ice_shortwave.F90 File Reference

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module  ice_shortwave


subroutine ice_shortwave::init_shortwave
subroutine ice_shortwave::shortwave_ccsm3 (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, vicen, vsnon, Tsfcn, swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, alvdrn, alidrn, alvdfn, alidfn, fswsfc, fswint, fswthru, Iswabs, albin, albsn)
subroutine ice_shortwave::compute_albedos (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, vicen, vsnon, Tsfcn, alvdrni, alidrni, alvdfni, alidfni, alvdrns, alidrns, alvdfns, alidfns, alvdrn, alidrn, alvdfn, alidfn, albin, albsn)
subroutine ice_shortwave::constant_albedos (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, vsnon, Tsfcn, alvdrni, alidrni, alvdfni, alidfni, alvdrns, alidrns, alvdfns, alidfns, alvdrn, alidrn, alvdfn, alidfn, albin, albsn)
subroutine ice_shortwave::absorbed_solar (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aicen, vicen, vsnon, swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, alvdrni, alvdfni, alidrni, alidfni, alvdrns, alvdfns, alidrns, alidfns, fswsfc, fswint, fswthru, Iswabs)
subroutine ice_shortwave::init_dEdd
subroutine ice_shortwave::shortwave_dEdd (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, coszen, aice, vice, vsno, fs, rhosnw, rsnw, fp, hp, trcr, tarea, swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, alvdr, alvdf, alidr, alidf, fswsfc, fswint, fswthru, Sswabs, Iswabs, albice, albsno, albpnd)
subroutine ice_shortwave::compute_dEdd (nx_block, ny_block, icells_DE, indxi_DE, indxj_DE, fnidr, coszen, swvdr, swvdf, swidr, swidf, srftyp, hs, rhosnw, rsnw, hi, hp, fi, aero_mp, alvdr, alvdf, alidr, alidf, fswsfc, fswint, fswthru, Sswabs, Iswabs)
subroutine ice_shortwave::solution_dEdd (nx_block, ny_block, icells_DE, indxi_DE, indxj_DE, coszen, srftyp, tau, w0, g, albodr, albodf, trndir, trntdr, trndif, rupdir, rupdif, rdndif)
subroutine ice_shortwave::shortwave_dEdd_set_snow (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aice, vsno, Tsfc, fs, rhosnw, rsnw)
subroutine ice_shortwave::shortwave_dEdd_set_pond (nx_block, ny_block, icells, indxi, indxj, aice, Tsfc, fs, fp, hp)


character(len=char_len) ice_shortwave::shortwave
character(len=char_len) ice_shortwave::albedo_type
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::albicev
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::albicei
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::albsnowv
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::albsnowi
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ntilyr, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ntslyr, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind), dimension(nx_block,
ny_block, ncat, max_blocks) 
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::rnilyr
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::rnslyr
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::R_ice
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::R_pnd
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::R_snw
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::dT_mlt_in
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::rsnw_melt_in
real(kind=dbl_kind) ice_shortwave::exp_min
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