module rrsw_aer use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 ! use parkind, only : jpim, jprb use parrrsw, only : nbndsw, naerec implicit none save !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! rrtmg_sw aerosol optical properties ! ! Data derived from six ECMWF aerosol types and defined for ! the rrtmg_sw spectral intervals ! ! Initial: J.-J. Morcrette, ECMWF, mar2003 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jul2006 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !-- The six ECMWF aerosol types are respectively: ! ! 1/ continental average 2/ maritime ! 3/ desert 4/ urban ! 5/ volcanic active 6/ stratospheric background ! ! computed from Hess and Koepke (con, mar, des, urb) ! from Bonnel et al. (vol, str) ! ! rrtmg_sw 14 spectral intervals (microns): ! 3.846 - 3.077 ! 3.077 - 2.500 ! 2.500 - 2.150 ! 2.150 - 1.942 ! 1.942 - 1.626 ! 1.626 - 1.299 ! 1.299 - 1.242 ! 1.242 - 0.7782 ! 0.7782- 0.6250 ! 0.6250- 0.4415 ! 0.4415- 0.3448 ! 0.3448- 0.2632 ! 0.2632- 0.2000 ! 12.195 - 3.846 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! name type purpose ! ----- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------- ! rsrtaua : real : ratio of average optical thickness in ! spectral band to that at 0.55 micron ! rsrpiza : real : average single scattering albedo (unitless) ! rsrasya : real : average asymmetry parameter (unitless) !------------------------------------------------------------------ real(kind=r8) :: rsrtaua(nbndsw,naerec) real(kind=r8) :: rsrpiza(nbndsw,naerec) real(kind=r8) :: rsrasya(nbndsw,naerec) end module rrsw_aer