#!/usr/local/bin/perl #BOP # # !ROUTINE: ProTeX v. 2.00 - Translates DAO Prologues to LaTeX # # !INTERFACE: # protex [-hbACFS] ] [+-nlsxf] [src_file(s)] # # !DESCRIPTION: # Perl filter to produce a \LaTeX compatible document # from a DAO Fortran source code with standard Pro\TeX # prologues. If source files are not specified it # reads from stdin; output is always to stdout. # # \noindent # {\bf Command Line Switches:} \vspace{0.2cm} # # \begin{center} # \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline \hline # -h & Help mode: list command line options \\ \hline # -b & Bare mode, meaning no preamble, etc. \\ \hline # +/-n & New Page for each subsection (wastes paper) \\ \hline # +/-l & Listing mode, default is prologues only \\ \hline # +/-s & Shut-up mode, i.e., ignore any code from BOC to EOC \\ \hline # +/-x & No LaTeX mode, i.e., put !DESCRIPTION: in verbatim mode \\ \hline # +/-f & No source file info \\ \hline # -A & Ada code \\ \hline # -C & C++ code \\ \hline # -F & F90 code (default) \\ \hline # -S & Shell script \\ \hline \hline # \end{tabular} # \end{center} # # The options can appear in any order. The options, -h and -b, affect # the input from all files listed on command-line input. Each of the # remaining options effects only the input from the files listed after # the option and prior to any overriding option. The plus sign # turns off the option. For example, the command-line input, # \bv # protex -bnS File1 -F File2.f +n File3.f # \ev # will cause the option, {\tt -n} to affect the input from the files, # {\tt File} and {\tt File2.f}, but not from {\tt File3.f}. The # {\tt -S} option is implemented for {\tt File1} but is overridden by # the {\tt -F} for files {\tt File2.f} and {\tt File3.f}. # # # !SEE ALSO: # For a more detailed description of ProTeX functionality, # DAO Prologue and other conventions, consult: # # Sawyer, W., and A. da Silva, 1997: ProTeX: A Sample # Fortran 90 Source Code Documentation System. # DAO Office Note 97-11 # # # !REVISION HISTORY: # # 20Dec1995 da Silva First experimental version # 10Nov1996 da Silva First internal release (v1.01) # 28Jun1997 da Silva Modified so that !DESCRIPTION can appear after # !INTERFACE, and !INPUT PARAMETERS etc. changed to italics. # 02Jul1997 Sawyer Added shut-up mode # 20Oct1997 Sawyer Added support for shell scripts # 11Mar1998 Sawyer Added: file name, date in header, C, script support # 05Aug1998 Sawyer Fixed LPChang-bug-support-for-files-with-underscores # 10Oct1998 da Silva Introduced -f option for removing source file info # from subsection, etc. Added help (WS). # 06Dec1999 C. Redder Added LaTeX command "\label{sec:prologues}" just # after the beginning of the proglogue section. # 13Dec1999 C. Redder Increased flexbility in command-line # interface. The options can appear in any # order which will allow the user to implement # options for select files. # 01Feb1999 C. Redder Added \usepackage commands to preamble of latex # document to include the packages amsmath, epsfig # and hangcaption. # 10May2000 C. Redder Revised LaTeX command "\label{sec:prologues}" # to "\label{app:ProLogues}" # #EOP #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Keep this if you don't know what it does... # ------------------------------------------- $[ = 1; # set array base to 1 $, = ' '; # set output field separator $\ = "\n"; # set output record separator # Set valid options lists # ----------------------- $GlobOptions = 'hb'; # Global options (i.e for all files) $LangOptions = 'ACFS'; # Options for setting programming languages $SwOptions = 'flnsx'; # Options that can change for each input # file $RegOptions = "$GlobOptions$LangOptions"; # Scan for global options until first first # file is processed. # Scan for global options # ----------------------- $NFiles = 0; Arg: foreach $arg (@ARGV) { $option = &CheckOpts ( $arg, $RegOptions, $SwOptions ) + 1; if ( $option ) { $rc = &GetOpts ( $arg, $GlobOptions ); next Arg; } else { $NFiles++; }# end if }# end foreach # If all inut arguments are options, then assume the # filename, "-", for the standard input # -------------------------------------------------- if ( $NFiles == 0 ) { push (@ARGV, "-"); } # Implement help option # --------------------- if ( $opt_h ) { &print_help(); exit(); }#end if # Optional Prologue Keywords # -------------------------- @keys = ( "!INTERFACE:", "!USES:", "!PUBLIC TYPES:", "!PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:", "!PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS:", "!PARAMETERS:", "!DEFINED PARAMETERS:", "!INPUT PARAMETERS:", "!INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:", "!OUTPUT PARAMETERS:", "!RETURN VALUE:", "!REVISION HISTORY:", "!BUGS:", "!SEE ALSO:", "!SYSTEM ROUTINES:", "!FILES USED:", "!REMARKS:", "!TO DO:", "!CALLING SEQUENCE:", "!AUTHOR:", "!CALLED FROM:", "!LOCAL VARIABLES:" ); # Initialize these for clarity # ---------------------------- $intro = 0; # doing introduction? $prologue = 0; # doing prologue? $first = 1; # first prologue? $source = 0; # source code mode? $verb = 0; # verbatim mode? $tpage = 0; # title page? $begdoc = 0; # has \begin{document} been written? # Initial LaTeX stuff # ------------------- &print_notice(); &print_preamble(); # \documentclass, text dimensions, etc. &print_macros(); # short-hand LaTeX macros # Main loop -- for each command-line argument # ------------------------------------------- ARG: foreach $arg (@ARGV) { # Scan for non-global command-line options # ---------------------------------------- $option = &CheckOpts ( $arg, $RegOptions, $SwOptions, "quiet" ) + 1; if ( $option ) { &GetOpts ( $arg, $SwOptions ); &SetOpt ( $arg, $LangOptions ); next ARG; }# end if # Determine the type of code, set corresponding search strings # ------------------------------------------------------------ # if ( $opt_F ) { # FORTRAN $comment_string = '!'; # ------- $boi_string = '!BOI'; $eoi_string = '!EOI'; $bop_string = '!BOP'; $eop_string = '!EOP'; $boc_string = '!BOC'; $eoc_string = '!EOC'; #}# end if if ( $opt_A ) { # ADA $comment_string = '--'; # --- $boi_string = '--BOI'; $eoi_string = '--EOI'; $bop_string = '--BOP'; $eop_string = '--EOP'; $boc_string = '--BOC'; $eoc_string = '--EOC'; }# end if if ( $opt_C ) { $comment_string = '//'; # C $boi_string = '//BOI'; # - $eoi_string = '//EOI'; $bop_string = '//BOP'; $eop_string = '//EOP'; $boc_string = '//BOC'; $eoc_string = '//EOC'; }# end if if ( $opt_S ) { # Script $comment_string = '#'; # ------ $boi_string = '#BOI'; $eoi_string = '#EOI'; $bop_string = '#BOP'; $eop_string = '#EOP'; $boc_string = '#BOC'; $eoc_string = '#EOC'; }# end if # Set file name parameters # ------------------------ $InputFile = $arg; @all_path_components = split( /\//, $InputFile ); $FileBaseName = pop ( @all_path_components ); $FileBaseName =~ s/_/\\_/g; if ( $InputFile eq "-" ) {$FileBaseName = "Standard Input";} # Set date # -------- $Date = `date`; # Open current file # ----------------- open ( InputFile, "$InputFile" ) or print STDERR "Unable to open $InputFile: $!"; # Print page header # ----------------- printf "\n\\markboth{Left}{Source File: %s, Date: %s}\n\n", $FileBaseName, $Date; LINE: # Inner loop --- for processing each line of the input file # --------------------------------------------------------- while ( ) { chop; # strip record separator @Fld = split(' ', $_, 9999); # Straight quote # -------------- if ($Fld[1] eq '!QUOTE:') { for ($i = 2; $i <= $#Fld; $i++) { printf '%s ', $Fld[$i]; }# end for print " "; next LINE; }# end if # Handle optional Title Page and Introduction # ------------------------------------------- if ($Fld[1] eq $boi_string) { print ' '; $intro = 1; next LINE; }# end if if ($Fld[2] eq '!TITLE:') { if ( $intro ) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; @title = @Fld; $tpage = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if if ($Fld[2] eq '!AUTHORS:') { if ( $intro ) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; @author = @Fld; $tpage = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if if ($Fld[2] eq '!AFFILIATION:') { if ( $intro ) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; @affiliation = @Fld; $tpage = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if if ($Fld[2] eq '!DATE:') { if ( $intro ) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; @date = @Fld; $tpage = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if if ($Fld[2] eq '!INTRODUCTION:') { if ( $intro ) { &do_beg(); print ' '; print '%..............................................'; shift @Fld; shift @Fld; print "\\section{@Fld}"; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # End of introduction # ------------------- if ($Fld[1] eq $eoi_string) { print ' '; print '%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'; print "\\newpage"; $intro = 0; next LINE; }# end if # Beginning of prologue # --------------------- if ($Fld[1] eq $bop_string) { if ( $source ) { &do_eoc(); } print ' '; print '%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'; &do_beg(); if ($first == 0) { ### print "\\newpage"; print " "; print "\\mbox{}\\hrulefill\\ "; print " ";} else { unless($opt_b){print "\\section{Routine/Function Prologues} \\label{app:ProLogues}";} }# end if $first = 0; $prologue = 1; $verb = 0; $source = 0; &set_missing(); # no required keyword yet next LINE; }# end if # A new subroutine/function # ------------------------- if ($Fld[2] eq '!ROUTINE:' ) { if ($prologue) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; $_ = join(' ', @Fld); $name_is = $_; s/_/\\_/g; # Replace "_" with "\_" if ( $opt_n && $not_first ) { printf "\\newpage\n"; } unless ($opt_f) {printf "\\subsubsection{%s (Source File: %s)}\n\n", $_, $FileBaseName;} else {printf "\\subsubsection{%s }\n\n", $_;} $have_name = 1; $not_first = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # A new Module # ------------ if ($Fld[2] eq '!MODULE:' ) { if ($prologue) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; $_ = join(' ', @Fld); $name_is = $_; s/_/\\_/g; # Replace "_" with "\_" if ( $opt_n && $not_first ) { printf "\\newpage\n"; } unless($opt_f) {printf "\\subsection{Fortran: Module Interface %s (Source File: %s)}\n\n", $_, $FileBaseName;} else {printf "\\subsection{Fortran: Module Interface %s }\n\n", $_;} $have_name = 1; $have_intf = 1; # fake it, it does not need one. $not_first = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # A new include file # ------------------ if ($Fld[2] eq '!INCLUDE:' ) { if ($prologue) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; $_ = join(' ', @Fld); $name_is = $_; s/_/\\_/g; # Replace "_" with "\_" if ( $opt_n && $not_first ) { printf "\\newpage\n"; } unless($opt_f) {printf "\\subsubsection{Include File %s (Source File: %s)}\n\n", $_, $FileBaseName;} else {printf "\\subsubsection{Include File %s }\n\n", $_;} $have_name = 1; $have_intf = 1; # fake it, it does not need one. $not_first = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # A new INTERNAL subroutine/function # ---------------------------------- if ($Fld[2] eq '!IROUTINE:') { # Internal routine if ($prologue) { shift @Fld; shift @Fld; $_ = join(' ', @Fld); $name_is = $_; s/_/\\_/g; # Replace "_" with "\_" printf "\\subsubsection{%s}\n\n", $_; $have_name = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # Description: what follows will be regular LaTeX (no verbatim) # ------------------------------------------------------------- if (/!DESCRIPTION:/) { if ($prologue) { if ($verb) { printf "\\end{verbatim}"; printf "\n{\\sf DESCRIPTION:\\\\ }\n\n"; $verb = 0; } else { # probably never occurs }# end if if ($opt_x) { printf "\\begin{verbatim} "; $verb = 1; $first_verb = 1; } else { for ($i = 3; $i <= $#Fld; $i++) { printf '%s ', $Fld[$i]; }# end for }# end if ### print " "; $have_desc = 1; next LINE; }# end if }# end if # Handle optional keywords (these will appear as verbatim) # -------------------------------------------------------- if ($prologue) { KEY: foreach $key ( @keys ) { if ( /$key/ ) { if ($verb) { printf "\\end{verbatim}"; $verb = 0; } else { printf "\n\\bigskip"; }# end if $k = sprintf('%s', $key); $ln = length($k); ###printf "\\subsubsection*{%s}\n", substr($k, 2, $ln - 1); ###printf "{\\Large \\em %s}\n", ucfirst lc substr($k, 2, $ln - 1); $_ = $key; if( /USES/ || /INPUT/ || /OUTPUT/ ) { printf "{\\em %s}\n", substr($k, 2, $ln - 1); } # italics else { printf "{\\sf %s}\n", substr($k, 2, $ln - 1); # san serif }# end if printf "\\begin{verbatim} "; $verb = 1; $first_verb = 1; if ( $key eq "!INTERFACE:" ) { $have_intf = 1; } if ( $key eq "!CALLING SEQUENCE:" ) { $have_intf = 1; } if ( $key eq "!REVISION HISTORY:" ) { $have_hist = 1; } next LINE; }# end if }# end foreach }# end if # End of prologue # --------------- if ($Fld[1] eq $eop_string) { if ($verb) { print "\\end{verbatim}"; $verb = 0; }# end if $prologue = 0; # &check_if_all_there(); # check if all required keyword are there. if ( $opt_l ) { $Fld[1] = $boc_string;} else { next LINE; } }# end if unless ( $opt_s ) { # # Beginning of source code section # -------------------------------- if ($Fld[1] eq $boc_string) { print ' '; print '%/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'; $first = 0; $prologue = 0; $source = 1; ### printf "\\subsubsection*{CONTENTS:}\n\n", $Fld[3]; printf "{\\sf CONTENTS:}"; printf "\n \\begin{verbatim}\n"; $verb = 1; next LINE; }# end if # End of source code # ------------------ if ($Fld[1] eq $eoc_string) { &do_eoc(); $prologue = 0; next LINE; }# end if }# end unless # Prologue or Introduction, print regular line (except for !) # ----------------------------------------------------------- if ($prologue||$intro) { if ( $verb && $#Fld == 1 && ( $Fld[1] eq $comment_string ) ) { next LINE; # to eliminate excessive blanks }# end if if ( $Fld[2] eq "\\ev" ) { # special handling $_ = $comment_string . " \\end{verbatim}"; }# end if s/^$comment_string/ /; # replace comment string with blank # $line = sprintf('%s', $_); # not necessary -- comment str is absent # $ln = length($line); # not necessary -- comment str is absent unless ( $first_verb ) { printf "\n "; } printf '%s', $_; # printf '%s', substr($line, 1, $ln - 1); # comment str is absent $first_verb = 0; next LINE; }# end if # Source code: print the full line # -------------------------------- if ($source) { print $_; next LINE; }# end if }# end inner loop for processing each line of the input file # --------------------------------------------------------- }# end main loop for each command-line argument # -------------------------------------------- print $_; if ( $source ) { &do_eoc(); } print '%...............................................................'; unless ( $opt_b ) { print "\\end{document}"; }#end unless #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckOpts # Checks options against a given list. Outputs error message # for any invalid option. # # Usage: # $rc = &CheckOpts ( options, valid_reg_options, # valid_sw_options, # quiet_mode ) # # character: options - options to be checked. (e.g. -df+x) The # list must begin with a positive or # negative sign. If no sign appears at the # beginning or by itself, then the argument # is not recognized as a list of options. # character: valid_reg_options - list of valid regular options. # (i.e. options that are associated only # eith negative sign.) # character: valid_sw_options - list of valid switch options. # (i.e. options that can be associated with # either a positive or negative sign. # logical: quiet mode (optional) If true then print no error # messages. # integer: rc - return code # = -1 if the arguement, options, is # not recognized as a list of options # = 0 if all options are valid. # > 0 for the number of invalid options. # { local($options, $valid_reg_options, $valid_sw_options, $quiet_mode ) = @_; if ( $options eq "+" || $options eq "-" ) {return -1} local(@Options) = split( / */, $options ); if ( $Options[ $[ ] ne "-" && $Options[ $[ ] ne "+" ) {return -1;} local($option, $option_sign, $valid_list, $pos); local($errs) = 0; foreach $option ( @Options ) { if ( $option eq "-" || $option eq "+" ) {$option_sign = $option;} else { if ( $option_sign eq "-" ) { $valid_list = $valid_reg_options . $valid_sw_options; } else { $valid_list = $valid_sw_options; } $pos = index ($valid_list,$option); if ( $pos < $[ && $quiet_mode ) { $errs++; print STDERR "Invalid option: $option_sign$option \n"; }# end if }# end if }# end foreach return $errs; }#end sub GetOpts sub GetOpts # Gets options. If an option is valid, then opt_[option] is # set to 0 or 1 as a side effect if the option is preceeded by # a positive or negative sign. # # Usage: # $rc = &GetOpts ( options, valid_options ) # # character: options - options to be checked. (e.g. -df+x) The # list must begin with a positive or # negative sign. If no sign appears at the # beginning or by itself, then the argument # is not recognized as a list of options. # character: valid_options - list of valid options (e.g. dfhx) # integer: rc - return code # = -1 if the arguement, options, is # not recognized as a list of options. # = 0 otherwise # { local($options,$valid_options) = @_; if ( $options eq "+" || $options eq "-" ) {return -1} local(@Options) = split( / */, $options ); if ( $Options[ $[ ] ne "-" && $Options[ $[ ] ne "+" ) {return -1;} local($option, $option_sign); foreach $option ( @Options ) { if ( $option eq "-" || $option eq "+" ) { $option_sign = $option; } else { if ( index ($valid_options,$option) >= $[ ) { if ( $option_sign eq "-" ) {${"opt_$option"} = 1;} if ( $option_sign eq "+" ) {${"opt_$option"} = 0;}; }# end if }# end if }# end foreach return 0; }#end sub GetOpts sub SetOpt # Sets option flags. For the last input option that is in a # list, the flag opt_[option] is set to 1 as a side effect. # For all other options in the list, opt_[option] is set to 0. # # Usage: # $rc = &SetOpt ( options, valid_options ) # # character: options - options to be checked. (e.g. -df+x) The # list must begin with a positive or # negative sign. If no sign appears at the # beginning or by itself, then the argument # is not recognized as a list of options. # character: valid_options - list of valid options (e.g. def ) # integer: rc - return code # = -1 if the arguement, options, is # not recognized as a list of options. # = 0 otherwise # Note: For the examples provided for the input arguments, # $opt_d = 0, $opt_e = 0, and $opt_f = 1, since the # input option, -f, was the last in the argument, # option. # { local($options,$valid_options) = @_; if ( $options eq "+" || $options eq "-" ) {return -1} local(@Options) = split( / */, $options ); local(@ValidOptions) = split( / */, $valid_options ); if ( $Options[ $[ ] ne "-" && $Options[ $[ ] ne "+" ) {return -1;} local($option, $option_sign); foreach $option ( @Options ) { if ( $option ne "-" && $option ne "+" ) { if ( index ($valid_options,$option) >= $[ ) { foreach $valid_option (@ValidOptions ) { ${"opt_$valid_option"} = 0; }# end foreach ${"opt_$option"} = 1; }# end if }# end if }# end foreach return 0; }#end sub SetOpt sub print_help { print "Usage: protex [-hbACFS] [+-nlsxf] [src_file(s)]"; print " "; print " Options:"; print " -h Help mode: list command line options"; print " -b Bare mode, meaning no preamble, etc."; print " +-n New Page for each subsection (wastes paper)"; print " +-l Listing mode, default is prologues only"; print " +-s Shut-up mode, i.e., ignore any code from BOC to EOC"; print " +-x No LaTeX mode, i.e., put !DESCRIPTION: in verbatim mode"; print " +-f No source file info"; print " -A Ada code"; print " -C C++ code"; print " -F F90 code"; print " -S Shell script"; print " "; print " The options can appear in any order. The options, -h and -b,"; print " affect the input from all files listed on command-line input."; print " Each of the remaining options effects only the input from the"; print " files listed after the option and prior to any overriding"; print " option. The plus sign turns off the option."; }# end sub print_help sub print_notice { print "% **** IMPORTANT NOTICE *****" ; print "% This LaTeX file has been automatically produced by ProTeX v. 1.1"; print "% Any changes made to this file will likely be lost next time"; print "% this file is regenerated from its source. Send questions "; print "% to Arlindo da Silva, dasilva\@gsfc.nasa.gov"; print " "; }# sub print_notice sub print_preamble { unless ( $opt_b ) { print "%------------------------ PREAMBLE --------------------------"; print "\\documentclass[11pt]{article}"; print "\\usepackage{amsmath}"; print "\\usepackage{epsfig}"; print "\\usepackage{hangcaption}"; print "\\textheight 9in"; print "\\topmargin 0pt"; print "\\headsep 1cm"; print "\\headheight 0pt"; print "\\textwidth 6in"; print "\\oddsidemargin 0in"; print "\\evensidemargin 0in"; print "\\marginparpush 0pt"; print "\\pagestyle{myheadings}"; print "\\markboth{}{}"; print "%-------------------------------------------------------------"; }#end unless print "\\parskip 0pt"; print "\\parindent 0pt"; print "\\baselineskip 11pt"; }# end sub print_preamble sub print_macros { print " "; print "%--------------------- SHORT-HAND MACROS ----------------------"; print "\\def\\bv{\\begin{verbatim}}"; print "\\def\\ev\{\\end\{verbatim}}"; print "\\def\\be{\\begin{equation}}"; print "\\def\\ee{\\end{equation}}"; print "\\def\\bea{\\begin{eqnarray}}"; print "\\def\\eea{\\end{eqnarray}}"; print "\\def\\bi{\\begin{itemize}}"; print "\\def\\ei{\\end{itemize}}"; print "\\def\\bn{\\begin{enumerate}}"; print "\\def\\en{\\end{enumerate}}"; print "\\def\\bd{\\begin{description}}"; print "\\def\\ed{\\end{description}}"; print "\\def\\({\\left (}"; print "\\def\\){\\right )}"; print "\\def\\[{\\left [}"; print "\\def\\]{\\right ]}"; print "\\def\\<{\\left \\langle}"; print "\\def\\>{\\right \\rangle}"; print "\\def\\cI{{\\cal I}}"; print "\\def\\diag{\\mathop{\\rm diag}}"; print "\\def\\tr{\\mathop{\\rm tr}}"; print "%-------------------------------------------------------------"; }# end sub print_macros sub do_beg { unless ( $opt_b ) { if ( $begdoc == 0 ) { if ( $tpage ) { print "\\title{@title}"; print "\\author{{\\sc @author}\\\\ {\\em @affiliation}}"; print "\\date{@date}"; } print "\\begin{document}"; if ( $tpage ) { print "\\maketitle"; } print "\\tableofcontents"; print "\\newpage"; $begdoc = 1; } } }# end sub do_beg sub do_eoc { print ' '; if ($verb) { print "\\end{verbatim}"; $verb = 0; } $source = 0; }# end sub do_eoc sub set_missing { $have_name = 0; # have routine name? $have_desc = 0; # have description? $have_intf = 0; # have interface? $have_hist = 0; # have revision history? $name_is = "UNKNOWN"; }# end sub set_missing sub check_if_all_there { $have_name || die "ProTeX: invalid prologue, missing !ROUTINE: or !IROUTINE: in <$name_is>"; $have_desc || die "ProTeX: invalid prologue, missing !DESCRIPTION: in <$name_is>"; $have_intf || die "ProTeX: invalid prologue, missing !INTERFACE: in <$name_is>"; $have_hist || die "ProTeX: invalid prologue, missing !REVISION HISTORY: in <$name_is>"; }# end sub check_if_all_there