! (c) 2009, Regents of the Unversity of Colorado ! Author: Robert Pincus, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences ! All rights reserved. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted ! provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ! provided with the distribution. ! * Neither the name of the Met Office nor the names of its contributors may be used ! to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written ! permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ! CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ! DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ! DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT ! OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! ! History: ! May 2009 - Robert Pincus - Initial version ! Dec 2009 - Robert Pincus - Tiny revisions ! MODULE MOD_COSP_Modis_Simulator USE MOD_COSP_CONSTANTS USE MOD_COSP_TYPES use mod_modis_sim, numModisTauBins => numTauHistogramBins, & numModisPressureBins => numPressureHistogramBins, & MODIS_TAU => nominalTauHistogramCenters, & MODIS_TAU_BNDS => nominalTauHistogramBoundaries, & MODIS_PC => nominalPressureHistogramCenters, & MODIS_PC_BNDS => nominalPressureHistogramBoundaries implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Public type ! ! Summary statistics from MODIS retrievals type COSP_MODIS ! Dimensions integer :: Npoints ! Number of gridpoints ! ! Grid means; dimension nPoints ! real, dimension(:), pointer :: & Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean, Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean, Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean, & Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean, Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean, Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean, & Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean, Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean, Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean, & Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean, Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean, Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean, & Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean, Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean, & Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean, & Liquid_Water_Path_Mean, Ice_Water_Path_Mean ! ! Also need the ISCCP-type optical thickness/cloud top pressure histogram ! real, dimension(:, :, :), pointer :: Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure end type COSP_MODIS contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine COSP_Modis_Simulator(gridBox, subCols, subcolHydro, isccpSim, modisSim) ! Arguments type(cosp_gridbox), intent(in ) :: gridBox ! Gridbox info type(cosp_subgrid), intent(in ) :: subCols ! subCol indicators of convective/stratiform type(cosp_sghydro), intent(in ) :: subcolHydro ! subcol hydrometeor contens type(cosp_isccp), intent(in ) :: isccpSim ! ISCCP simulator output type(cosp_modis), intent( out) :: modisSim ! MODIS simulator subcol output ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables ! Leave space only for sunlit points integer :: nPoints, nSubCols, nLevels, nSunlit, i, j, k ! Grid-mean quanties; dimensions nPoints, nLevels real, & dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), gridBox%nLevels) :: & temperature, pressureLayers real, & dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), gridBox%nLevels + 1) :: & pressureLevels ! Subcol quantities, dimension nPoints, nSubCols, nLevels real, & dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), subCols%nColumns, gridBox%nLevels) :: & opticalThickness, cloudWater, cloudIce, waterSize, iceSize, cloudSnow, snowSize ! Vertically-integrated subcol quantities; dimensions nPoints, nSubcols integer, & dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), subCols%nColumns) :: & retrievedPhase real, & dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), subCols%nColumns) :: & isccpTau, isccpCloudTopPressure, retrievedCloudTopPressure, retrievedTau, retrievedSize ! Vertically-integrated results real, dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0)) :: & cfTotal, cfLiquid, cfIce, & cfHigh, cfMid, cfLow, & meanTauTotal, meanTauLiquid, meanTauIce, & meanLogTauTotal, meanLogTauLiquid, meanLogTauIce , & meanSizeLiquid, meanSizeIce, & meanCloudTopPressure, & meanLiquidWaterPath, meanIceWaterPath real, dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0), numModisTauBins, numModisPressureBins) :: & jointHistogram integer, dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0)) :: sunlit integer, dimension(count(gridBox%sunlit(:) <= 0)) :: notSunlit ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Are there any sunlit points? ! nSunlit = count(gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0) if(nSunlit > 0) then nLevels = gridBox%Nlevels nPoints = gridBox%Npoints nSubCols = subCols%Ncolumns ! ! This is a vector index indicating which points are sunlit ! sunlit(:) = pack((/ (i, i = 1, nPoints ) /), mask = gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0) notSunlit(:) = pack((/ (i, i = 1, nPoints ) /), mask = .not. gridBox%sunlit(:) > 0) ! ! Copy needed quantities, reversing vertical order and removing points with no sunlight ! pressureLevels(:, 1) = 0.0 ! Top of model, following ISCCP sim temperature(:, :) = gridBox%T (sunlit(:), nLevels:1:-1) pressureLayers(:, :) = gridBox%p (sunlit(:), nLevels:1:-1) pressureLevels(:, 2:) = gridBox%ph(sunlit(:), nLevels:1:-1) ! ! Subcolumn properties - first stratiform cloud... ! where(subCols%frac_out(sunlit(:), :, :) == I_LSC) opticalThickness(:, :, :) = & spread(gridBox%dtau_s (sunlit(:), :), dim = 2, nCopies = nSubCols) cloudWater(:, :, :) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSCLIQ) waterSize (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%reff (sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSCLIQ) cloudIce (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSCICE) iceSize (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%reff (sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSCICE) elsewhere opticalThickness(:, :, :) = 0. cloudWater (:, :, :) = 0. cloudIce (:, :, :) = 0. waterSize (:, :, :) = 0. iceSize (:, :, :) = 0. end where ! Loop version of spread above - spread isn't working on bluefire +jek do k = 1, nLevels do j = 1, nSubCols do i = 1, nSunlit if(subCols%frac_out(sunlit(i), j, k) == I_LSC) then opticalThickness(i, j, k) = gridBox%dtau_s(sunlit(i), k) else opticalThickness(i, j, k) = 0. end if end do end do end do ! ! .. then add convective cloud... ! where(subCols%frac_out(sunlit(:), :, :) == I_CVC) opticalThickness(:, :, :) = & spread(gridBox%dtau_c( sunlit(:), :), dim = 2, nCopies = nSubCols) cloudWater(:, :, :) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(:), :, :, I_CVCLIQ) waterSize (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%reff (sunlit(:), :, :, I_CVCLIQ) cloudIce (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(:), :, :, I_CVCICE) iceSize (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%reff (sunlit(:), :, :, I_CVCICE) end where ! Loop version of spread above - spread isn't working on bluefire +jek do k = 1, nLevels do j = 1, nSubCols do i = 1, nSunlit if(subCols%frac_out(sunlit(i), j, k) == I_CVC) opticalThickness(i, j, k) = gridBox%dtau_c(sunlit(i), k) end do end do end do ! ! .. and finally snow ! ! prec_frac == 1 means stratiform, 3 means strat and convective (apparently not in cosp_constants). ! Also filter on the presence of snow snowSize (:, :, :) = subcolHydro%reff (sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSSNOW) where((subCols%prec_frac(sunlit(:), :, :) == 1 .or. & subCols%prec_frac(sunlit(:), :, :) == 3) .and. & snowSize(:, :, :) > 0. .and. & spread(gridBox%dtau_s_snow(sunlit(:), :), dim = 2, nCopies = nSubCols) > 0.) opticalThickness(:, :, :) = opticalThickness(:, :, :) + & spread(gridBox%dtau_s_snow(sunlit(:), :), dim = 2, nCopies = nSubCols) cloudSnow(:, :, :) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(:), :, :, I_LSSNOW) elsewhere cloudSnow (:, :, :) = 0. snowSize (:, :, :) = 0. end where ! Loop version of spread above - spread isn't working on bluefire +jek do k = 1, nLevels do j = 1, nSubCols do i = 1, nSunlit if((subCols%prec_frac(sunlit(i), j, k) == 1 .or. & subCols%prec_frac(sunlit(i), j, k) == 3) .and. & snowSize(i, j, k) > 0. .and. & gridBox%dtau_s_snow(sunlit(i), k) > 0. ) then opticalThickness(i, j, k) = opticalThickness(i,j,k) + gridBox%dtau_c(sunlit(i), k) cloudSnow(i, j, k) = subcolHydro%mr_hydro(sunlit(i), j, k, I_LSSNOW) else cloudSnow (i, j, k) = 0. snowSize (i, j, k) = 0. end if end do end do end do ! ! Reverse vertical order ! opticalThickness(:, :, :) = opticalThickness(:, :, nLevels:1:-1) cloudWater (:, :, :) = cloudWater (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) waterSize (:, :, :) = waterSize (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) cloudIce (:, :, :) = cloudIce (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) iceSize (:, :, :) = iceSize (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) cloudSnow (:, :, :) = cloudSnow (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) snowSize (:, :, :) = snowSize (:, :, nLevels:1:-1) isccpTau(:, :) = isccpSim%boxtau (sunlit(:), :) isccpCloudTopPressure(:, :) = isccpSim%boxptop(sunlit(:), :) do i = 1, nSunlit call modis_L2_simulator(temperature(i, :), pressureLayers(i, :), pressureLevels(i, :), & opticalThickness(i, :, :), cloudWater(i, :, :), cloudIce(i, :, :), & cloudSnow(i, :, :), & waterSize(i, :, :), iceSize(i, :, :), snowSize(i, :, :), & isccpTau(i, :), isccpCloudTopPressure(i, :), & retrievedPhase(i, :), retrievedCloudTopPressure(i, :), & retrievedTau(i, :), retrievedSize(i, :)) end do call modis_L3_simulator(retrievedPhase, & retrievedCloudTopPressure, & retrievedTau, retrievedSize, & cfTotal, cfLiquid, cfIce, & cfHigh, cfMid, cfLow, & meanTauTotal, meanTauLiquid, meanTauIce, & meanLogTauTotal, meanLogTauLiquid, meanLogTauIce, & meanSizeLiquid, meanSizeIce, & meanCloudTopPressure, & meanLiquidWaterPath, meanIceWaterPath, & jointHistogram) ! ! Copy results into COSP structure ! modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(sunlit(:)) = cfTotal(:) modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(sunlit(:)) = cfLiquid modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean (sunlit(:)) = cfIce modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(sunlit(:)) = cfHigh modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean (sunlit(:)) = cfMid modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean (sunlit(:)) = cfLow modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(sunlit(:)) = meanTauTotal modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(sunlit(:)) = meanTauLiquid modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean (sunlit(:)) = meanTauIce modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(sunlit(:)) = meanLogTauTotal modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(sunlit(:)) = meanLogTauLiquid modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean (sunlit(:)) = meanLogTauIce modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(sunlit(:)) = meanSizeLiquid modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean (sunlit(:)) = meanSizeIce modisSim%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(sunlit(:)) = meanCloudTopPressure modisSim%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(sunlit(:)) = meanLiquidWaterPath modisSim%Ice_Water_Path_Mean (sunlit(:)) = meanIceWaterPath modisSim%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(sunlit(:), :, :) = jointHistogram(:, :, :) ! ! Reorder pressure bins in joint histogram to go from surface to TOA ! modisSim%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(:,:,:) = & modisSim%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(:, :, numModisPressureBins:1:-1) if(nSunlit < nPoints) then ! ! Where it's night and we haven't done the retrievals the values are undefined ! modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Ice_Water_Path_Mean (notSunlit(:)) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(notSunlit(:), :, :) = R_UNDEF end if else ! ! It's nightime everywhere - everything is undefined ! modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Ice_Water_Path_Mean (:) = R_UNDEF modisSim%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(:, :, :) = R_UNDEF end if end subroutine COSP_Modis_Simulator !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MODIS ------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MODIS(cfg, nPoints, x) type(cosp_config), intent(in) :: cfg ! Configuration options integer, intent(in) :: Npoints ! Number of sampled points type(cosp_MODIS), intent(out) :: x ! ! Allocate minumum storage if simulator not used ! if (cfg%LMODIS_sim) then x%nPoints = nPoints else x%Npoints = 1 endif ! --- Allocate arrays --- allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Ice_Water_Path_Mean(x%nPoints)) allocate(x%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(nPoints, numModisTauBins, numModisPressureBins)) END SUBROUTINE CONSTRUCT_COSP_MODIS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MODIS ----------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MODIS(x) type(cosp_MODIS),intent(inout) :: x ! ! Free space used by cosp_modis variable. ! if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean)) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean)) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean )) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean)) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean )) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean )) deallocate(x%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean)) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean)) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean )) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean)) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean)) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean )) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean)) deallocate(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean )) deallocate(x%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean) if(associated(x%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean )) deallocate(x%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean ) if(associated(x%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean)) deallocate(x%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean ) if(associated(x%Ice_Water_Path_Mean )) deallocate(x%Ice_Water_Path_Mean ) if(associated(x%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure)) deallocate(x%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure ) END SUBROUTINE FREE_COSP_MODIS ! ----------------------------------------------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_MODIS_CPSECTION ----------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_MODIS_CPSECTION(ix, iy, orig, copy) integer, dimension(2), intent(in) :: ix, iy type(cosp_modis), intent(in ) :: orig type(cosp_modis), intent( out) :: copy ! ! Copy a set of grid points from one cosp_modis variable to another. ! Should test to be sure ix and iy refer to the same number of grid points ! integer :: orig_start, orig_end, copy_start, copy_end orig_start = ix(1); orig_end = ix(2) copy_start = iy(1); copy_end = iy(2) copy%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_Total_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_Water_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_Ice_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_High_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_Mid_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Fraction_Low_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Optical_Thickness_Total_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Optical_Thickness_Water_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Optical_Thickness_Ice_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(copy_start:copy_end) = & orig%Optical_Thickness_Total_LogMean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(copy_start:copy_end) = & orig%Optical_Thickness_Water_LogMean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean (copy_start:copy_end) = & orig%Optical_Thickness_Ice_LogMean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Liquid_Water_Path_Mean(orig_start:orig_end) copy%Ice_Water_Path_Mean (copy_start:copy_end) = orig%Ice_Water_Path_Mean (orig_start:orig_end) copy%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(copy_start:copy_end, :, :) = & orig%Optical_Thickness_vs_Cloud_Top_Pressure(orig_start:orig_end, :, :) END SUBROUTINE COSP_MODIS_CPSECTION ! ----------------------------------------------------- END MODULE MOD_COSP_Modis_Simulator