module rrlw_wvn use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 ! use parkind, only : jpim, jprb use parrrtm, only : nbndlw, mg, ngptlw, maxinpx implicit none save !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! rrtmg_lw spectral information ! Initial version: JJMorcrette, ECMWF, jul1998 ! Revised: MJIacono, AER, jun2006 !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! name type purpose ! ----- : ---- : ---------------------------------------------- ! ng : integer: Number of original g-intervals in each spectral band ! nspa : integer: For the lower atmosphere, the number of reference ! atmospheres that are stored for each spectral band ! per pressure level and temperature. Each of these ! atmospheres has different relative amounts of the ! key species for the band (i.e. different binary ! species parameters). ! nspb : integer: Same as nspa for the upper atmosphere !wavenum1: real : Spectral band lower boundary in wavenumbers !wavenum2: real : Spectral band upper boundary in wavenumbers ! delwave: real : Spectral band width in wavenumbers ! totplnk: real : Integrated Planck value for each band; (band 16 ! includes total from 2600 cm-1 to infinity) ! Used for calculation across total spectrum !totplk16: real : Integrated Planck value for band 16 (2600-3250 cm-1) ! Used for calculation in band 16 only if ! individual band output requested ! ! ngc : integer: The number of new g-intervals in each band ! ngs : integer: The cumulative sum of new g-intervals for each band ! ngm : integer: The index of each new g-interval relative to the ! original 16 g-intervals in each band ! ngn : integer: The number of original g-intervals that are ! combined to make each new g-intervals in each band ! ngb : integer: The band index for each new g-interval ! wt : real : RRTM weights for the original 16 g-intervals ! rwgt : real : Weights for combining original 16 g-intervals ! (256 total) into reduced set of g-intervals ! (140 total) ! nxmol : integer: Number of cross-section molecules ! ixindx : integer: Flag for active cross-sections in calculation !------------------------------------------------------------------ integer :: ng(nbndlw) integer :: nspa(nbndlw) integer :: nspb(nbndlw) real(kind=r8) :: wavenum1(nbndlw) real(kind=r8) :: wavenum2(nbndlw) real(kind=r8) :: delwave(nbndlw) real(kind=r8) :: totplnk(181,nbndlw) real(kind=r8) :: totplk16(181) integer :: ngc(nbndlw) integer :: ngs(nbndlw) integer :: ngn(ngptlw) integer :: ngb(ngptlw) integer :: ngm(nbndlw*mg) real(kind=r8) :: wt(mg) real(kind=r8) :: rwgt(nbndlw*mg) integer :: nxmol integer :: ixindx(maxinpx) end module rrlw_wvn