netCDF { dimensions: particle_diameter = 26 ; locations = 7502 ; variables: // Preference 'PRESERVE_FVD': false, // dimensions consistent with ncBrowse, not with native MATLAB netcdf package. single lon(locations), shape = [7502] lon:long_name = "longitude" lon:units = "degrees_east" lon:standard_name = "longitude" single lat(locations), shape = [7502] lat:long_name = "latitude" lat:units = "degrees_north" lat:standard_name = "latitude" single ID(locations), shape = [7502] ID:long_name = "ID" ID:units = "" ID:standard_name = "ID" single phi(locations,particle_diameter), shape = [7502 26] phi:long_name = "percentage material on sieve by weight" phi:units = "100*kilogram/kilogram" phi:comment = "percentage material on sieve by weight" phi:coordinates = "lat lon" single cumphi(locations,particle_diameter), shape = [7502 26] cumphi:long_name = "cumulative percentage material on sieve by weight" cumphi:units = "100*kilogram/kilogram" cumphi:comment = "cumulative percentage material on sieve by weight" cumphi:coordinates = "lat lon" single diameter(particle_diameter), shape = [26] diameter:long_name = "grain size diameter" diameter:units = "micrometer" diameter:comment = "grain size diameter" single phi_value(particle_diameter), shape = [26] phi_value:long_name = "phi" phi_value:units = "" phi_value:comment = "phi" //global Attributes: :title = "" :institution = "Rijkswaterstaat" :source = "surface observation" :history = "Tranformed to NetCDF by G.J. de Boer , 2009-03-18 17:41:51 by: sedimentatlas_korrel2nc" :references = "" :comment = "'Korrelgrootteverdeling' was exported from Sedimentatlas to ASCII file before conversion to NetCDF." :Conventions = "CF-1.4" netCDF { dimensions: particle_diameter = 26 ; locations = 7502 ; variables: // Preference 'PRESERVE_FVD': false, // dimensions consistent with ncBrowse, not with native MATLAB netcdf package. single lon(locations), shape = [7502] lon:long_name = "longitude" lon:units = "degrees_east" lon:standard_name = "longitude" single lat(locations), shape = [7502] lat:long_name = "latitude" lat:units = "degrees_north" lat:standard_name = "latitude" single ID(locations), shape = [7502] ID:long_name = "ID" ID:units = "" ID:standard_name = "ID" single phi(locations,particle_diameter), shape = [7502 26] phi:long_name = "percentage material on sieve by weight" phi:units = "100*kilogram/kilogram" phi:comment = "percentage material on sieve by weight" phi:coordinates = "lat lon" single cumphi(locations,particle_diameter), shape = [7502 26] cumphi:long_name = "cumulative percentage material on sieve by weight" cumphi:units = "100*kilogram/kilogram" cumphi:comment = "cumulative percentage material on sieve by weight" cumphi:coordinates = "lat lon" single diameter(particle_diameter), shape = [26] diameter:long_name = "grain size diameter" diameter:units = "micrometer" diameter:comment = "grain size diameter" single phi_value(particle_diameter), shape = [26] phi_value:long_name = "phi" phi_value:units = "" phi_value:comment = "phi" //global Attributes: :title = "" :institution = "Rijkswaterstaat" :source = "surface observation" :history = "Tranformed to NetCDF by G.J. de Boer , 2009-03-18 17:41:51 by: sedimentatlas_korrel2nc" :references = "" :comment = "'Korrelgrootteverdeling' was exported from Sedimentatlas to ASCII file before conversion to NetCDF." :Conventions = "CF-1.4" }