%% Simple example to plot evolution of a profile with forcing clear all iline=11; %% choose the transect you want to see % locate vlugtenburg directory on this computer curdir=pwd; ind_v=findstr(curdir, 'vlugtenburg'); pathvlugtenburg=(curdir(1:ind_v+10)); % gives back cometing like F:\check_outs\tudelft\vlugtenburg\ %% load survey data close all NetCDFfilename=[pathvlugtenburg '\Vlugtenburg.nc']; %nc_dump(NetCDFfilename); % give a quick overview of the contents dates=nc_varget(NetCDFfilename,'time'); % index -1 because netcdf starts counting at zero.. Weird Yanks. alt=nc_varget(NetCDFfilename,'altitude'); % Format is surveydate,linenr,xloc surveytype=nc_varget(NetCDFfilename,'survey_type'); x=nc_varget(NetCDFfilename,'cross_shore'); Surveys=list_surveys; indjet=Surveys.indjet; indwalk=Surveys.indwalk; pairs=Surveys.Survey_pairs; % rewrite to local variables... bit easier later on %% load the wave conditions load([pathvlugtenburg '\MeteoHydro\Wavedata\' 'EURHs.mat']) load([pathvlugtenburg '\MeteoHydro\Waterlevel\' 'HvHh.mat']) % Filter signal waterlevel in a daiy signal opth=2; %% choose 1 for mean daily waterlevel, 2 for maximum daily waterlevel dailyh(:,1)=(h(1,1):1:h(end,1))'; % t vector with timesteps of a day dt=h(2,1)-h(1,1); dt_new=dailyh(2,1)-dailyh(1,1); for i=1:length(dailyh)-1 date_i=dailyh(i,1); indh=find(h(:,1) > date_i & h(:,1) <= date_i + dt_new); if opth==1 dailyh(i,2)=sum(h(indh,2))/length(indh); end if opth==2 dailyh(i,2)=max(h(indh,2)); end end %% track top nourishment [x_ind]=find (x >= 300 & x <= 600 ); % window to search for top nourishment for idate=1:length(indjet) [top(idate),ind(idate)]=max(alt(indjet(idate),iline,x_ind)) ; end ind_nour=ind+x_ind(1)-1; %% tmin=datenum('01.05.2009', 'dd.mm.yyyy'); tmax=datenum('01.04.2011', 'dd.mm.yyyy'); tmax=datenum('01.08.2011', 'dd.mm.yyyy'); figure % subplot top: wave conditions subplot(6,1,[1:2]) plot(Hs(:,1),Hs(:,2),'r'); hold on bar(dailyh(:,1),dailyh(:,2)) legend('Hs @ Eur','h @ HvH') for idate=1:length(dates) if surveytype(idate,1) == 'J' plot([ datenum(dates(idate,:)) datenum(dates(idate,:))], [0 500],'-.k') end end xlim([tmin tmax]) ylabel('[cm]') datetick('x','mmm-yy', 'keeplimits') title ('Onshore migration nourishment Vlugtenburg') % subplot bottom : timestack surveyline opt2=1; %% choose between a timestack of the depths (opt2=1) or a timestack of the sed erosion (opt2=2) subplot(6,1,[3:6]) if opt2==1 pcolor(datenum(dates(indjet,:)),x,squeeze(alt(indjet,iline,:))'); hold on; pcolor(datenum(dates(indwalk,:)),x,squeeze(alt(indwalk,iline,:))'); shading flat caxis([-6 1.5]); %colorbar load('ColormapTimestack.mat') colormap(cmap); % Show line top nourishment %plot(datenum(dates(indjet,:)),x(ind_nour),'w','linewidth',2) end if opt2==2 SedEr_j=diff(squeeze(alt(indjet,iline,:))); SedEr_w=diff(squeeze(alt(indwalk,iline,:))); pcolor(datenum(dates(indjet(2:end),:)),x,SedEr_j'); hold on; pcolor(datenum(dates(indwalk(2:end),:)),x,SedEr_w'); shading flat caxis([-1 1]); cmap=colormap; cmap(28:35,:)=1; colormap(cmap) %colorbar end % plot lines in the timestack where the surveys happened for idate=1:length(dates) if surveytype(idate,1) == 'J' plot([ datenum(dates(idate,:)) datenum(dates(idate,:))], [0 800],'-.k') end end ylim([100 800]) xlim([tmin tmax]) datetick('x',20, 'keeplimits') colorbar('location','West') xlabel('date') ylabel('crossshore dist') title(['Timestack profile evolution line ' num2str(iline)]) finame=(['images\Onshoremigrationnourishment.png' ]); print (finame,'-dpng') %% figure all profiles if 0 iline=19; figure hold all for idate=1:length(indjet) plot(x,mean(squeeze(alt(indjet(idate),3:19,:)))-3*(idate-1)) end title(['Mean Profile ']) legend ([dates(indjet,:)]) xlim([0 1300]) xlabel('cross shore distance [m]') end %% figure all profiles iline=11; figure hold all for idate=1:length(indjet) plot(x,squeeze(alt(indjet(idate),iline,:))-3*(idate-1)) end title(['Profile ' num2str(iline)]) legend ([dates(indjet,:)]) xlim([0 1300]) xlabel('cross shore distance [m]')