module rrsw_con use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 ! use parkind, only : jpim, jprb implicit none save !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! rrtmg_sw constants ! Initial version: MJIacono, AER, jun2006 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! name type purpose ! ----- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------- ! fluxfac: real : radiance to flux conversion factor ! heatfac: real : flux to heating rate conversion factor !oneminus: real : 1.-1.e-6 ! pi : real : pi ! grav : real : acceleration of gravity (m/s2) ! planck : real : planck constant ! boltz : real : boltzman constant ! clight : real : speed of light ! avogad : real : avogadro's constant ! alosmt : real : ! gascon : real : gas constant ! radcn1 : real : ! radcn2 : real : !------------------------------------------------------------------ real(kind=r8) :: fluxfac, heatfac real(kind=r8) :: oneminus, pi, grav real(kind=r8) :: planck, boltz, clight real(kind=r8) :: avogad, alosmt, gascon real(kind=r8) :: radcn1, radcn2 end module rrsw_con