module mo_ps2str use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 private public :: ps2str contains subroutine ps2str( nw, zen, rsfc, tauu, omu, & gu, dsdh, nid, radfld ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! purpose: ! solve two-stream equations for multiple layers. the subroutine is based ! on equations from: toon et al., j.geophys.res., v94 (d13), nov 20, 1989. ! it contains 9 two-stream methods to choose from. a pseudo-spherical ! correction has also been added. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameters: ! nlevel - integer, number of specified altitude levels in the working (i) ! grid ! zen - real(r8), solar zenith angle (degrees) (i) ! rsfc - real(r8), surface albedo at current wavelength (i) ! tauu - real(r8), unscaled optical depth of each layer (i) ! omu - real(r8), unscaled single scattering albedo of each layer (i) ! gu - real(r8), unscaled asymmetry parameter of each layer (i) ! dsdh - real(r8), slant path of direct beam through each layer crossed (i) ! when travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; ! dsdh(i,j), i =, j = ! nid - integer, number of layers crossed by the direct beam when (i) ! travelling from the top of the atmosphere to layer i; ! nid(i), i = ! delta - logical, switch to use delta-scaling (i) ! .true. -> apply delta-scaling ! .false.-> do not apply delta-scaling ! fdr - real(r8), contribution of the direct component to the total (o) ! actinic flux at each altitude level ! fup - real(r8), contribution of the diffuse upwelling component to (o) ! the total actinic flux at each altitude level ! fdn - real(r8), contribution of the diffuse downwelling component to (o) ! the total actinic flux at each altitude level ! edr - real(r8), contribution of the direct component to the total (o) ! spectral irradiance at each altitude level ! eup - real(r8), contribution of the diffuse upwelling component to (o) ! the total spectral irradiance at each altitude level ! edn - real(r8), contribution of the diffuse downwelling component to (o) ! the total spectral irradiance at each altitude level !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use mo_params, only : smallest, largest use mo_constants, only : d2r use ppgrid, only : pver, pverp use mo_trislv, only : tridec, trislv implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: nw integer, intent(in) :: nid(0:pver) real(r8), intent(in) :: zen real(r8), intent(in) :: rsfc(nw) real(r8), intent(in) :: tauu(pver,nw) real(r8), intent(in) :: omu(pver,nw) real(r8), intent(in) :: gu(pver,nw) real(r8), intent(in) :: dsdh(0:pver,pver) real(r8), intent(out) :: radfld(pverp,nw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... mu = cosine of solar zenith angle ! rsfc = surface albedo ! tauu = unscaled optical depth of each layer ! omu = unscaled single scattering albedo ! gu = unscaled asymmetry factor ! klev = max dimension of number of layers in atmosphere ! nlayer = number of layers in the atmosphere ! nlevel = nlayer + 1 = number of levels !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: mrows = 2*pver integer, parameter :: pverm = pver - 1 real(r8), parameter :: eps = 1.e-3_r8 real(r8), parameter :: pifs = 1._r8 real(r8), parameter :: fdn0 = 0._r8 integer :: row integer :: lev integer :: i, ip1, wn integer :: j, jl, ju real(r8) :: precis, wrk real(r8) :: tempg real(r8) :: mu, suma real(r8) :: g, om real(r8) :: gam1, gam2, gam3, gam4 real(r8), dimension(pver) :: f, gi, omi real(r8), dimension(0:pverp) :: tauc, mu2 real(r8), dimension(pver) :: lam, taun, bgam real(r8), dimension(pver) :: cdn real(r8), dimension(0:pverp,nw) :: tausla real(r8), dimension(pver,nw) :: cup, cuptn, cdntn real(r8), dimension(pver,nw) :: e1, e2, e3, e4 real(r8), dimension(mrows) :: a, b, d, e real(r8), dimension(nw,mrows) :: sub, main, super, y !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... for calculations of associated legendre polynomials for gama1,2,3,4 ! in delta-function, modified quadrature, hemispheric constant, ! hybrid modified eddington-delta function metods, p633,table1. ! w.e.meador and w.r.weaver, gas,1980,v37,p.630 ! w.j.wiscombe and g.w. grams, gas,1976,v33,p2440, ! uncomment the following two lines and the appropriate statements ! further down. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8) :: expon, expon0, expon1, divisr, temp, up, dn real(r8) :: ssfc !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... initial conditions: pi*solar flux = 1; diffuse incidence = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- precis = epsilon( precis ) mu = cos( zen*d2r ) wave_loop : & do wn = 1,nw !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... compute coefficients for each layer: ! gam1 - gam4 = 2-stream coefficients, different for different approximations ! expon0 = calculation of e when tau is zero ! expon1 = calculation of e when tau is taun ! cup and cdn = calculation when tau is zero ! cuptn and cdntn = calc. when tau is taun ! divisr = prevents division by zero !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tauc(0:pverp) = 0._r8 tausla(0:pverp,wn) = 0._r8 mu2(0:pverp) = sqrt( smallest ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... delta-scaling. have to be done for delta-eddington approximation, ! delta discrete ordinate, practical improved flux method, delta function, ! and hybrid modified eddington-delta function methods approximations !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- f(1:pver) = gu(:,wn)*gu(:,wn) gi(1:pver) = (gu(:,wn) - f(1:pver))/(1._r8 - f(1:pver)) omi(1:pver) = (1._r8 - f(1:pver))*omu(1:pver,wn)/(1._r8 - omu(1:pver,wn)*f(1:pver)) taun(1:pver) = (1._r8 - omu(1:pver,wn)*f(1:pver))*tauu(1:pver,wn) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate slant optical depth at the top of the atmosphere when zen>90. ! in this case, higher altitude of the top layer is recommended which can ! be easily changed in gridz.f. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( zen > 90._r8 ) then if( nid(0) < 0 ) then tausla(0,wn) = largest else ju = nid(0) tausla(0,wn) = 2._r8*dot_product( taun(1:ju),dsdh(0,1:ju) ) end if end if level_loop : & do i = 1,pver g = gi(i) om = omi(i) tauc(i) = tauc(i-1) + taun(i) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... stay away from 1 by precision. for g, also stay away from -1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tempg = min( abs(g),1._r8 - precis ) g = sign( tempg,g ) om = min( om,1._r8 - precis ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... calculate slant optical depth !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( nid(i) < 0 ) then tausla(i,wn) = largest else ju = min( nid(i),i ) suma = dot_product( taun(1:ju),dsdh(i,1:ju) ) jl = min( nid(i),i ) + 1 tausla(i,wn) = suma + 2._r8*dot_product( taun(jl:nid(i)),dsdh(i,jl:nid(i)) ) if( tausla(i,wn) == tausla(i-1,wn) ) then mu2(i) = sqrt( largest ) else mu2(i) = (tauc(i) - tauc(i-1))/(tausla(i,wn) - tausla(i-1,wn)) mu2(i) = sign( max( abs(mu2(i)),sqrt(smallest) ),mu2(i) ) end if end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... the following gamma equations are from pg 16,289, table 1 ! eddington approximation(joseph et al., 1976, jas, 33, 2452): !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gam1 = .25_r8*(7._r8 - om*(4._r8 + 3._r8*g)) gam2 = -.25_r8*(1._r8 - om*(4._r8 - 3._r8*g)) gam3 = .25_r8*(2._r8 - 3._r8*g*mu) gam4 = 1._r8 - gam3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... lambda = pg 16,290 equation 21 ! big gamma = pg 16,290 equation 22 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lam(i) = sqrt( gam1*gam1 - gam2*gam2 ) bgam(i) = (gam1 - lam(i))/gam2 wrk = lam(i)*taun(i) if( wrk < 500._r8 ) then expon = exp( -wrk ) else expon = 0._r8 end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... e1 - e4 = pg 16,292 equation 44 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- e1(i,wn) = 1._r8 + bgam(i)*expon e2(i,wn) = 1._r8 - bgam(i)*expon e3(i,wn) = bgam(i) + expon e4(i,wn) = bgam(i) - expon !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... the following sets up for the c equations 23, and 24 ! found on page 16,290 ! prevent division by zero (if lambda=1/mu, shift 1/mu^2 by eps = 1.e-3 ! which is approx equiv to shifting mu by 0.5*eps* (mu)**3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( tausla(i-1,wn) < 500._r8 ) then expon0 = exp( -tausla(i-1,wn) ) else expon0 = 0._r8 end if if( tausla(i,wn) < 500._r8 ) then expon1 = exp( -tausla(i,wn) ) else expon1 = 0._r8 end if divisr = lam(i)*lam(i) - 1._r8/(mu2(i)*mu2(i)) temp = max( eps,abs(divisr) ) divisr = 1._r8/sign( temp,divisr ) up = om*pifs*((gam1 - 1._r8/mu2(i))*gam3 + gam4*gam2)*divisr dn = om*pifs*((gam1 + 1._r8/mu2(i))*gam4 + gam2*gam3)*divisr !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... cup and cdn are when tau is equal to zero ! cuptn and cdntn are when tau is equal to taun !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cup(i,wn) = up*expon0 cdn(i) = dn*expon0 cuptn(i,wn) = up*expon1 cdntn(i,wn) = dn*expon1 end do level_loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... set up matrix ! ssfc = pg 16,292 equation 37 where pi fs is one (unity). !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( tausla(pver,wn) < 500._r8 ) then ssfc = rsfc(wn)*mu*exp( -tausla(pver,wn) )*pifs else ssfc = 0._r8 end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... the following are from pg 16,292 equations 39 - 43. ! set up first row of matrix: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a(1) = 0._r8 b(1) = e1(1,wn) d(1) = -e2(1,wn) e(1) = fdn0 - cdn(1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... set up odd rows 3 thru (mrows - 1): !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a(3:mrows-1:2) = e2(1:pverm,wn)*e3(1:pverm,wn) - e4(1:pverm,wn)*e1(1:pverm,wn) b(3:mrows-1:2) = e1(1:pverm,wn)*e1(2:pver,wn) - e3(1:pverm,wn)*e3(2:pver,wn) d(3:mrows-1:2) = e3(1:pverm,wn)*e4(2:pver,wn) - e1(1:pverm,wn)*e2(2:pver,wn) e(3:mrows-1:2) = e3(1:pverm,wn)*(cup(2:pver,wn) - cuptn(1:pverm,wn)) + e1(1:pverm,wn)*(cdntn(1:pverm,wn) - cdn(2:pver)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... set up even rows 2 thru (mrows - 2): !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a(2:mrows-2:2) = e2(2:pver,wn)*e1(1:pverm,wn) - e3(1:pverm,wn)*e4(2:pver,wn) b(2:mrows-2:2) = e2(1:pverm,wn)*e2(2:pver,wn) - e4(1:pverm,wn)*e4(2:pver,wn) d(2:mrows-2:2) = e1(2:pver,wn)*e4(2:pver,wn) - e2(2:pver,wn)*e3(2:pver,wn) e(2:mrows-2:2) = (cup(2:pver,wn) - cuptn(1:pverm,wn))*e2(2:pver,wn) - (cdn(2:pver) - cdntn(1:pverm,wn))*e4(2:pver,wn) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... set up last row of matrix at mrows: !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a(mrows) = e1(pver,wn) - rsfc(wn)*e3(pver,wn) b(mrows) = e2(pver,wn) - rsfc(wn)*e4(pver,wn) d(mrows) = 0._r8 e(mrows) = ssfc - cuptn(pver,wn) + rsfc(wn)*cdntn(pver,wn) sub(wn,1:mrows) = a(1:mrows) main(wn,1:mrows) = b(1:mrows) super(wn,1:mrows) = d(1:mrows) y(wn,1:mrows) = e(1:mrows) end do wave_loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... solve the system !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- call tridec( nw, mrows, sub, main, super ) call trislv( nw, mrows, sub, main, super, y ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... unfold solution of matrix, compute output fluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- do wn = 1,nw !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... the following equations are from pg 16,291 equations 31 & 32 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- e(:mrows) = y(wn,:mrows) if( tausla(0,wn) < 500._r8 ) then radfld(1,wn) = 2._r8*(fdn0 + e(1)*e3(1,wn) - e(2)*e4(1,wn) + cup(1,wn)) + exp( -tausla(0,wn) ) else radfld(1,wn) = 2._r8*(fdn0 + e(1)*e3(1,wn) - e(2)*e4(1,wn) + cup(1,wn)) end if where( tausla(1:pver,wn) < 500._r8 ) cdn(1:pver) = exp( -tausla(1:pver,wn) ) elsewhere cdn(1:pver) = 0._r8 endwhere radfld(2:pverp,wn) = 2._r8*(e(1:mrows-1:2)*(e3(1:pver,wn) + e1(1:pver,wn)) & + e(2:mrows:2)*(e4(1:pver,wn) + e2(1:pver,wn)) & + cdntn(1:pver,wn) + cuptn(1:pver,wn)) + cdn(1:pver) end do end subroutine ps2str end module mo_ps2str