module mo_sphers contains subroutine sphers( z, zen, dsdh, nid ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! purpose: ! calculate slant path over vertical depth ds/dh in spherical geometry. ! calculation is based on: a.dahlback, and k.stamnes, a new spheric model ! for computing the radiation field available for photolysis and heating ! at twilight, sci., v39, n5, pp. 671-683, 1991 (appendix b) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameters: ! nz - integer, number of specified altitude levels in the working (i) ! grid ! z - real, specified altitude working grid (km) (i) ! zen - real, solar zenith angle (degrees) (i) ! dsdh - real, slant path of direct beam through each layer crossed (o) ! when travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; ! dsdh(i,j), i =, j = ! nid - integer, number of layers crossed by the direct beam when (o) ! travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; ! nid(i), i = !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use mo_params, only : rearth use mo_constants, only : d2r use ppgrid, only : pver, pverp use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), intent(in) :: zen real(r8), intent(in) :: z(pverp) integer, intent(out) :: nid(0:pver) real(r8), intent(out) :: dsdh(0:pver,pver) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, k integer :: id real(r8) :: re, ze(pverp) real(r8) :: zd(0:pver) real(r8) :: zenrad, rpsinz, rj, rjp1, dsj, dhj, ga, gb, sm real(r8) :: radius radius = rearth*1.e-3_r8 ! rearth m -> km zenrad = zen*d2r !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... include the elevation above sea level to the radius of the earth: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- re = radius + z(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... correspondingly z changed to the elevation above earth surface: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ze(1:pverp) = z(1:pverp) - z(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... inverse coordinate of z !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- zd(0) = ze(pverp) do k = 1,pver zd(k) = ze(pverp - k) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... initialize dsdh(i,j), nid(i) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dsdh(0:pver,1:pver) = 0._r8 nid(0:pver) = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate ds/dh of every layer !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 0,pver rpsinz = (re + zd(i)) * sin(zenrad) if( zen > 90._r8 .and. rpsinz < re ) then nid(i) = -1 else !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... find index of layer in which the screening height lies !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- id = i if( zen > 90._r8 ) then do j = 1,pver if( (rpsinz < ( zd(j-1) + re ) ) .and. (rpsinz >= ( zd(j) + re )) ) then id = j end if end do end if do j = 1,id if( j == id .and. id == i .and. zen > 90._r8) then sm = -1._r8 else sm = 1._r8 end if rj = re + zd(j-1) rjp1 = re + zd(j) dhj = zd(j-1) - zd(j) ga = max( 0._r8,rj*rj - rpsinz*rpsinz ) gb = max( 0._r8,rjp1*rjp1 - rpsinz*rpsinz ) if( id > i .and. j == id ) then dsj = sqrt( ga ) else dsj = sqrt( ga ) - sm*sqrt( gb ) end if dsdh(i,j) = dsj / dhj end do nid(i) = id end if end do end subroutine sphers end module mo_sphers