ice_therm_vertical.F90 File Reference

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module  ice_therm_vertical


subroutine ice_therm_vertical::thermo_vertical (nx_block, ny_block, dt, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, trcrn, vicen, vsnon, eicen, esnon, flw, potT, Qa, rhoa, fsnow, fbot, Tbot, lhcoef, shcoef, fswsfc, fswint, fswthrun, Sswabs, Iswabs, fsurfn, fcondtopn, fsensn, flatn, fswabsn, flwoutn, evapn, freshn, fsaltn, fhocnn, meltt, melts, meltb, congel, snoice, mlt_onset, frz_onset, yday, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::init_thermo_vertical
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::frzmlt_bottom_lateral (nx_block, ny_block, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, dt, aice, frzmlt, eicen, esnon, sst, Tf, strocnxT, strocnyT, Tbot, fbot, rside)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::init_vertical_profile (nx_block, ny_block, my_task, istep1, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, vicen, vsnon, Tsfcn, eicen, esnon, hin, hilyr, hsn, hslyr, qin, Tin, qsn, Tsn, Tsf, einit, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::temperature_changes (nx_block, ny_block, my_task, istep1, dt, icells, indxi, indxj, rhoa, flw, potT, Qa, shcoef, lhcoef, fswsfc, fswint, fswthrun, Sswabs, Iswabs, hilyr, hslyr, qin, Tin, qsn, Tsn, Tsf, Tbot, fsensn, flatn, fswabsn, flwoutn, fsurfn, fcondtopn, fcondbot, einit, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::conductivity (nx_block, ny_block, l_snow, icells, indxi, indxj, indxij, hilyr, hslyr, Tin, kh)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::surface_fluxes (nx_block, ny_block, isolve, icells, indxii, indxjj, indxij, Tsf, fswsfc, rhoa, flw, potT, Qa, shcoef, lhcoef, flwoutn, fsensn, flatn, fsurfn, dflwout_dT, dfsens_dT, dflat_dT, dfsurf_dT)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::get_matrix_elements_calc_Tsfc (nx_block, ny_block, isolve, icells, indxii, indxjj, indxij, l_snow, l_cold, Tsf, Tbot, fsurfn, dfsurf_dT, Tin_init, Tsn_init, kh, Sswabs, Iswabs, etai, etas, sbdiag, diag, spdiag, rhs)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::get_matrix_elements_know_Tsfc (nx_block, ny_block, isolve, icells, indxii, indxjj, indxij, l_snow, Tbot, Tin_init, Tsn_init, kh, Sswabs, Iswabs, etai, etas, sbdiag, diag, spdiag, rhs, fcondtopn)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::tridiag_solver (nx_block, ny_block, isolve, icells, indxii, indxjj, nmat, sbdiag, diag, spdiag, rhs, xout)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::zerolayer_temperature (nx_block, ny_block, my_task, istep1, dt, icells, indxi, indxj, rhoa, flw, potT, Qa, shcoef, lhcoef, fswsfc, fswthrun, hilyr, hslyr, Tsf, Tbot, fsensn, flatn, fswabsn, flwoutn, fsurfn, fcondtopn, fcondbot, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::thickness_changes (nx_block, ny_block, dt, yday, icells, indxi, indxj, efinal, hin, hilyr, hsn, hslyr, qin, qsn, fbot, Tbot, flatn, fsurfn, fcondtopn, fcondbot, fsnow, hsn_new, fhocnn, evapn, meltt, melts, meltb, iage, congel, snoice, mlt_onset, frz_onset)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::freeboard (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, dt, snoice, iage, hin, hsn, qin, qsn, dzi, dzs)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::adjust_enthalpy (nx_block, ny_block, nlyr, icells, indxi, indxj, z1, z2, hlyr, hn, qn)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::conservation_check_vthermo (nx_block, ny_block, my_task, istep1, dt, icells, indxi, indxj, fsurfn, flatn, fhocnn, fswint, fsnow, einit, efinal, l_stop, istop, jstop)
subroutine ice_therm_vertical::update_state_vthermo (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, Tf, Tsf, hin, hsn, qin, qsn, aicen, vicen, vsnon, Tsfcn, eicen, esnon)


real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_therm_vertical::saltmax = 3.2_dbl_kind
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_therm_vertical::hs_min = 1.e-4_dbl_kind
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_therm_vertical::betak = 0.13_dbl_kind
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_therm_vertical::kimin = 0.10_dbl_kind
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nilyr+1) ice_therm_vertical::salin
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nilyr+1) ice_therm_vertical::Tmlt
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_therm_vertical::ustar_scale
real(kind=dbl_kind), parameter ice_therm_vertical::ferrmax = 1.0e-3_dbl_kind
character(char_len) ice_therm_vertical::stoplabel
logical(kind=log_kind) ice_therm_vertical::l_brine
logical(kind=log_kind) ice_therm_vertical::heat_capacity
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