ice_atmo.F90 File Reference

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module  ice_atmo


subroutine ice_atmo::atmo_boundary_layer (nx_block, ny_block, sfctype, icells, indxi, indxj, Tsf, potT, uatm, vatm, uvel, vvel, wind, zlvl, Qa, rhoa, strx, stry, Tref, Qref, delt, delq, lhcoef, shcoef)
subroutine ice_atmo::atmo_boundary_const (nx_block, ny_block, sfctype, icells, indxi, indxj, uatm, vatm, wind, rhoa, strx, stry, lhcoef, shcoef)


character(len=char_len) ice_atmo::atmbndy
logical(kind=log_kind) ice_atmo::calc_strair
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