================================================================================ SVN $Id: README 35698 2012-03-22 23:59:57Z kauff $ SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/tools/mapping/trunk_tags/mapping_121113b/gen_mapping_files/runoff_to_ocn/README $ =============================================================================== How to create a runoff map for CCSM4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup a namelist file Build the tool Run the tool ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Input files are an ascii rdirc file and a script ocean grid file. This computes an initial nearest neighbor mapping from rdirc output cells to active ocean grid cells. Then a smoothing matrix is computed. The two matrices are multipled together and a final mapping file is produced. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- timings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bluefire, interactive, in /ptmp, June 29, 2008 &input_nml file_rtm = '/fs/cgd/csm/mapping/makemaps/mod_rtm_routing/rdirc.06.080627.txt' file_ocn = '/fs/cgd/csm/mapping/grids/tx0.1v2_070911.nc' file_nn = 'map_nn_r080627_tx01v2_080629.nc ' file_smooth = 'map_smoother_r080627_tx01v2_080629.nc ' file_new = 'map_r05_to_tx01v2_r500e1000_080620.nc' title = 'runoff map: r05 -> tx01v2 ' eFold = 1000000.0 rMax = 500000.0 step1 = .true. step2 = .true. step3 = .true. / (shr_timer_print_all) print all timing info: (shr_timer_print) timer 1: 1 calls, 114.740s, id: Step 1: Grid Read, Gen NN (shr_timer_print) timer 2: 1 calls, 482.360s, id: Step 2: Create the smoothing map (shr_timer_print) timer 4: 1 calls, 44.710s, id: Step 3: Matrix Multiply