module mo_apex !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! ! Calculate apex coordinates and magnetic field magnitudes ! at global geographic grid for year of current model run. ! ! Method: ! ! The magnetic field parameters output by this module are time and height ! independent. They are chunked for waccm physics, i.e., allocated as ! (pcols,begchunk:endchunk) ! Interface sub apexmag is called once per run from sub inti. ! Sub apexmag may be called for years 1900 through 2005. ! This module is dependent on routines in apex_subs.F (modified IGRF model). ! Apex_subs has several authors, but has been modified and maintained ! in recent years by Roy Barnes ( ! Subs apxmka and apxmall are called with the current lat x lon grid ! resolution. ! ! Author: Ben Foster, (Nov, 2003) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use ppgrid, only: pcols, begchunk, endchunk ! physics grid use phys_grid, only: get_lat_p, get_lon_p, get_ncols_p use cam_history, only: addfld, phys_decomp, add_default ! for history saves use abortutils, only: endrun use cam_control_mod, only: magfield_fix_year use cam_logfile, only: iulog implicit none private public :: apexmag public :: alatm, alonm, glonm, bnorth, beast, bdown, bmag public :: d1vec, d2vec, colatp, elonp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Magnetic field output arrays, chunked for physics: ! (these are allocated (pcols,begchunk:endchunk) by sub apex_alloc) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & ! (pcols,begchunk:endchunk) alatm, & ! apex mag latitude at each geographic grid point (radians) alonm, & ! apex mag longitude at each geographic grid point (radians) glonm, & ! apex mag longitude at each geographic grid point (radians) bnorth, & ! northward component of magnetic field beast, & ! eastward component of magnetic field bdown, & ! downward component of magnetic field bmag ! magnitude of magnetic field real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & ! (3,pcols,begchunk:endchunk) d1vec, & ! base vectors more-or-less magnetic eastward direction d2vec ! base vectors more-or-less magnetic downward/equatorward direction real(r8) :: & colatp, & ! geocentric colatitude of geomagnetic dipole north pole (deg) elonp ! East longitude of geomagnetic dipole north pole (deg) contains subroutine apexmag !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Driver for apex code to calculate apex magnetic coordinates at ! current geographic spatial resolution for given year. This calls ! routines in apex_subs.F. ! ! This is called once per run from sub inti. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use physconst, only: pi use dyn_grid, only : get_dyn_grid_parm, get_horiz_grid_d !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: nalt = 2 ! number of altitudes real(r8), parameter :: re = 6.378165e8_r8 ! earth radius (cm) real(r8), parameter :: h0 = 9.0e6_r8 ! base height (90 km) real(r8), parameter :: hs = 1.3e7_r8 real(r8), parameter :: eps = 1.e-6_r8 ! epsilon real(r8), parameter :: cm2km = 1.e-5_r8 integer :: i, j, ist, lchnk ! indices integer :: ncol, ic, jc real(r8), allocatable :: dlat_mid(:) ! midpoint latitudes to assist interp real(r8), allocatable :: dlon_mid(:) ! midpoint longitudes to assist interp real(r8), allocatable :: dlon_shft(:) ! shifted midpoint longitudes real(r8) :: rtd, dtr ! deg<->radians conversions real(r8) :: rekm, h0km, alt, hr, ror03, alon, alat, & ! apxmall args vmp, w, d, be3, sim, xlatqd, f, si, date1(1), collat, collon real(r8) :: gpalt(nalt) ! altitudes passed to apxmka real(r8), allocatable :: wk(:), clat(:), clon(:) integer :: plon, plat, plonp1, platp1, lwk !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Non-scalar arguments returned by APXMALL: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8) :: bhat(3) real(r8) :: d3(3) real(r8) :: e1(3), e2(3), e3(3) real(r8) :: f1(2), f2(2) real(r8), allocatable :: glatm(:,:) real(r8), allocatable :: bglobal(:,:,:) real(r8), allocatable :: d1global(:,:,:) real(r8), allocatable :: d2global(:,:,:) real(r8), allocatable :: bmglobal(:,:) real(r8) :: rdum plat = get_dyn_grid_parm('plat') plon = get_dyn_grid_parm('plon') platp1 = plat+1 plonp1 = plon+1 lwk = platp1*plonp1*nalt*5+platp1 + plonp1 + nalt allocate(dlat_mid(platp1), dlon_mid(plonp1), dlon_shft(plonp1), wk(lwk)) allocate(glatm(plon,plat), bglobal(3,plon,plat), d1global(3,plon,plat), d2global(3,plon,plat)) allocate(bmglobal(plon,plat)) allocate(clat(plat), clon(plon)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate output arrays !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call apex_alloc rtd = 180._r8/pi ! radians to degrees dtr = pi/180._r8 ! degrees to radians !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Extend staggered latitudes (midpoints) to assist apxmka build ! interpolation tables (degrees). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_horiz_grid_d(plat, clat_d_out=clat) call get_horiz_grid_d(plon, clon_d_out=clon) dlat_mid(1) = clat(1)*rtd do j = 2,plat dlat_mid(j) = rtd*(clat(j-1) + clat(j))/2.0_r8 end do dlat_mid(platp1) = rtd*clat(plat) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set longitude midpoints (assume non-reducing grid, so use londeg(:,1)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dlon_mid(1) = rtd*(clon(1) - .5_r8*(clon(2) - clon(1))) do i = 2,plon dlon_mid(i) = .5_r8*rtd*(clon(i) + clon(i-1)) end do dlon_mid(plon+1) = dlon_mid(plon) + rtd*(clon(plon) - clon(plon-1)) #ifdef AURORA_DEBUG write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' write(iulog,*) 'apex: dlon_mid' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') dlon_mid(:) write(iulog,*) 'apex: dlat_mid' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') dlat_mid(:) write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' #endif date1(1) = magfield_fix_year !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Center min, max altitudes about 130 km !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gpalt(1) = 90._r8 gpalt(2) = 170._r8 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up interpolation. ! (Note apxmka expects longitudes in -180 -> +180) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dlon_shft(:) = dlon_mid(:) - 180._r8 call apxmka( iulog, date1, dlat_mid, dlon_shft, gpalt, & platp1, plonp1, nalt, wk, lwk, ist ) if( ist /= 0 ) then write(iulog,"(/,'>>> apexmag: Error from apxmka: ist=',i5)") ist call endrun end if rekm = re*cm2km ! earth radius (km) h0km = h0*cm2km ! base height (km) alt = hs*cm2km ! altitude for apxmall (km) hr = alt ! reference altitude (km) ror03 = ((rekm + alt)/(rekm + h0km))**3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Apex coords alon, alat are returned for each geographic grid point: ! first form global arrays !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ do j = 1,plat collat = clat(j)*rtd ! latitude of current column (deg) do i = 1,plon collon = clon(i)*rtd ! longitude of current column (deg) call apxmall( & collat, collon, alt, hr, wk, lwk, & ! Inputs bglobal(1,i,j), bhat, bmglobal(i,j), si, & ! Mag Fld alon, alat, & ! Apex lon,lat output vmp, w, d, be3, sim, d1global(1,i,j), d2global(1,i,j), d3, e1, e2, e3, & ! Mod Apex xlatqd, f, f1, f2, ist ) ! Qsi-Dpl if( ist /= 0 ) then write(iulog,"(/,'>>> apexmag: Error from apxmall: ist=',i4)") ist call endrun end if glonm(i,j) = alon*dtr ! mag lons (radians) glatm(i,j) = alat*dtr ! mag lats (radians) end do end do #ifdef AURORA_DEBUG write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' write(iulog,*) 'apex: geo lons' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') rtd*clon(:) write(iulog,*) 'apex: geo lats' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') rtd*clat(:) write(iulog,*) ' ' do j = 1,plat write(iulog,*) 'apexmag: mag lats @ lat ndx = ',j write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') glatm(:,j)/dtr end do write(iulog,*) ' ' do j = 1,plat write(iulog,*) 'apexmag: mag lons @ lat ndx = ',j write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') glonm(:,j)/dtr end do write(iulog,*) ' ' write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! map globals to chunks !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chunk_loop : & do lchnk = begchunk,endchunk ! physics chunks (groups of arbitrary columns) ncol = get_ncols_p( lchnk ) column_loop : & do i = 1,ncol ! number of columns in each chunk !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set module output from apxmall output: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ic = get_lon_p(lchnk,i) jc = get_lat_p(lchnk,i) ! write(iulog,*) 'apex: lchnk,i,ic,jc = ',lchnk,i,ic,jc alatm (i,lchnk) = glatm(ic,jc) ! mag lats (radians) alonm (i,lchnk) = glonm(ic,jc) ! mag lons (radians) ! bnorth(i,lchnk) = bglobal(2,ic,jc)*1.e-5_r8 ! northward nT -> gauss ! beast (i,lchnk) = bglobal(1,ic,jc)*1.e-5_r8 ! eastward nT -> gauss ! bdown (i,lchnk) = -bglobal(3,ic,jc)*1.e-5_r8 ! downward nT -> gauss ! bmag (i,lchnk) = bmglobal(ic,jc)*1.e-5_r8 ! magnitude nT -> gauss bnorth(i,lchnk) = bglobal(2,ic,jc) ! northward nT -> gauss beast (i,lchnk) = bglobal(1,ic,jc) ! eastward nT -> gauss bdown (i,lchnk) = -bglobal(3,ic,jc) ! downward nT -> gauss bmag (i,lchnk) = bmglobal(ic,jc) ! magnitude nT -> gauss d1vec (:,i,lchnk) = d1global(:,ic,jc) d2vec (:,i,lchnk) = d2global(:,ic,jc) end do column_loop #ifdef DEBUG write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' alatm(:,lchnk)*rtd=',/,(1p,6g12.4))") & lchnk,alatm(:,lchnk)*rtd write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' alonm(:,lchnk)*rtd=',/,(1p,6g12.4))") & lchnk,alonm(:,lchnk)*rtd write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' bnorth(:,lchnk)=',/,(6e12.4))") & lchnk,bnorth(:,lchnk) write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' beast(:,lchnk)=' ,/,(6e12.4))") & lchnk,beast(:,lchnk) write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' bdown(:,lchnk)=' ,/,(6e12.4))") & lchnk,bdown(:,lchnk) write(iulog,"('apexmag: lchnk=',i3,' bmag(:,lchnk)=' ,/,(6e12.4))") & lchnk,bmag(:,lchnk) #endif end do chunk_loop #ifdef DEBUG write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' write(iulog,*) 'apex: begchunk,endchunk = ', begchunk,endchunk write(iulog,*) 'apex: mag lons at j = 81' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') glonm(:,81)/dtr write(iulog,*) 'apex: mag lons at j = 82' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') glonm(:,82)/dtr write(iulog,*) 'apex: mag lons at j = 83' write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.7)') glonm(:,83)/dtr write(iulog,*) '---------------------------------------' #endif call dypol( colatp, elonp, rdum ) ! get geomagnetic dipole north pole write(iulog,*) 'apex: colatp,elonp' write(iulog,'(1p,2g15.7)') colatp, elonp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Add mag field output to master field list: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call addfld('ALATM ','RADIANS ',1,'I',& 'Magnetic latitude at each geographic coordinate',phys_decomp) call addfld('ALONM ','RADIANS ',1,'I',& 'Magnetic longitude at each geographic coordinate',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('ALATM ','RADIANS ',1,'A',& ! 'Magnetic latitude at each geographic coordinate',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('ALONM ','RADIANS ',1,'A',& ! 'Magnetic longitude at each geographic coordinate',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('BNORTH ','GAUSS',1,'I',& ! 'Northward component of magnetic field',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('BEAST ','GAUSS',1,'I',& ! 'Eastward component of magnetic field',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('BDOWN ','GAUSS',1,'I',& ! 'Downward component of magnetic field',phys_decomp) ! call addfld('BMAG ','GAUSS',1,'I',& ! 'Magnetic field magnitude',phys_decomp) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Write these fields to history by default: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! call add_default ('ALATM' , 1, ' ') ! call add_default ('ALONM' , 1, ' ') ! call add_default ('ALATM' , 2, ' ') ! call add_default ('ALONM' , 2, ' ') ! call add_default ('BNORTH', 1, ' ') ! call add_default ('BEAST' , 1, ' ') ! call add_default ('BDOWN' , 1, ' ') ! call add_default ('BMAG' , 1, ' ') deallocate(dlat_mid, dlon_mid, dlon_shft, wk) deallocate(glatm, bglobal, d1global, d2global) deallocate(bmglobal) deallocate(clat, clon) write(iulog,"(' APEXMAG: Calculated apex magnetic coordinates for year AD ',i4)") & magfield_fix_year end subroutine apexmag subroutine apex_alloc use dyn_grid, only : get_dyn_grid_parm !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Allocate module output arrays for chunked physics grid. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer :: istat ! status of allocate statements integer :: plat, plon plat = get_dyn_grid_parm('plat') plon = get_dyn_grid_parm('plon') if (.not.allocated(alatm)) then allocate(alatm(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of alatm failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated alatm: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(glonm)) then allocate(glonm(plon,plat),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of glonm failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if end if if (.not.allocated(alonm)) then allocate(alonm(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of alonm failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated alonm: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(bnorth)) then allocate(bnorth(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of bnorth failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated bnorth: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(beast)) then allocate(beast(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of beast failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated beast: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(bdown)) then allocate(bdown(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of bdown failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated bdown: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(bmag)) then allocate(bmag(pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of bmag failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun end if ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated bmag: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk end if if (.not.allocated(d1vec)) then allocate(d1vec(3,pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of d1vec failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun endif ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated d1vec: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk endif if (.not.allocated(d2vec)) then allocate(d2vec(3,pcols,begchunk:endchunk),stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(iulog,"('>>> apex_alloc: allocate of d2vec failed: istat=',i5)") istat call endrun endif ! write(iulog,"('apex_alloc: allocated d2vec: pcols=',i3,' beg,endchunk=',2i4)") & ! pcols,begchunk,endchunk endif end subroutine apex_alloc subroutine apex_dealloc !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Deallocate module output arrays: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: istat(8) if (allocated(alatm )) deallocate(alatm ,stat=istat(1)) if (allocated(alonm )) deallocate(alatm ,stat=istat(2)) if (allocated(bnorth)) deallocate(bnorth,stat=istat(3)) if (allocated(beast )) deallocate(beast ,stat=istat(4)) if (allocated(bdown )) deallocate(bdown ,stat=istat(5)) if (allocated(bmag )) deallocate(bmag ,stat=istat(6)) if (allocated(d1vec )) deallocate(d1vec ,stat=istat(7)) if (allocated(d2vec )) deallocate(d2vec ,stat=istat(8)) if (sum(istat) /= 0) write(iulog, & "('>>> apex_dealloc: error deallocating apex arrays: istat=',i4)") istat end subroutine apex_dealloc end module mo_apex