! (c) British Crown Copyright 2008, the Met Office. ! All rights reserved. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted ! provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ! provided with the distribution. ! * Neither the name of the Met Office nor the names of its contributors may be used ! to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written ! permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ! CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ! DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ! DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT ! OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! History: ! Jul 2007 - A. Bodas-Salcedo - Initial version ! ! #include "cosp_defs.h" MODULE MOD_COSP_SIMULATOR USE MOD_COSP_TYPES USE MOD_COSP_RADAR USE MOD_COSP_LIDAR USE MOD_COSP_ISCCP_SIMULATOR USE MOD_COSP_MODIS_SIMULATOR USE MOD_COSP_MISR_SIMULATOR #ifdef RTTOV USE MOD_COSP_RTTOV_SIMULATOR #endif USE MOD_COSP_STATS IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !--------------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_SIMULATOR ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #ifdef RTTOV SUBROUTINE COSP_SIMULATOR(gbx,sgx,sghydro,cfg,vgrid,sgradar,sglidar,isccp,misr,modis,rttov,stradar,stlidar) #else SUBROUTINE COSP_SIMULATOR(gbx,sgx,sghydro,cfg,vgrid,sgradar,sglidar,isccp,misr,modis,stradar,stlidar) #endif ! Arguments type(cosp_gridbox),intent(in) :: gbx ! Grid-box inputs type(cosp_subgrid),intent(in) :: sgx ! Subgrid inputs type(cosp_sghydro),intent(in) :: sghydro ! Subgrid info for hydrometeors type(cosp_config),intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options type(cosp_vgrid),intent(in) :: vgrid ! Information on vertical grid of stats type(cosp_sgradar),intent(inout) :: sgradar ! Output from radar simulator type(cosp_sglidar),intent(inout) :: sglidar ! Output from lidar simulator type(cosp_isccp),intent(inout) :: isccp ! Output from ISCCP simulator type(cosp_misr),intent(inout) :: misr ! Output from MISR simulator type(cosp_modis),intent(inout) :: modis ! Output from MODIS simulator #ifdef RTTOV type(cosp_rttov),intent(inout) :: rttov ! Output from RTTOV #endif type(cosp_radarstats),intent(inout) :: stradar ! Summary statistics from radar simulator type(cosp_lidarstats),intent(inout) :: stlidar ! Summary statistics from lidar simulator ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k logical :: inconsistent ! Timing variables integer :: t0,t1,count_rate,count_max inconsistent=.false. ! do k=1,gbx%Nhydro ! do j=1,gbx%Nlevels ! do i=1,gbx%Npoints ! if ((gbx%mr_hydro(i,j,k)>0.0).and.(gbx%Reff(i,j,k)<=0.0)) inconsistent=.true. ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo if (inconsistent) print *, '%%%% COSP_SIMULATOR: inconsistency in mr_hydro and Reff' !+++++++++ Radar model ++++++++++ if (cfg%Lradar_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_radar(gbx,sgx,sghydro,sgradar) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% Radar:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++ Lidar model ++++++++++ if (cfg%Llidar_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_lidar(gbx,sgx,sghydro,sglidar) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% Lidar:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++ ISCCP simulator ++++++++++ if (cfg%Lisccp_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_isccp_simulator(gbx,sgx,isccp) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% ISCCP:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++ MISR simulator ++++++++++ if (cfg%Lmisr_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_misr_simulator(gbx,sgx,misr) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% MISR:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++ MODIS simulator ++++++++++ if (cfg%Lmodis_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_modis_simulator(gbx,sgx,sghydro,isccp, modis) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% MODIS:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++ RTTOV ++++++++++ #ifdef RTTOV if (cfg%Lrttov_sim) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_rttov_simulator(gbx,rttov) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% RTTOV:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif #endif !+++++++++++ Summary statistics +++++++++++ if (cfg%Lstats) then !call system_clock(t0,count_rate,count_max) call cosp_stats(gbx,sgx,cfg,sgradar,sglidar,vgrid,stradar,stlidar) !call system_clock(t1,count_rate,count_max) !print *, '%%%%%% Stats:', (t1-t0)*1.0/count_rate, ' s' endif !+++++++++++ Change of units after computation of statistics +++++++++++ ! This avoids using UDUNITS in CMOR ! if (cfg%Latb532) then ! where((sglidar%beta_tot > 0.0) .and. (sglidar%beta_tot /= R_UNDEF)) ! sglidar%beta_tot = log10(sglidar%beta_tot) ! elsewhere ! sglidar%beta_tot = R_UNDEF ! end where ! endif ! Cloud fractions from 1 to % if (cfg%Lclcalipso) then where(stlidar%lidarcld /= R_UNDEF) stlidar%lidarcld = stlidar%lidarcld*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lcltcalipso.OR.cfg%Lcllcalipso.OR.cfg%Lclmcalipso.OR.cfg%Lclhcalipso) then where(stlidar%cldlayer /= R_UNDEF) stlidar%cldlayer = stlidar%cldlayer*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclcalipso2) then where(stradar%lidar_only_freq_cloud /= R_UNDEF) stradar%lidar_only_freq_cloud = stradar%lidar_only_freq_cloud*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lcltisccp) then where(isccp%totalcldarea /= R_UNDEF) isccp%totalcldarea = isccp%totalcldarea*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclisccp) then where(isccp%fq_isccp /= R_UNDEF) isccp%fq_isccp = isccp%fq_isccp*100.0 endif if (cfg%LclMISR) then where(misr%fq_MISR /= R_UNDEF) misr%fq_MISR = misr%fq_MISR*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lcltlidarradar) then where(stradar%radar_lidar_tcc /= R_UNDEF) stradar%radar_lidar_tcc = stradar%radar_lidar_tcc*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclmodis) then where(modis%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure /= R_UNDEF) modis%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure = & modis%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lcltmodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclwmodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclimodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclhmodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lclmmodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lcllmodis) then where(modis%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean /= R_UNDEF) modis%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean = modis%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean*100.0 endif ! Change pressure from hPa to Pa. if (cfg%Lboxptopisccp) then where(isccp%boxptop /= R_UNDEF) isccp%boxptop = isccp%boxptop*100.0 endif if (cfg%Lpctisccp) then where(isccp%meanptop /= R_UNDEF) isccp%meanptop = isccp%meanptop*100.0 endif END SUBROUTINE COSP_SIMULATOR END MODULE MOD_COSP_SIMULATOR