module efield !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! description: calculates the electric potential for a given year, ! day of year,UT, F10.7, B_z(K_p) ! - low/midlatitudes electric potential is from an empirical model from ! L.Scherliess ! - high latitude electric potential is from Weimer96 model ! - the transition zone is smoothed ! - output is the horizontal global electric field in magnetic coordinates direction ! at every magnetic local time grid point expressed in degrees (0 deg-0MLT; 360deg 24 MLT) ! ! input ! integer :: iday, ! day number of year ! iyear ! year ! real(r8):: ut, ! universal time ! F10.7, ! solar flux (see ionosphere module) ! bz ! component of IMF (see ionosphere module) ! output ! real(r8) :: & ! ed1(0:nmlon,0:nmlat), & ! zonal electric field Ed1 [V/m] ! ed2(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! meridional electric field Ed2/sin I_m [V/m] ! ! notes: ! ! - !to be done (commented out): input S_a F10.7/ Kp from WACCM and calculate B_z ! from these inputs ! - assume regular geomagnetic grid ! - uses average year 365.24 days/year 30.6001 day/mo s. Weimer ! - get_tilt works only for iyear >= 1900 ! - Weimer model 1996, Dan Weimer (not with the updates from B.Emery) ! - fixed parameters: B_z, B_y units nT CHANGE THIS ! F10.7 ! - we assume that the reference height is 300km for the emperical potential model ! - as a first approximation the electric field is constant in height ! WATCH what is the upper boundary condition in WACCM ! - for all the calculation done here we set the reference height to the same ! value as in tiegcm (hr=130km) ! - 12/15/03 input value iseasav : replaced by day -> month and day of month ! - 12/15/03 S_aM calculated according to Scherliess draft paper and added ! S_aM(corrected) = 90*(S_aM+1) to get variation in fig 1 Scherliess draft ! ! Author: A. Maute Dec 2003 am 12/30/03 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use physconst, only: pi use abortutils, only: endrun use cam_logfile, only: iulog implicit none public :: efield_init, & ! interface routine get_efield ! interface routine public :: ed1, & ! zonal electric field Ed1 [V/m] ed2, & ! meridional electric field Ed2 [V/m] potent, & ! electric potential [V] nmlon, nmlat, & ! dimension of mag. grid dlatm, dlonm, & ! grid spacing of mag. grid ylonm, ylatm ! magnetic longitudes/latitudes (deg) private integer :: & iday, & ! day number of year iyear, & ! year iday_m, & ! day of month imo ! month real(r8) :: ut ! universal time !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! solar parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8) :: f107d ! 10.7 cm solar flux real(r8) :: by ! By component of IMF [nT] real(r8) :: bz ! Bz component of IMF [nT] !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! mag. grid dimensions (assumed resolution of 2deg) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer, parameter :: & nmlon = 180, & ! mlon nmlat = 90, & ! mlat nmlath= nmlat/2, & ! mlat/2 nmlonh= nmlon/2, & ! mlon/2 nmlonp1 = nmlon+1, & ! mlon+1 nmlatp1 = nmlat+1 ! mlat+1 real(r8) :: & ylatm(0:nmlat), & ! magnetic latitudes (deg) ylonm(0:nmlon), & ! magnetic longitudes (deg) dlonm, & ! delon lon grid spacing dlatm ! delat lat grid spacing !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! array on magnetic grid: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8) :: & potent(0:nmlon,0:nmlat), & ! electric potential [V] ed1(0:nmlon,0:nmlat), & ! zonal electric field Ed1 [V/m] ed2(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! meridional electric field Ed2/sin I_m [V/m] real(r8) :: & date, & ! iyear+iday+ut day ! iday+ut logical, parameter :: iutav=.false. ! .true. means UT-averaging ! .false. means no UT-averaging real(r8), parameter :: & v_sw = 400._r8 ! solar wind velocity [km/s] !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! boundary for Weimer !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8), parameter :: bnd_wei = 44._r8 ! colat. [deg] integer :: nmlat_wei !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! flag for choosing factors for empirical low latitude model !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer, parameter :: iseasav = 0 ! flag for season !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! constants: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8), parameter :: & r_e = 6.371e6_r8, & ! radius_earth [m] (same as for apex.F90) h_r = 130.0e3_r8, & ! reference height [m] (same as for apex.F90) dy2yr= 365.24_r8, & ! day per avg. year used in Weimer dy2mo= 30.6001_r8 ! day per avg. month used in Weimer real(r8) :: & rtd , & ! radians -> deg dtr, & ! deg -> radians sqr2, & hr2rd, & ! pi/12 hrs dy2rd, & ! 2*pi/365.24 average year deg2mlt, & ! for mlon to deg mlt2deg, & ! for mlt to mlon sinIm_mag(0:nmlat) ! sinIm integer :: jmin, jmax ! latitude index for interpolation of ! northward e-field ed2 at mag. equator !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! for spherical harmonics !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer, parameter :: & nm = 19, & mm = 18, & nmp = nm + 1, & mmp = mm + 1 real(r8) :: r(0:nm,0:mm) ! R_n^m real(r8) :: pmopmmo(0:mm) ! sqrt(1+1/2m) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! index for factors f_m(mlt),f_l(UT),f_-k(d) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer, parameter :: ni = 1091 ! for n=12 m=-18:18 integer :: imax ! max number of index integer,dimension(0:ni) :: & kf, & lf, & mf, & nf, & jf real(r8) :: ft(1:3,0:2) ! used for f_-k(season,k) real(r8) :: a_klnm(0:ni) ! A_klm real(r8) :: a_lf(0:ni) ! A_klmn^lf for minimum & real(r8) :: a_hf(0:ni) ! A_klmn^hf for maximum !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! high_latitude boundary !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real(r8), parameter :: & ef_max = 0.015_r8, & ! max e-field for high latitude boundary location [V/m] lat_sft = 54._r8 ! shift of highlat_bnd to 54 deg integer :: ilat_sft ! index of shift for high latitude boundary integer, parameter :: nmax_sin = 2 ! max. wave number to be represented logical, parameter :: debug =.false. contains subroutine efield_init(efield_lflux_file, efield_hflux_file, efield_wei96_file) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: read in and set up coefficients needed for electric field ! calculation (independent of time & geog. location) ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Dec 2003 am 12/17/03 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=*), intent(in) :: efield_lflux_file character(len=*), intent(in) :: efield_hflux_file character(len=*), intent(in) :: efield_wei96_file call constants ! calculate constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! low/midlatitude potential from Scherliess model !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call read_acoef (efield_lflux_file, efield_hflux_file) ! read in A_klnm for given S_aM call index_quiet ! set up index for f_m(mlt),f_l(UT),f_-k(d) call prep_fk ! set up the constant factors for f_k call prep_pnm ! set up the constant factors for P_n^m & dP/d phi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! following part should be independent of time & location if IMF constant !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ReadCoef (efield_wei96_file) end subroutine efield_init subroutine get_efield !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calculates the global electric potential field on the ! geomagnetic grid (MLT in deg) and derives the electric field ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Dec 2003 am 12/17/03 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use time_manager, only : get_curr_calday, get_curr_date use mo_solar_parms, only : get_solar_parms use mag_parms, only : get_mag_parms use cam_control_mod, only: magfield_fix_year use spmd_utils, only: masterproc integer :: idum1, idum2, tod ! time of day [s] !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get current calendar day of year & date components ! valid at end of current timestep !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iday = get_curr_calday() ! day of year call get_curr_date (iyear,imo,iday_m,tod) ! year, time of day [sec] iyear = magfield_fix_year if( iyear < 1900 ) then write(iulog,"(/,'>>> get_efield: year < 1900 not possible: year=',i5)") iyear call endrun end if ut = tod/3600._r8 ! UT of day [sec] !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get solar parms !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_solar_parms( f107_s = f107d ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get mag parms !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_mag_parms( by = by, bz = bz ) #ifdef EFIELD_DIAGS if( masterproc ) then write(iulog,*) 'get_efield: f107d,by,bz = ', f107d,by,bz end if #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ajust S_a !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call adj_S_a !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate global electric potential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call GlobalElPotential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate derivative of global electric potential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call DerivPotential end subroutine get_efield subroutine GlobalElPotential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calculates the global electric potential field on the ! geomagnetic grid (MLT in deg) ! ! Method: rewritten code from Luedger Scherliess (11/20/99 LS) ! routine to calculate the global electric potential in magnetic ! Apex coordinates (Latitude and MLT). ! High Latitude Model is Weimer 1996. ! Midlatitude model is Scherliess 1999. ! Interpolation in a transition region at about 60 degree ! magnetic apex lat ! ! Author: A. Maute Dec 2003 am 12/17/03 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilon, ilat, idlat integer :: ihlat_bnd(0:nmlon) ! high latitude boundary integer :: itrans_width(0:nmlon) ! width of transition zone real(r8) :: mlt, mlon, mlat, mlat_90, pot real(r8) :: pot_midlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! potential from L. Scherliess model real(r8) :: pot_highlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! potential from Weimer model real(r8) :: pot_highlats(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! smoothed potential from Weimer model !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Externals !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8),external :: EpotVal ! in wei96.f !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! convert to date and day !----------------------------------------------------------------------- day = iday + ut/24._r8 date = iyear + day/dy2yr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! low/midlatitude electric potential - empirical model Scherliess 1999 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !$omp parallel do private(ilat, ilon, mlat, pot) do ilat = 0,nmlath ! Calculate only for one magn. hemisphere mlat = ylatm(ilat) ! mag. latitude do ilon = 0,nmlon ! lon. loop call efield_mid( mlat, ylonm(ilon), pot ) pot_midlat(ilon,ilat+nmlath) = pot ! SH/NH symmetry pot_midlat(ilon,nmlath-ilat) = pot end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! hight latitude potential from Weimer model ! at the poles Weimer potential is not longitudinal dependent !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call prep_weimer ! calculate IMF angle & magnitude, tilt !$omp parallel do private(ilat, ilon, mlat_90, pot) do ilat = 0,nmlat_wei ! Calculate only for one magn. hemisphere mlat_90 = 90._r8 - ylatm(ilat) ! mag. latitude do ilon = 0,nmlon pot = 1000._r8*EpotVal( mlat_90, ylonm(ilon)*deg2mlt ) ! calculate potential (kv -> v) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NH/SH symmetry !----------------------------------------------------------------------- pot_highlat(ilon,ilat) = pot pot_highlat(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = pot pot_highlats(ilon,ilat) = pot pot_highlats(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = pot end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! weighted smoothing of high latitude potential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- idlat = 2 ! smooth over -2:2 = 5 grid points call pot_latsmo( pot_highlats, idlat ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the height latitude bounday ihl_bnd ! 1. calculate E field from weimar model ! boundary is set where the total electric field exceeds ! 0.015 V/m (corresp. approx. to 300 m/s) ! 2. moved halfways to 54 deg ! output : index 0-pole nmlath-equator !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call highlat_getbnd( ihlat_bnd ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3. adjust high latitude boundary sinusoidally ! calculate width of transition zone !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call bnd_sinus( ihlat_bnd, itrans_width ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 4. ajust high latitude potential to low latitude potential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call highlat_adjust( pot_highlats, pot_highlat, pot_midlat, ihlat_bnd ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! interpolation of high and low/midlatitude potential in the ! transition zone and put it into global potent array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call interp_poten( pot_highlats, pot_highlat, pot_midlat, ihlat_bnd, itrans_width) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! potential weighted smoothing in latitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- idlat = 2 ! smooth over -2:2 = 5 grid points call pot_latsmo2( potent, idlat ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! potential smoothing in longitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- idlat = nmlon/48 ! smooth over -idlat:idlat grid points call pot_lonsmo( potent, idlat ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output ( change later to netcdf file) ! do ilat=0,nmlat ! do ilon=0,nmlon ! write(iulog,'(4(x,f12.5))') ylatm(ilat),ylonm(ilon), & ! potent(ilon,ilat),potent(ilon,nmlat-ilat) ! write(iulog,'(4(x,f12.5))') ylatm(ilat),ylonm(ilon), & ! potent(ilon,ilat),potent(ilon,nmlat-ilat) ! write(iulog,'(f10.3)') potent(ilon,ilat) ! end do ! end do end subroutine GlobalElPotential subroutine ff( ph, mt, f ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calculate F for normalized associated Legendre polynomial P_n^m ! Ref.: Richmond J.Atm.Ter.Phys. 1974 ! ! Method: f_m(phi) = sqrt(2) sin(m phi) m > 0 ! = 1 m = 0 ! = sqrt(2) cos(m phi) m < 0 ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/18/03 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer,intent(in) :: mt real(r8),intent(in) :: ph ! geo. longitude of 0SLT (ut*15) real(r8),intent(out) :: f(-mt:mt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: m, i, j, mmo real(r8) :: sp, cp sp = sin( ph/rtd ) cp = cos( ph/rtd ) f(0) = 1.e0_r8 f(-1) = sqr2*cp f(1) = sqr2*sp do m = 2,mt mmo = m - 1 f(m) = f(-mmo)*sp + cp*f(mmo) f(-m) = f(-mmo)*cp - sp*f(mmo) end do end subroutine ff subroutine pnm( ct, p ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: normalized associated Legendre polynomial P_n^m ! Ref.: Richmond J.Atm.Ter.Phys. 1974 ! Method: ! P_m^m = sqrt(1+1/2m)*si*P_m-1^m-1 m>0 ! P_n^m = [cos*P_n-1^m - R_n-1^m*P_n-2^m ]/R_n^m n>m>=0 ! dP/d phi = n*cos*P_n^m/sin-(2*n+1)*R_n^m*P_n-1^m/sin n>=m>=0 ! R_n^m = sqrt[ (n^2-m^2)/(4n^2-1) ] ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/18/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dummy arguments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), intent(inout) :: ct ! cos(colat) real(r8), intent(inout) :: p(0:nm,0:mm) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: mp, m, n, np real(r8) :: pm2, st ! ct = min( ct,.99_r8 ) ! cos(colat) st = sqrt( 1._r8 - ct*ct ) ! sin(colat) p(0,0) = 1._r8 do mp = 1,mmp ! m+1=1,mm+1 m = mp - 1 if( m >= 1 ) then p(m,m) = pmopmmo(m)*p(m-1,m-1)*st end if pm2 = 0._r8 do n = mp,nm ! n=m+1,N np = n + 1 p(n,m) = (ct*p(n-1,m) - r(n-1,m)*pm2)/r(n,m) pm2 = p(n-1,m) end do end do end subroutine pnm subroutine prep_pnm !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: constant factors for normalized associated Legendre polynomial P_n^m ! Ref.: Richmond J.Atm.Ter.Phys. 1974 ! ! Method: ! PmoPmmo(m) = sqrt(1+1/2m) ! R_n^m = sqrt[ (n^2-m^2)/(4n^2-1) ] ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/18/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: mp, m, n real(r8) :: xms, xns, den do mp = 1, mmp ! m+1 = 1,mm+1 m = mp - 1 xms = m*m if( mp /= 1 ) then pmopmmo(m) = sqrt( 1._r8 + .5_r8/M ) end if do n = m,nm ! n = m,N xns = n*n den = max(4._r8*xns - 1._r8,1._r8) r(n,m) = sqrt( (xns - xms)/den ) end do end do end subroutine prep_pnm subroutine index_quiet !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: set up index for factors f_m(mlt),f_l(UT),f_-k(d) to ! describe the electric potential Phi for the empirical model ! ! Method: ! Phi = sum_k sum_l sum_m sum_n [ A_klmn * P_n^m *f_m(mlt)*f_l(UT)*f_-k(d)] ! - since the electric potential is symmetric about the equator ! n+m odd terms are set zero resp. not used ! - in the summation for calculation Phi the index have the following ! range n=1,12 and m=-n,n, k=0,2 l=-2,2 ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/18/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, k, l, n, m i = 0 ! initialize j = 1 do k = 2,0,-1 do l = -2,2 if( k == 2 .and. abs(l) == 2 ) then cycle end if do n = 1,12 do m = -18,18 if( abs(m) <= n ) then ! |m| < n if( (((n-m)/2)*2) == (n-m) ) then ! only n+m even if( n-abs(m) <= 9 ) then ! n-|m| <= 9 why? kf(i) = 2-k lf(i) = l nf(i) = n mf(i) = m jf(i) = j i = i + 1 ! counter end if end if end if end do ! m end do ! n end do ! l end do ! k imax = i - 1 if(imax /= ni ) then ! check if imax == ni write(iulog,'(a19,i5,a18,i5)') 'index_quiet: imax= ',imax, & ' not equal to ni =',ni stop end if if(debug) write(iulog,*) 'imax=',imax end subroutine index_quiet subroutine read_acoef (efield_lflux_file, efield_hflux_file) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! 1. read in coefficients A_klmn^lf for solar cycle minimum and ! A_klmn^hf for maximum ! 2. adjust S_a (f107d) such that if S_a<80 or S_a > 220 it has reasonable numbers ! S_aM = [atan{(S_a-65)^2/90^2}-a90]/[a180-a90] ! a90 = atan [(90-65)/90]^2 ! a180 = atan [(180-65)/90]^2 ! 3. inter/extrapolation of the coefficient to the actual flux which is ! given by the user ! A_klmn = S_aM [A_klmn^hf-A_klmn^lf]/90. + 2*A_klmn^lf-A_klmn^hf ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/19/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use ioFileMod, only : getfil use units, only : getunit, freeunit character(len=*), intent(in) :: efield_lflux_file character(len=*), intent(in) :: efield_hflux_file integer :: i,ios,unit,istat character (len=256):: locfn !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get coefficients file for solar minimum: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit = getunit() call getfil( efield_lflux_file, locfn, 0 ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open datafile with coefficients A_klnm !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: open file ',trim(locfn),' unit ',unit open(unit=unit,file=trim(locfn), & status = 'old',iostat = ios) if( then write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: error in opening coeff_lf file',' unit ',unit call endrun end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read datafile with coefficients A_klnm !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: read file ',trim(locfn),' unit ',unit read(unit,*,iostat = ios) a_lf if( then write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: error in reading coeff_lf file',' unit ',unit call endrun end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close & free unit !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- close(unit) call freeunit(unit) write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: free unit ',unit !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get coefficients file for solar maximum: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit = getunit() call getfil( efield_hflux_file, locfn, 0 ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open datafile with coefficients A_klnm !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: open file ',trim(locfn),' unit ',unit open(unit=unit,file=trim(locfn), & status = 'old',iostat = ios) if( then write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: error in opening coeff_hf file',' unit ',unit call endrun end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read datafile with coefficients A_klnm !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: read file ',trim(locfn) read(unit,*,iostat = ios) a_hf if( then write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: error in reading coeff_hf file',' unit ',unit call endrun end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close & free unit !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- close(unit) call freeunit(unit) write(iulog,*) 'read_acoef: free unit ',unit end subroutine read_acoef subroutine adj_S_a !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! adjust S_a -> S_aM eqn.8-11 Scherliess draft !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i real(r8) :: x2, y2, a90, a180, S_aM x2 = 90._r8*90._r8 y2 = (90._r8 - 65._r8) y2 = y2*y2 a90 = atan2(y2,x2) y2 = (180._r8 - 65._r8) y2 = y2*y2 a180 = atan2(y2,x2) ! y2 = (S_a-65._r8) y2 = (f107d - 65._r8) y2 = y2*y2 S_aM = (atan2(y2,x2) - a90)/(a180 - a90) S_aM = 90._r8*(1._r8 + S_aM) if(debug) write(iulog,*) 'f107d=',f107d,' S_aM =',S_aM if(debug) write(iulog,*) 'By=',by !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! inter/extrapolate to S_a (f107d) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 0,ni ! eqn.8 Scherliess draft a_klnm(i) = S_aM*(a_hf(i) - a_lf(i))/90._r8 + 2._r8*a_lf(i) - a_hf(i) ! for testing like in original code ! a_klnm(i)=S_a*(a_hf(i)-a_lf(i))/90.+2.*a_lf(i)-a_hf(i) ! a_klnm(i)=f107d*(a_hf(i)-a_lf(i))/90.+2.*a_lf(i)-a_hf(i) end do end subroutine adj_S_a subroutine constants !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: set up constant values (e.g. magnetic grid, convertion ! constants etc) ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/19/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j real(r8) :: fac,lat rtd = 180._r8/pi ! radians -> deg dtr = pi/180._r8 ! deg -> radians sqr2 = sqrt(2.e0_r8) hr2rd = pi/12._r8 ! pi/12 hrs dy2rd = 2._r8*pi/dy2yr ! 2*pi/365.24 average year deg2mlt = 24._r8/360._r8 ! convert degrees to MLT hours mlt2deg = 360._r8/24._r8 ! for mlt to mlon !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set grid deltas: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dlatm = 180._r8/nmlat dlonm = 360._r8/nmlon !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set magnetic latitude array !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 0,nmlat ylatm(j) = j*dlatm lat = (ylatm(j) - 90._r8)*dtr fac = cos(lat) ! sinIm = 2*sin(lam_m)/sqrt[4-3*cos^2(lam_m)] fac = 4._r8 - 3._r8*fac*fac fac = 2._r8/sqrt( fac ) sinIm_mag(j) = fac*sin( lat ) end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set magnetic longitude array !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 0,nmlon ylonm(i) = i*dlonm end do ! i=1,nmlonp1 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find boundary index for weimer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 0,nmlat nmlat_wei = j if( bnd_wei <= ylatm(j) ) then exit end if end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find latitudinal shift !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 0,nmlat ilat_sft = j if( lat_sft <= ylatm(j) ) then exit end if end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find index for linear interpolation of ed2 at mag.equator ! use 12 deg - same as in TIEGCM !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do j = 0,nmlat lat = ylatm(j) - 90._r8 if( lat <= -12._r8 ) then jmin = j else if( lat > 12._r8 ) then jmax = j exit end if end do end subroutine constants subroutine prep_fk !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: set up constants factors for f_-k(day) used for empirical model ! to calculate the electric potential ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/19/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ft(1,0) = .75_r8*sqrt( 6.e0_r8 )/pi ft(1,1) = 2.e0_r8*ft(1,0) ft(1,2) = 1.e0_r8 ft(2,0) = ft(1,0) ft(2,1) = -ft(1,1) ft(2,2) = 1.e0_r8 ft(3,0) = ft(2,1) ft(3,1) = 0._r8 ft(3,2) = 1.e0_r8 end subroutine prep_fk subroutine set_fkflfs( fk, fl, fs ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: set f_-k(day) depending on seasonal flag used for empirical model ! to calculate the electric potential ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), intent(out) :: & fk(0:2), & ! f_-k(day) fl(-2:2), & ! f_l(ut) fs(2) ! f_s(f10.7) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: lp real(r8) :: ang real(r8) :: lon_ut !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! f_-k(day) ! use factors for iseasav == 0 - Scherliess had iseasav as an input parameter !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lp = iseasav if( iseasav == 0 ) then ang = (day + 9._r8)*dy2rd fk(0) = sqr2*cos( 2._r8*ang ) fk(1) = sqr2*cos( ang ) fk(2) = 1._r8 else if( iseasav >= 1 .and. iseasav <= 3 ) then fk(0) = ft(lp,0) fk(1) = ft(lp,1) fk(2) = ft(lp,2) else if( iseasav == 4 ) then fk(0) =0._r8 fk(1) =0._r8 fk(2) =1._r8 end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! f_l(ut) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lon_ut = 15._r8*ut ! 15.*mlt - xmlon + 69. call ff( lon_ut, 2, fl ) if( iutav ) then ! UT-averaging ang = fl(0) fl(:) = 0._r8 fl(0) = ang end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! f_s(f10.7) only fs(1) used !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs(1) = 1._r8 ! fs(2) = S_a fs(2) = f107d end subroutine set_fkflfs subroutine efield_mid( mlat, mlon, pot ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calculate the electric potential for low and ! midlatitudes from an empirical model (Scherliess 1999) ! ! Method: ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), intent(in) :: mlat, mlon real(r8), intent(out) :: pot ! electric potential (V) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, mp, np, nn real(r8) :: mod_mlat, ct, x real(r8) :: fk(0:2) ! f_-k(day) real(r8) :: fl(-2:2) ! f_l(ut) real(r8) :: fs(2) ! f_s(f10.7) real(r8) :: f(-18:18) real(r8) :: p(0:nm,0:mm) ! P_n^m spherical harmonics pot = 0._r8 ! initialize mod_mlat = mlat if( abs(mlat) <= 0.5_r8 ) then mod_mlat = 0.5_r8 ! avoid geomag.equator end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set f_-k, f_l, f_s depending on seasonal flag !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- call set_fkflfs( fk, fl, fs ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! spherical harmonics !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ct = cos( (90._r8 - mod_mlat)*dtr ) ! magnetic colatitude call pnm( ct, p ) ! calculate P_n^m call ff( mlon, 18, f ) ! calculate f_m (phi) why 18 if N=12 do i = 0,imax mp = mf(i) np = nf(i) nn = abs(mp) ! P_n^m = P_n^-m x = a_klnm(i)* fl(lf(i)) * fk(kf(i)) * fs(jf(i)) pot = pot + x*f(mp)*p(np,nn) end do end subroutine efield_mid subroutine prep_weimer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: for Weimer model calculate IMF angle, IMF magnitude ! tilt of earth ! ! Method: using functions and subroutines from Weimer Model 1996 ! output: angle, & ! IMF angle ! bt, & ! IMF magnitude ! tilt ! tilt of earth ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8) :: & angle, & ! IMF angle bt, & ! IMF magnitude tilt ! tilt of earth !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! function declarations !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), external :: get_tilt ! in wei96.f if( by == 0._r8 .and. bz == 0._r8) then angle = 0._r8 else angle = atan2( by,bz ) end if angle = angle*rtd call adjust( angle ) bt = sqrt( by*by + bz*bz ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use month and day of month - calculated with average no.of days per month ! as in Weimer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(debug) write(iulog,*) 'prep_weimer: day->day of month',iday,imo,iday_m,ut tilt = get_tilt( iyear, imo, iday_m, ut ) if(debug) then write(iulog,"(/,'efield prep_weimer:')") write(iulog,*) ' Bz =',bz write(iulog,*) ' By =',by write(iulog,*) ' Bt =',bt write(iulog,*) ' angle=',angle write(iulog,*) ' VSW =',v_sw write(iulog,*) ' tilt =',tilt end if call SetModel( angle, bt, tilt, v_sw ) end subroutine prep_weimer subroutine pot_latsmo( pot, idlat ) ! pots == pot_highlats !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: smoothing in latitude of potential ! ! Method: weighted smoothing in latitude ! assume regular grid spacing ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: idlat real(r8), intent(inout) :: pot(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilon, ilat, id real(r8) :: wgt, del real(r8) :: w(-idlat:idlat) ! real(r8) :: pot_smo(0:nmlat) ! temp array for smooth. potential real(r8) :: pot_smo(0:nmlon,0:nmlat_wei) ! temp array for smooth. potential !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! weighting factors (regular grid spacing) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wgt = 0._r8 do id = -idlat,idlat del = abs(id)*dlatm ! delta lat_m w(id) = 1._r8/(del + 1._r8) wgt = wgt + w(id) end do wgt = 1._r8/wgt ! do ilon = 0,nmlon ! do ilat = idlat,nmlat_wei-idlat ! do ilat = idlat,nmlat-idlat ! pot_smo(ilat) = 0._r8 ! do id = -idlat,idlat ! org. was degree now grid points ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) + w(id)*pot(ilon,ilat+id) ! write(iulog,"('pot_latsmo: ilon=',i3,' ilat=',i3,' id=',i3,' pot(ilon,ilat+id)=',e12.4)") ilon,ilat,id,pot(ilon,ilat+id) ! end do ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat)*wgt ! pot_smo(nmlat-ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) ! end do ! pot(ilon,idlat:nmlat-idlat) = & ! copy back into pot ! pot_smo(idlat:nmlat-idlat) ! pot(ilon,idlat:nmlat_wei-idlat) = pot_smo(idlat:nmlat_wei-idlat) ! pot(ilon,nmlat-nmlat_wei+idlat:nmlat) = pot_smo(nmlat-nmlat_wei+idlat:nmlat) ! pot(ilon,nmlat-nmlat_wei+idlat:nmlat-idlat) = pot_smo(nmlat-nmlat_wei+idlat:nmlat-idlat) ! end do !$omp parallel do private(ilat) do ilat = idlat,nmlat_wei-idlat pot_smo(:,ilat) = matmul( pot(:,ilat-idlat:ilat+idlat),w )*wgt end do do ilat = idlat,nmlat_wei-idlat pot(:,ilat) = pot_smo(:,ilat) pot(:,nmlat-ilat) = pot_smo(:,ilat) end do end subroutine pot_latsmo subroutine pot_latsmo2( pot, idlat ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: smoothing in latitude of potential ! ! Method: weighted smoothing in latitude ! assume regular grid spacing ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: idlat real(r8), intent(inout) :: pot(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilon, ilat, id real(r8) :: wgt, del real(r8) :: w(-idlat:idlat) ! real(r8) :: pot_smo(0:nmlat) ! temp array for smooth. potential real(r8) :: pot_smo(0:nmlon,0:nmlath) ! temp array for smooth. potential !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! weighting factors (regular grid spacing) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wgt = 0._r8 do id = -idlat,idlat del = abs(id)*dlatm ! delta lat_m w(id) = 1._r8/(del + 1._r8) wgt = wgt + w(id) end do wgt = 1._r8/wgt ! do ilon = 0,nmlon ! do ilat = idlat,nmlath-idlat ! ilat = 5:175 ! pot_smo(ilat) = 0._r8 ! do id = -idlat,idlat ! org. was degree now grid points ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) + w(id)*pot(ilon,ilat+id) ! end do ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat)*wgt ! end do ! pot(ilon,idlat:nmlath-idlat) = pot_smo(idlat:nmlath-idlat) ! copy back into pot ! end do !$omp parallel do private(ilat) do ilat = idlat,nmlath-idlat pot_smo(:,ilat) = matmul( pot(:,ilat-idlat:ilat+idlat),w )*wgt end do do ilat = idlat,nmlath-idlat pot(:,ilat) = pot_smo(:,ilat) end do end subroutine pot_latsmo2 subroutine pot_lonsmo( pot, idlon ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: smoothing in longitude of potential ! ! Method: weighted smoothing in longitude ! assume regular grid spacing ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: idlon real(r8), intent(inout) :: pot(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilon, ilat, id, iabs real(r8) :: wgt, del real(r8) :: w(-idlon:idlon) real(r8) :: pot_smo(0:nmlath) ! temp array for smooth. potential real(r8) :: tmp(-idlon:nmlon+idlon) ! temp array for smooth. potential !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! weighting factors (regular grid spacing) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wgt = 0._r8 do id = -idlon,idlon del = abs(id)*dlonm ! delta lon_m w(id) = 1._r8/(del + 1._r8) wgt = wgt + w(id) end do wgt = 1._r8/wgt !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! averaging !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do ilon = 0,nmlon ! do ilat = 0,nmlath ! pot_smo(ilat) = 0._r8 ! do id = -idlon,idlon ! org. was degree now grid points ! iabs = ilon + id ! if( iabs > nmlon ) then ! iabs = iabs - nmlon ! test if wrap around ! end if ! if( iabs < 0 ) then ! iabs = iabs + nmlon ! test if wrap around ! end if ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) + w(id)*pot(iabs,ilat) ! end do ! pot_smo(ilat) = pot_smo(ilat)*wgt ! pot(ilon,ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) ! copy back into pot ! pot(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = pot_smo(ilat) ! copy back into pot ! end do ! end do !$omp parallel do private(ilat,ilon,tmp) do ilat = 0,nmlath tmp(0:nmlon) = pot(0:nmlon,ilat) tmp(-idlon:-1) = pot(nmlon-idlon:nmlon-1,ilat) tmp(nmlon+1:nmlon+idlon) = pot(1:idlon,ilat) do ilon = 0,nmlon pot(ilon,ilat) = dot_product( tmp(ilon-idlon:ilon+idlon),w )*wgt pot(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = pot(ilon,ilat) end do end do end subroutine pot_lonsmo subroutine highlat_getbnd( ihlat_bnd ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calculate the height latitude bounday index ihl_bnd ! ! Method: ! 1. calculate E field from weimar model ! boundary is set where the total electric field exceeds ! 0.015 V/m (corresp. approx. to 300 m/s) ! 2. moved halfways to 54 deg not necessarily equatorwards as in the ! original comment from L. Scherliess- or? ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(out) :: ihlat_bnd(0:nmlon) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ilon, ilat, ilat_sft_rvs real(r8) :: mlat, mlt, es, ez, e_tot ilat_sft_rvs = nmlath - ilat_sft ! pole =0, equ=90 !$omp parallel do private(ilat,ilon,mlt,mlat,es,ez,e_tot) do ilon = 0,nmlon ! long. ihlat_bnd(ilon) = 0 mlt = ylonm(ilon)*deg2mlt ! mag.local time ? do ilat = nmlat_wei+1,0,-1 ! lat. loop moving torwards pole mlat = 90._r8 - ylatm(ilat) ! mag. latitude pole = 90 equator = 0 call gecmp( mlat, mlt, es, ez ) ! get electric field e_tot = sqrt( es**2 + ez**2 ) if( abs(e_tot) >= ef_max ) then ! e-filed > limit -> boundary ihlat_bnd(ilon) = ilat - (ilat - ilat_sft_rvs)/2 ! shift boundary to lat_sft (54deg) exit end if end do end do ! write(iulog,"('highlat_getbnd: ihlat_bnd=',/,(12i6))") ihlat_bnd end subroutine highlat_getbnd subroutine bnd_sinus( ihlat_bnd, itrans_width ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! 1. adjust high latitude boundary (ihlat_bnd) sinusoidally ! 2. width of transition zone from midlatitude potential to high latitude ! potential (itrans_width) ! ! Method: ! 1.adjust boundary sinusoidally ! max. wave number to be represented nmax_sin ! RHS(mi) = Sum_phi Sum_(mi=-nmax_sin)^_(mi=nmax_sin) f_mi(phi)*hlat_bnd(phi) ! U(mi,mk) = Sum_phi Sum_(mi=-nmax_sin)^_(mi=nmax_sin) f_mi(phi) * ! Sum_(mk=-nmax_sin)^_(mk=nmax_sin) f_mk(phi) ! single values decomposition of U ! solving U*LSG = RHS ! calculating hlat_bnd: ! hlat_bnd = Sum_(mi=-nmax_sin)^_(mi=nmax_sin) f_mi(phi)*LSG(mi) ! ! 2. width of transition zone from midlatitude potential to high latitude ! potential ! trans_width(phi)=8.-2.*cos(phi) ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/20/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use sv_decomp, only : svdcmp, svbksb !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(inout) :: ihlat_bnd(0:nmlon) ! loaction of boundary integer, intent(out) :: itrans_width(0:nmlon) ! width of transition zone !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: nmax_a = 2*nmax_sin+1 ! absolute array length integer, parameter :: ishf = nmax_sin+1 integer :: ilon, i, i1, j, bnd real(r8) :: sum, mlon real(r8) :: rhs(nmax_a) real(r8) :: lsg(nmax_a) real(r8) :: u(nmax_a,nmax_a) real(r8) :: v(nmax_a,nmax_a) real(r8) :: w(nmax_a,nmax_a) real(r8) :: f(-nmax_sin:nmax_sin,0:nmlon) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sinusoidal Boundary calculation !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rhs(:) = 0._r8 lsg(:) = 0._r8 u(:,:) = 0._r8 v(:,:) = 0._r8 w(:,:) = 0._r8 do ilon = 0,nmlon ! long. bnd = nmlath - ihlat_bnd(ilon) ! switch from pole=0 to pole =90 call ff( ylonm(ilon), nmax_sin, f(-nmax_sin,ilon) ) do i = -nmax_sin,nmax_sin i1 = i + ishf rhs(i1) = rhs(i1) + f(i,ilon) * bnd ! write(iulog,*) 'rhs ',ilon,i1,bnd,f(i,ilon),rhs(i+ishf) do j = -nmax_sin,nmax_sin u(i1,j+ishf) = u(i1,j+ishf) + f(i,ilon)*f(j,ilon) ! write(iulog,*) 'u ',ilon,i1,j+ishf,u(i+ishf,j+ishf) end do end do end do ! if (debug) write(iulog,*) ' Single Value Decomposition' call svdcmp( u, nmax_a, nmax_a, nmax_a, nmax_a, w, v ) ! if (debug) write(iulog,*) ' Solving' call svbksb( u, w, v, nmax_a, nmax_a, nmax_a, nmax_a, rhs, lsg ) ! do ilon = 0,nmlon ! long. ! sum = 0._r8 sum = dot_product( lsg(-nmax_sin+ishf:nmax_sin+ishf),f(-nmax_sin:nmax_sin,ilon) ) ! do i = -nmax_sin,nmax_sin ! sum = sum + lsg(i+ishf)*f(i,ilon) ! end do ihlat_bnd(ilon) = nmlath - int( sum + .5_r8 ) ! closest point itrans_width(ilon) = int( 8._r8 - 2._r8*cos( ylonm(ilon)*dtr ) + .5_r8 )/dlatm ! 6 to 10 deg. end do ! write(iulog,"('bnd_sinus: ihlat_bnd=',/,(12i6))") ihlat_bnd ! write(iulog,"('bnd_sinus: itrans_width=',/,(12i6))") itrans_width end subroutine bnd_sinus subroutine highlat_adjust( pot_highlats, pot_highlat, pot_midlat, ihlat_bnd ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Adjust mid/low latitude electric potential and high latitude ! potential such that there are continous across the mid to high ! latitude boundary ! ! Method: ! 1. integrate Phi_low/mid(phi,bnd) along the boundary mid to high latitude ! 2. integrate Phi_high(phi,bnd) along the boundary mid to high latitude ! 3. adjust Phi_high by delta = ! Int_phi Phi_high(phi,bnd) d phi/360. - Int_phi Phi_low/mid(phi,bnd) d phi/360. ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/21/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ihlat_bnd(0:nmlon) ! boundary mid to high latitude real(r8), intent(in) :: pot_midlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! low/mid latitude potentail real(r8), intent(inout) :: pot_highlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! high_lat potential real(r8), intent(inout) :: pot_highlats(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) ! high_lat potential! smoothed high_lat potential !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local: !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: bnd, ilon, ilat, ilatS, ibnd60, ibnd_hl real(r8) :: pot60, pot_hl, del !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. integrate Phi_low/mid(phi,bnd) along the boundary mid to high latitude ! 2. integrate Phi_high(phi,bnd) along the boundary mid to high latitude !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pot60 = 0._r8 pot_hl = 0._r8 do ilon = 1,nmlon ! long. ! bnd -> eq to pole 0:90 ibnd60 = nmlat - ihlat_bnd(ilon) ! 0:180 pole to pole ibnd_hl = ihlat_bnd(ilon) ! colatitude pot60 = pot60 + pot_midlat(ilon,ibnd60) pot_hl = pot_hl + pot_highlats(ilon,ibnd_hl) end do pot60 = pot60/(nmlon) pot_hl = pot_hl/(nmlon) if (debug) write(iulog,*) 'Mid-Latitude Boundary Potential =',pot60 if (debug) write(iulog,*) 'High-Latitude Boundary Potential=',pot_hl !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3. adjust Phi_high by delta = ! Int_phi Phi_high(phi,bnd) d phi/360. - Int_phi Phi_low/mid(phi,bnd) d phi/360. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- del = pot_hl - pot60 !$omp parallel do private(ilat,ilon,ilats) do ilat = 0,nmlat_wei ! colatitude ilats = nmlat - ilat do ilon = 0,nmlon pot_highlat(ilon,ilat) = pot_highlat(ilon,ilat) - del pot_highlat(ilon,ilats) = pot_highlat(ilon,ilats) - del pot_highlats(ilon,ilat) = pot_highlats(ilon,ilat) - del pot_highlats(ilon,ilats) = pot_highlats(ilon,ilats) - del end do end do end subroutine highlat_adjust subroutine interp_poten( pot_highlats, pot_highlat, pot_midlat, & ihlat_bnd, itrans_width ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: construct a smooth global electric potential field ! ! Method: construct one global potential field ! 1. low/mid latitude: |lam| < bnd-trans_width ! Phi(phi,lam) = Phi_low(phi,lam) ! 2. high latitude: |lam| > bnd+trans_width ! Phi(phi,lam) = Phi_hl(phi,lam) ! 3. transition zone: bnd-trans_width <= lam <= bnd+trans_width ! a. interpolate between high and low/midlatitude potential ! Phi*(phi,lam) = 1/15*[ 5/(2*trans_width) * {Phi_low(phi,bnd-trans_width)* ! [-lam+bnd+trans_width] + Phi_hl(phi,bnd+trans_width)* ! [lam-bnd+trans_width]} + 10/(2*trans_width) {Phi_low(phi,lam)* ! [-lam+bnd+trans_width] + Phi_hl(phi,lam)* ! [lam-bnd+trans_width]}] ! b. Interpolate between just calculated Potential and the high latitude ! potential in a 3 degree zone poleward of the boundary: ! bnd+trans_width < lam <= bnd+trans_width+ 3 deg ! Phi(phi,lam) = 1/3 { [3-(lam-bnd-trans_width)]* Phi*(phi,lam) + ! [lam-bnd-trans_width)]* Phi_hl*(phi,lam) } ! ! Author: A. Maute Nov 2003 am 11/21/03 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... dummy arguments !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: ihlat_bnd(0:nmlon) integer, intent(in) :: itrans_width(0:nmlon) real(r8), intent(in) :: pot_highlats(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) real(r8), intent(in) :: pot_highlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) real(r8), intent(in) :: pot_midlat(0:nmlon,0:nmlat) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8), parameter :: fac = 1._r8/3._r8 integer :: ilon, ilat integer :: ibnd, tw, hb1, hb2, lat_ind integer :: j1, j2 real(r8) :: a, b, lat, b1, b2 real(r8) :: wrk1, wrk2 !$omp parallel do private(ilat,ilon,ibnd,tw) do ilon = 0,nmlon ibnd = ihlat_bnd(ilon) ! high latitude boundary index tw = itrans_width(ilon) ! width of transition zone (index) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. low/mid latitude: |lam| < bnd-trans_width ! Phi(phi,lam) = Phi_low(phi,lam) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do ilat = 0,nmlath-(ibnd+tw+1) potent(ilon,nmlath+ilat) = pot_midlat(ilon,nmlath+ilat) potent(ilon,nmlath-ilat) = pot_midlat(ilon,nmlath+ilat) end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2. high latitude: |lam| > bnd+trans_width ! Phi(phi,lam) = Phi_hl(phi,lam) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do ilat = 0,ibnd-tw-1 potent(ilon,ilat) = pot_highlats(ilon,nmlat-ilat) potent(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = pot_highlats(ilon,nmlat-ilat) end do end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3. transition zone: bnd-trans_width <= lam <= bnd+trans_width !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! a. interpolate between high and low/midlatitude potential ! update only southern hemisphere (northern hemisphere is copied ! after smoothing) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !$omp parallel do private(ilat,ilon,ibnd,tw,a,b,b1,b2,hb1,hb2,lat_ind,j1,j2,wrk1,wrk2) do ilon = 0,nmlon ibnd = ihlat_bnd(ilon) ! high latitude boundary index tw = itrans_width(ilon) ! width of transition zone (index) a = 1._r8/(2._r8*tw) b1 = (nmlath - ibnd + tw)*a b2 = (nmlath - ibnd - tw)*a hb1 = nmlath - (ibnd + tw) j1 = nmlath - hb1 hb2 = nmlath - (ibnd - tw) j2 = nmlath - hb2 wrk1 = pot_midlat(ilon,j1) wrk2 = pot_highlats(ilon,j2) ! write(iulog,*) 'pot_all ',ilon,hb1,hb2,nmlath -ibnd,tw do ilat = ibnd-tw,ibnd+tw lat_ind = nmlath - ilat potent(ilon,ilat) = & fac*((wrk1 + 2._r8*pot_midlat(ilon,ilat))*(b1 - a*lat_ind) & + (wrk2 + 2._r8*pot_highlats(ilon,ilat))*(a*lat_ind - b2)) potent(ilon,nmlat-ilat) = potent(ilon,ilat) end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! b. Interpolate between just calculated Potential and the high latitude ! potential in a 3 degree zone poleward of the boundary !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do ilat = hb2+1,nmlath a = max( 3._r8/dlatm - (ilat - hb2 - 1),0._r8 ) b = 3._r8/dlatm - a potent(ilon,nmlath-ilat) = (a*potent(ilon,nmlath-ilat) & + b*pot_highlat(ilon,nmlath-ilat))/3._r8*dlatm potent(ilon,nmlath+ilat) = potent(ilon,nmlath-ilat) end do end do end subroutine interp_poten subroutine DerivPotential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: calulates the electric field [V/m] from the electric potential ! ! Method: Richmond [1995] eqn 5.9-5.10 ! ed1(:,:) = Ed1 = - 1/[R cos lam_m] d PHI/d phi_m ! ed2(:,:) = Ed2 = 1/R d PHI/d lam_m /sin I_m ! R = R_e + h_r we assume a reference height of 130 km which is also ! used in the TIEGCM code ! ! Author: A. Maute Dec 2003 am 12/16/03 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, ip1f, ip2f, ip3f real(r8) :: coslm, r, fac, wrk real(r8) :: wrk1d(0:nmlon) r = r_e + h_r ! earth radius + reference height [m] !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ed2= Ed2 is the equatorward/downward component of the electric field, at all ! geomagnetic grid points (central differencing) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fac = .5_r8/(dlatm*dtr*r) !$omp parallel do private(j, i, wrk ) do j = 1,nmlath-1 ! southern hemisphere wrk = fac/sinIm_mag(j) do i = 0,nmlon ed2(i,j) = (potent(i,j+1) - potent(i,j-1))*wrk end do end do !$omp parallel do private(j, i, wrk ) do j = nmlath+1,nmlat-1 ! northern hemisphere wrk = fac/sinIm_mag(j) do i = 0,nmlon ed2(i,j) = (potent(i,j+1) - potent(i,j-1))*wrk end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Interpolate of ed2 between between -12 <= lam_m <= 12 degrees: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- wrk1d(:) = ed2(:,jmax) - ed2(:,jmin) do j = jmin+1,jmax-1 fac = (ylatm(j) - ylatm(jmin))/(ylatm(jmax) - ylatm(jmin)) do i = 0,nmlon ed2(i,j) = ed2(i,jmin) + fac*wrk1d(i) end do end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ed1= Ed1 is the zonal component of the electric field, at all ! geomagnetic grid points (central differencing) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fac = .5_r8/(dlonm*dtr*r) !$omp parallel do private(j, i, wrk, coslm ) do j = 1,nmlat-1 coslm = ylatm(j) - 90._r8 coslm = cos( coslm*dtr ) wrk = fac/coslm do i = 1,nmlon-1 ed1(i,j) = -(potent(i+1,j) - potent(i-1,j))*wrk end do i = 0 ed1(i,j) = -(potent(i+1,j) - potent(nmlon-1,j))*wrk ed1(nmlon,j) = ed1(i,j) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Poles: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 0,nmlon ip1f = i + nmlon/4 if( ip1f > nmlon ) then ip1f = ip1f - nmlon end if ip2f = i + nmlon/2 if( ip2f > nmlon ) then ip2f = ip2f - nmlon end if ip3f = i + 3*nmlon/4 if( ip3f > nmlon ) then ip3f = ip3f - nmlon end if ed1(i,0) = .25_r8*(ed1(i,1) - ed1(ip2f,1) + ed2(ip1f,1) - ed2(ip3f,1)) ed1(i,nmlat) = .25_r8*(ed1(i,nmlat-1) - ed1(ip2f,nmlat-1) & + ed2(ip1f,nmlat-1) - ed2(ip3f,nmlat-1)) ed2(i,0) = .25_r8*(ed2(i,1) - ed2(ip2f,1) - ed1(ip1f,1) + ed1(ip3f,1)) ed2(i,nmlat) = .25_r8*(ed2(i,nmlat-1) - ed2(ip2f,nmlat-1) & - ed1(ip1f,nmlat-1) + ed1(ip3f,nmlat-1)) end do end subroutine DerivPotential end module efield