Metadata Report for L:\users\bodc\requests\rn104482\ishrefs


The BODC National Oceanographic Database (NODB) is a collection of entities known as series. Each series is a repeated set of measurements of one or more oceanographic parameters plus one or more of the independent variables time, latitude, longitude and depth. These data are delivered to the user as either simple ASCII files or as platform-independent binary files in QXF format (a BODC subset of NetCDF).

The database holds metadata for the series, including both fixed fields and plain-language documents. This is delivered to the user either as discrete XHTML files containing all the metadata for a series (Single-Series Reports) or as a condensed XHTML Combined Series Report.

The BODC metadata model includes three types of series aggregation entities:

The metadata for each of these aggregation entities is included in both types of report.

Report Layouts

Single-Series Report

The BODC Single-Series Report contains eight sections:

Combined Series Report

The BODC Combined Series Report contains six sections.

Series Index

This report contains the qualifying documentation and header information associated with the following data series extracted from the BODC database :

(Deg Min)
(Deg Min)
Start Date
Sea Floor
Depth (m)
Min. Sensor
Depth (m)
Max. Sensor
Depth (m)
29080 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1975-01-01 - - -
29092 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1980-01-01 - - -
29147 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1981-01-01 - - -
36353 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1970-01-01 - - -
36365 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1976-01-01 - - -
36377 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1978-01-01 - - -
36389 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1979-01-01 - - -
39086 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1964-01-01 - - -
39098 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1963-01-01 - - -
39117 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1967-01-01 - - -
39129 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1968-01-01 - - -
44353 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1973-01-01 - - -
44365 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1974-01-01 - - -
44389 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1971-01-01 - - -
44390 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1972-01-01 - - -
44494 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1977-01-05 - - -
44501 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1965-01-01 - - -
44513 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1966-01-01 - - -
44525 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1969-01-01 - - -
240551 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1982-01-01 - - -
244435 HH 053°24.5'N 002°59.9'W 1927-10-26 - - -
310556 HH 053°27.0'N 003° 1.0'W 1989-04-03 - - -

where Data Type

Series Specific Information

BODC Series References 29080 29092 29147 36353 36365 36377 36389 39086 39098 39117 39129 44353 44365 44389 44390 44494 44501 44513 44525 240551 244435 310556

Information for BODC Series Reference 29080

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1975/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1975-01-01 00:00
End Time1975-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 29092

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1980/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1980-01-01 00:00
End Time1980-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 29147

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1981/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1981-01-01 00:00
End Time1981-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 36353

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1970/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1970-01-01 00:00
End Time1970-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 36365

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1976/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1976-01-01 00:00
End Time1976-12-30 15:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 36377

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1978/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1978-01-01 00:00
End Time1978-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 36389

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1979/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1979-01-01 00:00
End Time1979-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 39086

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1964/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1964-01-01 00:00
End Time1964-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 39098

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1963/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1963-01-01 00:00
End Time1963-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 39117

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1967/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1967-01-01 00:00
End Time1967-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 39129

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1968/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1968-01-01 00:00
End Time1968-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44353

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1973/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1973-01-01 00:00
End Time1973-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44365

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1974/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1974-01-01 00:00
End Time1974-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44389

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1971/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1971-01-01 00:00
End Time1971-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44390

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1972/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1972-01-01 00:00
End Time1972-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44494

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1977/005

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1977-01-05 11:00
End Time1977-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44501

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1965/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1965-01-01 00:00
End Time1965-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44513

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1966/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1966-01-01 00:00
End Time1966-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 44525

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1969/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1969-01-01 00:00
End Time1969-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 240551

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryInstitute of Oceanographic Sciences Bidston Laboratory (now Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1982/001

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1982-01-01 00:00
End Time1982-12-31 23:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth DatumUnspecified
Sensor DistributionFixed common depth
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth DatumUnspecified

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 244435

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating Laboratory17
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures completed
Originator's Identifier052/1927/299

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1927-10-26 13:00
End Time1927-11-10 11:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Positional Uncertainty0.0 to 0.01 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth DatumUnspecified
Sensor DistributionFixed common depth
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth DatumUnspecified

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

Narrative Document 30700

Fixed Station Document 35266

Edit Document 59201 115586 115586

Information for BODC Series Reference 310556

Data Description

Data CategorySea surface elevation -unspecified
Instrument TypeTide gauge (unspecified)
Instrument Mountingcoastal structure
Originating LaboratoryProudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Processing StatusBODC data banking procedures currently in progress
Originator's Identifier234/1989/093

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time1989-04-03 05:00
End Time1989-12-31 15:00
Nominal Cycle Interval 3600.00 secs

Spatial Co-ordinates

Longitude003° 1.0'W
Positional Uncertainty0.01 to 0.05 n.miles
Sensor Depth
Sensor Depth Datum
Sensor Distribution
Sea Floor Depth
Sea Floor Depth Datum

The following additional documents apply to this series :

Restriction Document 57144

General Documentation

Restriction Document

57144 Public Domain Data

Narrative Document

30700 Tide Gauge Data Processing by IOS Tidal Computation Section

Fixed Station Documents

35266 Prince's Pier (Liverpool, Merseyside) Site History

Restriction Document : 57144

Applies to BODC Series Ref. Nos : 29080, 29092, 29147, 36353, 36365, 36377, 36389, 39086, 39098, 39117, 39129, 44353, 44365, 44389, 44390, 44494, 44501, 44513, 44525, 240551, 244435, 310556

Public Domain Data

This series has no specific confidentiality restrictions. However, the Intellectual Property Rights of the data originator must be respected, including acknowledgment in any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data.

Narrative Document : 30700

Applies to BODC Series Ref. Nos : 29080, 29092, 29147, 36353, 36365, 36377, 36389, 39086, 39098, 39117, 39129, 44353, 44365, 44389, 44390, 44494, 44501, 44513, 44525, 240551, 244435

Tide Gauge Data Processing by IOS Tidal Computation Section

Data processing takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Hourly digitizing of the chart record, followed by an assessment of gauge errors, by continuity checks and correlating with gauge operator's remarks, if any.

  2. Data are processed through the IOS Tidal Elevation Reduction Package (TERP) incorporating error findings. Checks include identifying gaps in the data , flagging errors notified in the form filling stage, checking for smoothness of hourly data by difference methods and curve fitting. Suspect values are listed. Interactive editing may be carried out to correct spikes or to modify time or datum errors.

  3. Check that the editing has been carried out with the added assistance of predicted values. This is used particularly to confirm the time error applicatiion.

Note: Data processed prior to 1979 has had known timing errors corrected for manually.


Ovadia,D.C. and Graff,J.
Tidal Reduction Elevation Package (TERP) Software Description and Systems Specification. March 1981

Fixed Station Document 35266

Applies to BODC Series Ref. Nos : 29080, 29092, 29147, 36353, 36365, 36377, 36389, 39086, 39098, 39117, 39129, 44353, 44365, 44389, 44390, 44494, 44501, 44513, 44525, 240551, 244435

Prince's Pier (Liverpool, Merseyside) Site History

Station NameLiverpool
CategoryCoastal location
Nominal latitude053°24.5'N
Nominal longitude002°59.9'W
Water depth below MSL m

History Summary

1925 - 1957 A Bailey gauge was installed on Princes Pier in 1925. Prior to this
it had been sited on Georges Pier, where it was installed in 1852.
1957 - 1984 A Lege gauge was installed on 1 Aug 1957 on Princes Pier. It ceased
operation on 8 Oct 1984, owing to the demolition of Number 2
Baggage Room on Princes Parade.
1983 onwards An OTT pneumatic gauge was installed in 1983 at Waterloo Dock at
Ordnance Survey Grid Reference 3334276E 391106N, approximately
0.5km from the Princes Pier gauge. The recorder is housed in the old
south dock gateman's hut on the west side of Waterloo Dock River
Entrance Lock.


OS flush bracket BM number G 3979 ODN + 7.27m
OS flush bracket BM number G 3977 set in granite wall on south boundary
to Mersey Docks and Harbour Company Civil Defense Centre
ODN + 7.2m
Tide Gauge Benchmark (TGBM) Mersey Docks and Harbour Company BM
number 190179, ground rivet in tide gauge hut on Princes Pier
ODN + 6.99m
OS BM on north end of Princes Parade ODN + 7.44m


Benchmarks were established by the Ordnance Survey (OS) Geodetic Levelling Party in 1956 and have been confirmed twice yearly.

Data are quoted relative to Tide gauge zero (TGZ) minus 3.048m until the end of Dec 1974, and (TGZ - 3.0m) from 1 Jan 1975.

The table below shows TGZ relative to ODN and the TGBM, calculated from an average of mean well soundings.

Year Data rel
to ACD
Data rel
to ODN
Data rel
to TGZ
TGZ rel
to ODN
TGZ rel
ACD rel
to ODN
1927 0.000 -4.432 0.000 -4.432 not available -4.432
1957         -10.229  
1963 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1964 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1965 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1966 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1967 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1968 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1969 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1970 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 set to zero -4.432
1971 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1972 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1973 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1974 -3.048 -7.480 -3.048 -4.432 -10.229 -4.432
1975 -3.000 -7.940 -3.000 -4.940 set to zero -4.940
1976 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 set to zero -4.930
1977 -3.000 -7.930 set to zero Inconsistency in
datum relationships
set to zero set to zero
1978 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 set to zero -4.930
1979 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 set to zero -4.930
1980 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 set to zero -4.930
1981 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 set to zero -4.930
1982 -3.000 -7.930 -3.000 -4.930 -8.380 -4.930

Corrected Timing Errors

The table below lists the notified time errors for which corrections have been made (if the time error is positive the clock was fast, and if negative the clock was slow):

Start Time/Date
of Error
Error at Start of
Period (mins)
End Time/Date
of Error
Error at End of
Period (mins)
1000h 09 Sep 1968 0.0 1000h 25 Sep 1968 -3.0
1600h 06 Dec 1968 0.0 1300h 20 Dec 1968 -5.0
1300h 20 Aug 1970 0.0 0600h 29 Aug 1970 20.0
0900h 03 Sep 1970 0.0 0200h 12 Sep 1970 60.0
1000h 12 Sep 1972 0.0 2300h 24 Sep 1972 -7.0
1500h 10 Oct 1972 0.0 1200h 18 Oct 1972 -5.0
1000h 10 Feb 1978 0.0 1500h 22 Feb 1978 -5.0
1500h 21 Mar 1978 0.0 1400h 04 Apr 1978 -2.0
1500h 04 Apr 1978 0.0 1400h 18 Apr 1978 -2.0
1600h 18 Apr 1978 0.0 1000h 02 May 1978 -2.0
1100h 02 May 1978 0.0 0800h 11 May 1978 -5.0
1600h 30 May 1978 0.0 0900h 13 Jun 1978 2.0
1200h 21 Aug 1978 0.0 1400h 04 Sep 1978 2.0
1400h 02 Oct 1978 0.0 1500h 16 Oct 1978 -5.0
1600h 16 Oct 1978 0.0 1500h 30 Oct 1978 4.0
1600h 30 Oct 1978 0.0 0900h 10 Nov 1978 10.0
1500h 13 Nov 1978 0.0 0900h 27 Nov 1978 5.0
1200h 11 Dec 1978 0.0 1400h 21 Dec 1978 4.0
1500h 21 Dec 1978 0.0 2300h 31 Dec 1978 3.0
0000h 01 Jan 1979 3.0 1100h 02 Jan 1979 4.0
1600h 15 Jan 1979 0.0 1100h 29 Jan 1979 4.0
1500h 09 Feb 1979 0.0 0900h 21 Feb 1979 4.0
1600h 07 Jun 1979 4.0 0800h 11 Jun 1979 4.0
1400h 06 Jul 1979 6.0 0900h 11 Jul 1979 6.0
0900h 14 Sep 1979 -8.0 1400h 17 Sep 1979 -8.0
1100h 07 Dec 1979 0.0 1400h 21 Dec 1979 5.0
1300h 11 Feb 1980 0.0 0900h 25 Feb 1980 -6.0
1000h 21 Apr 1980 0.0 1400h 06 May 1980 -4.0
1400h 29 May 1980 0.0 1500h 12 Jun 1980 -5.0
1300h 24 Jul 1980 0.0 1300h 08 Aug 1980 -5.0
0000h 03 Jan 1981 0.0 0900h 14 Jan 1981 -4.0
1500h 10 Feb 1981 0.0 0900h 24 Feb 1981 4.0
1000h 09 Apr 1981 0.0 0700h 15 Apr 1981 -8.0
0800h 08 Oct 1981 0.0 1500h 21 Oct 1981 -8.0
0900h 05 Nov 1981 0.0 0800h 19 Nov 1981 -6.0
1600h 04 Dec 1981 0.0 1100h 17 Dec 1981 -8.0
1300h 26 May 1982 2.0 0700h 10 Jun 1982 10.0

1982: 2 missing errors

Corrected Datum Errors

The table below lists the notified datum errors for which corrections have been made:

Start Time/Date
of Error
Error at Start of
Period (mins)
End Time/Date
of Error
Error at End of
Period (mins)
1100h 11 May 1978 -0.040 1400h 11 May 1978 -0.040
1800h 29 Mar 1979 -0.370 0800h 02 Apr 1979 -0.370
1900h 18 Mar 1980 -0.340 0900h 25 Mar 1980 -0.340
1000h 24 Feb 1981 0.040 0900h 12 Mar 1981 0.040

Gaps in the Data Record

The following gaps occur in the data set.

Start End Reason
0900h 07 Sep 1963 1400h 09 Sep 1963 Drum rotating but pen not registering heights
1300h 05 May 1965 1500h 06 May 1965  
0000h 10 Nov 1965 1400h 12 Nov 1965 Float jammed, well flushed
2200h 10 Mar 1966 0900h 14 Mar 1966  
1800h 18 Mar 1966 1000h 25 Mar 1966  
1000h 14 Apr 1966 0800h 18 Apr 1966  
0400h 19 Sep 1966 1000h 21 Sep 1966 Float wire fouled
1200h 11 Apr 1967 1000h 13 Apr 1967 Damaged by University hydrologists
0800h 24 Apr 1967 1400h 24 Apr 1967 Float removed by University
0700h 26 Apr 1967 2000h 26 Apr 1967 Float jammed
0900h 07 Aug 1967 2300h 14 Aug 1967 Float carried away
0000h 26 Aug 1967 2000h 29 Aug 1967 Clock stopped
0000h 12 Aug 1968 0900h 15 Aug 1968 Drum slipping
0000h 25 Aug 1968 0500h 26 Aug 1968 Drum slipping
0200h 02 Feb 1969 1000h 03 Feb 1969 Clock stopped
2300h 21 Feb 1969 1500h 27 Feb 1969 Clock stopped
0200h 25 Aug 1969 1000h 25 Aug 1969 Clock stopped
1900h 19 Dec 1969 1300h 20 Dec 1969 Clock stopped
1600h 13 Jan 1970 1400h 15 Jan 1970 Clock stopped
0000h 03 Feb 1970 0900h 03 Feb 1970 Clock stopped
1100h 03 Mar 1970 1800h 06 Mar 1970 Clock stopped
0200h 31 Mar 1970 1000h 01 Apr 1970 Clock stopped
0100h 19 Aug 1970 0900h 20 Aug 1970 Clock stopped
0100h 30 Aug 1970 0900h 01 Sep 1970 Clock stopped
0300h 12 Sep 1970 1000h 14 Sep 1970 Clock stopped
1600h 05 Nov 1970 0900h 09 Nov 1970 Clock stopped
0000h 29 Nov 1970 1400h 30 Nov 1970 Clock stopped
0800h 01 Apr 1971 0900h 02 Apr 1971 Clock stopped
1000h 16 Apr 1971 1500h 30 Apr 1971 Severe clock problems
0000h 13 May 1971 0100h 13 May 1971  
0700h 14 Apr 1972 0700h 20 Jun 1972 Gauge broken
1700h 18 Dec 1972 0200h 19 Dec 1972 Float jammed
0000h 10 Jan 1973 0100h 10 Jan 1973  
0000h 17 Apr 1973 0100h 17 Apr 1973  
0000h 06 May 1973 0100h 06 May 1973  
0000h 22 Nov 1973 0100h 22 Nov 1973  
0000h 28 Nov 1973 0800h 30 Nov 1973 Lump of putty cleared from syphon
0000h 02 Jan 1974 1400h 04 Jan 1974 Gauge not operating
0000h 29 Oct 1974 1500h 29 Oct 1974 Clock stopped
0000h 01 Nov 1974 0300h 01 Nov 1974  
0300h 26 Jan 1975 1000h 29 Jan 1975 Clock stopped
1300h 20 Aug 1975 0500h 03 Sep 1975 Times unreliable
0400h 19 Nov 1975 1600h 20 Nov 1975 Clock stopped
1600h 28 Nov 1975 1500h 03 Dec 1975 Clock stopped
1100h 08 Mar 1976 0800h 22 Mar 1976 Chart times unreliable
0900h 05 Apr 1976 0700h 08 Apr 1976 Pen ran out of ink
1600h 30 Dec 1976 1000h 05 Jan 1977 Pen not inking
1800h 10 Mar 1977 1100h 14 Mar 1977 Float disengaged
1100h 08 Aug 1977 0700h 10 Aug 1977 Pen not inking
0000h 17 Jul 1978 2300h 10 Aug 1978 Unreliable due to silting
1600h 16 Sep 1978 1300h 18 Sep 1978 Pen ran out of ink
0100h 18 May 1979 1000h 24 May 1979 Pen ran out of ink
1500h 07 Jun 1979    
1000h 16 Jul 1979 0800h 19 Jul 1979 Pen ran out of ink
0400h 12 Oct 1979 1300h 12 Oct 1979  
1600h 23 Oct 1979 1400h 26 Oct 1979  
0700h 10 Nov 1979 1800h 10 Nov 1979 Pen ran out of ink
1900h 02 Dec 1979 1000h 07 Dec 1979 Float wire and float parted
1200h 18 Jan 1981 1600h 19 Jan 1981 Float jammed
0000h 07 Jun 1981 0900h 16 Jun 1981 Float holed and flooded
1900h 18 Jul 1981 0700h 22 Jul 1981 Clock stopped
1400h 06 Sep 1982 1000h 11 Oct 1982 Silting


BODC CodeRankUnitsDescriptionMethod
AADYAA01 1 Days Date (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day) Computation
AAFDZZ01 1 Days Time (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp) Computation
ASLVZZ01 1 Metres Surface elevation (unspecified datum) of the water column The elevation of the sea surface realtive to a known but unspecified datum.

Definition of Rank

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters within a data cycle :

<Below detection limit
>In excess of quoted value
ATaxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
BBeginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
CTaxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
DThermometric depth
EEnd of CTD Down/Up Cast
GNon-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
HExtrapolated value
ITaxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
KImprobable value - unknown quality control source
LImprobable value - originator's quality control
MImprobable value - BODC quality control
NNull value
OImprobable value - user quality control
RReplacement value
SEstimated value
TInterpolated value
WControl value
XExcessive difference