!! The CARMA module contains an interface to the Community Aerosol and Radiation
!! Model for Atmospheres (CARMA) bin microphysical model [Turco et al. 1979;
!! Toon et al. 1988]. This implementation has been customized to work within
!! other model frameworks, so although it can be provided with an array of
!! columns, it does not do horizontal transport and just does independent 1-D
!! calculations upon each column.
!! The typical usage for the CARMA and CARMASTATE objects within a model would be:
!! ! This first section of code is done during the parent model's initialzation,
!! ! and there should be a unique CARMA object created for each thread of
!! ! execution.
!! ! Create the CARMA object.
!! call CARMA_Create(carma, ...)
!! ! Define the microphysical components.
!! call CARMAGROUP_Create(carma, ...) ! One or more calls
!! call CARMAELEMENT_Create(carma, ...) ! One or more calls
!! call CARMASOLUTE_Create(carma, ...) ! Zero or more calls
!! call CARMAGAS_Create(carma, ...) ! Zero or more calls
!! ! Define the relationships for the microphysical processes.
!! call CARMA_AddCoagulation(carma, ...) ! Zero or more calls
!! call CARMA_AddGrowth(carma, ...) ! Zero or more calls
!! call CARMA_AddNucleation(carma, ...) ! Zero or more calls
!! ! Initialize things that are state and timestep independent.
!! call CARMA_Initialize(carma, ...)
!! ...
!! ! This section of code is within the parent model's timing loop.
!! !
!! ! NOTE: If using OPEN/MP, then each thread will execute one of
!! ! of these loops per column of data. To avoid having to destroy
!! ! the CARMASTATE object, a pool of CARMASTATE objects could be
!! ! created so that there is one per thread and then the
!! ! CARMA_Destroy() could be called after all columns have been
!! ! processed.
!! ! Initialize CARMA for this model state and timestep.
!! call CARMASTATE_Create(cstate, carma, ...)
!! ! Set the model state for each bin and gas.
!! call CARMASTATE_SetBin(cstate, ...) ! One call for each bin
!! call CARMASTATE_SetGas(cstate, ...) ! One call for each gas
!! ! Calculate the new state
!! call CARMASTATE_Step(cstate, ...)
!! ! Get the results to return back to the parent model.
!! call CARMASTATE_GetBin(cstate, ...) ! One call for each Bin
!! call CARMASTATE_GetGas(cstate, ...) ! One call for each gas
!! call CARMASTATE_GetState(cstate, ...) ! Zero or one calls
!! ! (optional) Deallocate arrays that are not needed beyond this timestep.
!! call CARMASTATE_Destroy(cstate)
!! ...
!! ! This section of code is done during the parent model's cleanup.
!! ! Deallocate all arrays.
!! call CARMA_Destroy(carma)
!! @version Feb-2009
!! @author Chuck Bardeen, Pete Colarco, Jamie Smith
! NOTE: Documentation for this code can be generated automatically using f90doc,
! which is freely available from:
! http://erikdemaine.org/software/f90doc/
! Comment lines with double comment characters are processed by f90doc, and there are
! some special characters added to the comments to control the documentation process.
! In addition to the special characters mentioned in the f990doc documentation, html
! formatting tags (e.g. , , ...) can also be added to the f90doc
! comments.
module carma_mod
! This module maps the parents models constants into the constants need by CARMA. NOTE: CARMA
! constants are in CGS units, while the parent models are typically in MKS units.
use carma_precision_mod
use carma_enums_mod
use carma_constants_mod
use carma_types_mod
! CARMA explicitly declares all variables.
implicit none
! All CARMA variables and procedures are private except those explicitly declared to be public.
! Declare the public methods.
public CARMA_AddCoagulation
public CARMA_AddGrowth
public CARMA_AddNucleation
public CARMA_Create
public CARMA_Destroy
public CARMA_Get
public CARMA_Initialize
! These are the methods that provide the interface between the parent model and the CARMA
! microphysical model. There are many other methods that are not in this file that are
! used to implement the microphysical calculations needed by the CARMA model. These other
! methods are in effect private methods of the CARMA module, but are in individual files
! since that is the way that CARMA has traditionally been structured and where users may
! want to extend or replace code to affect the microphysics.
!! Creates the CARMA object and allocates arrays to store configuration information
!! that will follow from the CARMA_AddXXX() methods. When the CARMA object is no longer
!! needed, the CARMA_Destroy() method should be used to clean up any allocations
!! that have happened. If LUNOPRT is specified, then the logical unit should be open and
!! ready for output. The caller is responsible for closing the LUNOPRT logical unit
!! after the CARMA object has been destroyed.
!! @version Feb-2009
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
subroutine CARMA_Create(carma, NBIN, NELEM, NGROUP, NSOLUTE, NGAS, NWAVE, rc, &
LUNOPRT, wave, dwave, do_wave_emit)
type(carma_type), intent(out) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(in) :: NBIN !! number of radius bins per group
integer, intent(in) :: NELEM !! total number of elements
integer, intent(in) :: NGROUP !! total number of groups
integer, intent(in) :: NSOLUTE !! total number of solutes
integer, intent(in) :: NGAS !! total number of gases
integer, intent(in) :: NWAVE !! number of wavelengths
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicates failure
integer, intent(in), optional :: LUNOPRT !! logical unit number for output
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: wave(NWAVE) !! wavelength centers (cm)
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: dwave(NWAVE) !! wavelength width (cm)
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_wave_emit(NWAVE) !! do emission in band?
! Local Varaibles
integer :: ier
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Save off the logic unit used for output if one was provided. If one was provided,
! then assume that CARMA can print output.
if (present(LUNOPRT)) then
carma%f_do_print = .TRUE.
end if
! Save the defintion of the number of comonents involved in the microphysics.
carma%f_NELEM = NELEM
carma%f_NBIN = NBIN
carma%f_NGAS = NGAS
carma%f_NWAVE = NWAVE
! Allocate tables for the groups.
allocate( &
carma%f_group(NGROUP), &
carma%f_icoag(NGROUP, NGROUP), &
carma%f_inucgas(NGROUP), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating groups, NGROUP=", &
carma%f_NGROUP, ", status=", ier
! Initialize
carma%f_icoag(:, :) = 0
carma%f_inucgas(:) = 0
! Allocate tables for the elements.
allocate( &
carma%f_element(NELEM), &
carma%f_igrowgas(NELEM), &
carma%f_inuc2elem(NELEM, NELEM), &
carma%f_inucproc(NELEM, NELEM), &
carma%f_ievp2elem(NELEM), &
carma%f_nnuc2elem(NELEM), &
carma%f_nnucelem(NELEM), &
carma%f_inucelem(NELEM,NELEM*NGROUP), &
carma%f_if_nuc(NELEM,NELEM), &
carma%f_rlh_nuc(NELEM, NELEM), &
carma%f_icoagelem(NELEM, NGROUP), &
carma%f_icoagelem_cm(NELEM, NGROUP), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating elements, NELEM=", &
carma%f_NELEM, ", status=", ier
! Initialize
carma%f_igrowgas(:) = 0
carma%f_inuc2elem(:,:) = 0
carma%f_inucproc(:,:) = 0
carma%f_ievp2elem(:) = 0
carma%f_nnuc2elem(:) = 0
carma%f_nnucelem(:) = 0
carma%f_inucelem(:,:) = 0
carma%f_if_nuc(:,:) = .FALSE.
carma%f_rlh_nuc(:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_icoagelem(:,:) = 0
carma%f_icoagelem_cm(:,:) = 0
! Allocate tables for the bins.
allocate( &
carma%f_inuc2bin(NBIN,NGROUP,NGROUP), &
carma%f_ievp2bin(NBIN,NGROUP,NGROUP), &
carma%f_nnucbin(NGROUP,NBIN,NGROUP), &
carma%f_diffmass(NBIN, NGROUP, NBIN, NGROUP), &
carma%f_ilow(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_jlow(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_iup(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_jup(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_npairl(NGROUP,NBIN), &
carma%f_npairu(NGROUP,NBIN), &
carma%f_iglow(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_jglow(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_igup(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_jgup(NGROUP,NBIN,NBIN*NBIN), &
carma%f_pkernel(NBIN,NBIN,NGROUP,NGROUP,NGROUP,6), &
carma%f_pratt(3,NBIN,NGROUP), &
carma%f_prat(4,NBIN,NGROUP), &
carma%f_pden1(NBIN,NGROUP), &
carma%f_palr(4,NGROUP), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating bins, NBIN=", &
carma%f_NBIN, ", status=", ier
! Initialize
carma%f_inuc2bin(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_ievp2bin(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_nnucbin(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_inucbin(:,:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_diffmass(:, :, :, :) = 0._f
carma%f_volx(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_ilow(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_jlow(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_iup(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_jup(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_npairl(:,:) = 0
carma%f_npairu(:,:) = 0
carma%f_iglow(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_jglow(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_igup(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_jgup(:,:,:) = 0
carma%f_kbin(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_pkernel(:,:,:,:,:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_pratt(:,:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_prat(:,:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_pden1(:,:) = 0._f
carma%f_palr(:,:) = 0._f
! Allocate tables for solutes, if any are needed.
if (NSOLUTE > 0) then
allocate( &
carma%f_solute(NSOLUTE), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating solutes, NSOLUTE=", &
carma%f_NSOLUTE, ", status=", ier
end if
! Allocate tables for gases, if any are needed.
if (NGAS > 0) then
allocate( &
carma%f_gas(NGAS), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating gases, NGAS=", &
carma%f_NGAS, ", status=", ier
end if
! Allocate tables for optical properties, if any are needed.
if (NWAVE > 0) then
allocate( &
carma%f_wave(NWAVE), &
carma%f_dwave(NWAVE), &
carma%f_do_wave_emit(NWAVE), &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Create: ERROR allocating wavelengths, NWAVE=", &
carma%f_NWAVE, ", status=", ier
! Initialize
carma%f_do_wave_emit(:) = .TRUE.
if (present(wave)) carma%f_wave(:) = wave(:)
if (present(dwave)) carma%f_dwave(:) = dwave(:)
if (present(do_wave_emit)) carma%f_do_wave_emit(:) = do_wave_emit(:)
end if
end subroutine CARMA_Create
!! Called after the CARMA object has been created and the microphysics description has been
!! configured. The optional flags control which microphysical processes are enabled and all of
!! them default to FALSE. For a microphysical process to be active it must have been both
!! configured (using a CARMA_AddXXX() method) and enabled here.
!! NOTE: After initialization, the structure of the particle size bins is determined, and
!! the resulting r, dr, rmass and dm can be retrieved with the CARMA_GetGroup() method.
!! @version Feb-2009
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
subroutine CARMA_Initialize(carma, rc, do_cnst_rlh, do_coag, do_detrain, do_fixedinit, &
do_grow, do_incloud, do_explised, do_print_init, do_substep, do_thermo, do_vdiff, &
do_vtran, do_drydep, vf_const, minsubsteps, maxsubsteps, maxretries, conmax, &
do_pheat, do_pheatatm, dt_threshold, cstick, gsticki, gstickl, tstick, do_clearsky)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicates failure
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_cnst_rlh !! use constant values for latent heats (instead of varying with temperature)?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_coag !! do coagulation?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_detrain !! do detrainement?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_fixedinit !! do initialization from reference atm?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_grow !! do nucleation, growth and evaporation?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_incloud !! do incloud growth and coagulation?
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_explised !! do sedimentation with substepping
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_substep !! do substepping
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_print_init !! do prinit initializtion information
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_thermo !! do thermodynamics
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_vdiff !! do Brownian diffusion
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_vtran !! do sedimentation
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_drydep !! do dry deposition
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: vf_const !! if specified and non-zero, constant fall velocity for all particles [cm/s]
integer, intent(in), optional :: minsubsteps !! minimum number of substeps, default = 1
integer, intent(in), optional :: maxsubsteps !! maximum number of substeps, default = 1
integer, intent(in), optional :: maxretries !! maximum number of substep retries, default = 5
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: conmax !! minimum relative concentration to consider, default = 1e-1
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_pheat !! do particle heating
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_pheatatm !! do particle heating of atmosphere
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: dt_threshold !! convergence criteria for temperature [fraction]
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: cstick !! accommodation coefficient - coagulation, default = 1.0
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: gsticki !! accommodation coefficient - growth (ice), default = 0.93
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: gstickl !! accommodation coefficient - growth (liquid), default = 1.0
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: tstick !! accommodation coefficient - temperature, default = 1.0
logical, intent(in), optional :: do_clearsky !! do clear sky growth and coagulation?
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Set default values for control flags.
carma%f_do_cnst_rlh = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_coag = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_detrain = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_fixedinit = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_grow = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_incloud = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_explised = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_pheat = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_pheatatm = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_print_init = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_substep = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_thermo = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_vdiff = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_vtran = .FALSE.
carma%f_do_drydep = .FALSE.
carma%f_dt_threshold = 0._f
carma%f_cstick = 1._f
carma%f_gsticki = 0.93_f
carma%f_gstickl = 1._f
carma%f_tstick = 1._f
carma%f_do_clearsky = .FALSE.
! Store off any control flag values that have been supplied.
if (present(do_cnst_rlh)) carma%f_do_cnst_rlh = do_cnst_rlh
if (present(do_coag)) carma%f_do_coag = do_coag
if (present(do_detrain)) carma%f_do_detrain = do_detrain
if (present(do_fixedinit)) carma%f_do_fixedinit = do_fixedinit
if (present(do_grow)) carma%f_do_grow = do_grow
if (present(do_incloud)) carma%f_do_incloud = do_incloud
if (present(do_explised)) carma%f_do_explised = do_explised
if (present(do_pheat)) carma%f_do_pheat = do_pheat
if (present(do_pheatatm)) carma%f_do_pheatatm = do_pheatatm
if (present(do_print_init)) carma%f_do_print_init = (do_print_init .and. carma%f_do_print)
if (present(do_substep)) carma%f_do_substep = do_substep
if (present(do_thermo)) carma%f_do_thermo = do_thermo
if (present(do_vdiff)) carma%f_do_vdiff = do_vdiff
if (present(do_vtran)) carma%f_do_vtran = do_vtran
if (present(do_drydep)) carma%f_do_drydep = do_drydep
if (present(dt_threshold)) carma%f_dt_threshold = dt_threshold
if (present(cstick)) carma%f_cstick = cstick
if (present(gsticki)) carma%f_gsticki = gsticki
if (present(gstickl)) carma%f_gstickl = gstickl
if (present(tstick)) carma%f_tstick = tstick
if (present(do_clearsky)) carma%f_do_clearsky = do_clearsky
! Setup the bin structure.
call setupbins(carma, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
! Substepping
carma%f_minsubsteps = 1 ! minimum number of substeps
carma%f_maxsubsteps = 1 ! maximum number of substeps
carma%f_maxretries = 1 ! maximum number of retries
carma%f_conmax = 1.e-1_f
if (present(minsubsteps)) carma%f_minsubsteps = minsubsteps
if (present(maxsubsteps)) carma%f_maxsubsteps = maxsubsteps
if (present(maxretries)) carma%f_maxretries = maxretries
if (present(conmax)) carma%f_conmax = conmax
carma%f_do_step = .TRUE.
! Calculate the Optical Properties
call CARMA_InitializeOptics(carma, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
! If any of the processes have initialization that can be done without the state
! information, then perform that now. This will mostly be checking the configuration
! and setting up any tables based upon the configuration.
if (carma%f_do_vtran .or. carma%f_do_coag) then
call CARMA_InitializeVertical(carma, rc, vf_const)
if (rc < 0) return
end if
if (carma%f_do_coag) then
call setupcoag(carma, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
end if
if (carma%f_do_grow) then
call CARMA_InitializeGrowth(carma, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
end if
if (carma%f_do_thermo) then
call CARMA_InitializeThermo(carma, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
end if
end subroutine CARMA_Initialize
subroutine CARMA_InitializeGrowth(carma, rc)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma
integer, intent(out) :: rc
! Local Variables
integer :: i
logical :: bad_grid
integer :: igroup ! group index
integer :: igas ! gas index
integer :: isol ! solute index
integer :: ielem ! element index
integer :: ibin ! bin index
integer :: igfrom
integer :: igto
integer :: ibto
integer :: ieto
integer :: ifrom
integer :: iefrom
integer :: jefrom
integer :: ip
integer :: jcore
integer :: iecore
integer :: im
integer :: jnucelem
integer :: inuc2
integer :: neto
integer :: jfrom
integer :: j
integer :: nnucb
! Define formats
1 format(a,': ',12i6)
2 format(/,a,': ',i6)
3 format(a,a)
4 format(a,': ',1pe12.3)
5 format(/,'Particle nucleation mapping arrays (setupnuc):')
7 format(/,'Warning: nucleation cannot occur from group',i3, &
' bin',i3,' into group',i3,' ( is zero)')
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Compute radius-dependent terms used in PPM advection scheme
do igroup = 1, carma%f_NGROUP
do i = 2,carma%f_NBIN-1
carma%f_pratt(1,i,igroup) = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) / &
( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i-1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) )
carma%f_pratt(2,i,igroup) = ( 2._f*carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i-1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) ) / &
( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) )
carma%f_pratt(3,i,igroup) = ( 2._f*carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) ) / &
( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i-1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) )
do i = 2,carma%f_NBIN-2
carma%f_prat(1,i,igroup) = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) / &
( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) )
carma%f_prat(2,i,igroup) = 2._f * carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) * carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) / &
( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) )
carma%f_prat(3,i,igroup) = ( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i-1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) ) / &
( 2._f*carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) )
carma%f_prat(4,i,igroup) = ( carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+2) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) ) / &
( 2._f*carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) )
carma%f_pden1(i,igroup) = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i-1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i) + &
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+1) + carma%f_group(igroup)%f_dm(i+2)
if( carma%f_NBIN .gt. 1 )then
carma%f_palr(1,igroup) = &
(carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmassup(1)-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(1)) / &
carma%f_palr(2,igroup) = &
(carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmassup(1)/carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmrat-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(1)) / &
carma%f_palr(3,igroup) = &
(carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmassup(carma%f_NBIN-1)-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN-1)) &
/ (carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN)-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN-1))
carma%f_palr(4,igroup) = &
(carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmassup(carma%f_NBIN)-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN-1)) &
/ (carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN)-carma%f_group(igroup)%f_rmass(carma%f_NBIN-1))
end do
! Check the nucleation mapping.
! NOTE: This code was moved from setupnuc, because it is not dependent on the model's
! state. A small part of setupnuc which deals with scrit is state specific, and that was
! left in setupnuc.
! Bin mapping for nucleation : nucleation would transfer mass from particles
! in into target bin in group
! . The target bin is the smallest bin in the target size grid with
! mass exceeding that of nucleated particle.
do igfrom = 1,carma%f_NGROUP ! nucleation source group
do igto = 1,carma%f_NGROUP ! nucleation target group
do ifrom = 1,carma%f_NBIN ! nucleation source bin
carma%f_inuc2bin(ifrom,igfrom,igto) = 0
do ibto = carma%f_NBIN,1,-1 ! nucleation target bin
if( carma%f_group(igto)%f_rmass(ibto) .ge. carma%f_group(igfrom)%f_rmass(ifrom) )then
carma%f_inuc2bin(ifrom,igfrom,igto) = ibto
! Mappings for nucleation sources:
! is the number of particle elements that nucleate to
! particle element .
! are the particle elements that
! nucleate to particle element , where
! jefrom = 1,nnucelem(ielem).
! is true if nucleation transfers mass from element
! to element .
! is the number of particle bins that nucleate
! to particles in bin from group .
! are the particle bins
! that nucleate to particles in bin , where
! jfrom = 1,nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igto).
! First, calculate and
! based on
do iefrom = 1,carma%f_NELEM
do ieto = 1,carma%f_NELEM
carma%f_if_nuc(iefrom,ieto) = .false.
do ielem = 1,carma%f_NELEM
carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielem) = 0
do jefrom = 1,carma%f_NGROUP
if( carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem) .ne. 0 ) then
carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielem) = carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielem) + 1
carma%f_if_nuc(ielem,carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem)) = .true.
! Also check for cases where neither the source or destinaton don't have cores (e.g.
! melting ice to water drops).
if ((carma%f_group(carma%f_element(ielem)%f_igroup)%f_ncore .eq. 0) .and. &
(carma%f_group(carma%f_element(carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem))%f_igroup)%f_ncore .eq. 0)) then
! For particle concentration target elements, only count source elements
! that are also particle concentrations.
carma%f_nnucelem(carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem)) = carma%f_nnucelem(carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem)) + 1
carma%f_inucelem(carma%f_nnucelem(carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem)),carma%f_inuc2elem(jefrom,ielem)) = ielem
end if
! Next, enumerate and count elements that nucleate to cores.
do igroup = 1,carma%f_NGROUP
ip = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_ienconc ! target particle number concentration element
do jcore = 1,carma%f_group(igroup)%f_ncore
iecore = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_icorelem(jcore) ! target core element
! carma%f_nnucelem(iecore) = 0
do iefrom = 1,carma%f_NELEM
if( carma%f_if_nuc(iefrom,iecore) ) then
carma%f_nnucelem(iecore) = carma%f_nnucelem(iecore) + 1
carma%f_inucelem(carma%f_nnucelem(iecore),iecore) = iefrom
enddo ! iefrom=1,NELEM
enddo ! jcore=1,ncore
enddo ! igroup=1,NGROUP
! Now enumerate and count elements nucleating to particle concentration
! (itype=I_INVOLATILE and itype=I_VOLATILE) and core second moment
! (itype=I_COREMASS). Elements with itype = I_VOLATILE are special because all
! nucleation sources for core elements in same group are also sources
! for the itype = I_VOLATILE element.
do igroup = 1,carma%f_NGROUP
ip = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_ienconc ! target particle number concentration element
im = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_imomelem ! target core second moment element
! carma%f_nnucelem(ip) = 0
! if( im .ne. 0 )then
! carma%f_nnucelem(im) = 0
! endif
do jcore = 1,carma%f_group(igroup)%f_ncore
iecore = carma%f_group(igroup)%f_icorelem(jcore) ! target core mass element
do jnucelem = 1,carma%f_nnucelem(iecore) ! elements nucleating to cores
iefrom = carma%f_inucelem(jnucelem,iecore) ! source
! For particle concentration target elements, only count source elements
! that are also particle concentrations.
carma%f_nnucelem(ip) = carma%f_nnucelem(ip) + 1
carma%f_inucelem(carma%f_nnucelem(ip),ip) = carma%f_group(carma%f_element(iefrom)%f_igroup)%f_ienconc
if( im .ne. 0 )then
carma%f_nnucelem(im) = carma%f_nnucelem(im) + 1
carma%f_inucelem(carma%f_nnucelem(im),im) = iefrom
enddo ! jcore=1,ncore
enddo ! igroup=1,NGROUP
! Now enumerate and count nucleating bins.
do igroup = 1,carma%f_NGROUP ! target group
do ibin = 1,carma%f_NBIN ! target bin
do igfrom = 1,carma%f_NGROUP ! source group
carma%f_nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igroup) = 0
do ifrom = 1,carma%f_NBIN ! source bin
if( carma%f_inuc2bin(ifrom,igfrom,igroup) .eq. ibin ) then
carma%f_nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igroup) = carma%f_nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igroup) + 1
carma%f_inucbin(carma%f_nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igroup),igfrom,ibin,igroup) = ifrom
enddo ! igfrom=1,NGROUP
enddo ! ibin=1,NBIN=1,NGROUP
enddo ! igroup=1,NGROUP
if (carma%f_do_print_init) then
! Report nucleation mapping arrays (should be 'write' stmts, of course)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' '
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'Nucleation mapping arrays (setupnuc):'
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' '
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'Elements mapping:'
do ielem = 1,carma%f_NELEM
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'ielem,nnucelem=',ielem,carma%f_nnucelem(ielem)
if(carma%f_nnucelem(ielem) .gt. 0) then
do jfrom = 1,carma%f_nnucelem(ielem)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'jfrom,inucelem= ',jfrom,carma%f_inucelem(jfrom,ielem)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' '
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'Bin mapping:'
do igfrom = 1,carma%f_NGROUP
do igroup = 1,carma%f_NGROUP
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' '
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'Groups (from, to) = ', igfrom, igroup
do ibin = 1,carma%f_NBIN
nnucb = carma%f_nnucbin(igfrom,ibin,igroup)
if(nnucb .eq. 0) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' None for bin ',ibin
if(nnucb .gt. 0) then
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' ibin,nnucbin=',ibin,nnucb
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) ' inucbin=',(carma%f_inucbin(j,igfrom,ibin,igroup),j=1,nnucb)
! Check that values are valid.
do ielem = 1, carma%f_NELEM
if( carma%f_element(ielem)%f_isolute .gt. carma%f_NSOLUTE )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - component of isolute > NSOLUTE'
if( carma%f_ievp2elem(ielem) .gt. carma%f_NELEM )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - component of ievp2elem > NELEM'
! Check that is consistent with .
if( carma%f_ievp2elem(ielem) .ne. 0 .and. carma%f_element(ielem)%f_itype .eq. I_COREMASS )then
if( carma%f_element(ielem)%f_isolute .ne. carma%f_element(carma%f_ievp2elem(ielem))%f_isolute)then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - isolute and ievp2elem are inconsistent'
! Check that is consistent with .
igas = carma%f_inucgas( carma%f_element(ielem)%f_igroup )
if( igas .ne. 0 )then
if( carma%f_element(ielem)%f_itype .eq. I_COREMASS .and. carma%f_element(ielem)%f_isolute .eq. 0 )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - inucgas ne 0 but isolute eq 0'
do ielem = 1, carma%f_NELEM
if( carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielem) .gt. 0 ) then
do inuc2 = 1, carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielem)
if( carma%f_inuc2elem(inuc2,ielem) .gt. carma%f_NELEM )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - component of inuc2elem > NELEM'
! Particle grids are incompatible if there is no target bin with enough
! mass to accomodate nucleated particle.
bad_grid = .false.
do iefrom = 1,carma%f_NELEM ! source element
igfrom = carma%f_element(iefrom)%f_igroup
neto = carma%f_nnuc2elem(iefrom)
if( neto .gt. 0 )then
do inuc2 = 1,neto
ieto = carma%f_inuc2elem(inuc2,iefrom)
igto = carma%f_element(ieto)%f_igroup
do ifrom = 1,carma%f_NBIN ! source bin
if( carma%f_inuc2bin(ifrom,igfrom,igto) .eq. 0 )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,7) igfrom,ifrom,igto
bad_grid = .true.
if( bad_grid )then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - incompatible grids for nucleation'
if (carma%f_do_print_init) then
! Report some initialization values!
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,1) 'inucgas ',(carma%f_inucgas(i),i=1,carma%f_NGROUP)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,1) 'inuc2elem',(carma%f_inuc2elem(1,i),i=1,carma%f_NELEM)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,1) 'ievp2elem',(carma%f_ievp2elem(i),i=1,carma%f_NELEM)
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,1) 'isolute ',(carma%f_element(i)%f_isolute,i=1,carma%f_NELEM)
do isol = 1,carma%f_NSOLUTE
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,2) 'solute number ',isol
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,3) 'solute name: ',carma%f_solute(isol)%f_name
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,4) 'molecular weight',carma%f_solute(isol)%f_wtmol
write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,4) 'mass density ',carma%f_solute(isol)%f_rho
! Initialize indexes for the gases and check to make sure if H2SO4 is used
! that it occurs after H2O. This is necessary for supersaturation calculations.
carma%f_igash2o = 0
carma%f_igash2so4 = 0
carma%f_igasso2 = 0
do igas = 1, carma%f_NGAS
if (carma%f_gas(igas)%f_icomposition == I_GCOMP_H2O) then
carma%f_igash2o = igas
else if (carma%f_gas(igas)%f_icomposition == I_GCOMP_H2SO4) then
carma%f_igash2so4 = igas
else if (carma%f_gas(igas)%f_icomposition == I_GCOMP_SO2) then
carma%f_igasso2 = igas
end if
end do
if ((carma%f_igash2so4 /= 0) .and. (carma%f_igash2o > carma%f_igash2so4)) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT,*) 'CARMA_InitializeGrowth::ERROR - H2O gas must come before H2SO4.'
end if
end subroutine CARMA_InitializeGrowth
!! Calculate the optical properties for each particle bin at each of
!! the specified wavelengths. The optical properties include the
!! extinction efficiency, the single scattering albedo and the
!! asymmetry factor.
!! NOTE: For these calculations, the particles are assumed to be spheres and
!! Mie code is used to calculate the optical properties.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
subroutine CARMA_InitializeOptics(carma, rc)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma
integer, intent(out) :: rc
integer :: igroup ! group index
integer :: iwave ! wavelength index
integer :: ibin ! bin index
real(kind=f) :: Qext
real(kind=f) :: Qsca
real(kind=f) :: asym
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Were any wavelengths specified?
do iwave = 1, carma%f_NWAVE
do igroup = 1, carma%f_NGROUP
! Should we calculate mie properties for this group?
if (carma%f_group(igroup)%f_do_mie) then
do ibin = 1, carma%f_NBIN
! Assume the particle is homogeneous (no core).
! NOTE: The miess does not converge over as broad a
! range of input parameters as bhmie, but it can handle
! coated spheres.
call mie(carma, &
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_imiertn, &
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_r(ibin), &
carma%f_wave(iwave), &
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_refidx(iwave), &
Qext, &
Qsca, &
asym, &
if (rc < RC_OK) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_InitializeOptics:: Mie failed for (band, wavelength, group, bin)", iwave, carma%f_wave(iwave), igroup, ibin
end if
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_qext(iwave, ibin) = Qext
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_ssa(iwave, ibin) = Qsca / Qext
carma%f_group(igroup)%f_asym(iwave, ibin) = asym
end do
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine CARMA_InitializeOptics
!! Perform initialization of variables related to thermodynamical calculations that
!! are not dependent on the model state.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
subroutine CARMA_InitializeThermo(carma, rc)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma
integer, intent(out) :: rc
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
end subroutine CARMA_InitializeThermo
!! Perform initialization of variables related to vertical transport that are not dependent
!! on the model state.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
subroutine CARMA_InitializeVertical(carma, rc, vf_const)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma
integer, intent(out) :: rc
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: vf_const
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Was a constant vertical velocity specified?
carma%f_ifall = 1
carma%f_vf_const = 0._f
if (present(vf_const)) then
if (vf_const /= 0._f) then
carma%f_ifall = 0
carma%f_vf_const = vf_const
end if
end if
! Specify the boundary conditions for vertical transport.
carma%f_itbnd_pc = I_FIXED_CONC
carma%f_ibbnd_pc = I_FIXED_CONC
end subroutine CARMA_InitializeVertical
!! The routine should be called when the carma object is no longer needed. It deallocates
!! any memory allocations made by CARMA (during CARMA_Create()), and failure to call this
!!routine could result in memory leaks.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
!! @see CARMA_Create
subroutine CARMA_Destroy(carma, rc)
use carmaelement_mod
use carmagas_mod
use carmagroup_mod
use carmasolute_mod
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma
integer, intent(out) :: rc
! Local variables
integer :: ier
integer :: igroup
integer :: ielem
integer :: isolute
integer :: igas
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! If allocated, deallocate all the variables that were allocated in the Create() method.
if (allocated(carma%f_group)) then
do igroup = 1, carma%f_NGROUP
call CARMAGROUP_Destroy(carma, igroup, rc)
if (rc < 0) return
end do
deallocate( &
carma%f_group, &
carma%f_icoag, &
carma%f_inucgas, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating groups, status=", ier
if (allocated(carma%f_element)) then
do ielem = 1, carma%f_NELEM
call CARMAELEMENT_Destroy(carma, ielem, rc)
if (rc < RC_OK) return
end do
deallocate( &
carma%f_element, &
carma%f_igrowgas, &
carma%f_inuc2elem, &
carma%f_inucproc, &
carma%f_ievp2elem, &
carma%f_nnuc2elem, &
carma%f_nnucelem, &
carma%f_inucelem, &
carma%f_if_nuc, &
carma%f_rlh_nuc, &
carma%f_icoagelem, &
carma%f_icoagelem_cm, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating elements, status=", ier
if (allocated(carma%f_inuc2bin)) then
deallocate( &
carma%f_inuc2bin, &
carma%f_ievp2bin, &
carma%f_nnucbin, &
carma%f_inucbin, &
carma%f_diffmass, &
carma%f_volx, &
carma%f_ilow, &
carma%f_jlow, &
carma%f_iup, &
carma%f_jup, &
carma%f_npairl, &
carma%f_npairu, &
carma%f_iglow, &
carma%f_jglow, &
carma%f_igup, &
carma%f_jgup, &
carma%f_kbin, &
carma%f_pkernel, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating bins, status=", ier
if (carma%f_NSOLUTE > 0) then
do isolute = 1, carma%f_NSOLUTE
call CARMASOLUTE_Destroy(carma, isolute, rc)
if (rc < RC_OK) return
end do
if (allocated(carma%f_solute)) then
deallocate( &
carma%f_solute, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating solutes, status=", ier
end if
if (carma%f_NGAS > 0) then
do igas = 1, carma%f_NGAS
call CARMAGAS_Destroy(carma, igas, rc)
if (rc < RC_OK) return
end do
if (allocated(carma%f_gas)) then
deallocate( &
carma%f_gas, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating gases, status=", ier
end if
if (carma%f_NWAVE > 0) then
if (allocated(carma%f_wave)) then
deallocate( &
carma%f_wave, &
carma%f_dwave, &
carma%f_do_wave_emit, &
if(ier /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_Destroy: ERROR deallocating wavelengths, status=", ier
end subroutine CARMA_Destroy
! Configuration
!! Add a coagulation process between two groups (igroup1 and igroup2), with the resulting
!! particle being in the destination group (igroup3). If ck0 is specifed, then a constant
!! coagulation kernel will be used.
subroutine CARMA_AddCoagulation(carma, igroup1, igroup2, igroup3, icollec, rc, ck0, grav_e_coll0)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(in) :: igroup1 !! first source group
integer, intent(in) :: igroup2 !! second source group
integer, intent(in) :: igroup3 !! destination group
integer, intent(in) :: icollec !! collection technique [I_COLLEC_CONST | I_COLLEC_FUCHS | I_COLLEC_DATA]
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicates failure
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: ck0 !! if specified, forces a constant coagulation kernel
real(kind=f), intent(in), optional :: grav_e_coll0 !! if icollec is I_COLLEC_CONST, the constant gravitational collection efficiency
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Make sure the groups exists.
if (igroup1 > carma%f_NGROUP) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, '(a,i3,a,i3,a)') "CARMA_AddCoagulation:: ERROR - The specifed group (", &
igroup1, ") is larger than the number of groups (", carma%f_NGROUP, ")."
end if
if (igroup2 > carma%f_NGROUP) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, '(a,i3,a,i3,a)') "CARMA_AddCoagulation:: ERROR - The specifed group (", &
igroup2, ") is larger than the number of groups (", carma%f_NGROUP, ")."
end if
if (igroup3 > carma%f_NGROUP) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, '(a,i3,a,i3,a)') "CARMA_AddCoagulation:: ERROR - The specifed group (", &
igroup3, ") is larger than the number of groups (", carma%f_NGROUP, ")."
end if
! Indicate that the groups coagulate together.
carma%f_icoag(igroup1, igroup2) = igroup3
! If ck0 was specified, then we use a fixed coagulation rate of ck0.
if (present(ck0)) then
carma%f_ck0 = ck0
carma%f_icoagop = I_COAGOP_CONST
carma%f_icoagop = I_COAGOP_CALC
end if
! What collection technique is specified.
if (icollec > I_COLLEC_DATA) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, '(a,i3,a)') "CARMA_AddCoagulation:: ERROR - The specifed collection method (", &
icollec, ") is unknown."
end if
if (icollec == I_COLLEC_CONST) then
if (present(grav_e_coll0)) then
carma%f_grav_e_coll0 = grav_e_coll0
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddCoagulation:: ERROR - A constant gravitational collection was requests, but grav_e_coll0 was not provided."
end if
end if
carma%f_icollec = icollec
end subroutine CARMA_AddCoagulation
!! Add a growth process between the element (ielem) and gas (igas) specifed. The element
!! and gas should have already been defined using CARMA_AddElement() and CARMA_AddGas().
!! NOTE: Each element can only have one volatile component.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
!! @see CARMA_AddElement
!! @see CARMA_AddGas
subroutine CARMA_AddGrowth(carma, ielem, igas, rc)
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(in) :: ielem !! the element index
integer, intent(in) :: igas !! the gas index
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicates failure
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Make sure the element exists.
if (ielem > carma%f_NELEM) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddGrowth:: ERROR - The specifed element (", &
ielem, ") is larger than the number of elements (", carma%f_NELEM, ")."
end if
! Make sure there are enough gases allocated.
if (igas > carma%f_NGAS) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddGrowth:: ERROR - The specifed gas (", &
igas, ") is larger than the number of gases (", carma%f_NGAS, ")."
end if
! If not already defined, indicate that the element can grow with the specified gas.
if (carma%f_igrowgas(ielem) /= 0) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddGrowth:: ERROR - The specifed element (", &
ielem, ") already has gas (", carma%f_igrowgas(ielem), ") condensing on it."
carma%f_igrowgas(ielem) = igas
end if
end subroutine CARMA_AddGrowth
!! Add a nucleation process that nucleates one element (elemfrom) to another element (elemto)
!! using the specified gas (igas). The elements and gas should have already been defined
!! using CARMA_AddElement() and CARMA_AddGas(). The nucleation scheme is indicated by
!! inucproc, and can be one of:
!! There are multiple parameterizations for I_AERFREEZE, so when that is selected the
!! particular parameterization needs to be indicated by adding it to I_AERFREEZE. The
!! specific routines are:
!! - I_AF_TABAZADEH_2000
!! - I_AF_KOOP_2000
!! - I_AF_MOHLER_2010
!! - I_AF_MURRAY_2010
!! One or more of these routines may be selected, but in general one of the first
!! three should be selected and then it can optionally be combined with the glassy
!! aerosols (I_AF_MURRAY_2010).
!! Total evaporation transfers particle mass from the destination element back to the
!! element indicated by ievp2elem. This relationship is not automatically generated,
!! because multiple elements can nucleate to a particular element and therefore the
!! reverse mapping is not unique.
!! NOTE: The gas used for nucleation must be the same for all nucleation defined from
!! elements of the same group.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version Feb-2009
!! @see I_DROPACT
!! @see I_ICEMELT
!! @see I_HETNUC
!! @see I_HOMNUC
!! @see I_AF_TABAZADEH_2000
!! @see I_AF_KOOP_2000
!! @see I_AF_MOHLER_2010
!! @see I_AF_MURRAY_2010
!! @see CARMA_AddElement
!! @see CARMA_AddGas
subroutine CARMA_AddNucleation(carma, ielemfrom, ielemto, inucproc, &
rlh_nuc, rc, igas, ievp2elem)
use carmaelement_mod, only : CARMAELEMENT_Get
type(carma_type), intent(inout) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(in) :: ielemfrom !! the source element
integer, intent(in) :: ielemto !! the destination element
integer, intent(in) :: inucproc !! the nucleation process [I_DROPACT | I_AERFREEZE | I_ICEMELT | I_HETNUC | I_HOMNUC]
real(kind=f), intent(in) :: rlh_nuc !! the latent heat of nucleation [cm2/s2]
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicated failure
integer, optional, intent(in) :: igas !! the gas
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ievp2elem !! the element created upon evaporation
integer :: igroup !! group for source element
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
! Make sure the elements exist.
if (ielemfrom > carma%f_NELEM) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddNucleation:: ERROR - The specifed element (", &
ielemfrom, ") is larger than the number of elements (", carma%f_NELEM, ")."
end if
if (ielemto > carma%f_NELEM) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddNucleation:: ERROR - The specifed element (", &
ielemto, ") is larger than the number of elements (", carma%f_NELEM, ")."
end if
if (present(ievp2elem)) then
if (ievp2elem > carma%f_NELEM) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddNucleation:: ERROR - The specifed element (", &
ievp2elem, ") is larger than the number of elements (", carma%f_NELEM, ")."
end if
end if
! Make sure there are enough gases allocated.
if (present(igas)) then
if (igas > carma%f_NGAS) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddNucleation:: ERROR - The specifed gas (", &
igas, ") is larger than the number of gases (", carma%f_NGAS, ")."
end if
end if
! If aerosol freezing is selected, but no I_AF_xxx sub-method is selected, then indicate an error.
if (inucproc == I_AERFREEZE) then
if (carma%f_do_print) write(carma%f_LUNOPRT, *) "CARMA_AddNucleation:: ERROR - I_AERFREEZE was specified without an I_AF_xxx value."
end if
! Array maps a particle group to its associated gas for nucleation:
! Nucleation from group is associated with gas
! Set to zero if particles are not subject to nucleation.
if (present(igas)) then
call CARMAELEMENT_Get(carma, ielemfrom, rc, igroup=igroup)
if (rc >= RC_OK) then
carma%f_inucgas(igroup) = igas
end if
end if
! Nucleation transfers particle mass from element to element
! , where ranges from 0 to the number of elements
! nucleating from .
! carma%f_nnucelem(ielemto) = carma%f_nnucelem(ielemto) + 1
! carma%f_inucelem(carma%f_nnucelem(ielemto), ielemto) = ielemfrom
carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielemfrom) = carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielemfrom) + 1
carma%f_inuc2elem(carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielemfrom), ielemfrom) = ielemto
! carma%f_if_nuc(ielemfrom,carma%f_inuc2elem(carma%f_nnuc2elem(ielemfrom), ielemfrom)) = .true.
! specifies what nucleation process nucleates
! particles from element to element :
! I_DROPACT: Aerosol activation to droplets
! I_AERFREEZE: Aerosol homogeneous freezing
! I_DROPFREEZE: Droplet homogeneous freezing
! I_GLFREEZE: Glassy Aerosol heteroogeneous freezing
! I_GLAERFREEZE: Glassy & Aerosol freezing
carma%f_inucproc(ielemfrom, ielemto) = inucproc
! Total evaporation mapping: total evaporation transfers particle mass from
! element to element .
! NOTE: This array is not automatically derived from because multiple
! elements can nucleate to a particular element (reverse mapping is not
! unique).
if (present(ievp2elem)) carma%f_ievp2elem(ielemto) = ievp2elem
! is the latent heat released by nucleation
! from element to element [cm^2/s^2].
carma%f_rlh_nuc(ielemfrom,ielemto) = rlh_nuc
end subroutine
! Query, Control and State I/O
!! Gets the information about the carma object.
!! @author Chuck Bardeen
!! @version May-2009
!! @see CARMA_Create
subroutine CARMA_Get(carma, rc, LUNOPRT, NBIN, NELEM, NGAS, NGROUP, NSOLUTE, NWAVE, do_detrain, &
do_drydep, do_fixedinit, do_grow, do_print, do_print_init, do_thermo, wave, dwave, do_wave_emit)
type(carma_type), intent(in) :: carma !! the carma object
integer, intent(out) :: rc !! return code, negative indicates failure
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NBIN !! number of radius bins per group
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NELEM !! total number of elements
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NGROUP !! total number of groups
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NSOLUTE !! total number of solutes
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NGAS !! total number of gases
integer, optional, intent(out) :: NWAVE !! number of wavelengths
integer, optional, intent(out) :: LUNOPRT !! logical unit number for output
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_detrain !! do detrainement?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_drydep !! do dry deposition?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_fixedinit !! do initialization from reference atm?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_grow !! do condensational growth?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_print !! do print output?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_print_init !! do print initialization output?
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_thermo !! do thermodynamics?
real(kind=f), optional, intent(out) :: wave(carma%f_NWAVE) !! the wavelengths centers (cm)
real(kind=f), optional, intent(out) :: dwave(carma%f_NWAVE) !! the wavelengths widths (cm)
logical, optional, intent(out) :: do_wave_emit(carma%f_NWAVE) !! do emission in this band?
! Assume success.
rc = RC_OK
if (present(LUNOPRT)) LUNOPRT = carma%f_LUNOPRT
if (present(NBIN)) NBIN = carma%f_NBIN
if (present(NELEM)) NELEM = carma%f_NELEM
if (present(NGAS)) NGAS = carma%f_NGAS
if (present(NGROUP)) NGROUP = carma%f_NGROUP
if (present(NSOLUTE)) NSOLUTE = carma%f_NSOLUTE
if (present(NWAVE)) NWAVE = carma%f_NWAVE
if (present(do_detrain)) do_detrain = carma%f_do_detrain
if (present(do_drydep)) do_drydep = carma%f_do_drydep
if (present(do_grow)) do_grow = carma%f_do_grow
if (present(do_fixedinit)) do_fixedinit = carma%f_do_fixedinit
if (present(do_print)) do_print = carma%f_do_print
if (present(do_print_init)) do_print_init = carma%f_do_print_init
if (present(do_thermo)) do_thermo = carma%f_do_thermo
if (present(wave)) wave(:) = carma%f_wave(:)
if (present(dwave)) dwave(:) = carma%f_dwave(:)
if (present(do_wave_emit)) do_wave_emit(:) = carma%f_do_wave_emit(:)
end subroutine CARMA_Get
end module