program test_shr_scam use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8, CL => shr_kind_CL use shr_scam_mod use shr_mpi_mod use shr_sys_mod use shr_ncread_mod use test_mod use netcdf use pio implicit none #include real(r8) :: targetLat, targetLon ! target latitude/longitude real(r8) :: closeLat, closeLon ! close latitude/longitude real(r8) :: expect(2) ! lat lon of expected integer :: closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx ! indices of returned points integer :: rc ! return code integer :: ncid ! NetCDF id integer :: npes, mype ! number of processors and my processor rank character(len=CL) :: filename ! Filename to read character(len=CL) :: badfilename ! bad Filename to read character(len=CL) :: csmdata ! directory to inputdata type(file_desc_t) :: pioid ! pio file ID type (iosystem_desc_t), pointer :: piosystems logical :: found ! if found or NOT call test_init( 22 ) ! Test simple valid tests csmdata = "/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata" filename = trim(csmdata)//"/lnd/clm2/surfdata/" write(6,*) "Test file: "//trim(filename) targetLat = 45.0 targetLon = 180.0 expect = (/ 44.5263157894736d00, targetLon /) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found ) write(6,*) "closest values to target of : ", targetLat, targetLon, " is: ", & closeLat, closeLon call test_is( found, "Test that a a simple call with filename works" ) call test_close( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), 1.e-13_r8, "Test lat/lon found correct" ) expect = (/ closeLat, closeLon /) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx ) call test_is( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), "Test OK without found" ) rc = nf90_open( filename, NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) if ( rc /= NF90_NOERR ) call shr_sys_abort( "NetCDF error opening file: "//trim(filename) ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( ncid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found ) call test_is( found, "Test that a a simple call to NetCDF id works" ) call test_is( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), "Test lat/lon found correct" ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( ncid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx ) call test_is( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), "Test OK without found" ) if ( nf90_close( ncid ) /= NF90_NOERR ) call shr_sys_abort( "NetCDF error closing file" ) write(6,*) "init mpi" call shr_mpi_init( ) call shr_mpi_commsize( MPI_COMM_WORLD, npes ) call shr_mpi_commrank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, mype ) write(6,*) "init PIO" allocate( piosystems ) call PIO_init(mype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, npes, 1, 1, pio_rearr_box, piosystems, base=0) rc = pio_openfile(piosystems, pioid, iotype_netcdf, filename, pio_nowrite) if(rc/= PIO_NOERR) call shr_sys_abort( "PIO error opening file: "//trim(filename) ) write(6,*) "PIO open on file" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( pioid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found ) call test_is( found, "Test that a a simple call to the PIO interface works" ) call test_is( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), "Test lat/lon found correct" ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( pioid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx ) call test_is( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), "Test OK without found" ) call pio_closefile(pioid) ! Test that can find periodic longitudes targetLat = 1.0 targetLon = 842.0 expect = (/ 0.947368421052549d00, 122.5d00 /) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( found, "Test that periodic longitude targets returns" ) write(6,*) "closest values to target of : ", targetLat, targetLon, " is: ", & closeLat, closeLon call test_close( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), 1.e-13_r8, "Test lat/lon found correct" ) expect = (/ closeLat, closeLon /) filename = trim(csmdata)// & "/lnd/clm2/initdata/" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( found, "Test that can find targets for clmi file" ) call test_close( expect, (/ closeLat, closeLon /), 1.d-13, & "Test that clmi targets same as other file" ) ! Test abort tests ! non-existant filename call shr_ncread_setAbort( .false. ) badfilename = "" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( badfilename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that non existant file returns NOT found" ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( ncid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that non existant NetCDF ID returns NOT found" ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( pioid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that non existant PIO ID returns NOT found" ) ! Test that targets outside of global lat/lons return not found targetLat = -91.0 targetLon = 0.0 call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that bad negative lat returns NOT found" ) if ( found ) then write(6,*) "closest values to target of : ", targetLat, targetLon, " is: ", & closeLat, closeLon end if targetLat = +91.0 targetLon = 0.0 call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that bad positive lat returns NOT found" ) if ( found ) then write(6,*) "closest values to target of : ", targetLat, targetLon, " is: ", & closeLat, closeLon end if targetLat = 45. targetLon = 180. filename = trim(csmdata)// & "/lnd/clm2/snicardata/" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that can NOT find targets for snicar optics file" ) filename = trim(csmdata)// & "/lnd/clm2/pftdata/" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that can NOT find targets for pft-phys file" ) filename = trim(csmdata)// & "/lnd/clm2/mappingdata/maps/10x15/" call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( filename, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that can NOT find targets for mapping file" ) rc = pio_openfile(piosystems, pioid, iotype_netcdf, filename, pio_nowrite) if(rc/= PIO_NOERR) call shr_sys_abort( "PIO error opening file: "//trim(filename) ) call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon( pioid, targetLat, targetLon, closeLat, closeLon, & closeLatIdx, closeLonIdx, found=found, rc=rc ) call pio_closefile(pioid) call test_is( .not. found, "Test that can NOT find targets for PIO clmi file" ) call test_final() end