This OpenEarthTools repository is an open source repository. All content is supposed to be licenced under the GNU (L)GPL license, but licenses may vary for individual files, provided they (i) protect the name of the authors, (ii) the freedom to redistribute it and (iii) the notice that it is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Before committing content to this repository, be aware that the access to this OpenEarthTools repository is not restricted, and is open to a large number of users for write access, and an even larger number of user for read access. The location of the repository from where this copy was extracted or from where it is currently viewed is: For python code we recommend the associated github repository: For models we recommend the associated svn repository: For raw data + scripts we recommend the associated svn repository: sqlite-jdbc comes from and follows the Apache License version 2.0 (