module qbo !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This module performes a relaxation towards either a cyclic idealized ! QBO sequence derived from observations (here:28months) or towards ! observed equatorial wind data ! ! Author: Katja Matthes ! Date: February 2005 ! ! implementation into WACCM standard version, K. Matthes, October 2005 ! 3 possibilities: ! default: no QBO relaxation ! options: 1. cyclic QBO time series, currently a 28month sequence available: ! 2. observed QBO time series, currently CCMVal QBO series, extended: ! 3. fixed QBOe or QBOw phase, currently :, ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! modified by Anne Smith, December 2009 ! ! Now accepts alternative input in the form of Fourier coefficients. ! In this case, the QBO wind is calculated from the expression ! u_qbo(k,n) = ubar_qbo(k) + sum_n[fcos_qbo(k,n) * cos(ffreq_qbo(n)*(cday-cday_ref)) ! + fsin_qbo(k,n) * sin(ffreq_qbo(n)*(cday-cday_ref))] ! where cday is day of model run ! cday_ref is a reference date so that historical data line up correctly ! k is level index ! n is coefficient index ! sum_n is the sum over n !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use spmd_utils, only: masterproc use pmgrid, only: plon, plev, plevp, beglatxy, endlatxy, beglonxy, endlonxy use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver use time_manager, only: get_curr_date, get_curr_calday use phys_grid, only: get_rlat_p use physics_types, only: physics_state, physics_ptend use cam_history use error_messages, only: alloc_err use abortutils, only: endrun use cam_logfile, only: iulog implicit none include '' private save !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Public methods !--------------------------------------------------------------------- public :: qbo_init ! initialize qbo package public :: qbo_timestep_init ! interpolate to current time public :: qbo_relax ! relax zonal mean wind public :: qbo_defaultopts ! set default values of namelist variables public :: qbo_setopts ! get namelist input !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Private module data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer,parameter :: qbo_dypm = 30 ! days in a cyclic qbo "month" integer :: nm, np ! Indices for previous, next month integer :: np1 = 0 ! tempory for next time index of dataset integer :: ktop ! Model layers within qbo region integer :: kbot ! Model layers within qbo region integer :: timesiz ! size of time dimension on dataset integer :: levsiz ! size of lev dimension on dataset integer :: qbo_mons ! length of cyclic qbo in months integer :: delt ! time step in seconds real(r8) :: qbo_days ! length of cyclic qbo in days integer, allocatable :: date_qbo(:) ! Date on qbo dataset (YYYYMMDD) (timesiz) integer, allocatable :: secd_qbo(:) ! seconds of date (0-86399) (timesiz) real(r8) :: cdaym ! dataset calendar day previous month real(r8) :: cdayp ! dataset calendar day next month real(r8),allocatable :: u_qbo(:,:) ! qbo winds(pver,timesiz) real(r8),allocatable :: tauz(:) real(r8) :: u_tstep(pver) ! qbo winds for this time step integer :: coefsiz ! size of coefficient dimension on fft dataset real(r8) :: cday_ref ! reference day for fft input real(r8),allocatable :: ubar_qbo(:) ! qbo mean winds(pver) real(r8),allocatable :: fcos_qbo(:,:) ! qbo cosine coefficients(pver,coefsiz) real(r8),allocatable :: fsin_qbo(:,:) ! qbo sine coefficients(pver,coefsiz) real(r8),allocatable :: ffreq_qbo(:) ! frequencies for expanding qbo coefficients (coefsiz) ! ! logistic for controling QBO relaxation ! character(len=256) :: qbo_forcing_file = 'NO_QBO_FILE' logical,public :: qbo_use_forcing = .FALSE. ! .TRUE. => this package is active logical :: qbo_cyclic = .FALSE. ! .TRUE. => assume cyclic qbo data logical :: has_monthly_data = .TRUE. ! .TRUE. => data file has monthly winds ! .FALSE.=> data file has fft coefficients contains !================================================================================================ subroutine qbo_defaultopts( & qbo_forcing_file_out, & qbo_use_forcing_out, & qbo_cyclic_out ) character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: qbo_forcing_file_out logical, intent(out), optional :: qbo_use_forcing_out logical, intent(out), optional :: qbo_cyclic_out if ( present(qbo_forcing_file_out) ) then qbo_forcing_file_out = qbo_forcing_file endif if ( present(qbo_use_forcing_out) ) then qbo_use_forcing_out = qbo_use_forcing endif if ( present(qbo_cyclic_out) ) then qbo_cyclic_out = qbo_cyclic endif end subroutine qbo_defaultopts !================================================================================================ subroutine qbo_setopts( & qbo_forcing_file_in, & qbo_use_forcing_in, & qbo_cyclic_in ) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: qbo_forcing_file_in logical, intent(in), optional :: qbo_use_forcing_in logical, intent(in), optional :: qbo_cyclic_in if ( present(qbo_forcing_file_in) ) then qbo_forcing_file = qbo_forcing_file_in endif if ( present(qbo_use_forcing_in) ) then qbo_use_forcing = qbo_use_forcing_in endif if ( present(qbo_cyclic_in) ) then qbo_cyclic = qbo_cyclic_in endif end subroutine qbo_setopts !================================================================================================ subroutine qbo_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize qbo module !--------------------------------------------------------------------- use time_manager, only : get_step_size use ref_pres, only : pref_mid use wrap_nf #if (defined SPMD ) use mpishorthand #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local workspace !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), parameter :: hPa2Pa = 100._r8 integer :: i, m, y, n ! testing indexes integer :: yr, mon, day ! components of a date integer :: ncdate ! current date in integer format [yyyymmdd] integer :: ncsec ! current time of day [seconds] integer :: ncid ! netcdf ID for input dataset integer :: astat ! allocate status integer :: k,kk ! vertical interpolation indexes integer :: levdimid ! netcdf id for level dimension integer :: timdimid ! netcdf id for time dimension integer :: levid ! netcdf id for level variable integer :: dateid ! netcdf id for date variable integer :: secdid ! netcdf id for seconds variable integer :: uqboid ! netcdf id for qbo wind variable real(r8) :: fac1, fac2 ! interpolation factors real(r8) :: calday ! current calendar day real(r8) :: cday ! current day (in cycle, if cycling) real(r8), allocatable :: p_inp(:) ! qbo pressure levels(levsiz) real(r8), allocatable :: u_inp(:,:) ! input qbo winds(levsiz,timesiz) have to be sorted ! from top to bottom like winds in model integer :: fftdimid ! netcdf id for fft coefficient dimension integer :: ubarqboid ! netcdf id for mean wind variable integer :: cosqboid ! netcdf id for cosine coefficient variable integer :: sinqboid ! netcdf id for sine coefficient variable integer :: freqqboid ! netcdf id for fft frequency variable integer :: refdatid ! netcdf id for reference date integer :: ref_date ! date corresponding to beginning of QBO data integer :: yr_ref ! year for reference day real(r8), allocatable :: ubar_inp(:) ! input time-mean winds for fft input (levsiz) real(r8), allocatable :: cosq_inp(:,:) ! input cosine coefficients for fft input (levsiz,coefsiz) real(r8), allocatable :: sinq_inp(:,:) ! input sine coefficients for fft input (levsiz,coefsiz) logical :: found if( .not. qbo_use_forcing ) then return end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SPMD: Master does all the work of reading files. Sends needed info to slaves !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( masterproc ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get qbo file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call wrap_open( qbo_forcing_file, NF_NOERR, ncid ) write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: successfully opened ',trim(qbo_forcing_file) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Figure out if the file contains qbo winds by month or fft coefficients ! by looking for the variable DATE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'date' , dateid, abort=.false. ) if (dateid > 0) then has_monthly_data=.true. else has_monthly_data=.false. end if write(iulog,*) 'has_monthly_data=', has_monthly_data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get and check dimension info !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (has_monthly_data) then call wrap_inq_dimid( ncid, 'level' , levdimid ) call wrap_inq_dimid( ncid, 'time', timdimid ) call wrap_inq_dimlen( ncid, levdimid, levsiz ) call wrap_inq_dimlen( ncid, timdimid, timesiz ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'date' , dateid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'secs' , secdid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'qbo' , uqboid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'level', levid ) else call wrap_inq_dimid( ncid, 'level' , levdimid ) call wrap_inq_dimid( ncid, 'ncoef', fftdimid ) call wrap_inq_dimlen( ncid, levdimid, levsiz ) call wrap_inq_dimlen( ncid, fftdimid, coefsiz ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'ref_date', refdatid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'ubar' , ubarqboid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'cosqbo' , cosqboid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'sinqbo' , sinqboid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'freqqbo', freqqboid ) call wrap_inq_varid( ncid, 'level' , levid ) end if end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Broadcast the logical flag has_monthly_data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( has_monthly_data, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom ) #endif if (.not.has_monthly_data) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Broadcast coefsiz !--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( coefsiz, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) #endif end if if (has_monthly_data) then #if (defined SPMD ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Broadcast the time size to all tasks for case with monthly input !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpibcast( timesiz, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) #endif delt = get_step_size() if( qbo_cyclic ) then qbo_mons = timesiz qbo_days = qbo_mons*qbo_dypm end if allocate( date_qbo(timesiz), secd_qbo(timesiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate date_qbo ... secd_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get input variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- master_proc : & if( masterproc ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate arrays, depending on type of input data: monthly or fft !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (has_monthly_data) then allocate( u_inp(levsiz,timesiz), p_inp(levsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate u_inp ... p_inp; error = ',astat call endrun end if call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, uqboid, u_inp ) call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, levid , p_inp ) else allocate( p_inp(levsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate p_inp; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( ubar_inp(levsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate ubar_inp; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( cosq_inp(levsiz,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate cosq_inp; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( sinq_inp(levsiz,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate sinq_inp; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( ffreq_qbo(coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate ffreq_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, levid , p_inp ) call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, ubarqboid, ubar_inp ) call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, cosqboid, cosq_inp ) call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, sinqboid, sinq_inp ) call wrap_get_var_realx( ncid, freqqboid, ffreq_qbo ) call wrap_get_scalar_int(ncid, refdatid, ref_date ) call bnddyi( ref_date, 0, cday_ref ) yr_ref = ref_date/10000 cday_ref = cday_ref + yr_ref*365._r8 end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Convert from millibars to pascals !--------------------------------------------------------------------- p_inp(:) = p_inp(:)*hPa2Pa write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: p_inp', p_inp/hPa2Pa if (has_monthly_data) then call wrap_get_var_int( ncid, dateid, date_qbo ) call wrap_get_var_int( ncid, secdid, secd_qbo ) write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: u_inp', u_inp(:,1) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find first model layer within qbo range !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do ktop = 1,pver if( pref_mid(ktop) >= p_inp(1) ) then exit end if end do write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: ktop = ', ktop, pref_mid(ktop)/hPa2Pa !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find last model layer within qbo range !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do kbot = pver,ktop,-1 if( pref_mid(kbot) <= p_inp(levsiz) ) then exit end if end do write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: kbot = ', kbot, pref_mid(kbot)/hPa2Pa if (has_monthly_data) then allocate( u_qbo(ktop:kbot,timesiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate u_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if else allocate( ubar_qbo(ktop:kbot), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate ubar_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( fcos_qbo(ktop:kbot,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate fcos_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( fsin_qbo(ktop:kbot,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate fsin_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vertically interpolate input winds to model reference pressures !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = ktop,kbot do kk = 1,levsiz-1 if( p_inp(kk+1) > pref_mid(k) ) then exit end if end do fac1 = (pref_mid(k) - p_inp(kk+1)) / (p_inp(kk) - p_inp(kk+1)) fac2 = (p_inp(kk) - pref_mid(k) ) / (p_inp(kk) - p_inp(kk+1)) if (has_monthly_data) then u_qbo(k,:) = u_inp(kk,:)*fac1 + u_inp(kk+1,:)*fac2 else ubar_qbo(k) = ubar_inp(kk)*fac1 + ubar_inp(kk+1)*fac2 fcos_qbo(k,:) = cosq_inp(kk,:)*fac1 + cosq_inp(kk+1,:)*fac2 fsin_qbo(k,:) = sinq_inp(kk,:)*fac1 + sinq_inp(kk+1,:)*fac2 endif end do if (has_monthly_data) then deallocate( u_inp, p_inp ) write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: u', u_qbo(ktop:kbot,1) else deallocate( p_inp ) deallocate( ubar_inp ) deallocate( cosq_inp ) deallocate( sinq_inp ) write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: fcos_qbo', fcos_qbo(ktop:kbot,1) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Dates are not used for cyclic QBO !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( has_monthly_data .and. qbo_cyclic ) then secd_qbo(:) = 0 date_qbo(:) = 0 end if end if master_proc #if (defined SPMD ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Broadcast the vertical limits !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpibcast( ktop, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast( kbot, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) #endif if( .not. masterproc ) then if (has_monthly_data) then allocate( u_qbo(ktop:kbot,timesiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate u_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if else allocate( ubar_qbo(ktop:kbot), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate ubar_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( fcos_qbo(ktop:kbot,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate fcos_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( fsin_qbo(ktop:kbot,coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate fsin_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if allocate( ffreq_qbo(coefsiz), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate ffreq_qbo; error = ',astat call endrun end if end if end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Broadcast input data to all tasks !--------------------------------------------------------------------- kk = kbot-ktop+1 if (has_monthly_data) then #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( u_qbo , (kbot-ktop+1)*timesiz, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast( date_qbo, timesiz, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast( secd_qbo, timesiz, mpiint, 0, mpicom ) #endif else #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( cday_ref , 1, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) #endif #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( ubar_qbo , (kbot-ktop+1), mpir8, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast( fcos_qbo , (kbot-ktop+1)*coefsiz, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast( fsin_qbo , (kbot-ktop+1)*coefsiz, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) #endif #if (defined SPMD ) call mpibcast( ffreq_qbo , coefsiz, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) #endif endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup vertical factor !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( tauz(ktop-1:kbot+1), stat=astat ) if( astat /= 0 ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: failed to allocate tauz; error = ',astat call endrun end if tauz(ktop-1) = 2._r8 tauz(kbot+1) = 2._r8 tauz(ktop:kbot) = 1._r8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get current day of year and date !--------------------------------------------------------------------- calday = get_curr_calday() call get_curr_date( yr, mon, day, ncsec ) write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: get_curr_date = ', yr,mon,day,ncsec ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set current day in run or in qbo cycle !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cday = calday + yr*365._r8 write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: cday = ', cday if( has_monthly_data .and. qbo_cyclic ) then cday = mod( cday,qbo_days ) end if write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: cday = ', cday if( has_monthly_data ) then if( qbo_cyclic ) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up cyclic qbo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set past and future month indexes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( cday == 0._r8 ) then nm = qbo_mons - 1 np = qbo_mons else nm = cday / qbo_dypm np = mod( nm,qbo_mons ) + 1 if( nm == 0 ) then nm = qbo_mons end if end if write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: nm,np = ', nm,np !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set past and future days for data, generate day for cyclic data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cdayp = np * qbo_dypm cdaym = nm * qbo_dypm else !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up noncyclic qbo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- found = .false. do nm = 1, timesiz-1 np = nm+1 call bnddyi( date_qbo(nm), secd_qbo(nm), cdaym ) call bnddyi( date_qbo(np), secd_qbo(np), cdayp ) yr = date_qbo(nm)/10000 cdaym = cdaym + yr*365._r8 yr = date_qbo(np)/10000 cdayp = cdayp + yr*365._r8 write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: nm, date_qbo(nm), date_qbo(np), cdaym, cdayp = ', & nm, date_qbo(nm), date_qbo(np), cdaym, cdayp if( cday >= cdaym .and. cday < cdayp ) then found = .true. exit end if end do if( .not. found ) then call endrun( 'QBO_INIT: failed to find bracketing dates' ) end if end if write(iulog,*) 'qbo_init: cdaym,cdayp = ', cdaym,cdayp endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize output buffer for two fields: QBO forcing wind and wind tendency of qbo relaxation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call addfld ('QBOTEND ','M/S/S ',plev, 'A','Wind tendency from QBO relaxation',phys_decomp) call add_default ('QBOTEND', 1, ' ') call addfld ('QBO_U0 ','M/S ',plev, 'A','Specified wind used for QBO',phys_decomp) call add_default ('QBO_U0', 1, ' ') write(iulog,*) 'end of qbo_init' end subroutine qbo_init !================================================================================================ subroutine qbo_timestep_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Interpolate QBO zonal wind to current time ! ! Method: Linear interpolation between dates on QBO file, ! vertically and horizontally ! ! Author: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: k ! level index integer :: yr, mon, day ! components of a date integer :: yrl, monl, dayl ! components of a date integer :: ncdate ! current date in integer format [yyyymmdd] integer :: ncsec ! current time of day [seconds] integer :: ncsecl ! current time of day [seconds] real(r8) :: fact1, fact2 ! time interpolation factors real(r8) :: calday ! day of year at end of present time step real(r8) :: caldayl ! day of year at begining of present time step real(r8) :: cday ! day within qbo period at end of present time step real(r8) :: cdayl ! day within qbo period at begining of present time step real(r8) :: deltat ! time difference (days) between cdaym and cdayp integer :: n ! coefficient index real(r8) :: ccc ! cosine term for expanding coefficients real(r8) :: sss ! sine term for expanding coefficients logical :: new_interval ! flag for new time interval has_qbo_forcing : & if( qbo_use_forcing ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get current day of year and date !----------------------------------------------------------------------- caldayl = get_curr_calday( -delt ) call get_curr_date( yrl, monl, dayl, ncsecl, -delt ) calday = get_curr_calday() call get_curr_date( yr, mon, day, ncsec ) ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: calday = ', calday write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: ncdate = ', ncdate #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set current day in run or in qbo cycle !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cday = calday + yr*365._r8 cdayl = caldayl + yrl*365._r8 #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: cday = ', cday #endif if( has_monthly_data ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Time interpolation for cases with monthly input data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( .not. qbo_cyclic ) then new_interval = cday > cdayp else cday = mod( cday,qbo_days ) cdayl = mod( cdayl,qbo_days ) if( cday > cdayl ) then new_interval = cday > cdayp else new_interval = .true. end if end if #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: cday = ', cday #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If model time is past current forward timeslice, then switch to next one. ! If qbo_cyclic = .true. interpolation between end and beginning of data (np == 1). ! Note that np is never 1 when qbo_cyclic is .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- next_interval : & if( new_interval ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Increment index of future time sample !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( qbo_cyclic ) then np1 = mod( np,qbo_mons ) + 1 else np1 = np + 1 end if if( np1 > timesiz ) then call endrun ('QBO_TIMESTEP_INIT: Attempt to go past end of QBO data') end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set indexes into u table !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nm = np np = np1 #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: nm,np = ', nm,np write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: date_qbo(np), secd_qbo(np) = ', date_qbo(np), secd_qbo(np) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set past and future days for data, generate day for cyclic data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cdaym = cdayp if( qbo_cyclic ) then cdayp = np * qbo_dypm else call bnddyi( date_qbo(np), secd_qbo(np), cdayp ) yr = date_qbo(np)/10000 cdayp = cdayp + yr*365._r8 end if #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: cdaym,cdayp = ', cdaym,cdayp #endif if( np /= 1 .and. cday > cdayp ) then write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: Input qbo for date',date_qbo(np),' sec ',secd_qbo(np), & 'does not exceed model date',ncdate,' sec ',ncsec,' Stopping.' call endrun end if end if next_interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine time interpolation factors. Account for December-January ! interpolation if dataset is being cycled. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( qbo_cyclic .and. np == 1 ) then ! Dec-Jan interpolation deltat = cdayp + qbo_days - cdaym if (cday > cdayp) then ! We are in December fact1 = (cdayp + qbo_days - cday)/deltat fact2 = (cday - cdaym)/deltat else ! We are in January fact1 = (cdayp - cday)/deltat fact2 = (cday + qbo_days - cdaym)/deltat end if else deltat = cdayp - cdaym fact1 = (cdayp - cday )/deltat fact2 = (cday - cdaym)/deltat end if #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: fact1,fact2 = ', fact1, fact2 #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Time interpolation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = ktop, kbot u_tstep(k) = u_qbo(k,nm)*fact1 + u_qbo(k,np)*fact2 end do if( ktop > 1 ) then u_tstep(ktop-1) = u_tstep(ktop) end if if( kbot < pver ) then u_tstep(kbot+1) = u_tstep(kbot) end if else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Wind at this timestep for fft input data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set past and future days for data, generate winds for current day from fft data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = ktop, kbot u_tstep(k) = ubar_qbo(k) end do do n=1,coefsiz ccc = cos(ffreq_qbo(n)*(cday-cday_ref)) sss = sin(ffreq_qbo(n)*(cday-cday_ref)) do k = ktop, kbot u_tstep(k) = u_tstep(k) + fcos_qbo(k,n)*ccc + fsin_qbo(k,n)*sss end do end do if( ktop > 1 ) then u_tstep(ktop-1) = u_tstep(ktop) end if if( kbot < pver ) then u_tstep(kbot+1) = u_tstep(kbot) end if end if #ifdef QBO_DIAGS write(iulog,*) 'qbo_timestep_init: u_tstep ', u_tstep(ktop:kbot) #endif end if has_qbo_forcing end subroutine qbo_timestep_init !================================================================================================ subroutine qbo_relax( state, ptend, uzm ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! relax zonal mean wind towards qbo sequence !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state ! Physics state variables type(physics_ptend), intent(inout) :: ptend ! individual parameterization tendencies real(r8), intent(in) :: uzm(pcols,pver) ! zonal mean wind !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: lchnk ! chunk identifier integer :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns integer :: i, k ! loop indicies integer :: kl, ku ! loop indicies real(r8) :: tauxi(pcols) ! latitudes in radians for present chunck real(r8) :: tauzz real(r8) :: u real(r8) :: rlat ! latitudes in radians for present chunck real(r8) :: crelax ! relaxation constant real(r8), parameter :: tconst = 10._r8 ! relaxation time constant in days real(r8), parameter :: tconst1 = tconst * 86400._r8 real(r8) :: qbo_u0(pcols,pver) ! QBO wind used for driving parameterization lchnk = state%lchnk ncol = state%ncol has_qbo_forcing : & if( qbo_use_forcing ) then kl = max( 1,ktop-1 ) ku = min( plev,kbot+1 ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get latitude in radians for present chunk !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1,ncol rlat = get_rlat_p( lchnk, i ) tauxi(i) = tconst1*taux( rlat ) end do qbo_u0(:,:) = 0._r8 do k = kl,ku tauzz = tauz(k) u = u_tstep(k) do i = 1,ncol !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine relaxation constant !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- crelax = tauxi(i)*tauzz if( crelax /= 0._r8 ) then crelax = 1._r8 / crelax !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do relaxation of zonal mean wind !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(u < 50.0_r8) then ptend%u(i,k) = crelax * (u - uzm(i,k)) end if end if !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variable representing QBO wind !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if((u < 50.0_r8) .and. (crelax /= 0._r8)) then qbo_u0(i,k) = u/tauzz/tauxi(i)*tconst1 end if end do end do ptend%lu = .true. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !output tendency of relaxation to monthly ('h1') output file !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call outfld( 'QBOTEND', ptend%u(:,:), pcols, lchnk ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !output specified QBO wind to h0 output file !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call outfld( 'QBO_U0', qbo_u0, pcols, lchnk ) end if has_qbo_forcing end subroutine qbo_relax !================================================================================================ function taux( rlat ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! calculates relaxation constant in latitude !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ... dummy arguments !------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8), intent(in) :: rlat ! latitude in radians for present chunk !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ... local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8), parameter :: factor = 1._r8/(2._r8*0.174532925_r8*0.174532925_r8) real(r8) :: alat ! abs rlat !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ... function declaration !------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8) :: taux ! relaxation constant in latitude alat = abs( rlat ) if( alat <= .035_r8 ) then !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! rlat=0.035 (latitude in radians): rlat*180/pi=2 degrees, around equator full relaxation !------------------------------------------------------------------------ taux = 1._r8 else if( alat <= .384_r8) then !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! from 6 to 22 degrees latitude weakening of relaxation with Gaussian distribution ! half width=10° => in radians: 0.174532925 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ taux = exp( rlat*rlat*factor ) else !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! other latitudes no relaxation !------------------------------------------------------------------------ taux = 0._r8 end if end function taux end module qbo