========================================================================== $Id: README 39483 2012-08-16 17:35:52Z mlevy@ucar.edu $ $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/tools/mapping/trunk_tags/mapping_121113b/gen_domain_files/README $ ========================================================================== =============== ABOUT THIS TOOL =============== The src/ directory here contains an F90 file and a Makefile to produce the gen_domains executable, which reads in a conservative ocean -> atmosphere mapping file and outputs three domain description files: 1. One ocean domain file 2. One land domain file with the land mask 3. One land domain file with the ocean mask Ocean fraction will be either 0 or 1, depending on the ocean domain mask, and land fraction will be the complement of the ocean domain (hence the need for a conservative ocean -> atmosphere mapping file). ========== HOW TO RUN ========== $ gen_domain -m -o -l [-p set_fv_pole_yc] [-c ] where: filemap = input mapping file name (character string) gridocn = output ocean grid name (NOT A FILE NAME!) gridlnd = output land grid name (NOT A FILE NAME!) usercomment = optional, netcdf global attribute (character string) set_fv_pole_yc = [0,1,2] ~ optional, default = 0 (see comments below) The following output domain files are created: domain.lnd.gridlnd_gridocn.nc domain.ocn.gridlnd_gridocn.nc domain.ocn.gridocn.nc' ===== NOTES ===== (a) Computation of land mask and cell fraction This code adds "cell fraction" data to the output domain files. The "cell fraction" indicates how much of each grid cell is active. Typically ocean models do not have fractional cells (their fraction is either 0 or 1), where as land models do have fractional cells. This code generates domain files where gridocn has fractions of either 0 or 1 (for grid cells that are masked or unmasked, respectively) and gridlnd has fractions that represent the complement of gridocn fraction data, as computed by the input mapping data. Thus gridocn is intended to be an ocean domain file and gridlnd is intended to be the complementary land domain file. Related, the input mapping data, filemap, should be a conservative mapping: ocean -> atmosphere. Computed land fractions will be truncated into the range [0,1] after the min/max land fraction values have been documented. Computed land fractions that are less than fminval will be truncated to 0 to avoid active land cells with tiny land fractions. The input atmosphere grid is assumed to be unmasked (global) and the land and atmosphere grids are assumed to be identical, except for cell fractions and masks. Land cells whose fraction is zero will have land mask = 0. (b) Fraction error reported in stdout In the stdout, the min/max land fraction is reported. Land fractions should be in the range [0,1], but due to either unavoidable/acceptable numerical errors or other avoidable/unacceptable errors (eg. bad mapping matrix data) this code may compute land fractions outside the range [0,1]. *** THE USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXAMINING THE STDOUT MIN/MAX LAND *** FRACTION DATA AND MAKING THEIR OWN SUBJECTIVE DECISION ABOUT WHETHER *** SUCH ERRORS ARE ACCEPTABLE OR NOT. (c) The "pole fix" option set_fv_pole_yc = 0 => do not do the pole fix (default) set_fv_pole_yc = 1 => do the pole-fix on gridocn set_fv_pole_yc = 2 => do the pole-fix on gridlnd The "pole fix" means setting yc(i,j) = -90 for j=1 (the min value of j: 1), and yc(i,j) = 90 for j=nj (the max value of j, the size of the j-dimension) regardless of what the coordinate values are in the input mapping data file. In other words, if the input mapping data min/max yc coordinates ARE NOT at +/- 90 degrees but the desire is to have domain data with min/max yc coordinates at +/- 90, the "pole fix" namelist option can be activated to accomplish this. This would only work for lat/lon grids, ie. grids that could be described by x(i) and y(j) coordinate arrays. Why? This option was introduced to accommodate a request by the CESM Atmosphere Model Working Group wherein they want certain finite volume grids with min/max yc coordinates (latitude of grid cell "centers") at +/- 90 degrees, yet they want the corresponding mapping data created for grids where the min/max yc coordinates ARE NOT at +/- 90 degrees, (they are somewhat displaced toward the equator). While this type of manipulation has been requested by the AMWG, it is not required by the CESM model, CESM coupler, or the SCRIP map generation tool.