#!/bin/csh # # Script to run the dshr_bundle unit test. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NCAR IBM SP: bluevista # Usage: env CSMBL_ROOT= bsub < run_dshr_bundle #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Setting LSF options for batch queue submission. #BSUB -a poe # use poe for multiprocessing ## Number of tasks and tasks per node (CHANGE THIS IF YOU TURN smp on) #BSUB -n 1 # total number of MPI-tasks (processors) needed #BSUB -R "span[ptile=2]" # max number of tasks (MPI) per node #BSUB -o out.%J # output filename #BSUB -e out.%J # error filename #BSUB -q share # queue #BSUB -W 1:10 # wall clock limit #BSUB -P 93300006 # Project number to charge to (MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THIS!!!) # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGD Linux cluster : bangkok # Usage: env CSMBL_ROOT= qsub run_dshr_bundle #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of the queue (CHANGE THIS if needed) #PBS -q long # Number of nodes (CHANGE THIS if needed) #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=2:ecc # output file base name #PBS -N bundle.linux.log # Put standard error and standard out in same file #PBS -j oe # Export all Environment variables #PBS -V # End of options # # If batch go to work directory if ( $?PBS_JOBID )then cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR} endif if ( $?QSUB_REQID )then cd ${QSUB_WORKDIR} endif set uname = `uname -s` # # Set make command to use # setenv GMAKE gmake if ( $uname == "Darwin" ) setenv GMAKE "make FC=g95" # # Set mpirun to use # if ( $uname == "Darwin" )then set mpi = "mpirun -np 2" else if ( $uname == "AIX" )then set mpi = "mpirun.lsf" else if ( $uname == "IRIX64" )then set mpi = "mpirun -np 2" else if ( $uname == "Linux" )then set mpi = "/usr/local/mpich-1.2.7p1-pgi-pgcc-pghf-6.1-3/bin/mpirun -np 2" endif # # Standard tests # foreach opt ( "" "SPMD") # Build $GMAKE clean set SPMD = "FALSE" set optbld = "" if ( $opt == "SPMD" ) set SPMD = "TRUE" set optbld="SPMD=$SPMD" # Run save output to log file echo "Build with options: $optbld" $GMAKE $optbld test_dshr_bundle >&! compile.log || exit 1 echo "Run with options: $optbld" if ( $SPMD == "TRUE" )then $mpi test_dshr_bundle >! bundle.log set retstatus=$status else test_dshr_bundle >! bundle.log set retstatus=$status endif if ( $retstatus != 0 ) then echo "Error -- run status returns error: $retstatus" grep "All expected tests ran successfully" bundle.log if ( $status != 0 ) exit 2 endif end $GMAKE clean \rm *.nc bundle.log* compile.log echo "Testing successful\! PASS\!"