

The file contains the Muppet executable (version 3.21) as well as all of the settings files.

In order to run Muppet, you must first install version 7.6 of MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)


MATLAB Compiler uses the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR), a standalone set of shared libraries that enables the execution of MATLAB files on computers without an installed version of MATLAB.

MATLAB Compiler Runtime needs to be installed only once. In other words, when you update your Muppet version, you do not have to re-install the MCR.


Installing Muppet is easier than you think!

  1. Copy the entire directory Muppet to your Delft3D\w32 directory (usually c:\delft3d\w32\)
  2. Copy MCRInstaller.exe to local directory (e.g. d:\temp)
  3. Run MCRInstaller.exe
  4. Reboot PC

When working with TotalCommander it is recommended to add a Muppet button to your button bar. You'll find some icons for the button in muppet\settings\icons. It is also possible to add a link to Muppet in the Delft3D menu by editing the d3d_menu.pc file.

It is possible call Muppet in a DOS batch file followed by the name of a session file. This will generate the figure(s) in the session file without actually opening the Muppet GUI, e.g.:

c:\delft3d\w32\muppet\bin\muppet waterlevels.mup

If you do not have Delft3D installed, you can still run Muppet. Just copy the entire muppet directory to any other folder.

Copy the folder gs8x to c:\Progam File\MATLAB\Matlab Component Runtime\v76\sys !!!

Sometimes Muppet won't start. This can sometimes be solved by deleting the folder c:\delft3d\w32\muppet\bin\muppet_mcr.