module runtime_opts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: This module is responsible for reading CAM namelist cam_inparm ! and broadcasting namelist values if needed. ! ! Author: ! Original routines: CMS ! Module: T. Henderson, September 2003 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !- use statements ------------------------------------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, SHR_KIND_CL use spmd_utils, only: masterproc use namelist_utils, only: find_group_name use pmgrid, only: plat, plev, plon use cam_instance, only: inst_suffix use cam_history use cam_control_mod use cam_diagnostics, only: inithist_all use cam_logfile, only: iulog use pspect use units use constituents, only: pcnst, readtrace use tracers, only: tracers_flag use time_manager, only: dtime use filenames, only: ncdata, bnd_topo, & absems_data, & caseid, & brnch_retain_casename use dycore, only: dycore_is use abortutils, only: endrun use rayleigh_friction, only: rayk0, raykrange, raytau0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !- module boilerplate -------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private save !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Public interfaces ---------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- public read_namelist ! Set and/or get all runtime options !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Private data --------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=SHR_KIND_CL), private :: nlfilename = 'atm_in' ! Namelist filename !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! SOMEWHAT ALPHABETICAL listing of variables in the cam_inparm namelist: ! ! variable description ! -------- ----------------- ! ! bnd_topo Path and filename of topography dataset ! ! absems_data Dataset with absorption and emissivity factors. ! ! dtime = nnnn, Model time step in seconds. Default is dycore dependent. ! ! fincl1 = 'field1', 'field2',... ! List of fields to add to the primary history file. ! fincl1lonlat = 'longitude by latitude','longitude by latitude',... ! List of columns ('longitude_latitude') or contiguous ! columns ('longitude:longitude_latitude:latitude') at ! which the fincl1 fields will be output. Individual ! columns are specified as a string using a longitude ! degree (greater or equal to 0.) followed by a single ! character (e)ast/(w)est identifer, an ! underscore '_' , and a latitude degree followed by a ! single character (n)orth/(s)outh identifier. ! example '10e_20n' would pick the model column closest ! to 10 degrees east longitude by 20 degrees north ! latitude. A group of contiguous columns can be ! specified by using lon lat ranges with their single ! character east/west or north/south identifiers ! example '10e:20e_15n:20n'. Would outfield all ! fincl1 fields at the model columns which fall ! with in the longitude range from 10 east to 20 east ! and the latitude range from 15 north to 20 north ! ! fincl[2..6] = 'field1', 'field2',... ! List of fields to add to the auxiliary history file. ! ! fincl2..6]lonlat = 'longitude by latitude','longitude by latitude',... ! List of columns ('longitude_latitude') or contiguous ! columns ('longitude:longitude_latitude:latitude') at ! which the fincl[2..6] fields will be output. Individual ! columns are specified as a string using a longitude ! degree (greater or equal to 0.) followed by a single ! character (e)ast/(w)est identifer, an ! underscore '_' , and a latitude degree followed by a ! singel character (n)orth/(s)outh identifier. ! example '10e_20n' would pick the model column closest ! to 10 degrees east longitude by 20 degrees north ! latitude. A group of contiguous columns can be ! specified by using lon lat ranges with their single ! character east/west or north/south identifiers ! example '10e:20e_15n:20n'. Would outfield all ! fincl[2..6] fields at the model columns which fall ! with in the longitude range from 10 east to 20 east ! and the latitude range from 15 north to 20 north ! ! fexcl1 = 'field1','field2',... ! List of field names to exclude from default ! primary history file (default fields on the ! Master Field List). ! ! fexcl[2..6] = 'field1','field2',... ! List of field names to exclude from ! auxiliary history files. ! ! lcltod_start = nn,nn,nn,... ! Array containing the starting time of day for local time history ! averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_stop. If lcltod_stop ! is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around ! 24 hours. The start time is included in the interval. Time is ! in seconds and defaults to 39600 (11:00 AM). ! The first value applies to the primary hist. file, ! the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. ! ! lcltod_stop = nn,nn,nn,... ! Array containing the stopping time of day for local time history ! averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_start. If lcltod_stop ! is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around ! 24 hours. The stop time is not included in the interval. Time is ! in seconds and defaults to 0 (midnight). ! The first value applies to the primary hist. file, ! the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. ! ! lcltod_start = nn,nn,nn,... ! Array containing the starting time of day for local time history ! averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_stop. If lcltod_stop ! is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around ! 24 hours. The start time is included in the interval. Time is ! in seconds and defaults to 39600 (11:00 AM). ! The first value applies to the primary hist. file, ! the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. ! ! lcltod_stop = nn,nn,nn,... ! Array containing the stopping time of day for local time history ! averaging. Used in conjuction with lcltod_start. If lcltod_stop ! is less than lcltod_start, then the time range wraps around ! 24 hours. The stop time is not included in the interval. Time is ! in seconds and defaults to 0 (midnight). ! The first value applies to the primary hist. file, ! the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. ! ! mfilt = nn,nn,nn Array containing the maximum number of time ! samples per disk history file. Defaults to 5. ! The first value applies to the primary hist. file, ! the second to the first aux. hist. file, etc. ! ! ncdata Path and filename of initial condition dataset. ! ! nhtfrq = nn,nn,nn,.. Output history frequency for each tape ! ! If = 0 : monthly average ! If > 0 : output every nhtfrq time steps. ! If < 0 : output every abs(nhtfrq) hours. ! ! nlvdry = nn, Number of layers over which to do dry ! adjustment. Defaults to 3. ! ! cam_branch_file Filepath of restart file to branch from (nsrest=3) ! Full pathname required. character(len=256) :: cam_branch_file = ' ' ! ! use_64bit_nc True if new 64-bit netCDF formit, false otherwise (default false) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! The following 3 are specific to Rayleigh friction ! integer rayk0 vertical level at which rayleigh friction term is centered ! real(r8) raykrange range of rayleigh friction profile; if 0, range is set automatically ! real(r8) raytau0 approximate value of decay time at model top (days); ! if 0., no rayleigh friction is applied !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! hfilename_spec Flexible filename specifier for history files ! ! ! pertlim = n.n Max size of perturbation to apply to initial ! temperature field. ! ! phys_alltoall Dynamics/physics transpose option. See phys_grid module. ! integer :: phys_alltoall ! ! phys_loadbalance Load balance option for performance tuning of ! physics chunks. See phys_grid module. integer :: phys_loadbalance ! ! phys_twin_algorithm Load balance option for performance tuning of ! physics chunks. See phys_grid module. integer :: phys_twin_algorithm ! ! phys_chnk_per_thd Performance tuning option for physics chunks. See ! phys_grid module. integer :: phys_chnk_per_thd ! ! repro_sum_use_ddpdd Flag indicating that the double-double summation ! algorithm should be used instead of the repro ! fixed precision algorithm logical :: repro_sum_use_ddpdd ! ! repro_sum_rel_diff_max Maximum permissible relative difference between ! repro and nonrepro scalable algorithms. ! See repro_sum_mod module. real(r8) :: repro_sum_rel_diff_max ! ! repro_sum_recompute Flag indicating that an alternative, serial, algorithm ! should be used when the relative difference between ! the repro and nonrepro scalable algorithms exceeds ! the tolerance specified by repro_sum_rel_diff_max. ! See repro_sum_mod module. logical :: repro_sum_recompute ! ! tracers_flag = .F. If true, implement tracer test code. Number of tracers determined ! in tracers_suite.F90 must agree with PCNST ! ! readtrace = .T. If true, tracer initial conditions obtained from ! initial file. ! ! inithist Generate initial dataset as auxillary history file ! can be set to '6-HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY' or 'NONE'. ! default: 'YEARLY' ! ! empty_htapes true => no fields by default on history tapes ! ! print_step_cost true => print per timestep cost info ! ! avgflag_pertape A, I, X, or M means avg, instantaneous, max or min for all fields on ! that tape ! ! ! logical indirect ! ! true => include indirect radiative effects of ! ! sulfate aerosols. Default is false. ! ! inithist_all .false.: include only REQUIRED fields on IC file ! .true. : include required AND optional fields on IC file ! default: .false. ! ! met_data_file name of file that contains the offline meteorology data ! met_data_path name of directory that contains the offline meteorology data ! ! met_filenames_list name of file that contains names of the offline ! meteorology data files ! ! met_remove_file true => the offline meteorology file will be removed ! ! met_cell_wall_winds true => the offline meteorology winds are defined on the model ! grid cell walls ! Physics buffer logical :: pbuf_global_allocate ! allocate all buffers as global (default: .true.) ! Conservation checks logical :: print_energy_errors ! switch for diagnostic output from check_energy module ! Radiative heating rate calculation options integer :: iradsw ! freq. of shortwave radiation calc in time steps (positive) ! or hours (negative). Default: -1 integer :: iradlw ! frequency of longwave rad. calc. in time steps (positive) ! or hours (negative). Default: -1 integer :: iradae ! frequency of absorp/emis calc in time steps (positive) ! or hours (negative). Default: -12 integer :: irad_always ! Specifies length of time in timesteps (positive) ! or hours (negative) SW/LW radiation will be run continuously ! from the start of an initial run. Default: 0 logical :: spectralflux ! calculate fluxes (up and down) per band. Default: FALSE #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) ! iondrag / efield character(len=256) :: efield_lflux_file character(len=256) :: efield_hflux_file character(len=256) :: efield_wei96_file ! waccm qbo data variables character(len=256) :: qbo_forcing_file logical :: qbo_use_forcing logical :: qbo_cyclic #endif ! Upper atmosphere radiative processes (waccm phys) logical :: nlte_use_mo ! Determines which constituents are used from NLTE calculations ! = .true. uses MOZART constituents ! = .false. uses constituents from bnd dataset cftgcm ! SCM Options logical :: single_column real(r8) :: scmlat,scmlon integer, parameter :: max_chars = 128 character(len=max_chars) iopfile character(len=200) :: scm_clubb_iop_name logical :: scm_iop_srf_prop logical :: scm_relaxation logical :: scm_diurnal_avg logical :: scm_crm_mode contains !======================================================================= subroutine read_namelist(single_column_in, scmlon_in, scmlat_in, nlfilename_in ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Read data from namelist cam_inparm to define the run. Process some of the ! namelist variables to determine history and restart/branch file path ! names. Check input namelist variables for validity and print them ! to standard output. ! ! Method: ! Important Note for running on SUN systems: "implicit automatic (a-z)" ! will not work because namelist data must be static. ! ! Author: ! Original version: CCM1 ! Standardized: L. Bath, June 1992 ! T. Acker, March 1996 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Note that the following interfaces are prototypes proposed by Henderson ! and Eaton. They minimize coupling with other modules. Design of these ! interfaces should be refined via review by other CAM developers. ! Interface *_defaultopts() gets default values from the responsible ! module (Expert) prior to namelist read. ! Interface *_setopts() sends values to the responsible module (Expert) ! after namelist read. Erroneous values are handled by Experts. ! TBH 9/8/03 ! use phys_grid, only: phys_grid_defaultopts, phys_grid_setopts use repro_sum_mod, only: repro_sum_defaultopts, repro_sum_setopts #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) use iondrag, only: iondrag_defaultopts, iondrag_setopts use qbo, only: qbo_defaultopts, qbo_setopts use waccm_forcing, only: waccm_forcing_readnl #endif use chem_surfvals, only: chem_surfvals_readnl use check_energy, only: check_energy_defaultopts, check_energy_setopts use radiation, only: radiation_defaultopts, radiation_setopts, radiation_printopts use cam_restart, only: restart_defaultopts, restart_setopts, restart_printopts use radheat, only: radheat_defaultopts, radheat_setopts use carma_flags_mod, only: carma_readnl use co2_cycle, only: co2_cycle_readnl use shr_string_mod, only: shr_string_toUpper use scamMod, only: scam_setopts,scam_default_opts ! Some modules read their own namelist input. use spmd_utils, only: spmd_utils_readnl use physconst, only: physconst_readnl use phys_control, only: phys_ctl_readnl use ref_pres, only: ref_pres_readnl use cam3_aero_data, only: cam3_aero_data_readnl use cam3_ozone_data, only: cam3_ozone_data_readnl use macrop_driver, only: macrop_driver_readnl use microp_driver, only: microp_driver_readnl use microp_aero, only: microp_aero_readnl use cloud_fraction, only: cldfrc_readnl use cldwat, only: cldwat_readnl use zm_conv, only: zmconv_readnl use hk_conv, only: hkconv_readnl use uwshcu, only: uwshcu_readnl use pkg_cld_sediment, only: cld_sediment_readnl use gw_drag, only: gw_drag_readnl use phys_debug_util, only: phys_debug_readnl use rad_constituents, only: rad_cnst_readnl use radiation_data, only: rad_data_readnl use modal_aer_opt, only: modal_aer_opt_readnl use chemistry, only: chem_readnl use prescribed_volcaero, only: prescribed_volcaero_readnl use aerodep_flx, only: aerodep_flx_readnl use solar_data, only: solar_data_readnl use tropopause, only: tropopause_readnl use aoa_tracers, only: aoa_tracers_readnl use prescribed_ozone, only: prescribed_ozone_readnl use prescribed_aero, only: prescribed_aero_readnl use prescribed_ghg, only: prescribed_ghg_readnl use aircraft_emit, only: aircraft_emit_readnl use cospsimulator_intr, only: cospsimulator_intr_readnl use sat_hist, only: sat_hist_readnl use vertical_diffusion, only: vd_readnl use cam_history_support, only: fieldname_len, fieldname_lenp2 use cam_diagnostics, only: diag_readnl #if ( defined OFFLINE_DYN ) use metdata, only: metdata_readnl #endif !---------------------------Arguments----------------------------------- logical , intent(in), optional :: single_column_in real(r8), intent(in), optional :: scmlon_in real(r8), intent(in), optional :: scmlat_in character(len=*) , optional :: nlfilename_in !----------------------------------------------------------------------- include '' !---------------------------Local variables----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "read_namelist" ! character ctemp*8 ! Temporary character strings integer ntspdy ! number of timesteps per day integer t ! history tape index integer lastchar ! index to last char of a char variable integer ierr ! error code integer unitn ! namelist unit number integer f, i integer, parameter :: max_chars = 128 character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl1(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl2(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl3(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl4(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl5(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fincl6(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl1lonlat(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl2lonlat(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl3lonlat(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl4lonlat(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl5lonlat(pflds) character(len=max_chars) fincl6lonlat(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl1(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl2(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl3(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl4(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl5(pflds) character(len=fieldname_len) fexcl6(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr1(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr2(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr3(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr4(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr5(pflds) character(len=fieldname_lenp2) fwrtpr6(pflds) ! ! Define the cam_inparm namelist ! ***NOTE*** If a namelist option is not described in the CAM Users Guide, ! it is not supported. namelist /cam_inparm/ ncdata, bnd_topo, & cam_branch_file ,ndens ,nhtfrq , & mfilt ,absems_data, & lcltod_start, lcltod_stop, & fincl1 ,fincl2 ,fincl3 ,fincl4 ,fincl5 , & fincl1lonlat,fincl2lonlat,fincl3lonlat, & fincl4lonlat ,fincl5lonlat , & collect_column_output, & fincl6 ,fexcl1 ,fexcl2 ,fexcl3 ,fexcl4 , & fexcl5 ,fexcl6 ,hfilename_spec, & fwrtpr1 ,fwrtpr2 ,fwrtpr3, fwrtpr4 ,fwrtpr5 ,fwrtpr6 , & dtime, & nlvdry, & pertlim ,& readtrace, rayk0, raykrange, raytau0, & tracers_flag, & inithist, indirect, & empty_htapes, use_64bit_nc, & print_step_cost, avgflag_pertape, & phys_alltoall, phys_loadbalance, phys_twin_algorithm, & phys_chnk_per_thd, & repro_sum_use_ddpdd, repro_sum_rel_diff_max, repro_sum_recompute, & inithist_all ! physics buffer namelist /cam_inparm/ pbuf_global_allocate ! conservation checks namelist /cam_inparm/ print_energy_errors ! radiative heating calculation options namelist /cam_inparm/ iradsw, iradlw, iradae, irad_always, spectralflux #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) ! iondrag / efield options namelist /cam_inparm/ efield_lflux_file, efield_hflux_file, efield_wei96_file ! waccm qbo namelist variables namelist /cam_inparm/ qbo_use_forcing, qbo_forcing_file, qbo_cyclic #endif ! upper atmosphere radiative processes namelist /cam_inparm/ nlte_use_mo ! scam namelist /cam_inparm/ iopfile,scm_iop_srf_prop,scm_relaxation, & scm_diurnal_avg,scm_crm_mode, scm_clubb_iop_name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(nlfilename_in)) then nlfilename = nlfilename_in end if ! ! Determine preset values (this is currently being phased out) ! call preset () ! ! Preset sulfate aerosol related variables indirect = .false. ! restart write interval call restart_defaultopts( & cam_branch_file_out =cam_branch_file ) ! Get default values of runtime options for physics chunking. call phys_grid_defaultopts( & phys_loadbalance_out =phys_loadbalance, & phys_twin_algorithm_out =phys_twin_algorithm, & phys_alltoall_out =phys_alltoall, & phys_chnk_per_thd_out =phys_chnk_per_thd ) ! Get default values of runtime options for reproducible sum ! calculations. call repro_sum_defaultopts( & repro_sum_use_ddpdd_out=repro_sum_use_ddpdd, & repro_sum_rel_diff_max_out=repro_sum_rel_diff_max, & repro_sum_recompute_out=repro_sum_recompute ) ! conservation call check_energy_defaultopts( & print_energy_errors_out = print_energy_errors ) ! radiative heating calcs call radiation_defaultopts( & iradsw_out = iradsw, & iradlw_out = iradlw, & iradae_out = iradae, & irad_always_out = irad_always, & spectralflux_out = spectralflux ) #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) ! iondrag / efield call iondrag_defaultopts( & efield_lflux_file_out =efield_lflux_file, & efield_hflux_file_out =efield_hflux_file, & efield_wei96_file_out =efield_wei96_file ) ! qbo forcing call qbo_defaultopts( & qbo_use_forcing_out = qbo_use_forcing, & qbo_forcing_file_out = qbo_forcing_file,& qbo_cyclic_out = qbo_cyclic ) #endif ! Upper atmosphere radiative processes call radheat_defaultopts( nlte_use_mo_out =nlte_use_mo ) if (present(single_column_in)) then call scam_default_opts(scmlat_out=scmlat,scmlon_out=scmlon, & single_column_out=single_column, & scm_iop_srf_prop_out=scm_iop_srf_prop,& scm_relaxation_out=scm_relaxation, & scm_diurnal_avg_out=scm_diurnal_avg, & scm_crm_mode_out=scm_crm_mode, & scm_clubb_iop_name_out=scm_clubb_iop_name) end if do f = 1, pflds fincl1(f) = ' ' fincl2(f) = ' ' fincl3(f) = ' ' fincl4(f) = ' ' fincl5(f) = ' ' fincl6(f) = ' ' fincl1lonlat(f) = ' ' fincl2lonlat(f) = ' ' fincl3lonlat(f) = ' ' fincl4lonlat(f) = ' ' fincl5lonlat(f) = ' ' fincl6lonlat(f) = ' ' fexcl1(f) = ' ' fexcl2(f) = ' ' fexcl3(f) = ' ' fexcl4(f) = ' ' fexcl5(f) = ' ' fexcl6(f) = ' ' fwrtpr1(f) = ' ' fwrtpr2(f) = ' ' fwrtpr3(f) = ' ' fwrtpr4(f) = ' ' fwrtpr5(f) = ' ' fwrtpr6(f) = ' ' enddo ! Read in the cam_inparm namelist from input filename if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'Read in cam_inparm namelist from: ', trim(nlfilename) unitn = getunit() open( unitn, file=trim(nlfilename), status='old' ) ! Look for cam_inparm group name in the input file. If found, leave the ! file positioned at that namelist group. call find_group_name(unitn, 'cam_inparm', status=ierr) if (ierr == 0) then ! found cam_inparm read(unitn, cam_inparm, iostat=ierr) ! read the cam_inparm namelist group if (ierr /= 0) then call endrun( subname//':: namelist read returns an'// & ' error condition for cam_inparm' ) end if else call endrun(subname // ':: can''t find cam_inparm in file ' // trim(nlfilename)) end if close( unitn ) call freeunit( unitn ) ! ! Check CASE namelist variable ! if (caseid==' ') then call endrun ('READ_NAMELIST: Namelist variable CASEID must be set') end if lastchar = len(caseid) if (caseid(lastchar:lastchar) /= ' ') then write(iulog,*)'READ_NAMELIST: CASEID must not exceed ', len(caseid)-1, ' characters' call endrun end if do f=1, pflds fincl(f, 1) = fincl1(f) fincl(f, 2) = fincl2(f) fincl(f, 3) = fincl3(f) fincl(f, 4) = fincl4(f) fincl(f, 5) = fincl5(f) fincl(f, 6) = fincl6(f) fincllonlat(f, 1) = fincl1lonlat(f) fincllonlat(f, 2) = fincl2lonlat(f) fincllonlat(f, 3) = fincl3lonlat(f) fincllonlat(f, 4) = fincl4lonlat(f) fincllonlat(f, 5) = fincl5lonlat(f) fincllonlat(f, 6) = fincl6lonlat(f) if(dycore_is('UNSTRUCTURED') ) then do i=1,6 if (fincllonlat(f,i) .ne. ' ') then call endrun('READ_NAMELIST: Column output is not supported in Unstructered Grids') end if end do end if fexcl(f, 1) = fexcl1(f) fexcl(f, 2) = fexcl2(f) fexcl(f, 3) = fexcl3(f) fexcl(f, 4) = fexcl4(f) fexcl(f, 5) = fexcl5(f) fexcl(f, 6) = fexcl6(f) fwrtpr(f, 1) = fwrtpr1(f) fwrtpr(f, 2) = fwrtpr2(f) fwrtpr(f, 3) = fwrtpr3(f) fwrtpr(f, 4) = fwrtpr4(f) fwrtpr(f, 5) = fwrtpr5(f) fwrtpr(f, 6) = fwrtpr6(f) enddo end if ! ! Scatter namelist data to all processes #if ( defined SPMD ) call distnl ( ) #endif ! ! Auxiliary history files: ! Store input auxf values in array aux (from common block /comhst/). ! ! If generate an initial conditions history file as an auxillary tape: ! ctemp = shr_string_toUpper(inithist) inithist = trim(ctemp) if (inithist /= '6-HOURLY' .and. inithist /= 'DAILY' .and. & inithist /= 'MONTHLY' .and. inithist /= 'YEARLY' .and. & inithist /= 'CAMIOP' .and. inithist /= 'ENDOFRUN') then inithist = 'NONE' endif ! ! History file write up times ! Convert write freq. of hist files from hours to timesteps if necessary. ! do t=1,ptapes if (nhtfrq(t) < 0) then nhtfrq(t) = nint((-nhtfrq(t)*3600._r8)/dtime) end if end do ! ! Initialize the filename specifier if not already set ! This is the format for the history filenames: ! %c= caseid, %t=tape no., %y=year, %m=month, %d=day, %s=second, %%=% ! See the filenames module for more information ! do t = 1, ptapes if ( len_trim(hfilename_spec(t)) == 0 )then if ( nhtfrq(t) == 0 )then hfilename_spec(t) = '' // trim(inst_suffix) // '' ! Monthly files else hfilename_spec(t) = '' // trim(inst_suffix) // '' end if end if ! ! Only one time sample allowed per monthly average file ! if (nhtfrq(t) == 0) mfilt(t) = 1 end do ! Print per-tape averaging flags if (masterproc) then do t=1,ptapes if (avgflag_pertape(t) /= ' ') then write(iulog,*)'Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL),' write(iulog,*)'All fields on history file ',t,' will have averaging flag ',avgflag_pertape(t) end if end do end if ! restart write interval call restart_setopts( nsrest, & cam_branch_file_in =cam_branch_file ) ! Set runtime options for physics chunking. call phys_grid_setopts( & phys_loadbalance_in =phys_loadbalance, & phys_twin_algorithm_in =phys_twin_algorithm, & phys_alltoall_in =phys_alltoall, & phys_chnk_per_thd_in =phys_chnk_per_thd ) ! Set runtime options for reproducible sum calculations. call repro_sum_setopts( & repro_sum_use_ddpdd_in=repro_sum_use_ddpdd, & repro_sum_rel_diff_max_in=repro_sum_rel_diff_max, & repro_sum_recompute_in=repro_sum_recompute, & repro_sum_master=masterproc, & repro_sum_logunit=iulog ) ! conservation call check_energy_setopts( & print_energy_errors_in = print_energy_errors ) call radiation_setopts( dtime, nhtfrq(1), & iradsw_in = iradsw, & iradlw_in = iradlw, & iradae_in = iradae, & irad_always_in = irad_always, & spectralflux_in = spectralflux ) #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) ! iondrag / efield call iondrag_setopts( & efield_lflux_file_in =efield_lflux_file, & efield_hflux_file_in =efield_hflux_file, & efield_wei96_file_in =efield_wei96_file) ! qbo forcing call qbo_setopts( & qbo_use_forcing_in = qbo_use_forcing, & qbo_forcing_file_in = qbo_forcing_file,& qbo_cyclic_in = qbo_cyclic ) #endif ! Upper atmosphere radiative processes call radheat_setopts( nlte_use_mo_in =nlte_use_mo ) ! ! Set runtime options for single column mode ! if (present(single_column_in) .and. present(scmlon_in) .and. present(scmlat_in)) then if (single_column_in) then single_column = single_column_in scmlon = scmlon_in scmlat = scmlat_in call scam_setopts( scmlat_in=scmlat,scmlon_in=scmlon, & iopfile_in=iopfile,single_column_in=single_column,& scm_iop_srf_prop_in=scm_iop_srf_prop,& scm_relaxation_in=scm_relaxation, & scm_diurnal_avg_in=scm_diurnal_avg, & scm_crm_mode_in=scm_crm_mode, & scm_clubb_iop_name_in=scm_clubb_iop_name) end if endif ! Call subroutines for modules to read their own namelist. ! In some cases namelist default values may depend on settings from ! other modules, so there may be an order dependence in the following ! calls. ! ***N.B.*** In particular, physconst_readnl should be called before ! the other readnl methods in case that method is used to set ! physical constants, some of which are set at runtime ! by the physconst_readnl method. ! Modules that read their own namelist are responsible for making sure ! all processes receive the values. call spmd_utils_readnl(nlfilename) call physconst_readnl(nlfilename) call chem_surfvals_readnl(nlfilename) call phys_ctl_readnl(nlfilename) call ref_pres_readnl(nlfilename) call cam3_aero_data_readnl(nlfilename) call cam3_ozone_data_readnl(nlfilename) call macrop_driver_readnl(nlfilename) call microp_driver_readnl(nlfilename) call microp_aero_readnl(nlfilename) call cldfrc_readnl(nlfilename) call zmconv_readnl(nlfilename) call cldwat_readnl(nlfilename) call hkconv_readnl(nlfilename) call uwshcu_readnl(nlfilename) call cld_sediment_readnl(nlfilename) call gw_drag_readnl(nlfilename) call phys_debug_readnl(nlfilename) call rad_cnst_readnl(nlfilename) call rad_data_readnl(nlfilename) call modal_aer_opt_readnl(nlfilename) call chem_readnl(nlfilename) call prescribed_volcaero_readnl(nlfilename) call solar_data_readnl(nlfilename) call carma_readnl(nlfilename) call tropopause_readnl(nlfilename) call aoa_tracers_readnl(nlfilename) call aerodep_flx_readnl(nlfilename) call prescribed_ozone_readnl(nlfilename) call prescribed_aero_readnl(nlfilename) call prescribed_ghg_readnl(nlfilename) call co2_cycle_readnl(nlfilename) call aircraft_emit_readnl(nlfilename) call cospsimulator_intr_readnl(nlfilename) call sat_hist_readnl(nlfilename, hfilename_spec, mfilt, fincl, nhtfrq, avgflag_pertape) call diag_readnl(nlfilename) #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) call waccm_forcing_readnl(nlfilename) #endif call vd_readnl(nlfilename) #if ( defined OFFLINE_DYN ) call metdata_readnl(nlfilename) #endif ! ! Print cam_inparm input variables to standard output ! if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*)' ------------------------------------------' write(iulog,*)' *** INPUT VARIABLES (CAM_INPARM) ***' write(iulog,*)' ------------------------------------------' if (nsrest/=0) then write(iulog,*) ' Continuation of an earlier run' else write(iulog,*) ' Initial run' end if write(iulog,*) ' ********** CASE = ',trim(caseid),' **********' write(iulog,'(1x,a)') ctitle if (len_trim(ncdata) > 0) then write(iulog,*) 'Initial dataset is: ',trim(ncdata) end if write(iulog,*)'Topography dataset is: ', trim(bnd_topo) write(iulog,*)'Time-invariant (absorption/emissivity) factor dataset is: ', trim(absems_data) ! Type of run write(iulog,*)'Run type flag (NSREST) 0=initial, 1=restart, 3=branch ',nsrest call restart_printopts() end if ! ! History file info ! if (masterproc) then if (inithist == '6-HOURLY' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written 6-hourly.' else if (inithist == 'DAILY' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written daily.' else if (inithist == 'MONTHLY' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written monthly.' else if (inithist == 'YEARLY' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written yearly.' else if (inithist == 'CAMIOP' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written for IOP.' else if (inithist == 'ENDOFRUN' ) then write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will be written at end of run.' else write(iulog,*)'Initial conditions history files will not be created' end if ! ! Write physics variables from namelist cam_inparm to std. output ! write(iulog,9108) nlvdry 9108 format('Lowest level for dry adiabatic adjust (NLVDRY)',i10) call radiation_printopts() if ( (adiabatic .and. ideal_phys) .or. (adiabatic .and. aqua_planet) .or. & (ideal_phys .and. aqua_planet) ) then call endrun ('READ_NAMELIST: Only one of ADIABATIC, IDEAL_PHYS, or AQUA_PLANET can be .true.') end if #ifdef COUP_SOM if (adiabatic .or. ideal_phys .or. aqua_planet )then call endrun ('READ_NAMELIST: adiabatic, ideal_phys or aqua_planet can not be used with SOM') end if #else if (adiabatic) write(iulog,*) 'Model will run ADIABATICALLY (i.e. no physics)' if (ideal_phys) write(iulog,*) 'Run ONLY the "idealized" dynamical core of the ', & 'model (dynamics + Held&Suarez-specified physics)' if (aqua_planet) write(iulog,*) 'Run model in "AQUA_PLANET" mode' #endif end if ! set public data in cam_control_mod moist_physics = (.not. adiabatic) .and. (.not. ideal_phys) #ifdef PERGRO if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*)'pergro for cloud water is true' end if #endif ntspdy = nint(86400._r8/dtime) ! no. timesteps per day end subroutine read_namelist !======================================================================= #ifdef SPMD subroutine distnl !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! Distribute namelist data to all processors. ! ! The cpp SPMD definition provides for the funnelling of all program i/o ! through the master processor. Processor 0 either reads restart/history ! data from the disk and distributes it to all processors, or collects ! data from all processors and writes it to disk. ! !---------------------------Code history------------------------------- ! ! Original version: CCM2 ! Standardized: J. Rosinski, Oct 1995 ! J. Truesdale, Feb. 1996 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use mpishorthand !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call mpibcast (dtime, 1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (ndens ,ptapes,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (nhtfrq ,ptapes,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (mfilt ,ptapes,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (lcltod_start ,ptapes,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (lcltod_stop ,ptapes,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (nsrest ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (nlvdry ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (rayk0 ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (raykrange,1,mpir8,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (raytau0 ,1,mpir8,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (collect_column_output,ptapes,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (tracers_flag,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (readtrace ,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (adiabatic ,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (ideal_phys ,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (aqua_planet ,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (empty_htapes,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (use_64bit_nc,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (print_step_cost,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (inithist_all ,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (pertlim ,1, mpir8, 0, mpicom ) call mpibcast (caseid ,len(caseid) ,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (avgflag_pertape, ptapes, mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (ctitle ,len(ctitle),mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (ncdata ,len(ncdata) ,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (bnd_topo ,len(bnd_topo) ,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (absems_data,len(absems_data),mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (cam_branch_file ,len(cam_branch_file) ,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (inithist,len(inithist) ,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (hfilename_spec, len(hfilename_spec(1))*ptapes, mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (fincl ,len(fincl (1,1))*pflds*ptapes,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (fexcl ,len(fexcl (1,1))*pflds*ptapes,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (fincllonlat ,len(fincllonlat (1,1))*pflds*ptapes,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (fwrtpr ,len(fwrtpr(1,1))*pflds*ptapes,mpichar,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (indirect , 1 ,mpilog, 0,mpicom) ! Physics chunk tuning call mpibcast (phys_loadbalance ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (phys_twin_algorithm,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (phys_alltoall ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (phys_chnk_per_thd ,1,mpiint,0,mpicom) ! Reproducible sum options call mpibcast (repro_sum_use_ddpdd,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (repro_sum_rel_diff_max,1,mpir8,0,mpicom) call mpibcast (repro_sum_recompute,1,mpilog,0,mpicom) ! Physics buffer call mpibcast (pbuf_global_allocate, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) ! Conservation call mpibcast (print_energy_errors, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) ! Radiative heating calculation call mpibcast (iradsw, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (iradlw, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (iradae, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (irad_always,1, mpiint, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (spectralflux,1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) #if (defined WACCM_PHYS) ! iondrag / efield options call mpibcast (efield_lflux_file, len(efield_lflux_file), mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (efield_hflux_file, len(efield_hflux_file), mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (efield_wei96_file, len(efield_wei96_file), mpichar, 0, mpicom) ! qbo variables call mpibcast (qbo_forcing_file, len(qbo_forcing_file ), mpichar, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (qbo_use_forcing, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) call mpibcast (qbo_cyclic, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) #endif call mpibcast (nlte_use_mo, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom) end subroutine distnl #endif subroutine preset !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Preset namelist CAM_INPARM input variables and initialize some other variables ! ! Method: Hardwire the values ! ! Author: CCM Core Group ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use cam_history, only: fincl, fexcl, fwrtpr, fincllonlat, collect_column_output use rgrid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- include '' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Preset character history variables here because module initialization of character arrays ! does not work on all machines ! $$$ TBH: is this still true? 12/14/03 ! fincl(:,:) = ' ' fincllonlat(:,:) = ' ' fexcl(:,:) = ' ' fwrtpr(:,:) = ' ' ! ! Flags ! print_step_cost = .false. ! print per timestep cost info collect_column_output = .false. ! ! rgrid: set default to full grid ! nlon(:) = plon !! !! Unit numbers: set to invalid !! ! ncid_ini = -1 ! ncid_sst = -1 ! ncid_trc = -1 ! return end subroutine preset end module runtime_opts