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The CICE Scripts

The setup scripts for the coupled model are located in cesm1/scripts. The directory structure of CICE4 within CESM is shown below.

                                   cesm1         (main directory)
                       models--------+--------- scripts
                          |                        |
                          |               * * * * *|* * * * * 
                 bld------+------ice      *build scripts for*
                  |               |       *  coupled model  *
              (Makefile           |       * * * * * * * * * *
               macros)            |
                                cice         (active ice component)
       bld ---------- docs -------+------- src
                       |                    |
                     (CICE                  |
                  documentation)            |
                         drivers --- mpi ---+--- serial --- source
      cice4 ---- cpl_esmf --+-- cpl_mct ---- cpl_share


David Bailey