ice_transport_remap.F90 File Reference

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module  ice_transport_remap


subroutine ice_transport_remap::init_remap
subroutine ice_transport_remap::horizontal_remap (dt, uvel, vvel, mm, tm, l_fixed_area, edgearea_e, edgearea_n, tracer_type_in, depend_in, has_dependents_in, integral_order_in, l_dp_midpt_in)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::make_masks (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nghost, has_dependents, icells, indxi, indxj, mm, mmask, tm, tmask)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::construct_fields (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nghost, tracer_type, depend, has_dependents, icells, indxi, indxj, HTN, HTE, hm, xav, yav, xxav, xyav, yyav, xxxav, xxyav, xyyav, yyyav, dxt, dyt, mm, mc, mx, my, mmask, tm, tc, tx, ty, tmask)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::limited_gradient (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nghost, phi, phimask, cnx, cny, HTN, HTE, dxt, dyt, gx, gy)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::departure_points (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nghost, dt, uvel, vvel, dxu, dyu, HTN, HTE, dpx, dpy, l_dp_midpt, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::locate_triangles (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nghost, edge, icells, indxi, indxj, dpx, dpy, dxu, dyu, xp, yp, iflux, jflux, triarea, l_fixed_area, edgearea)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::triangle_coordinates (nx_block, ny_block, integral_order, icells, indxi, indxj, xp, yp)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::transport_integrals (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, tracer_type, depend, integral_order, triarea, iflux, jflux, xp, yp, mc, mx, my, mflx, tc, tx, ty, mtflx)
subroutine ice_transport_remap::update_fields (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, tracer_type, depend, tarear, l_stop, istop, jstop, mflxe, mflxn, mm, mtflxe, mtflxn, tm)


integer(kind=int_kind), parameter ice_transport_remap::ntrace = 2+ntrcr+nilyr+nslyr
integer(kind=int_kind), parameter ice_transport_remap::ngroups = 6
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_transport_remap::p5625m = -9._dbl_kind/16._dbl_kind
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_transport_remap::p52083 = 25._dbl_kind/48._dbl_kind
logical(kind=log_kind), parameter ice_transport_remap::bugcheck = .false.
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