********************************************************** Welcome to XBeach version 1.21.3667 Groundhog Day release date 02/11/201 15:50:22 URL: http://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/xbeach/trunk/ ********************************************************** Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC) 20190502 20:55:04 +0200 General Input Module Reading input parameters: -------------------------------- Physical processes: XBeach reading from params.txt swave = 1 (no record found, default value used) lwave = 1 (no record found, default value used) flow = 1 (no record found, default value used) sedtrans = 1 (no record found, default value used) morphology = 1 (no record found, default value used) avalanching = 1 (no record found, default value used) nonh = 0 (no record found, default value used) gwflow = 0 (no record found, default value used) q3d = 0 (no record found, default value used) swrunup = 0 (no record found, default value used) ships = 0 (no record found, default value used) bchwiz = 0 (no record found, default value used) vegetation = 0 (no record found, default value used) setbathy = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Grid parameters: gridform = xbeach (no record found, default value used) xori = .0000 (no record found, default value used) yori = .0000 (no record found, default value used) alfa = .0000 (no record found, default value used) nx = 111 ny = 0 posdwn = -1.0000 depfile = bed.dep vardx = 1 dx = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) dy = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) xfile = x.grd yfile = y.grd thetamin = -90.0000 thetamax = 90.0000 dtheta = 180.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of 20.0000 thetanaut = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Model time parameters: CFL = .9000 tstop = 129600.0000 -------------------------------- Physical constants: rho = 1025.0000 (no record found, default value used) g = 9.8100 (no record found, default value used) depthscale = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Initial conditions: zsinitfile = None specified hotstartflo = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave boundary condition parameters: instat = jons bcfile = filelist.txt taper = 100.0000 nmax = .8000 (no record found, default value used) leftwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) rightwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: nonhspectru = 0 (no record found, default value used) random = 1 (no record found, default value used) fcutoff = .0000 (no record found, default value used) nspr = 0 (no record found, default value used) trepfac = .0100 (no record found, default value used) sprdthr = .0800 (no record found, default value used) oldwbc = 0 (no record found, default value used) correctHm0 = 1 (no record found, default value used) oldnyq = 0 (no record found, default value used) Tm01switch = 0 (no record found, default value used) wbcversion = 3 (no record found, default value used) nspectrumlo = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow boundary condition parameters: front = abs_1d left = neumann (no record found, default value used) right = neumann (no record found, default value used) back = abs_1d ARC = 1 (no record found, default value used) order = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) carspan = 0 (no record found, default value used) freewave = 0 (no record found, default value used) epsi = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) nc = 1 (no record found, default value used) tidetype = velocity (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Tide boundary conditions: tideloc = 1 zs0file = surge.txt -------------------------------- Discharge boundary conditions: disch_loc_f = None specified disch_times = None specified ndischarge = 0 (no record found, default value used) ntdischarge = 0 (no record found, default value used) beta = .1000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave breaking parameters: break = roelvink2 (no record found, default value used) gamma = .5500 (no record found, default value used) alpha = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) n = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) gammax = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) delta = .0000 (no record found, default value used) fw = .0000 (no record found, default value used) fwcutoff = 1000.0000 (no record found, default value used) breakerdela = 1 (no record found, default value used) shoaldelay = 0 (no record found, default value used) facsd = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facrun = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Roller parameters: roller = 1 (no record found, default value used) rfb = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-current interaction parameters: wci = 0 (no record found, default value used) hwci = .1000 (no record found, default value used) cats = 4.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow parameters: bedfriction = chezy (no record found, default value used) bedfricfile = None specified C = 55.0000 (no record found, default value used) nuh = .1000 (no record found, default value used) nuhfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) nuhv = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) smag = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Coriolis force parameters: wearth = .0417 (no record found, default value used) lat = .0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wind parameters: rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = .0020 (no record found, default value used) windfile = None specified windv = .0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed composition parameters: ngd = 1 (no record found, default value used) nd = 3 (no record found, default value used) por = .4000 (no record found, default value used) D50 = .0003 D90 = .0003 rhos = 2650.0000 (no record found, default value used) dzg = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg1 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg2 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg3 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) sedcal = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) ucrcal = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport parameters: form = vanthiel_vanrijn (no record found, default value used) waveform = vanthiel (no record found, default value used) sws = 1 (no record found, default value used) lws = 1 (no record found, default value used) BRfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facsl = 1.6000 (no record found, default value used) z0 = .0060 (no record found, default value used) smax = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsfac = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facua = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facSk = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facAs = .1000 (no record found, default value used) turbadv = none (no record found, default value used) turb = bore_averaged (no record found, default value used) Tbfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) Tsmin = .5000 (no record found, default value used) lwt = 0 (no record found, default value used) betad = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sus = 1 (no record found, default value used) bed = 1 (no record found, default value used) bulk = 1 (no record found, default value used) facDc = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) jetfac = .0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Morphology parameters: morfac = 5.0000 morfacopt = 1 (no record found, default value used) morstart = 100.0000 morstop = 129600.0000 (no record found, default value used) wetslp = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dryslp = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) hswitch = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzmax = .0500 (no record found, default value used) struct = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Output variables: timings = 1 (no record found, default value used) tunits = None specified tstart = 100.0000 tint = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsglobal = None specified tintg = 60.0000 tspoints = None specified tintp = 60.0000 tscross = None specified tintc = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsmean = None specified tintm = 129500.0000 (no record found, default value used) nglobalvar = 5 nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:H nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zs nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zb nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:u nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:ccg npoints = 0 (no record found, default value used) nrugauge = 0 (no record found, default value used) npointvar = 0 (no record found, default value used) nrugdepth = 1 (no record found, default value used) rugdepth = .0000 (no record found, default value used) nmeanvar = 0 (no record found, default value used) ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) outputforma = netcdf ncfilename = None specified netcdf output to:xboutput.nc -------------------------------- Output projection: projection = None specified rotate = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Drifters parameters: drifterfile = None specified ndrifter = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Vegetation parameters: vegiefile = None specified vegiemapfil = None specified -------------------------------- Wave numerics parameters: scheme = upwind_2 (no record found, default value used) snells = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow numerics parameters: eps = .0050 (no record found, default value used) eps_sd = .5000 (no record found, default value used) umin = .0000 (no record found, default value used) hmin = .2000 (no record found, default value used) secorder = 0 (no record found, default value used) oldhu = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport numerics parameters: thetanum = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sourcesink = 0 (no record found, default value used) cmax = .1000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed update numerics parameters: frac_dz = .7000 (no record found, default value used) nd_var = 2 (no record found, default value used) split = 1.0100 (no record found, default value used) merge = .0100 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- MPI parameters: mpiboundary = auto (no record found, default value used) mmpi = 2 (no record found, default value used) nmpi = 4 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Finished reading input parameters -------------------------------- Warning: Setting rugdepth to minimum value greater than eps (.00000) ------------------------------------ Building Grid and Bathymetry ------------------------------------ Initializing ..... readtide: reading tide time series from surge.txt ... -------------------------------- Initializing spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- NetCDF outputformat Creating netcdf variable: H Creating netcdf variable: zs Creating netcdf variable: zb Creating netcdf variable: u Creating netcdf variable: ccg Writing file definition. Setting up boundary conditions -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_1.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_1.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 6.3681 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0899 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 6.37 m Trep = 10.17 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.17 s Calculating Fourier components 5.3% done 10.2% done 15.1% done 20.0% done 25.3% done 30.2% done 35.1% done 40.0% done 45.3% done 50.2% done 55.1% done 60.0% done 65.3% done 70.2% done 75.1% done 80.0% done 85.3% done 90.2% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00001.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.4% done 10.3% done 15.2% done 20.1% done 25.0% done 30.4% done 35.3% done 40.2% done 45.1% done 50.0% done 55.4% done 60.3% done 65.2% done 70.1% done 75.0% done 80.4% done 85.3% done 90.2% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00001.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Boundary conditions complete, starting computation Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.632 seconds Time remaining 58 seconds Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.760 seconds Time remaining242 hours and 53 minutes -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_2.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_2.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 6.8565 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0866 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 6.86 m Trep = 10.56 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.56 s Calculating Fourier components 5.0% done 10.1% done 15.1% done 20.2% done 25.2% done 30.3% done 35.3% done 40.4% done 45.4% done 50.0% done 55.0% done 60.1% done 65.1% done 70.2% done 75.2% done 80.3% done 85.3% done 90.4% done 95.4% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00002.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.1% done 10.1% done 15.2% done 20.3% done 25.3% done 30.4% done 35.0% done 40.1% done 45.2% done 50.2% done 55.3% done 60.4% done 65.4% done 70.0% done 75.1% done 80.2% done 85.3% done 90.3% done 95.4% done 100.0% done Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00002.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.445 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.397 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 4 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_3.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_3.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 7.2201 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0844 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 7.22 m Trep = 10.84 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.84 s Calculating Fourier components 5.2% done 10.0% done 15.2% done 20.0% done 25.2% done 30.0% done 35.2% done 40.0% done 45.2% done 50.0% done 55.2% done 60.0% done 65.2% done 70.0% done 75.2% done 80.0% done 85.2% done 90.0% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00003.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.3% done 10.0% done 15.3% done 20.1% done 25.4% done 30.1% done 35.4% done 40.2% done 45.5% done 50.2% done 55.0% done 60.3% done 65.1% done 70.3% done 75.1% done 80.4% done 85.2% done 90.4% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00003.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.407 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 6 seconds Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.427 seconds Time remaining 52 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_4.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_4.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 7.4443 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0831 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 7.44 m Trep = 11.01 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 11.01 s Calculating Fourier components 5.3% done 10.1% done 15.5% done 20.3% done 25.1% done 30.4% done 35.3% done 40.1% done 45.4% done 50.2% done 55.1% done 60.4% done 65.2% done 70.0% done 75.4% done 80.2% done 85.0% done 90.3% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00004.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.3% done 10.2% done 15.0% done 20.4% done 25.2% done 30.1% done 35.4% done 40.3% done 45.1% done 50.0% done 55.3% done 60.2% done 65.0% done 70.4% done 75.2% done 80.1% done 85.4% done 90.3% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00004.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.414 seconds Time remaining 56 seconds Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.361 seconds Time remaining 53 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_5.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_5.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 7.5200 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0827 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 7.52 m Trep = 11.06 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 11.06 s Calculating Fourier components 5.4% done 10.3% done 15.3% done 20.2% done 25.1% done 30.0% done 35.5% done 40.4% done 45.3% done 50.2% done 55.2% done 60.1% done 65.0% done 70.4% done 75.4% done 80.3% done 85.2% done 90.1% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00005.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.4% done 10.4% done 15.3% done 20.3% done 25.2% done 30.2% done 35.1% done 40.1% done 45.0% done 50.0% done 55.4% done 60.4% done 65.3% done 70.3% done 75.2% done 80.2% done 85.1% done 90.1% done 95.0% done 100.0% done Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00005.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.341 seconds Time remaining 54 seconds Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.336 seconds Time remaining 43 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_6.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_6.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 7.4443 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0831 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 7.44 m Trep = 11.01 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 11.01 s Calculating Fourier components 5.3% done 10.1% done 15.5% done 20.3% done 25.1% done 30.4% done 35.3% done 40.1% done 45.4% done 50.2% done 55.1% done 60.4% done 65.2% done 70.0% done 75.4% done 80.2% done 85.0% done 90.3% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00006.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.3% done 10.2% done 15.0% done 20.4% done 25.2% done 30.1% done 35.4% done 40.3% done 45.1% done 50.0% done 55.3% done 60.2% done 65.0% done 70.4% done 75.2% done 80.1% done 85.4% done 90.3% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00006.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.355 seconds Time remaining 44 seconds Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.400 seconds Time remaining 33 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_7.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_7.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 7.2201 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0844 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 7.22 m Trep = 10.84 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.84 s Calculating Fourier components 5.2% done 10.0% done 15.2% done 20.0% done 25.2% done 30.0% done 35.2% done 40.0% done 45.2% done 50.0% done 55.2% done 60.0% done 65.2% done 70.0% done 75.2% done 80.0% done 85.2% done 90.0% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00007.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.3% done 10.0% done 15.3% done 20.1% done 25.4% done 30.1% done 35.4% done 40.2% done 45.5% done 50.2% done 55.0% done 60.3% done 65.1% done 70.3% done 75.1% done 80.4% done 85.2% done 90.4% done 95.2% done 100.0% done Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00007.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.451 seconds Time remaining 26 seconds Simulation 76.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.447 seconds Time remaining 16 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_8.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_8.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 6.8565 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0866 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 6.86 m Trep = 10.56 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.56 s Calculating Fourier components 5.0% done 10.1% done 15.1% done 20.2% done 25.2% done 30.3% done 35.3% done 40.4% done 45.4% done 50.0% done 55.0% done 60.1% done 65.1% done 70.2% done 75.2% done 80.3% done 85.3% done 90.4% done 95.4% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .0% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00008.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.1% done 10.1% done 15.2% done 20.3% done 25.3% done 30.4% done 35.0% done 40.1% done 45.2% done 50.2% done 55.3% done 60.4% done 65.4% done 70.0% done 75.1% done 80.2% done 85.3% done 90.3% done 95.4% done 100.0% done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00008.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.389 seconds Time remaining 17 seconds Simulation 88.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.402 seconds Time remaining 10 seconds -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location 1 waveparams: Reading from jonswap_9.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_9.txt nmodal = 1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 = 6.3681 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = .0899 gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) mainang = 270.0000 fnyq = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = .0015 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location 1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 = 6.37 m Trep = 10.17 s Mean dir = 270.00 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated: 10.17 s Calculating Fourier components 5.3% done 10.2% done 15.1% done 20.0% done 25.3% done 30.2% done 35.1% done 40.0% done 45.3% done 50.2% done 55.1% done 60.0% done 65.3% done 70.2% done 75.1% done 80.0% done 85.3% done 90.2% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Wave energy outside computational domain at offshore boundary: .5% Calculating short wave time series for theta bin 1 of 1 Y-point 1 of 1 done. Wave bin 1 contains 100.00% of total energy Writing wave energy to E_series00009.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.4% done 10.3% done 15.2% done 20.1% done 25.0% done 30.4% done 35.3% done 40.2% done 45.1% done 50.0% done 55.4% done 60.3% done 65.2% done 70.1% done 75.0% done 80.4% done 85.3% done 90.2% done 95.1% done 100.0% done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 1 Writing long wave mass flux to q_series00009.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Simulation 94.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.472 seconds Time remaining 4 seconds Duration : 72.4375000000000 seconds Timesteps : 61148 Average dt : 0.423889579381174 seconds Unit speed : 1.057701630236709E-005 seconds/1 End of program xbeach