$Id: README 40654 2012-09-29 21:53:03Z mlevy@ucar.edu $
$URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/tools/mapping/trunk/gen_mapping_files/README $


This directory contains a shell script that uses ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGen
utility to generate a single mapping file from a specified source grid to
a specified destination grid.

After you use this script, it is recommended that you check the resulting
mapping file using the tool found in


See the README file in that directory for more details, but basically the tool
is based on ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGenCheck untility. It maps 5 different
global patterns from source to destination and compares the errors; for any
conservative maps, it also checks for conservation.


  --filesrc|-fsrc  input source grid_filename (required) 
  --filedst|-fdst  input destination grid_filename (required)
  --namesrc|-nsrc  output source name in mapping file (required)
  --namedst|-ndst  output destination name in mapping file (required)
  --maptype|-map   type of mapping [aave|blin|patc] (required)
  [ --typesrc|tsrc ] [regional|global]
  [ --typedst|tdst ] [regional|global]
  [ --batch|-b ]
  [ --help|-h ]
  [ -v ]
 --filesrc (or -fsrc) 
   SCRIP grid format source filename (full pathname)
 --filedst (or -fdst) 
   SCRIP grid format destination filename (full pathname)
 --namesrc (or -nsrc) and --namesrc (or -nsrc) will result in the 
   following mapping files

 --typesrc (or -tsrc) 
   source grid type,  valid values are regional or global
   default is global
 --typedst (or -tdst) 
   destination grid type, valid values are regional or global
   default is global
 --batch (or -b) 
   Toggles batch mode usage. If you want to run in batch mode
   you need to have a separate batch script for a supported machine
   that calls this script interactively - you cannot submit this
   script directly to the batch system
   toggle debug-only 
 --help or -h  
   displays this help message

You can also set the following env variables:
  ESMFBIN_PATH - Path to ESMF binaries 
                 (default is /contrib/esmf-5.2.0r-64-O/bin)
  MPIEXEC ------ Name of mpirun executable
                 (default is mpirun.lsf)
  REGRID_PROC -- Number of MPI processors to use
                 (default is 8)


Currently, batch mode is only set up for bluefire. This uses the file
regridbatch.bluefire.sh as a wrapper to create_ESMF_map.sh. Before submitting,
make sure you do the following:

(1) Modify the #BSUB lines at the top of regridbatch.bluefire.sh. You need to
at least specify a project number; you may want to change some of the other
settings, too.

(2) Modify the variables in the section labeled "Set user-defined parameters
here". See the documentation for create_ESMF_map.sh above for more details on
the parameters that can be set here.

(3) Submit with:

bsub < regridbatch.bluefire.sh

(4) Run the check_maps tool on the generated mapping file:

    ../../check_maps/check_map.sh ${out_file}