========================================================================== $Id: README 41883 2012-11-13 16:51:15Z mlevy@ucar.edu $ $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/tools/mapping/trunk_tags/mapping_121113b/gen_mapping_files/README $ ========================================================================== =============== ABOUT THIS TOOL =============== This directory contains a shell script that uses ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGen utility to generate a suite of mapping files to map between specified grid files. It does not call the ESMF tool directly, rather the script gen_ESMF_mapping_file/create_ESMF_map.sh is used as a wrapper. If you only want to generate a single mapping file, you should use that script (see the README file in the gen_ESMF_mapping_file/ directory for details). To use this tool, specify some (or all) of the following: atmosphere grid (atm), ocean grid (ocn), land grid (lnd), and runoff grid (rtm). Depending on what grids are used as input, the following maps will be generated: * atm -> ocn: conservative, bilinear, patch * ocn -> atm: conservative, bilinear * atm -> lnd: conservative, bilinear * lnd -> atm: conservative * ocn -> lnd: conservative * lnd -> rtm: conservative * rtm -> lnd: conservative If you specify a runoff grid but not a land grid, the utility will use the atmosphere grid instead. If you want to make a rtm -> ocn mapping file, you should use the tool found in runoff_to_ocn/ The conservative ocn to atm mapping file should be used as input to gen_domain, which is located in ../gen_domain_files/ (and must be built in gen_domain_files/src/) If the ocean and atm grids are identical then the mapping file will simply be unity and the atm fraction will be one minus the ocean fraction. All maps generated will be checked for global consistency by the tool found in ../check_maps/ See the README file in that directory for more details, but basically the tool is based on ESMF's ESMF_RegridWeightGenCheck untility. It maps 5 different global patterns from source to destination and compares the errors; for any conservative maps, it also checks for conservation. Note that this tool must be built prior to running gen_atm_ocn_maps.sh, unless you use the --nogridcheck or --recompile option. Skipping the grid check is not recommended. ======================= USAGE: INTERACTIVE MODE ======================= gen_cesm_maps.sh --fileatm|-fatm input atm_grid_filename --fileocn|-focn input ocn_grid_filename --filelnd|-flnd input lnd_grid_filename --filertm|-frtm input rtm_grid_filename --nameocn|-nocn output ocn_name in mapping file --nameatm|-natm output atm_name in mapping file --namelnd|-nlnd output lnd_name in mapping file --namertm|-nrtm output rtm_name in mapping file [ --typeocn|tocn ] [regional|global] [ --typeatm|tatm ] [regional|global] [ --nogridcheck ] [ --batch|-b ] [ --help|-h ] [ -v ] where --fileatm (or -fatm) SCRIP grid format atmosphere filename (full pathname) --fileocn (or -focn) SCRIP grid format ocean filename (full pathname) --filelnd (or -flnd) SCRIP grid format land filename (full pathname), must be global --filertm (or -frtm) SCRIP grid format runoff filename (full pathname) --nameatm (or -natm) Shortname to use for atm in mapping filename --nameocn (or -nocn) Shortname to use for ocn in mapping filename --namelnd (or -nlnd) Shortname to use for lnd in mapping filename --namertm (or -nrtm) Shortname to use for rtm in mapping filename --typeocn (or -tocn) ocean grid type, valid values are regional or global default is global --typeatm (or -tatm) atm grid type, valid values are regional or global default is global value must be global if -frtm and -nrtm are specified --nogridcheck By default, script will run consistency check on new maps; this flag disables these checks --batch (or -b) Toggles batch mode usage. If you want to run in batch mode you need to have a separate batch script for a supported machine that calls this script interactively - you cannot submit this script directly to the batch system -rc Pass the "--recompile" flag to the ESMF tool (Only necessary if nothing has been built in ../check_maps/) -d toggle debug-only --help or -h displays this help message Note: if rtm is specified and lnd is not, then this tool will assume lnd and atm are on the same grid. You can also set the following env variables: ESMFBIN_PATH - Path to ESMF binaries (default is /contrib/esmf-5.2.0r-64-O/bin on bluefire) MPIEXEC ------ Name of mpirun executable (default is mpirun.lsf on bluefire) REGRID_PROC -- Number of MPI processors to use (default is 8) ================= USAGE: BATCH MODE ================= Currently, batch mode is only set up for bluefire. This uses the file regridbatch.bluefire.sh as a wrapper to gen_cesm_maps.sh. IMPORTANT NOTE: check_maps is NOT run when you run in batch mode. This must be run as a separate step after you have created the mapping files. See below for an example of how to do this. (1) Modify the #BSUB lines at the top of regridbatch.bluefire.sh. You need to at least specify a project number; you may want to change some of the other settings, too. (2) Modify the variables in the section labeled "Set user-defined parameters here". See the documentation for gen_cesm_maps.sh above for more details on the parameters that can be set here. (3) Submit with: bsub < regridbatch.bluefire.sh (4) Run the check_maps tool on the generated mapping files; e.g.: files=*.nc ../check_maps/check_map.sh $files