... 006 erAK4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v6 -5+-5 cold ..........FAIL! rc= 7 dublin/lf95 interactive testing: None PASS because of bug 1092 dublin/lf95: None PASS because of bug 1092 dublin/INTEL interactive testing: ALL PASS except (and didn't compare to baseline) 006 erAL4 TER.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 7 007 brAL4 TBR.sh _sc_ds clm_std^nl_ptsmode 20030101:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS -5+-5 cold .............FAIL! rc= 6 028 smM94 TSMncl_tools.sh ndepregrid ............................................................FAIL! rc= 6 030 sm984 TSCext_ccsmseq_scam.sh ext_ccsm_seq_64x128_s scam_prep scam_ds scam 3 .................FAIL! rc= 4 dublin/INTEL: All PASS up to 021 smJ92 TSM.sh (and didn't compare to baseline) 008 smG42 TSM.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 009 erG42 TER.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 010 brG42 TBR.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 72+72 arb_ic ......FAIL! rc= 5 011 blG42 TBL.sh 17p_sc_dm clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 4 012 smG46 TSM.sh 17p_sc_m clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:1800 10x15 USGS@1000-1002 144 arb_ic .........FAIL! rc= 10 =============================================================== =============================================================== Tag name: clm3_6_00 Originator(s): erik (Kluzek Erik 1326 CGD) Date: Thu Mar 20 13:32:07 MDT 2008 One-line Summary: Fully implement sequential-ccsm mode, upgrade configure, build-namelist and testing, upgrade interpolation tool, add mkdatadomain, write to iulog rather than 6 explicitly, SCAM update, Update datasets, add archiving, and build-streams, add in point version of Urban model, change directory structure to mimic CCSM Software engineering changes: Fully implement sequential-ccsm mode. Upgrade configure, build-namelist and testing, and build-streams. Upgrade interpolation tool, Add mkdatadomain to convert CLM input datasets to CCSM datm7 format. Write to iulog rather than 6 explicitly. SCAM update. Update datasets used. Add archiving as a script run after model completes. Change directory structure to mimic CCSM. QUICKSTART: using the new CPL7 scripts: cd scripts ./create_newcase # get help on how to run create_newcase ./create_newcase -case testI -mach blueice -res f19_g15 -compset I # create new "I" case for blueice at 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 res # "I" case is clm active, datm7, and inactive ice/ocn cd testI configure -mach blueice # create scripts testI.build # build model and create namelists bsub < testI.run # submit script # (NOTE: edit env_run to set RESUBMIT to number of times to automatically resubmit) Science changes: Interpinic: Get it to work with OMP to run faster and optimized. Validate that different numbers of threads gives the same answers. Correct problem to find nearest points for PFT data. Get interpinic to work on a half-degree dataset. Change interpinic so it doesn't work on a given set of variables -- but does all applicable variables based on a set of rules of what the variables dimensions are. This allows interpinic to work for CN cases. Urban model: Urban code was started by Gordon Bonan, and taken up by Mariana Vertenstein and Keith Oleson. This represents work that has been ongoing for several years. Revision dates go back to before 2003. Some papers on the work are available from: Oleson et.-al. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, in-Press as of Jan/2008 http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/staff/oleson/publications/JAMC1597_rev_jul27_2007.pdf http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/staff/oleson/publications/JAMC1598_rev_jul27_2007.pdf Newcn06: Move newcn06-02_clm3_5_00 branch tag to trunk. Add ability for CN to do pftdyn mode. Add new options to configure and namelist. Known bugs (include bugzilla ID): 251 (TwoStream), 672 (3.5.4-3.5.14 diffs), 680 (t0 precip diff for seq-ccsm), 698 (cprnc bug gives false difference), 701 (svn keyword), 708, (xlf bug on bluevista) 717 (archiving bug -- only archive 1000 files at a time), 724 (cprnc core dumps) 1079 (rpointer file updated with clm.i files) 1083 (Units of NEE exported should be kg CO2 NOT kg C) Known bugs that will NOT be resolved: 512 (mksurf on PGI), 546(interpinic for DGVM), 694 (restarts for offline) , 652 (threads different answers with older PGI versions) 725 (bug in offline mode for lightning with ifort compiler) Describe any changes made to build system: Add new options to configure -ad_spinup Turn on AD_SPINUP mode for bgc setting of CN [on | off] -exit_spinup Turn on EXIT_SPINUP mode for bgc setting of CN [on | off] -pergro Switch enables building CLM for perturbation growth tests. Add BUILDPIO CPP variable Implement a build-namelist script to create namelists for you: build-namelist -help SYNOPSIS build-namelist [options] OPTIONS -cam_config "file" Read the CAM config cache file (rather than the CLM version) to get build-time configuration information. (Default -- not used.) -cam_hist_case "caseid" Use the input CAM simulation caseid to build a streams file with that case id. (Default -- not used). -case "name" Case identifier up to 32 characters -clm_cfg "dir" Directory containing CLM configuration scripts. -clm_demand "list" List of variables to require on clm namelist besides the usuals. -config "file" Read the given config cache file to get the configuration of the CLM executable. Default: config_cache.xml. -csmdata "dir" Head directory location of CCSM input data. Can also be set by using the CSMDATA environment variable. -cycle_beg_year "year" The begining year to cycle input datasets over. -cycle_end_year "year" The ending year to cycle input datasets over. -cycle_init_year "year" The simulation year that will correspond to the data for cycle_beg_year. -d "directory" Output directory name of resulant namelists. Default: ./ -datm_data_dir "path" Directory path to the datm data (only used when mode=ccsm_seq) -datm_domain "file" File name of domain file for datm data matching resolution data resolution. (only used when mode=ccsm_seq) -datm_dom_dir "path" Directory path to the datm_domain file. (only used when mode=ccsm_seq) -help [or -h] Print usage to STDOUT. -ignore_ic_date Ignore the date on the initial condition files (ic_ymd and ic_tod) when determining what input initial condition file to use. -ignore_ic_year Ignore just the year part of the date on the initial condition files (ic_ymd and ic_tod) when determining what input initial condition file to use. -infile "file" Specify a namelist file to read values from. -lnd_res "Resolution" Horizontal resolution of fine mesh for land (if different than resolution coupling to atmosphere) -mask "land-mask" Type of land-mask (default, navy, gx3v5, gx1v5 etc.) -namelist "namelist" Specify namelist settings using FORTRAN namelist syntax, e.g., -namelist "&clm_inparm hist_dov2xy=.true. /" -res "Resolution" Horizontal resolution (default, 64x128, 1.9x2.5, 1x1_brazil etc.) -runlength "length" Length of simulation (e.g. default, 10d, 5s, 2y) (Corresponding to: default, 10 days, 5 steps, or 2 years) classifiers (d=days, s=steps, y=years) -s Turns on silent mode - only fatal messages issued. -sim_year year Year to simulate for input datasets (i.e. 1890, 2000, etc.) -source "source" Source data to use for datm (for ccsm_seq mode) -start_type "type" Type of simulation (arb_ic, startup, continue, or branch) -test Enable checking that initial and boundary datasets exist on local filesystem. -use_case "case" Specify a use case which will provide default values. -v n Set verbosity to level n. 1 (default), 2 or 3. Note: The precedence for setting the values of namelist variables is (highest to lowest): 1. interactive prompting, 2. namelist values set by specific command-line options, e.g., -case -start_type and -ignore_ic_date, 3. values set on the command-line using the -namelist option, 4. values read from the file specified by -infile, 5. values specified by the -use_case option, 6. values from defaults files in the CLM configuration script directory. Use the "drv_in" 'virtual namelist' to have build-namelist decide which namelist to put driver control information in. Use build-streams for sequential-CCSM Builds the streams files on the fly. This allows running data over any period. Add usecase option to build-namelist to set multiple things (currently only implementing pergro and pergro0) Add notes to namelist files generated with build-namelist so can reconstruct. See details of new build-namelist options in documentation on build-namelist below. Describe any changes made to the namelist: Remove mss options (mss_irt, mss_wpass and archive_dir) Remove ability to change restart pointer filename (rpntpath) Actually use pertlim for arbitrary initial conditions if > 0 o co2_ppmv = real for CO2 parts per million by volume [MUST be set on namelist] o model_version = character for model version running with o hostname = character for model version running with o username = character for model version running with o stop_final_ymd = integer if want to stop early (only offline mode -- use stop_ymd in drv_in for seq_ccsm) o furbinp = character if want to turn urban datasets on (default " ") o outnc_large_files = logical true if want to use NetCDF 64-bit large file format [.FALSE., .TRUE.] for output files (history and restart files) History experimental options (mostly for PIO which isn't fully implemented yet): o hist_pioflag = logical true if want to turn on hist with pio [.FALSE., .TRUE.] o ncd_lowmem2d = logical true if want to turn on low memory 2d writes in clm hist [.TRUE., .FALSE.] o ncd_pio_def = logical true if want default pio use setting [.FALSE., .TRUE.] o ncd_pio_UseRearranger = logical true if want to use MCT as Rearranger [.TRUE., .FALSE.] o ncd_pio_UseBoxRearr = logical true if want to use box as Rearranger [.FALSE., .TRUE.] o ncd_pio_SerialCDF = logical true if want to write with pio serial netcdf mode [.FALSE., .TRUE.] o ncd_pio_IODOF_rootonly = logical true if want to write history in pio from root only [.FALSE., .TRUE.] o ncd_pio_DebugLevel = integer pio debug level ( default 2) o ncd_pio_num_iotasks = integer number of iotasks to use for PIO (default all PEs) New output variables added: BUILDHEAT heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof W/m^2 active LWdown atmospheric longwave radiation W/m^2 PSurf surface pressure Pa Qh sensible heat W/m^2 Qle total evaporation W/m^2 Qstor storage heat flux (includes snowmelt) W/m^2 RH atmospheric relative humidity % Rainf atmospheric rain mm/s Rnet net radiation W/m^2 SWdown atmospheric incident solar radiation W/m^2 TBUILD internal urban building temperature K active TRAFFICFLUX sensible heat flux from urban traffic W/m^2 active Tair atmospheric air temperature K WASTEHEAT sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat W/m^2 active HCSOI soil heat content MJ active HCSOISNO soil plus snow heat content MJ active (Fields not mentioned above as active are set to inactive unless asked for. They are "ALMA" variables needed for an urban model intercomparision project.) Describe timing and memory performance: On blueice 128 Tasks, nosmp = 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 resolution: 115 sim-years/Wall-Day 61 sim-years/Wall-Day (CN mode) 3.9 GBytes memory 64 Tasks, nosmp = 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 resolution: 143 sim-years/Wall-Day 73 sim-years/Wall-Day (CN mode) 2.1 GBytes memory 32 Tasks, nosmp = 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 resolution: 131 sim-years/Wall-Day 60 sim-years/Wall-Day (CN mode) 2.2 GBytes memory 32 threads, nospmd= 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 resolution: 98 sim-years/Wall-Day 49 sim-years/Wall-Day (CN mode) 1.7 GBytes memory 8 Tasks, nosmp = 1.9x2.5_gx1v5 resolution: 88 sim-years/Wall-Day 38 sim-years/Wall-Day (CN mode) 774 MBytes memory Note: With 64 Tasks CLM is spending roughly 40% of it's time on I/O. Hence, increasing the processor count doesn't increase the throughput -- since I/O is only on one task. Depending on the configuration -- offline mode is about the same to 168% slower (in CN mode) Versions of any externally defined libraries: doc doc_060127 scripts scripts4_080311 models/drv/seq_mct drvseq2_0_12 models/atm/datm7 drva07_datm7_071129 models/ocn//socn stubs1_0_7 models/ice//sice stubs1_0_7 models/csm_share loga26_share3_071107 models/utils/esmf_wrf_timemgr esmf_wrf_timemgr_060616 models/utils/timing timing_070525 models/utils/mct seqa07_MCT2_4_2_071026 models/utils/pio pio11_prod models/lnd/clm/tools/cprnc cprnc_070817 models/lnd/clm/bld/perl5lib perl5lib_071204 Summary of testing: bluevista: 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 070 smJ11 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<<< Bug 708 071 erJ11 TER.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 5 <<<<< Bug 708 072 brJ11 TBR.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 5 <<<<< Bug 708 073 blJ11 TBL.sh 4p_casasc_dh clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<<< Bug 708 074 smJ15 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<<< Bug 708 blueice: All PASS except... 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 022 br113 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 694 032 brE12 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 6 <<<< MPI error... jaguarcnl: All PASS except... 009 smB11 TSMruncase.sh .........................................................................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<< bad hostname 013 bl111 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 5 018 bl112 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 5 023 bl113 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 028 blE11 TBL.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 5 033 blE12 TBL.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 5 035 smE13 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 10 038 blE13 TBL.sh 4p_vodsrsc_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 4 lightning/pathf90: All PASS except... 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 012 br111 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 694 013 bl111 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 018 bl112 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 022 br113 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 694 023 bl113 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Bug 694 028 blE11 TBL.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 7 lightning/ifort: All PASS except... 004 blA91 TBL.sh _sc_dh clm_std 19990101:NONE:3600 4x5 gx3v5 -10 arb_ic .........................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Answers different 008 blA74 TBL.sh _sc_ds clm_std 19990101:NONE:3600 1x1_brazil navy -10 arb_ic ...................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Answers different 010 sm111 TSM.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 10 <<<< Bug 725 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 5 <<<< Bug 725 012 br111 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 5 <<<< Bug 725 013 bl111 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<< Bug 725 014 sm115 TSM.sh 4p_vodsr_h clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 10 <<<< Bug 725 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 725 018 bl112 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Bug 725 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 725 022 br113 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 725 023 bl113 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Bug 725 026 erE11 TER.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Answers different 027 brE11 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Answers different ifort tests abort early here... bangkok/lf95: All PASS except... 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 135 sm061 TSMext_ccsmcon.sh ERS f19_g13 .........................................................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<< Bad hostname >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Random MPI errors???? 029 smE15 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_h clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 10 044 smF25 TSM.sh 17p_vodsrsc_h clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...............FAIL! rc= 10 045 smE31 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 48 arb_ic .......FAIL! rc= 10 046 erE31 TER.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 10+38 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 5 047 brE31 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 24+24 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 5 049 smE35 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_h clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 48 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 054 smG45 TSM.sh 17p_sc_h clm_pftdyn 10001230:MONTHLY:1800 10x15 USGS 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 10 063 smH06 TSM.sh 17p_cnnsc_m clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:NONE:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v5@2000 48 startup FAIL! rc= 10 074 smJ15 TSM.sh 4p_casasc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ...................FAIL! rc= 10 079 smK15 TSM.sh 10p_dgvmsc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ..................FAIL! rc= 10 080 smK18 TSM.sh 10p_dgvmsc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 -213 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 10 081 erK18 TER.sh 10p_dgvmsc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 -90+-121 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 093 smL61 TSM.sh _sc_h clm_std 19980101:MONTHLY:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v5 -10 startup ..................FAIL! rc= 10 094 erL61 TER.sh _sc_h clm_std 19980101:MONTHLY:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v5 -5+-5 startup ................FAIL! rc= 5 095 brL61 TBR.sh _sc_h clm_std 19980101:MONTHLY:1800 1.9x2.5 gx1v5 -10+-10 startup ..............FAIL! rc= 5 bangkok/pgi: All PASS except... 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 012 br111 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<<< Bug 694 022 br113 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<<< Bug 694 135 sm061 TSMext_ccsmcon.sh ERS f19_g13 .........................................................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<< Bad hostname 045 smE31 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 48 arb_ic .......FAIL! rc= 10 <<<< Bug 464 046 erE31 TER.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 10+38 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 5 <<<< Bug 464 047 brE31 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 24+24 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 5 <<<< Bug 464 049 smE35 TSM.sh 4p_vodsrsc_h clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 48 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 <<<< Bug 464 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Random MPI errors???? (seems to randoming have trouble finding files -- but they are there later...) 040 smF21 TSM.sh 17p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 10 041 erF21 TER.sh 17p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 5 042 brF21 TBR.sh 17p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ...........FAIL! rc= 5 055 smG74 TSM.sh 17p_sc_ds clm_pftdyn 10001230:NONE:3600 1x1_tropicAtl test -1100 arb_ic ........FAIL! rc= 10 063 smH06 TSM.sh 17p_cnnsc_m clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:NONE:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v5@2000 48 startup FAIL! rc= 10 069 smI58 TSMcnspinup.sh 17p_cnadspinupsc_dh 17p_cnexitspinupsc_dh 17p_cnsc_dh clm_std 19980115:NONEFAIL! rc= 5 080 smK18 TSM.sh 10p_dgvmsc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 -213 arb_ic ................FAIL! rc= 10 081 erK18 TER.sh 10p_dgvmsc_h clm_std 19981231:NONE:1800 48x96 gx3v5 -90+-121 arb_ic ............FAIL! rc= 5 083 erK74 TER.sh 10p_dgvmsc_s clm_std 19971231:NONE:1800 1x1_brazil navy -334+-336 arb_ic .......FAIL! rc= 6 tempest: All PASS except.. 009 smB11 TSMruncase.sh .........................................................................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<< No tempest run script 011 er111 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<< Bug 694 012 br111 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<< Bug 694 013 bl111 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<< Bug 694 016 er112 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_dm clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<< Bug 694 021 er113 TER.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 10+38 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 13 <<< Bug 694 022 br113 TBR.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 24+24 arb_ic ..............FAIL! rc= 11 <<< Bug 694 023 bl113 TBL.sh 4p_vodsr_do clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 48x96 gx3v5 48 arb_ic .................FAIL! rc= 7 <<< Bug 694 046 erE31 TER.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 10+38 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 7 <<<< Stack memory problem 047 brE31 TBR.sh 4p_vodsrsc_dh clm_std 19981231:YEARLY:1800 64x128^360x720 USGS 24+24 arb_ic ....FAIL! rc= 6 <<<< Stack memory problem 063 smH06 TSM.sh 17p_cnnsc_m clm_std^nl_lfiles 19800101:NONE:1800 0.47x0.63 gx1v5@2000 48 startup FAIL! rc= 10 <<<< Memory limit 123 sm921 TSMext_ccsmseq_cam.sh ext_ccsm_seq_4x5_dh ext_ccsm_seq_cam 48 .........................FAIL! rc= 8 <<<<< MPI_GROUP_MAX limit 124 bl921 TSMext_ccsmseq_cam.sh ext_ccsm_seq_4x5_dh ext_ccsm_seq_cam 48 .........................FAIL! rc= 2 <<<<< MPI_GROUP_MAX limit 135 sm061 TSMext_ccsmcon.sh ERS f19_g13 .........................................................FAIL! rc= 4 <<<<< Bad hostname =============================================================== =============================================================== Tag name: clm3_5_00 Originator(s): erik (Erik Kluzek) Date: Thu May 3 12:03:53 MDT 2007 Date:One-line Summary: New surface datasets, improved canopy integration, and various improvements to Hydrology Purpose of changes (Since CLM3.0): CLM3.5 is considerably different to CLM3.0, particularly with respect to its simulation of the hydrologic cycle. The modifications consist of new surface datasets based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products (Lawrence and Chase 2007), an improved canopy integration scheme (Thornton and Zimmermann 2007), scaling of canopy interception (Lawrence et al. 2007), a simple TOPMODEL-based model for surface and sub-surface runoff (Niu et al. 2005), a simple groundwater model for determining water table depth (Niu et al. 2007), and a new frozen soil scheme (Niu and Yang 2006). There are four additional modifications. Three of these, an improved description of soil water availability, a resistance term to reduce excessive soil evaporation, and the introduction of a factor to simulate nitrogen limitation on plant productivity, can be categorized as new or improved parameterizations from the perspective of CLM3. The other may be categorized as fixing an algorithmically defective existing parameterization (correction to snowage calculation so that snowage increases monotonically) (Dickinson et al. 2006). See: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/clm/distribution/clm3.5/ for more information, and for technical and scientific papers that describe CLM3.5. Lastly, we are distributing a new forcing dataset with the new code. This dataset was derived by combining observation-based analyses of monthly precipitation and surface air temperature with intramonthly variations from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (Qian et al., 2006) If you would like to run CLM-CN, please contact Peter Thornton (thornton@ucar.edu). If you would like to run CLM-DGVM, please contact Sam Levis (slevis@ucar.edu). If you would like to run CLM-CASA', please contact Forrest Hoffman (hof@ornl.gov). Describe any bug fixes: o A revision of RTM-subcycling and corrections to a few land-locked grid cells. o A more efficient soil evaporation calculation based on PFT demand. o A fix to aggregation of LAI from high-resolution source data to CLM surface data. o Changing Temperature of freezing of water from 273.16 (triple point of water) to 273.15. Summarize any software engineering improvements: o Add option to run CLM at a finer resolution than the atmospheric model coupled to (Tony Craig and others) o MCT (Model Coupling Toolkit) used to describe decompositions and do redistributions. o Remove dependences on CAM modules and data structures. o Use csm_share clocks and CCSMInit objects for simulation time information and initialization information needed by all CCSM models. o Update time-management to ESMF_2_2_2r interfaces and use the WRF implementation of ESMF time-management modules. o Made restart datasets double precision NetCDF rather than binary (except history restarts). o Add interface layers to link to Sequential CCSM (formally standalone CAM) using MCT. o Parallelize RTM, by Tony Craig and Pat Worley. o Add a new testing suite to do automated testing for any code changes. o Improve memory scaling with a new decomposition from Tony Craig. o Move make surface dataset capability to an offline tool (mksurfdata). o Add an offline tool to create grid datasets needed for initialization (mkgriddata). o Add ability to run concurrent CCSM in single-executable mode. o Running with SCAM (Single Column Atmospheric Model) mode modularized better. Versions of any externally defined libraries: (under src/utils) o csm_share: share3_070321 (add flds, eshr and dshr directories, add shr_inputinfo_mod, eshr_timemgr_mod, other modules for shared data work) o esmf_wrf_timemgr: esmf_wrf_timemgr_060616 (or can link to full ESMF_2_2_2r) o timing: timing_070328 (extensive updates and utilize PAPI and new namelist) o mct: MCT2_3_0_070206 (allow to build with code, Cray mods, misc.) Describe any changes made to build system: o A configure script was created to create files needed to build the model. o There are also cshell run scripts for different platforms to: configure, build and run the model. o Remove SPMD CPP token -- use src/utils/mct/mpi-serial library for serial mode. o Remove HIDE_MPI token. o Remove CAM and COUP_CAM CPP tokens -- replace with SEQ_MCT and SEQ_ESMF. o Remove NOCOMPETE CPP token. o Most SCAM #ifdef's removed. o Remove TIMING_BARRIERS CPP token -- add option to prof_inparm namelist. o See src/utils/timing for new tokens added for timing library (HAVE_PAPI, THREADED_OMP, DIAG, HASH). o MCT included with offline CLM. Build features added -- but unsupported for public release: o Port to jaguar.ccs.ornl.gov (Cray XT3/XT4) o Port to Bluegene/L (frost.ucar.edu) (add BGL CPP token) o Port to lightning.ucar.edu (frost.ucar.edu with Pathscale) o Add SINGLE_EXEC CPP token for running concurrent CCSM in single-executable mode. o Add CN CPP token and CN BGC code. o Add NO_FIRE CPP token for use by CN mode. o Add AD_SPINUP and EXIT_SPINUP CPP token for initial spinup of CN. o Add DUST and PROGSST CPP tokens. o Add COUP_WRF CPP token. Describe any changes made to the namelist: Main namelist name changed from clmexp to clm_inparm Option to run clm at a finer mesh than the atmosphere added several namelist items. flndtopo = 256 character land topography file name fatmgrid = 256 character atmosphere grid data file name fatmlndfrc = 256 character landfrac (on atm grid) file name fatmtopo = 256 character atmosphere topography file name Decomposition/performance control: nsegspc = Number of segments per clump for new decomp. 1 will produce poor loadbalance, infinity yields too many segments per pe but good load balance. (default 20) All mksrf_* options moved to the mksurfdata offline tool. So instead of creating surface datasets by running clm -- you run the mksurfdata tool to create them. mksrf_* = Removed from namelist. Miscellaneous: rest_flag = logical, turns restart file writing on (default .true.) wrtdia = true if want output written (default .false.) create_crop_landunit = true => separate crop landunit is not created by default (currently broken see KnownBugs) (default .false.) New prof_inparm namelist added for timing library. profile_single_file = Write timing output to single file or file per task (default single) profile_disable = Turn timing off. (default .false.) profile_barrier = Turn MPI barriers on in t_barrierf calls. (default .false.) profile_depth_limit = Integer indicating maximum number of levels of timer nesting (default 99999) profile_detail_limit = integer indicating maximum detail level to profile (default 0) profile_timer = integer indicating which timer to use GPTLwall = 1 GPTLcpu = 2 GPTLabort_on_error = 3 GPTLoverhead = 4 GPTLdepthlimit = 5 GPTLgettimeofday = 6 GPTLnanotime = 7 GPTLrtc = 8 GPTLmpiwtime = 9 GPTLclockgettime = 10 GPTLpapitime = 11 (default is 9, except on UNICOSMP where it is 8) Namelist items added -- but unsupported in public release: co2_type = values of 'prognostic','diagnostic','constant' (only constant mode for OFFLINE) CASA': spunup = 0=no, 1=yes (used with nsrest/=1 only) (default 0) lalloc = 0=fixed allocation, 1=dynamic allocation (default 1) lnpp = 1=gpp*gppfact,2=fn(lgrow)*gppfact (default 2) q10 = temperature dependence (default 2.0) fcpool = Carbon Pool initial state filename List any changes to the defaults for the boundary datasets: Use following files for T42 resolution: finidat = '$CSMDATA/inidata_3.1/offline/clmi_0000-01-01_064x128_c070403.nc' fsurdat = '$CSMDATA/surfdata/surfdata_64x128_c070501.nc' fatmgrid = '$CSMDATA/griddata/griddata_64x128_060829.nc' fatmlndfrc = '$CSMDATA/griddata/fracdata_64x128_USGS_070110.nc' fpftcon = '$CSMDATA/pftdata/pft-physiology.c070207' offline_atmdir = '$CSMDATA/NCEPDATA.Qian.T62.c051024' frivinp_rtm = '$CSMDATA/rtmdata/rdirc.05.061026' Only needed for CN mode: fndepdat = '$CSMDATA/ndepdata/ndep_clm_2000_64x128_c060414.nc' Code reviewed by: bonan, dlawren, erik, mvertens, nanr, oleson, pworley, slevis, tcraig, thornton Summary of testing: Other than bugs documented in KnownBugs works on following machines: bluevista.ucar.edu ---- IBM/SP running AIX blueice.ucar.edu ------ IBM/SP running AIX bangkok.cgd.ucar.edu -- Linux cluster (both PGI and Lahey compilers) tempest.ucar.edu ------ SGI running IRIX lightning.ucar.edu ---- Linux cluster (using Pathscale compiler) jaguar.ccs.ornl.edu --- Cray XT3/XT4 (using Cray-specific PGI compiler) (builds) phoenix.ccs.ornl.edu -- Cray X1 (using Cray-specific PGI compiler) (builds) MSS location of control simulations used to validate new climate: OFFLINE: /OLESON/csm/hydp2_off_communn_hk44 CAM/CLM: /OLESON/csm/hydp2_communn_hk44a CCSM: /CCSM/csm/b31.020ws URL for LMWG diagnostics output used to validate new climate: OFFLINE: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/clm/diagnostics/lmwg_hydro/hydp2_off_communn_hk44a-hyd_off_con3d/setsIndex.html CAM/CLM: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/clm/diagnostics/lmwg_hydro/hydp2_communn_hk44aa-hyd_sstb/setsIndex.html CCSM: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/tss/clm/diagnostics/ccsm2_prod/b31.020wsb-b31.002b/setsIndex.html ===============================================================