========================================================================== $Id: README 40654 2012-09-29 21:53:03Z mlevy@ucar.edu $ $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/tools/mapping/trunk/gen_mapping_files/README $ ========================================================================== =============== ABOUT THIS TOOL =============== This directory contains a shell script that uses ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGen utility to generate a single mapping file from a specified source grid to a specified destination grid. After you use this script, it is recommended that you check the resulting mapping file using the tool found in ../../check_maps/ See the README file in that directory for more details, but basically the tool is based on ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGenCheck untility. It maps 5 different global patterns from source to destination and compares the errors; for any conservative maps, it also checks for conservation. ======================= USAGE: INTERACTIVE MODE ======================= create_ESMF_map.sh --filesrc|-fsrc input source grid_filename (required) --filedst|-fdst input destination grid_filename (required) --namesrc|-nsrc output source name in mapping file (required) --namedst|-ndst output destination name in mapping file (required) --maptype|-map type of mapping [aave|blin|patc] (required) [ --typesrc|tsrc ] [regional|global] [ --typedst|tdst ] [regional|global] [ --batch|-b ] [ --help|-h ] [ -v ] where --filesrc (or -fsrc) SCRIP grid format source filename (full pathname) --filedst (or -fdst) SCRIP grid format destination filename (full pathname) --namesrc (or -nsrc) and --namesrc (or -nsrc) will result in the following mapping files namesrc_TO_namedst_maptype.cdate.nc --typesrc (or -tsrc) source grid type, valid values are regional or global default is global --typedst (or -tdst) destination grid type, valid values are regional or global default is global --batch (or -b) Toggles batch mode usage. If you want to run in batch mode you need to have a separate batch script for a supported machine that calls this script interactively - you cannot submit this script directly to the batch system -d toggle debug-only --help or -h displays this help message You can also set the following env variables: ESMFBIN_PATH - Path to ESMF binaries (default is /contrib/esmf-5.2.0r-64-O/bin) MPIEXEC ------ Name of mpirun executable (default is mpirun.lsf) REGRID_PROC -- Number of MPI processors to use (default is 8) ================= USAGE: BATCH MODE ================= Currently, batch mode is only set up for bluefire. This uses the file regridbatch.bluefire.sh as a wrapper to create_ESMF_map.sh. Before submitting, make sure you do the following: (1) Modify the #BSUB lines at the top of regridbatch.bluefire.sh. You need to at least specify a project number; you may want to change some of the other settings, too. (2) Modify the variables in the section labeled "Set user-defined parameters here". See the documentation for create_ESMF_map.sh above for more details on the parameters that can be set here. (3) Submit with: bsub < regridbatch.bluefire.sh (4) Run the check_maps tool on the generated mapping file: out_file=*.nc ../../check_maps/check_map.sh ${out_file}