subroutine hdinti(rearth, deltat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Time independent initialization for the horizontal diffusion. ! ! Author: D. Williamson ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id$ ! $Author$ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8 use pmgrid use pspect use sld_control_mod implicit none !------------------------------Arguments-------------------------------- ! real(r8), intent(in) :: rearth ! radius of the earth real(r8), intent(in) :: deltat ! time step ! !---------------------------Local workspace----------------------------- ! integer k ! level index integer(i8) n ! n-wavenumber index ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Top level for del**4 diffusion, set for 18-level model ! kmnhd4 = 5 ! ! Bottom level for increased del**2 diffusion (kmxhd2 < kmnhd4) ! kmxhd2 = 3 ! ! Initialize physical constants for courant number based spect truncation ! nmaxhd = ptrk cnlim = 0.999_r8 ! maximum allowable Courant number cnfac = deltat*real(nmaxhd,r8)/rearth ! ! Initialize arrays used for courant number based spectral truncation ! do k=1,plev nindex(k) = 2*nmaxhd end do ! ! Set the Del^2 and Del^4 diffusion coefficients for each wavenumber ! hdfst2(1) = 0._r8 hdfsd2(1) = 0._r8 ! hdfst4(1) = 0._r8 hdfsd4(1) = 0._r8 do n=2,pnmax hdfst2(n) = dif2 * (n*(n-1) ) / rearth**2 hdfsd2(n) = dif2 * (n*(n-1)-2) / rearth**2 hdfst4(n) = dif4 * (n*(n-1)*n*(n-1) ) / rearth**4 hdfsd4(n) = dif4 * (n*(n-1)*n*(n-1)-4) / rearth**4 end do ! return end subroutine hdinti