subroutine tfilt_massfix (ztodt ,lat ,u3m1 ,v3m1 ,t3m1 , & q3 ,q3m1 ,ps ,cwava ,alpha , & etamid ,qfcst ,div ,phis ,omga , & dpsl ,dpsm ,nlon ,um1 ,vm1 , & tm1 ,qm1 ,psm1 ,beta ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Atmosphere and constituent mass fixer ! ! Author: J. Olson ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use pmgrid use pspect use commap use cam_history, only: outfld use constituents, only: pcnst, qmin, cnst_cam_outfld, & tottnam, tendnam, cnst_get_type_byind, fixcnam use physconst, only: cpair, gravit use sld_control_mod, only : fixmas,eps implicit none ! !------------------------------Arguments-------------------------------- ! real(r8), intent(in) :: ztodt ! timestep integer , intent(in) :: lat ! latitude index real(r8), intent(in) :: u3m1 (plon,plev) ! u (n+1) real(r8), intent(in) :: v3m1 (plon,plev) ! v (n+1) real(r8), intent(inout):: t3m1 (plon,plev) ! T (n+1) real(r8), intent(inout):: q3 (plon,plev,pcnst) ! q + consts (time level n, after physics) real(r8), intent(inout):: q3m1 (plon,plev,pcnst) ! q + consts (time level n+1) real(r8), intent(inout):: ps (plon) ! Ps (n+1) real(r8), intent(in) :: cwava ! weight for global integrals real(r8), intent(in) :: alpha (pcnst) ! slt fixer coefficient real(r8), intent(in) :: etamid(plev) ! vertical coords at midpoints real(r8), intent(in) :: qfcst (plon,plev,pcnst) ! slt moisture forecast real(r8), intent(in) :: div (plon,plev) ! divergence real(r8), intent(in) :: phis (plon) ! Geopotential field real(r8), intent(out) :: omga (plon,plev) ! vertical motion real(r8), intent(in) :: dpsl (plon) ! long comp of grad ln(ps) real(r8), intent(in) :: dpsm (plon) ! lat comp of grad ln(ps) integer , intent(in) :: nlon ! number of longitudes real(r8), intent(in) :: um1 (plon,plev) ! u (n) real(r8), intent(in) :: vm1 (plon,plev) ! v (n) real(r8), intent(in) :: tm1 (plon,plev) ! temperature (n) real(r8), intent(inout):: qm1 (plon,plev,pcnst) ! q + consts input: time level n, saved from last timestep; ! used to compute total tendency) ! output: time level n+1; saved for next time real(r8), intent(in) :: psm1 (plon) ! Ps (n) real(r8), intent(in) :: beta ! energy fixer coefficient ! !---------------------------Local workspace----------------------------- ! integer ifcnt ! Counter real(r8) tfix (plon) ! T correction real(r8) engycorr(plon,plev) ! energy equivalent to T correction real(r8) rpmid (plon,plev) ! 1./pmid real(r8) pdel (plon,plev) ! pdel(k) = pint (k+1)-pint (k) real(r8) pint (plon,plevp) ! pressure at model interfaces (n ) real(r8) pmid (plon,plev) ! pressure at model levels (time n) real(r8) utend (plon,plev) ! du/dt real(r8) vtend (plon,plev) ! dv/dt real(r8) ttend (plon,plev) ! dT/dt real(r8) qtend (plon,plev,pcnst) ! dq/dt real(r8) pstend(plon) ! d(ps)/dt real(r8) psl (plon) ! sea level pressure real(r8) corm ! fixer limit real(r8) wm ! accumulator real(r8) absf ! absolute value of fixer real(r8) worst ! largest fixer contribution at each model level logical lfixlim ! flag to turn on fixer limiter real(r8) ta (plon,plev,pcnst) ! total advection of constituents real(r8) dqfx3 (plon,plev,pcnst) ! q tendency due to mass adjustment real(r8) coslat ! cosine(latitude) real(r8) rcoslat(plon) ! 1./cosine(latitude) integer i, k, m ! indices ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- coslat = cos(clat(lat)) do i=1,nlon rcoslat(i) = 1._r8/coslat enddo lfixlim = .true. ! ! Set average dry mass to specified constant preserving horizontal ! gradients of ln(ps). Proportionality factor was calculated in STEPON ! for nstep=0 or SCAN2 otherwise from integrals calculated in INIDAT ! and SCAN2 respectively. ! Set p*. ! do i=1,nlon ps(i) = ps(i)*fixmas end do ! ! Set current time pressure arrays for model levels etc. ! call plevs0(nlon ,plon ,plev ,ps ,pint ,pmid ,pdel) ! rpmid(:nlon,:plev) = 1._r8/pmid(:nlon,:plev) ! ! Add temperature correction for energy conservation ! do k=1,plev do i=1,nlon engycorr(i,k) = (cpair/gravit)*beta*pdel(i,k)/ztodt t3m1 (i,k) = t3m1(i,k) + beta end do end do tfix(:nlon) = beta/ztodt ! ! Output Energy correction term ! call outfld ('ENGYCORR',engycorr ,plon ,lat ) call outfld ('TFIX ',tfix ,plon ,lat ) ! ! Compute q tendency due to mass adjustment ! If LFIXLIM = .T., then: ! Check to see if fixer is exceeding a desired fractional limit of the ! constituent mixing ratio ("corm"). If so, then limit the fixer to ! that specified limit. ! do m=1,pcnst if (cnst_get_type_byind(m).eq.'dry' ) then corm = 1.e36_r8 else corm = 0.1_r8 end if do k=1,plev do i=1,nlon dqfx3(i,k,m) = alpha(m)*etamid(k)*abs(qfcst(i,k,m) - q3(i,k,m)) end do if (lfixlim) then ifcnt = 0 worst = 0._r8 wm = 0._r8 do i = 1,nlon absf = abs(dqfx3(i,k,m)) if ( then ifcnt = ifcnt + 1 worst = max(absf,worst) wm = wm + absf dqfx3(i,k,m) = sign(corm,dqfx3(i,k,m)) endif end do if ( then wm = wm/real(ifcnt,r8) ! TBH: Commented out as of CAM CRB meeting on 6/20/03 ! write(iulog,1000) m,corm,ifcnt,k,lat,wm,worst endif endif do i=1,nlon dqfx3(i,k,m) = qfcst(i,k,m)*dqfx3(i,k,m)/ztodt q3m1(i,k,m) = qfcst(i,k,m) + ztodt*dqfx3(i,k,m) ta(i,k,m) = (q3m1(i,k,m) - q3(i,k,m))/ztodt end do end do end do ! ! stuff current water vapor into unused field so we can use it for ! fixer next time step- This is required for dry mixing ratio conservation ! q3(:nlon,:,1) = q3m1(:nlon,:,1) ! ! Check for and correct invalid constituents ! call qneg3('TFILT_MASSFIX',lat ,nlon ,plon ,plev , & 1, pcnst, qmin ,q3m1 ) ! ! Send slt tendencies to the history tape ! do m=1,pcnst if ( cnst_cam_outfld(m) ) then call outfld(tottnam(m),ta(1,1,m) ,plon ,lat ) end if end do ! ! Calculate vertical motion field ! call omcalc(rcoslat ,div ,u3m1 ,v3m1 ,dpsl , & dpsm ,pmid ,pdel ,rpmid ,pint(1,plevp), & omga ,nlon ) call plevs0(nlon ,plon ,plev ,ps ,pint ,pmid ,pdel) ! ! Compute time tendencies ! do k=1,plev do i=1,nlon ttend(i,k) = (t3m1(i,k)-tm1(i,k))/ztodt utend(i,k) = (u3m1(i,k)-um1(i,k))/ztodt vtend(i,k) = (v3m1(i,k)-vm1(i,k))/ztodt end do end do do m=1,pcnst do k=1,plev do i=1,nlon qtend(i,k,m) = (q3m1(i,k,m) - qm1(i,k,m))/ztodt qm1 (i,k,m) = q3m1(i,k,m) end do end do end do do i=1,nlon pstend(i) = (ps(i) - psm1(i))/ztodt end do do m=1,pcnst if ( cnst_cam_outfld(m) ) then call outfld (tendnam(m),qtend(1,1,m),plon,lat) call outfld (fixcnam(m),dqfx3(1,1,m),plon,lat) end if end do call outfld('UTEND ',utend ,plon ,lat ) call outfld('VTEND ',vtend ,plon ,lat ) call outfld('TTEND ',ttend ,plon ,lat ) call outfld('LPSTEN ',pstend ,plon ,lat ) call plevs0(nlon ,plon ,plev ,ps ,pint ,pmid ,pdel) return 1000 format(' TIMEFILTER: WARNING: fixer for tracer ',i3,' exceeded ', & f8.5,' for ',i5,' points at k,lat = ',2i4,' Avg/Worst = ',1p2e10.2) end subroutine tfilt_massfix