This is the MOZART chemical preprocessor, which has been modified for the CAM framework. This tool creates CAM chemistry source code files (fortran) for a given chemical mechanism file (*.inp file). Here $PROC_DIR is the top level directory of the chemical preprocessor. To build: > cd $PROC_DIR/src > gmake This will biuld $PROC_DIR/bin/campp executable. Edit or create a chemical mechanism file in the $PROC_DIR/inputs directory. Example mechanisms files can be found in $PROC_DIR/inputs. More information the chemical mechanism inputs can be found at To run: > cd $PROC_DIR/inputs > $PROC_DIR/bin/campp mechanism.inp > cd $PROC_DIR/output > cp cam.subs.tar $CAM_USRSRC > cd $CAM_USRSRC > tar -xvf cam.subs.tar Include the fortran source files extacted from cam.subs.tar in the source path of the CAM build by one of the follow methods. 1) configure CAM with the -usr_src $CAM_USRSRC option or 2) copy the new *.F90 files to the trop_mozart directory Configure and build the new CAM executable.