---------------------------------------------------------------------- R I J K S W A T E R S T A A T waqpre.pl - Perl script to run WAQUA's pre-processor WAQPRE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMONADIR : C:/simona/simona2012 Input files: ============ WAQPRE input file : siminp-kzv4 Output files: ============= Message print file : waqpre-m.kzv4 SDS file : SDS-kzv4 Using executable : C:/simona/simona2012/bin/win32/waqpre.exe SIMONA subsystem waqpre Version simona2012, Revision unknown, (export) 1 ============================================================= % % % % % % % % % % % $$$$$$ $$$ $ $ $$$$$$ $ $ $$$$$$ % % $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $ $ $ % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % $$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ % % $$$$$$ $$$ $ $ $$$$$$ $ $ $ $ % % % % % % % % % % Developed by "Rijkswaterstaat" % ============================================================= ============================================================= % % % Note: when this program ends succesfully % % the following string will be printed % % at the end of this message file: % % % % ****** SIMONA --- program ended successfully ****** % % % ============================================================= Sub-system = WAQPRE Version = 10.128-pI User-ID = kaaij RunDate = 03-05-2013 RunTime = 12:31:32 Size of IBUFFR (bufsize) = 10000000 (= 10 Megawords) # SIMONA input file # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Kustzuid ( 1, 1) = Kuststrookfijn (694, 1) # --------------------------------------------------------------- SET NOECHO ****************************************************************************** *** INFORMATIVE MESSAGE number 38 , in module WAQPRE:wap000:wapg03:wap031 Building of IROGEO-table ended successfully. ****************************************************************************** waprfl, Reading single precision rgf-input ****************************************************************************** *** WARNING number 2631 , in module WAQPRE:wap000:wapf02:wap068:wap033:wap039 This point (m,n)=(2,3) does not have effect as a part of a waterlevel opening since it does not feed into the computational grid. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** WARNING number 2631 , in module WAQPRE:wap000:wapf02:wap068:wap033:wap039 This point (m,n)=(207,3) does not have effect as a part of a waterlevel opening since it does not feed into the computational grid. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** INFORMATIVE MESSAGE number 38 , in module WAQPRE:wap000:wapf02:wap068 Building of IROBOU-table ended successfully. ****************************************************************************** Normal end of program ============================================================= % % % ****** SIMONA --- program ended successfully ****** % % % =============================================================